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Thana Vesh in 4.0


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Maybe Gravus was just hoping she'd get herself killed? Sometimes you can't dispose of people yourself either because they're too powerful or have powerful connections. If Gravus thought Thana could kill him - or her family would seek revenge for her death - it might seem the better option to let her charge off and destroy things until she gets cornered and killed.


Thana already killed her family off.

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Maybe Gravus was just hoping she'd get herself killed? Sometimes you can't dispose of people yourself either because they're too powerful or have powerful connections. If Gravus thought Thana could kill him - or her family would seek revenge for her death - it might seem the better option to let her charge off and destroy things until she gets cornered and killed.


That would infer Thana has alot of power at her finger tips than is shown in the game. Which means he feared or was cautious of her potential power. Which would also mean, like anakin, her only problem here is going off to do her own thing and impulsivity, lack of focus. Her mentality. Rather than her power.

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But Thana (it is optional I think) get force choked (via holo) after pissing her master (I think the PC have to choose LS solution for that to happen, but I am not sure) so no - it's not because her Master is afraid to battle he directly:)


For me the only (apart from her armor) thing making Thana interesting character was because of her green(?) eyes. She acts as someone pretty dark yet have no visible corruption.


PS: ...Thana returning somehow might be interesting, but only if we have the choice to stab/shoot her in the middle of her initial monologue - and I am sure she will have a long speech ready about how great she is and how you can't even kill her/she outwitted you:)

Edited by Saelinne
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But Thana (it is optional I think) get force choked (via holo) after pissing her master (I think the PC have to choose LS solution for that to happen, but I am not sure) so no - it's not because her Master is afraid to battle he directly:)


For me the only (apart from her armor) thing making Thana interesting character was because of her green(?) eyes. She acts as someone pretty dark yet have no visible corruption.


PS: ...Thana returning somehow might be interesting, but only if we have the choice to stab/shoot her in the middle of her initial monologue - and I am sure she will have a long speech ready about how great she is and how you can't even kill her/she outwitted you:)


... You know what? Sure.


I'll accept Thana coming back if it means I can kill her again. And this time, more painful and slow.

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Thana actually grew on me a bit as I went through a few times. Especially playing light side and letting her live. Yes she's childish and immature but in a kind of tragic way, which makes it less annoying to me. As for Graves being a bad master, I almost got the feeling that Thana was less an apprentice and more an entertaining side project for him. He does abandon her to her reckless ways and makes no effort to school her into being a worthy successor. I felt like she was probably forced on him as an apprentice and he didn't really care if she succeeded or failed. And she's trying desperately to prevent any signs of weakness from showing because she knows her master wouldn't back her up against power plays from her oeers. Really I got the feeling that other sith were so much the enemy for her that threat from Republic didn't carry the same weight. Especially as she walks away and you have the option to tell her to take care and she reply "I always do"... felt more like she was choosing defiance over dispair, rather then straight up insolence. Kind of a "everyone may try to take me down, but I'm gonna go down fighting". YMMV
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Thana actually grew on me a bit as I went through a few times. Especially playing light side and letting her live. Yes she's childish and immature but in a kind of tragic way, which makes it less annoying to me. As for Graves being a bad master, I almost got the feeling that Thana was less an apprentice and more an entertaining side project for him. He does abandon her to her reckless ways and makes no effort to school her into being a worthy successor. I felt like she was probably forced on him as an apprentice and he didn't really care if she succeeded or failed. And she's trying desperately to prevent any signs of weakness from showing because she knows her master wouldn't back her up against power plays from her oeers. Really I got the feeling that other sith were so much the enemy for her that threat from Republic didn't carry the same weight. Especially as she walks away and you have the option to tell her to take care and she reply "I always do"... felt more like she was choosing defiance over dispair, rather then straight up insolence. Kind of a "everyone may try to take me down, but I'm gonna go down fighting". YMMV


That Graves will view her just as a tool is....par for the course of being Sith Master honestly. Baras treat us the same way - we are nothing more than a tool for him

he even tell us that in our face when he send us in the dark temple on Drumand Kaas

. But she is a tool he can't control so he is ready to dispose her....

...and the lack of corruption is interesting exactly because it insinuate her being a LS Sith trying to survive....but then again she does shock the republic slave just for fun and...here we come to headcannon more or less - torture the captured republic soldier/ is pretty bloodthirsty in general...to the point that it seem she is just acting (and is bad actor/liar)....

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Blame her incompetent Master.


That's why my SW wanted to train her himself as she needs a proper Master to teach her to be a proper Sith.

Precisely. Though she'd be a little redundant on the SW. The Inquisitor desperately needs her though.:D


Thana actually grew on me a bit as I went through a few times. Especially playing light side and letting her live. Yes she's childish and immature but in a kind of tragic way, which makes it less annoying to me. As for Graves being a bad master, I almost got the feeling that Thana was less an apprentice and more an entertaining side project for him. He does abandon her to her reckless ways and makes no effort to school her into being a worthy successor. I felt like she was probably forced on him as an apprentice and he didn't really care if she succeeded or failed. And she's trying desperately to prevent any signs of weakness from showing because she knows her master wouldn't back her up against power plays from her oeers. Really I got the feeling that other sith were so much the enemy for her that threat from Republic didn't carry the same weight. Especially as she walks away and you have the option to tell her to take care and she reply "I always do"... felt more like she was choosing defiance over dispair, rather then straight up insolence. Kind of a "everyone may try to take me down, but I'm gonna go down fighting". YMMV

Indeed. And if I remember correctly she was coming around a bit towards the PC by the end as well.


That Graves will view her just as a tool is....par for the course of being Sith Master honestly. Baras treat us the same way - we are nothing more than a tool for him.

And look how stellar a master he turned out to be.


The Sith don't have the most nurturing curriculum, granted. But actual teaching still needs to. The onus isn't entirely on the apprentice. The apprentice needs to not fail and grab power, but the master should make the knowledge accessible.

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The onus isn't entirely on the apprentice. The apprentice needs to not fail and grab power, but the master should make the knowledge accessible.


I agree...although to be fair, she's old enough to flirt with and we haven't seen most of her training. This might be a final 'sink or swim' type chance. For all we know she's had lots of opportunity to learn and didn't take it. And for that personality type sink or swim might be the best way to teach. If she can survive striking out alone, if she can learn not to piss off people stronger then her, if she learns enough humility to go back to her master....it may all be part of his test. Makes more sense to me the the stupid 'fail at lifting the rock' test that that one apprentice on Tython gets put through. That was just stupid. Because, you know, Jedi are never allowed to seek help from others.

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I agree...although to be fair, she's old enough to flirt with and we haven't seen most of her training. This might be a final 'sink or swim' type chance. For all we know she's had lots of opportunity to learn and didn't take it. And for that personality type sink or swim might be the best way to teach. If she can survive striking out alone, if she can learn not to piss off people stronger then her, if she learns enough humility to go back to her master....it may all be part of his test. Makes more sense to me the the stupid 'fail at lifting the rock' test that that one apprentice on Tython gets put through. That was just stupid. Because, you know, Jedi are never allowed to seek help from others.


She looks to be the general age of the PCs, which while the PCs can be made to look old, are generally supposed to be on the young side of things. Seeing as how our own characters are portrayed as naive and know almost nothing of the galaxy "Tell me about Tatooine. Tell me about Nar Shaddaa. Tell me about..." At least they didn't have us asking "Who's this?!" to Satele Shan in Black Talon :p Though they did have us asking "Who are you?" to Kilren who is supposed to be rather well known. Even well known to the lowly, now in charge, ship captain.

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I guess I was thinkin more that she was old enough that had to have been in training for at least a few years - not necessarily that she was so old as to be fully mentally mature. Early twenties you may not have ALL your s**t together but you should be able to learn what boss to sweet talk, what boss to suck up to, and which customers to be firmly no nonsense with or, you know, shock with lightning bolts.
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Yeah, but again, Gravus doesn't seem particularly attentive. And as others have pointed out, most Sith wouldn't stand for this level of insubordination/incompetence. The fact that it's been going on so long would seem to suggest that Gravus never gave much of a damn, as opposed to Thana not learning. It's not conclusive but it does seem more likely.
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I guess I was thinkin more that she was old enough that had to have been in training for at least a few years - not necessarily that she was so old as to be fully mentally mature. Early twenties you may not have ALL your s**t together but you should be able to learn what boss to sweet talk, what boss to suck up to, and which customers to be firmly no nonsense with or, you know, shock with lightning bolts.


Working with many people of varing ages, I can tell you right now. No matter the age, there are people who don't know any of that, won't learn any of that and have no desire to.


There's some who don't know the difference of "Do what the boss says" and "Sucking up to the boss" :p

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