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Thana Vesh in 4.0


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Would anyone else like to see her survive? Even though you have the option to kill her already... But still, death is merely a setback in this universe right? From what i understand the gaming community loved her character. A reappearance in KotFE would be supreising don't you think? Thoughts anyone?
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She was a pretty incompetent Sith, even if you didn't choose to kill her, chances are she tripped over her own light sabre when she was falling down the stairs in her apartment and decapitated herself.


She might have been cute, but she was a complete bumbler.


the Brothers probably would have killed her in a half second while she was bragging about how great she is and moved on without a thought.

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She was a pretty incompetent Sith, even if you didn't choose to kill her, chances are she tripped over her own light sabre when she was falling down the stairs in her apartment and decapitated herself.


She might have been cute, but she was a complete bumbler.


the Brothers probably would have killed her in a half second while she was bragging about how great she is and moved on without a thought.

Personally, I think it would be hilarious if, after the PC defeats Arcann, Thana pops up out of nowhere, kills him, and declares victory.

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She sure was memorable. I'd love to see her again. I still have a good laugh when I think of her.


It would be kind of fun (for a while) to have her as a companion: Following you around bragging, and saying that she would have had it covered if you hadn't have interfered, every time you revive her after a defeat.


I do like the antagonistic companions* more than the sycophantic ones, so she would suit me down to the ground.





*I think my favourite is SCORPIO, with her calm and silky-smooth assurances that one day she is going to kill me.

Edited by PLynkes
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LucasArts ruling on choice in games is that Sith always take the DS choice, so prior to the Disney takeover, Thana Vesh was dead, canonically. However, Disney is also to LucasArts as Palpatine is to the senate, so that judgment may have changed.
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LucasArts ruling on choice in games is that Sith always take the DS choice, so prior to the Disney takeover, Thana Vesh was dead, canonically. However, Disney is also to LucasArts as Palpatine is to the senate, so that judgment may have changed.


but according to Palpatine he IS the senate :)

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I personally wouldn't want her as a companion, but seeing her a few times during a quest would be funny I agree. Side note, if we do get to decide which companions we want in 4.0 I am choking the **** out of Malavai Quinn. Until he really is dead this time.
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LucasArts ruling on choice in games is that Sith always take the DS choice, so prior to the Disney takeover, Thana Vesh was dead, canonically. However, Disney is also to LucasArts as Palpatine is to the senate, so that judgment may have changed.


Lucasarts didn't decide that, wookieepedia just assumed it, and we all know what they do over there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Meh. Anything about her personality?


She's the sister of the Twins that led the war against your faction. So probably Dragon Lady antagonist who doesn't like her Dad that much. Since he wants to beat Dark Side into his offspring.

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I thought she was pretty amusing to be honest but am not sure what else they'd do with her character. Honestly, as has been said, I'd hardly want her to have my back... she's pretty incompetent...


- Arcada

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Meh. Anything about her personality?


Probably the manipulative ambitious type, judging by the spoilers out there. Or possibly she just has daddy issues. :p

I'm definitely looking forward to looking into her.


On topic: It would be nice to see Thana again indeed.

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I never want to see this person again. I absolutely despise her and I have killed her on everyone of my characters (Almost all my characters are lightside 5). I also don't see her happening because of the option to kill her (as previously stated)
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I have no desire to see Thana raised from the dead, but if that were to become an option, there are other dead people I'd be happy to see come back to life. Lord Cytharat tops my list. Watcher X. My gal pal Jaxo. Edited by Damask_Rose
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This would be an amazing tie in with the previous game and make a choice you made mean something. So while it would be great despite what BW have said I sadly don't think they will ever put such a big choice in the game. We will be offered a choice of you can have generic a or generic b as your companion and they will have slightly different views on all the same things.


But it is a great idea.

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LucasArts ruling on choice in games is that Sith always take the DS choice, so prior to the Disney takeover, Thana Vesh was dead, canonically. However, Disney is also to LucasArts as Palpatine is to the senate, so that judgment may have changed.


So does that mean Dark Bounty Hunter and Dark Imperial Agent is canon also? Does that mean everyone on the imp side kills Thana?

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