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Theran Shan?


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Yeah the "do you trust him?" from Theron is there for a SW who did not romance either Theron or Quinn , as well as for my SW who did not romance Quinn but romanced Theron. I think it's just the catch all comment. only difference in that scene is how you and Quinn chat/respond. the others.. always the same from what I've seen unless you kill Quinn, then you get differing remarks from Theron/Lana.


I do not have a trooper so cant speak in regards to Elara, but it seems from what I've heard, still the same.


edit: both republic and empire have basically same scene, only change is your ally leader (malcom/acina).

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I loved that Theron played such a large part in the story. I feel REALLY sorry for him, though.



A dark sided warrior, Imperial favored romance with him is just tragic. He has to watch his Father die after he disowned him for choosing the Alliance over the Republic and THEN he has to endure the fact that the person he just sacrificed his father for is getting back with their long lost husband Quinn So, it was essentially all for nothing and Theron's lost pretty much everything. Damn :( no wonder he's drinking whiskey alone.


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So playing my LS (pureblood) inquisitor, sided with the Republic, and then when

Acina dies, Theron is like "I respected her...for a sith" without any dialogue like "present company excluded my loving boyfriend." Even Jace corrected himself when he was all "stupid Imp scum-not you commander."

Ouch Theron, ouch :(http://i.imgur.com/KtSAMcI.png



I loved that Theron played such a large part in the story. I feel REALLY sorry for him, though.



A dark sided warrior, Imperial favored romance with him is just tragic. He has to watch his Father die after he disowned him for choosing the Alliance over the Republic and THEN he has to endure the fact that the person he just sacrificed his father for is getting back with their long lost husband Quinn So, it was essentially all for nothing and Theron's lost pretty much everything. Damn :( no wonder he's drinking whiskey alone.


OMG that's so horrible! Something like that ranks right up there with:


-Executing Alistair (especially if romanced) at the end of Dragon Age Origins

-Using blood magic to sacrifice your people and your own father to make yourself stronger in DA:O

-Selling Fenris back into slavery in DA2

-Killing your brother or sister at the end of DA2

-Let Samara commit suicide in ME3

-Kill Ashley or Kaidan in ME3

-Sacrifice the Chargers in DA:I



As things I would never do :( I'd sooner delete all my characters and never play again D:

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Is there a YouTube video that shows break up with Theron for any classes at all or is there just a letter -- or -- anything ?

Breaking up with Theron or Lana was a big deal in past chapters, but so far nothing out there to watch <sigh>

(And remember, the "L" word has been used ... )

I would never do it to either, but I am curious .....

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I hear that Lana gets a kiss and an 'I love you' if romancing her, does Theron get the kiss? I only got an I love you on my Warrior, though at least that was an auto dialogue rather than something to be selected. I suppose it shows their relationship had developed a little more that Theron is a little more open about it.


Though I'm now greatly amused that my Warrior has now met both of the parents of his lover. I think Satele has an idea they're together (especially as he was all 'Theron wouldn't like it if you'd killed me' back in KOTFE) but I wonder if Jace has any clue his son is banging the former Wrath.

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Is there a YouTube video that shows break up with Theron for any classes at all or is there just a letter -- or -- anything ?

Breaking up with Theron or Lana was a big deal in past chapters, but so far nothing out there to watch <sigh>

(And remember, the "L" word has been used ... )

I would never do it to either, but I am curious .....


As of right now, there isn't a breakup scene or letter. Just the pop-up box confirming that if you resume the other relationships (Quinn/Elara) then it will break off any other romances. I'm guessing next update? Maybe they want it to be really heartbreaking with that "L" word being thrown around (and the whole Theron situation :( ).

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I hear that Lana gets a kiss and an 'I love you' if romancing her, does Theron get the kiss? I only got an I love you on my Warrior, though at least that was an auto dialogue rather than something to be selected. I suppose it shows their relationship had developed a little more that Theron is a little more open about it.


Though I'm now greatly amused that my Warrior has now met both of the parents of his lover. I think Satele has an idea they're together (especially as he was all 'Theron wouldn't like it if you'd killed me' back in KOTFE) but I wonder if Jace has any clue his son is banging the former Wrath.


To get a kiss with Theron you have to side Empire. it happens


right next to his dad's dead body -.-'



I did not stumble on any line whatsoever from Jace even hinting that he knew Theron was with the Commander romantically. Satele pretty much, just comes across as she knows. But Theron's reactions if you romanced him, and flirt with his dad.. priceless. I haven't tried romanced Theron and flirting with Acina yet.

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To get a kiss with Theron you have to side Empire. it happens


right next to his dad's dead body -.-'



I did not stumble on any line whatsoever from Jace even hinting that he knew Theron was with the Commander romantically. Satele pretty much, just comes across as she knows. But Theron's reactions if you romanced him, and flirt with his dad.. priceless. I haven't tried romanced Theron and flirting with Acina yet.

Wow, that's messed up D:


I hope we get something later where Jace learns about the relationship and I want things to be good between him and Theron again. :( I hated that our character like either already found out that Jace was Theron's father somewhere off screen OR just didn't care at all. You'd think that would mean something to a romanced character and that an imperial character especially might be nervous about meeting his boyfriend's dad for the first time. :confused:

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Huh, that's a shame but also kinda messed up that you only get a kiss that way. Oh well, I'd rather miss out on the kiss if that's what it takes. :rolleyes: I only romanced Theron on my Warrior so there's that.


I just wonder what will come in the next story parts, like if Jace and Theron get to talk more. I hope there is more interaction with him. So far he seems pretty chill in working with the Empire's former Wrath, likely because my guy is such a goody two shoes. I'd be pretty annoyed if something happens later in story and the Republic tries to start making demands (especially if you have some less... savoury characters within your Alliance.)

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To get a kiss with Theron you have to side Empire. it happens


right next to his dad's dead body -.-'




Yeah, I wasn't the biggest fan of that situation. He's literally crying over his dad before the kiss, and then cheerfully smiling after the kiss. Bad animation/reaction/writing. It all felt awkward.


I did not stumble on any line whatsoever from Jace even hinting that he knew Theron was with the Commander romantically. Satele pretty much, just comes across as she knows. But Theron's reactions if you romanced him, and flirt with his dad.. priceless. I haven't tried romanced Theron and flirting with Acina yet.


I need to a video of flirting with Theron's dad in front of Theron, that's hilarious.


I flirted with Acina in front of Theron and he did not react. -_-

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Wow, that's messed up D:


I hope we get something later where Jace learns about the relationship and I want things to be good between him and Theron again. :( I hated that our character like either already found out that Jace was Theron's father somewhere off screen OR just didn't care at all. You'd think that would mean something to a romanced character and that an imperial character especially might be nervous about meeting his boyfriend's dad for the first time. :confused:




I got an option on my dark Imperial warrior that challenged Jace about using the weapon on his own son. And Jace said that when Theron chose the Outlander over the Republic, he ceased to be his son. I was like :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: And then it was brought up again in the throne room. I guess it's all a totally different situation if you choose the Republic.


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I got an option on my dark Imperial warrior that challenged Jace about using the weapon on his own son. And Jace said that when Theron chose the Outlander over the Republic, he ceased to be his son. I was like :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: And then it was brought up again in the throne room. I guess it's all a totally different situation if you choose the Republic.



his dad acts all proud saying that fighting must have been good for him. Theron is extremely bitter to his father. Extremely. And agrees he could see Malcolm trying to kill you on the throne. He's definitely not happy and does not trust his father at all. There's zero love there. I think the empire side explains it all. Theron chose us over his dad. Over the republic. His dad called him a traitor for it. He does say he chose to fight zakuul than bow down but in the throne room he says he can't lose you and tells his father he chose you over him and the republic. Sadly I think our romanced toons are the first to ever show him love and now that he's tasted what it means to be loved, he will fight whoever to keep it. It's really heartbreaking to think about. We are the first to ever love him and make him feel wanted.


After he loses his father, I don't believe he's headed to a dark place because of dad but because he won't rest knowing someone is trying to take the only person who's shown him love away from him. That's my headcanon anyway


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his dad acts all proud saying that fighting must have been good for him. Theron is extremely bitter to his father. Extremely. And agrees he could see Malcolm trying to kill you on the throne. He's definitely not happy and does not trust his father at all. There's zero love there. I think the empire side explains it all. Theron chose us over his dad. Over the republic. His dad called him a traitor for it. He does say he chose to fight zakuul than bow down but in the throne room he says he can't lose you and tells his father he chose you over him and the republic. Sadly I think our romanced toons are the first to ever show him love and now that he's tasted what it means to be loved, he will fight whoever to keep it. It's really heartbreaking to think about. We are the first to ever love him and make him feel wanted.


After he loses his father, I don't believe he's headed to a dark place because of dad but because he won't rest knowing someone is trying to take the only person who's shown him love away from him. That's my headcanon anyway



Yep that's pretty much how I saw it and why the kiss didn't bother me. That romance is pretty messed up but I love my messed up dysfunctional romances (it's why I play sith). The PC and Lana are pretty much his family now which is why I can see him sticking around even a DS PC as long as they're not a complete douchenozzle to him. And if you romanced him? Yep definitely clinging to that as long as possible.


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his dad acts all proud saying that fighting must have been good for him. Theron is extremely bitter to his father. Extremely. And agrees he could see Malcolm trying to kill you on the throne. He's definitely not happy and does not trust his father at all. There's zero love there. I think the empire side explains it all. Theron chose us over his dad. Over the republic. His dad called him a traitor for it. He does say he chose to fight zakuul than bow down but in the throne room he says he can't lose you and tells his father he chose you over him and the republic. Sadly I think our romanced toons are the first to ever show him love and now that he's tasted what it means to be loved, he will fight whoever to keep it. It's really heartbreaking to think about. We are the first to ever love him and make him feel wanted.


After he loses his father, I don't believe he's headed to a dark place because of dad but because he won't rest knowing someone is trying to take the only person who's shown him love away from him. That's my headcanon anyway


I totally agree, I didn't think I could feel more sorry for Theron than I already did but I do now, seriously I want to give that guy a hug. :(




I resent Jace calling my SI a Tyrant, my SI has done everything he can for the Republic during KOTFE/KOTET always ready to lend a hand and help out, it's Jace who seems to be turning the Republic people on me not the other way around. :rolleyes:


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I totally agree, I didn't think I could feel more sorry for Theron than I already did but I do now, seriously I want to give that guy a hug. :(




I resent Jace calling my SI a Tyrant, my SI has done everything he can for the Republic during KOTFE/KOTET always ready to lend a hand and help out, it's Jace who seems to be turning the Republic people on me not the other way around. :rolleyes:


Yes. He says the same name to my Jedi. :eek: I had wondered if that would be different.



the fact he uses tyrant for anyone in that role shows how truly narrow minded he was. It may just have been easier for bw to do one line but it honestly makes sense given Theron's complete resentment towards his father. It shows Malcolm saw things in black or white. With the republic or a traitor. Aiding the republic or a tyrant. And obviously Theron learned long ago there was no point in arguing over his father's statements.


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I totally agree, I didn't think I could feel more sorry for Theron than I already did but I do now, seriously I want to give that guy a hug. :(




I resent Jace calling my SI a Tyrant, my SI has done everything he can for the Republic during KOTFE/KOTET always ready to lend a hand and help out, it's Jace who seems to be turning the Republic people on me not the other way around. :rolleyes:



Man I can understand why he called my SI who wanted to be emperor a tyrant (even if he was LSV and picked all LS decisions just about other than that one choice) but saying that to my agent? Who did nothing but try to help everyone he met across out. What. (Man that part is gonna be amusing with my shadow. Good grief. I half wish I could replay because my first shadow sided with the pubs. Not enough I made a huge mistake in the world.


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the fact he uses tyrant for anyone in that role shows how truly narrow minded he was. It may just have been easier for bw to do one line but it honestly makes sense given Theron's complete resentment towards his father. It shows Malcolm saw things in black or white. With the republic or a traitor. Aiding the republic or a tyrant. And obviously Theron learned long ago there was no point in arguing over his father's statements.





There's also a reaction from Theron when Jace died that's like "You always loved the Republic more than me."




Spoilers for Annihilation


Jace's decisions sacrificed a lot of civilians in that book and made Theron resent him. And at the end, Theron disobeyed his orders to save people and Jace also ordered the ship he was on to be destroyed, not knowing if Theron had made it out in time.



Even if I played the lightest of light jedi consular jesus, I'd still have a hard time siding with Malcom in Iokath.

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There's also a reaction from Theron when Jace died that's like "You always loved the Republic more than me."




Spoilers for Annihilation


Jace's decisions sacrificed a lot of civilians in that book and made Theron resent him. And at the end, Theron disobeyed his orders to save people and Jace also ordered the ship he was on to be destroyed, not knowing if Theron had made it out in time.



Even if I played the lightest of light jedi consular jesus, I'd still have a hard time siding with Malcom in Iokath.


Oh wow!

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Yeah, I wasn't the biggest fan of that situation. He's literally crying over his dad before the kiss, and then cheerfully smiling after the kiss. Bad animation/reaction/writing. It all felt awkward.


I need to a video of flirting with Theron's dad in front of Theron, that's hilarious.


I flirted with Acina in front of Theron and he did not react. -_-


Well I know not to bother trying it with Acina solely for possible reaction then, lol. I've only got him romanced on my sith warriors, 2 of which are just there to test out the story branches before my main sith, who is still in KotFE , goes through the story.. Seeing as it's still being written.


I have no videos, only cutscene screenies sadly..

Okay, that's a lie, I do have videos, I record all scenes :p just too shy to upload those.




^ that grumpy look. priceless. though he sounded rather upset in the "are you kidding me" part.

http://i.imgur.com/nXNZ7D4.png for the second flirt :p



There's also a reaction from Theron when Jace died that's like "You always loved the Republic more than me."




Spoilers for Annihilation


Jace's decisions sacrificed a lot of civilians in that book and made Theron resent him. And at the end, Theron disobeyed his orders to save people and Jace also ordered the ship he was on to be destroyed, not knowing if Theron had made it out in time.



Even if I played the lightest of light jedi consular jesus, I'd still have a hard time siding with Malcom in Iokath.


And this also touches on an earlier post of mine where I am still completely torn over which side is best for my SW's story. I never read the novels, but know enough to get a simplistic idea of what went down. My SW LS-V and always protects people, republic is still the lesser evil of the two. she knows the empire though, how to handle the power plays there, and what it's capable of (both sides are capable of really horrendous things), she took the throne as Empress of Zakuul. Always trying to end stuff more peacefully even though she did.


There is no good vs bad here, no right vs wrong, no light vs dark... it's what poison would you prefer. What corruption can you manage best.

I do wish we got more insight in-game about these npc's , like Jace, instead of Bioware just believing that everyone read the books -.-' I would not have had any idea that Jace was Theron's father if I hadn't stumbled upon the dev blog short story of them having dinner so it would be a major surprise for me coming into Iokath.


Only thing on Theron's dad hints we got in-game that I found prior to Iokath (dialogues etc) was Valkorian (if you go with Theron and Lana to the end battle end KotET) says when trying to tell you both could betray you, says that Theron is "the republic spy. sired by two republic heroes." (not exact wording, but close)

And if you ask who is leading the republic forces these days, Theron answers with his hand on face gesture and the way he says his dad's name, was.. eh. so characters also likely don't know, yet they didn't bother writing in a surprise thing for romancers.


In the letter if you choose to have everyone spied on to find the traitor:


the one on Jace Malcom (if republic sided PC) says he's got a draft of a heartfelt apology letter to Theron there, but the surveillance isn't sure why he's apologizing to his son.



Sorry for the rambling.. I just think the writers took tons of shortcuts for this Iokath storyline, and left tons out that would've been fine as one-two liner remarks. I'm a tad disappointed in the lack of effort in this regard.

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I do wish we got more insight in-game about these npc's , like Jace, instead of Bioware just believing that everyone read the books -.-' I would not have had any idea that Jace was Theron's father if I hadn't stumbled upon the dev blog short story of them having dinner so it would be a major surprise for me coming into Iokath.


Only thing on Theron's dad hints we got in-game that I found prior to Iokath (dialogues etc) was Valkorian (if you go with Theron and Lana to the end battle end KotET) says when trying to tell you both could betray you, says that Theron is "the republic spy. sired by two republic heroes." (not exact wording, but close)

And if you ask who is leading the republic forces these days, Theron answers with his hand on face gesture and the way he says his dad's name, was.. eh. so characters also likely don't know, yet they didn't bother writing in a surprise thing for romancers.


In the letter if you choose to have everyone spied on to find the traitor:


the one on Jace Malcom (if republic sided PC) says he's got a draft of a heartfelt apology letter to Theron there, but the surveillance isn't sure why he's apologizing to his son.



Sorry for the rambling.. I just think the writers took tons of shortcuts for this Iokath storyline, and left tons out that would've been fine as one-two liner remarks. I'm a tad disappointed in the lack of effort in this regard.

Yeah I hate when BioWare relies on outside, prior knowledge of characters and doesn't bother to satisfyingly introduce or develop them in-game. People who haven't read the book and short story are like "wait, wut?" and people who have read it had been anticipating this long awaited meeting/introduction and it sucked. Random side characters like Indo Zal or Shalim Avesta got way better treatment. Jace could be my character's future father in law and nobody acknowledges or cares?(Jace was even interested in Theron's love life in that short story damnit!) He's treated like a 1 quest throwaway NPC.


I was really disappointed.

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^ that grumpy look. priceless.




LOL dude knows how to throw shade. I'd shut up immediately after that look.



In the letter if you choose to have everyone spied on to find the traitor:


the one on Jace Malcom (if republic sided PC) says he's got a draft of a heartfelt apology letter to Theron there, but the surveillance isn't sure why he's apologizing to his son.




AAWWWWWW that makes the Imperial decision feel even worse :(:(:(:(:(

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