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Yeah and the things game companies prioritize and pour the most resources into are things I don't really care about such as graphics and combat mechanics(Fallout 4 is a good example of this, they stripped out the things I liked about Fallout and prioritized things I didn't care about). :( The whole microtransaction, DLC, pay to win, etc...stuff I wonder if the games industry will go through another crash like in 1983.


Tell me about it. I'm still jaded over Dragon age: Inquisition esp core game without updates and dlc. Final fantasy XV broke my heart. I love Noctis and co but my god so much was cut and now they are patching the broken story.

I'm a little afraid to look forward to Mass Effect: Andromeda.


I pray we don't have another crash but when an industry gets as big as this companies often sacrifice creativity for more money. Look at Hollywood churning out the same stories, the same tropes, reboots and remakes. Once in a blue moon is there a film now with real vision and truly well made.

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Tell me about it. I'm still jaded over Dragon age: Inquisition esp core game without updates and dlc. Final fantasy XV broke my heart. I love Noctis and co but my god so much was cut and now they are patching the broken story.

I'm a little afraid to look forward to Mass Effect: Andromeda.


I pray we don't have another crash but when an industry gets as big as this companies often sacrifice creativity for more money. Look at Hollywood churning out the same stories, the same tropes, reboots and remakes. Once in a blue moon is there a film now with real vision and truly well made.

OMG me too, I was so disappointed with DA2, ME3, and DA:I. The base game of DA:I was so lackluster, none of the characters outside the "inner circle" were memorable at all, the villain was an outdated cliche, the sidequests were of typical MMO quality, etc...I could (and have) rant about it for hours lol. With DA2 they set up a really interesting story and conflict for a sequel (mage-templar war, circle uprising) but then almost completely discarded it in DA:I in favor of some random new person and cliche "ancient evil wizard tries to destroy world." I thought the base game of DA:I was boring but I thought the Trespasser DLC was awesome and set up another great sequel idea with personal stakes between the hero and villain only to learn that BW had "crippled" the inquisitor in order to make them some kind of desk jockey NPC and have the hero be some random new person with no personal connection to the story again. That made me lose faith in BioWare's(Canadian branch) storytelling abilities for good I think.


After DA2 I was disappointed but I was like "maybe it's a fluke and anyway the Mass Effect team has never steered me wrong" and got excited for ME3. After ME3 I was on the verge of being done with BioWare's future games but they said all the right things during the development of DA:I that made me think they'd learned from the last two games and figured out what fans wanted (and the BSN was instrumental in keeping me interested in what BioWare was doing after those disappointments) but I was wrong. The revelation that BioWare thought taking a resolved story, opening it back up in a DLC, giving the character a new motivation and having every inquisitor vow to stop their former friend/rival/comrade and secretly plot against him was "wrapping up the inquisitor's story" made me certain that they just no longer know what they're doing at all. That was the last straw for me. I haven't looked into anything about Andromeda (in fact I have actively avoided it) and I have no intention of doing so. Maybe the game will be magnificent, not cut corners, focus on great story, roleplaying, sidequests, and a world that feels alive but I doubt it. I imagine it will like their last few games be filled with "meh, good enough" and "nobody will notice" and cater to a casual player.


On topic, how 'bout dat Theron? http://i.imgur.com/dZuKkzQ.png (though my computer is crappy and can't do him justice! :()

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OMG me too, I was so disappointed with DA2, ME3, and DA:I. The base game of DA:I was so lackluster, none of the characters outside the "inner circle" were memorable at all, the villain was an outdated cliche, the sidequests were of typical MMO quality, etc...I could (and have) rant about it for hours lol. With DA2 they set up a really interesting story and conflict for a sequel (mage-templar war, circle uprising) but then almost completely discarded it in DA:I in favor of some random new person and cliche "ancient evil wizard tries to destroy world." I thought the base game of DA:I was boring but I thought the Trespasser DLC was awesome and set up another great sequel idea with personal stakes between the hero and villain only to learn that BW had "crippled" the inquisitor in order to make them some kind of desk jockey NPC and have the hero be some random new person with no personal connection to the story again. That made me lose faith in BioWare's(Canadian branch) storytelling abilities for good I think.


After DA2 I was disappointed but I was like "maybe it's a fluke and anyway the Mass Effect team has never steered me wrong" and got excited for ME3. After ME3 I was on the verge of being done with BioWare's future games but they said all the right things during the development of DA:I that made me think they'd learned from the last two games and figured out what fans wanted (and the BSN was instrumental in keeping me interested in what BioWare was doing after those disappointments) but I was wrong. The revelation that BioWare thought taking a resolved story, opening it back up in a DLC, giving the character a new motivation and having every inquisitor vow to stop their former friend/rival/comrade and secretly plot against him was "wrapping up the inquisitor's story" made me certain that they just no longer know what they're doing at all. That was the last straw for me. I haven't looked into anything about Andromeda (in fact I have actively avoided it) and I have no intention of doing so. Maybe the game will be magnificent, not cut corners, focus on great story, roleplaying, sidequests, and a world that feels alive but I doubt it. I imagine it will like their last few games be filled with "meh, good enough" and "nobody will notice" and cater to a casual player.


On topic, how 'bout dat Theron? http://i.imgur.com/dZuKkzQ.png (though my computer is crappy and can't do him justice! :()


Agree with so much of this. Dragon age: Inquisition side quests are what nightmares are. I was shocked that they had so much pointless fetch quest for a single player game and so little of the main content. I did like my inner circle though and thought they did an okay job with them but yeah no real threat with antagonist.

I really hope they won't bring in another new main character. The inquisitor story is so unfinished, I want to continue it in the next Dragon age.


I have looked into Andromeda. Somethings make me want to like it but again I'm so unsure these days. Games are so dear now to be buying them 1st day release and pre-order. I still love a lot of what Bioware does but they have been going down hill on a couple of things and sadly they are not the only ones.


Mmm...(dreamy sigh) gotta love Theron's smiles.

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Agree with so much of this. Dragon age: Inquisition side quests are what nightmares are. I was shocked that they had so much pointless fetch quest for a single player game and so little of the main content. I did like my inner circle though and thought they did an okay job with them but yeah no real threat with antagonist.

I really hope they won't bring in another new main character. The inquisitor story is so unfinished, I want to continue it in the next Dragon age.


I have looked into Andromeda. Somethings make me want to like it but again I'm so unsure these days. Games are so dear now to be buying them 1st day release and pre-order. I still love a lot of what Bioware does but they have been going down hill on a couple of things and sadly they are not the only ones.


Mmm...(dreamy sigh) gotta love Theron's smiles.


Oh no, I totally loved the inner circle! My problem was that the inner circle were the only interesting and memorable characters in the entire world :( There were no Sandal and Bohdans or Teagans or Eamons, or Anoras, or Brankas, Hespiths, Irvings, all the starting companions, etc...floating around out in the world. Everyone outside the inquisition was a cardboard cutout :(


Trespasser would have rekindled by hope in BioWare's storytelling ability if they inquisitor had been the protagonist of the next game (as they would have if the game had been made by ANY other company since it's the only logical and appealing choice after Trespasser) but they did the opposite. Any reasonable and logical writer would say "hey we set up a new goal, hero-villain dynamic, character motivation, etc...this is a call to action aka the beginning of a story not a conclusion" but nope, not BioWare. This snuffed out my last amount of faith in their storytelling and hope for their future games. http://scumbag-solas.tumblr.com/post/141056520679/knight-enchanter-trespasser-dlc-goals They literally thought they "wrapped up the inquisitor's story" and "conclusively tied off this protagonist" with Trespasser. *facepalm*

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Wow...just wow.

I haven't seen that pic before. I can't believe they think Da:I protagonist's story is over. That is just crazy after Trespasser, setting it all up. Huge missed opportunity here. Like shooting yourself in the foot.


I wonder if it is because of that silly line they throw out about Dragon age not being about one protagonist's story but about the world. Bioware you can have more than one game for the protagonist and still tell the lore and history of Thedas through them.


I had seen many people wanting the protagonist's story to continue on the old bsn forums. Until they were shut down. I suppose to conveniently stop criticism or they just didn't want to pay the expense for it or both.:(


I guess this really sucks for people who romanced Solas. While I didn't romance him I consider him and my Quizzy BFF so kinda sad I can't see the next game through with him.

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I'm worried that Theron will break up with you if you choose the Empire in the expansion in April. :(


Hm, I dunno. He didn't break up with you if you chose to let the republic representatives die in KotFE but maybe? It depends on the circumstances

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Hm, I dunno. He didn't break up with you if you chose to let the republic representatives die in KotFE but maybe? It depends on the circumstances


Maybe if people keep choosing anti-Rep options?


Like Koth doesn't leave on just one anti-Zakuul thing, but if you let people die and bomb the city...pushing point!

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It would suck if we have to choose between Theron and Lana when it comes time to choose Republic or Empire's side. I kinda hope those two would support you no matter what. I would want to play as Empire throughout, but forcing me to abandon the Empire because the only romanceable guy is in the Republic is just really limiting the options, meaning my Empire character would have no romance if he goes forward with Empire side. Hopefully, it doesn't happen.
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They won't make you choose. Despite everything it might seem, Theron and Lana will consistently choose you and the Alliance over other options.


Now, they'll be biased towards the Republic and Empire respectively, but still choose you.


If you don't believe me... who wants to make a Credit bet? :D

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It would suck if we have to choose between Theron and Lana when it comes time to choose Republic or Empire's side. I kinda hope those two would support you no matter what. I would want to play as Empire throughout, but forcing me to abandon the Empire because the only romanceable guy is in the Republic is just really limiting the options, meaning my Empire character would have no romance if he goes forward with Empire side. Hopefully, it doesn't happen.


Only romanceable guy? o.O There is Koth.

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They won't make you choose. Despite everything it might seem, Theron and Lana will consistently choose you and the Alliance over other options.


Now, they'll be biased towards the Republic and Empire respectively, but still choose you.


If you don't believe me... who wants to make a Credit bet? :D


I believe you! I find Lana a little more believable in that roll, but that's like to Theron being done a little terribly (maybe the word is neglected?). Maybe if they shown him slipping a bit into the dark side of things.


Yes, Lana has dark side leanings, but she could do well in the Rep setting (not that it would be her first choice). Theron being the type to side Empire belief of things...not so much.

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Only romanceable guy? o.O There is Koth.


My main file is a Sith Inquisitor, so you can already imagine what happens to him. Plus, he's the Jacob of SWTOR, he's so unpopular that they have no trouble killing him off. As he already can die, he wouldn't have a big role to play going forward. As Theron and Lana represent the Republic and Empire, it would suck if they tie to faction. Not just Theron, if you decide to play as a Republic, there wouldn't even be a female Koth to balance it out. There are plenty of expendable companions for them to make "choices" matter like Quinn and Elara in this expansion. I hope they have Lana and Theron as the story companions that follow you no matter what.

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My main file is a Sith Inquisitor, so you can already imagine what happens to him. Plus, he's the Jacob of SWTOR, he's so unpopular that they have no trouble killing him off..


Not to go to much off topic but uh I hate what they did with Jacob in ME3 especially if you had romanced him in ME2, he cheats on you and pretty much blames you for it, he and his new girlfriend are horrible to you and to top it off the women he cheated on you with that he's known for like 6 months is pregnant (after he told you he wanted to take it slow with you in ME2, fast worker there Jacob hmm?) and you just have to stand there and accept it. Gosh imagine if anything like that happened with Theron or any of the other romances in SWTOR.

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They won't make you choose. Despite everything it might seem, Theron and Lana will consistently choose you and the Alliance over other options.


Now, they'll be biased towards the Republic and Empire respectively, but still choose you.


If you don't believe me... who wants to make a Credit bet? :D


This exactly, these are the characters that stand by your decisions, might disagree but stick with you. If either were going to leave they'd have done so by now. They advise in regards to republic or Imperial values/siding but in the end they always stuck with you.


Theron I understand in this regard though if romanced anyway, his own parents chose the republic and duty over him but once he has someone he loves, he's gonna put that one person over everything else because he hates everyone else for not doing that for him, the abandonment thing in play there I guess.

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Maybe if people keep choosing anti-Rep options?


Like Koth doesn't leave on just one anti-Zakuul thing, but if you let people die and bomb the city...pushing point!


I think the mission with Kaliyo is the first and last pushing point. I was nice to him, flirted (didn't romance), stopped the sun generator from exploding and made a blackout. The only thing is I let Senya come with me to see the Heralds of Zildrog. Koth leaves regardless as long as you blow up the city in chapter ten (and don't lie to him about it).


This exactly, these are the characters that stand by your decisions, might disagree but stick with you. If either were going to leave they'd have done so by now. They advise in regards to republic or Imperial values/siding but in the end they always stuck with you.


Theron I understand in this regard though if romanced anyway, his own parents chose the republic and duty over him but once he has someone he loves, he's gonna put that one person over everything else because he hates everyone else for not doing that for him, the abandonment thing in play there I guess.



I think Theron and Lana loyalties are with the alliance and it's commander now (No matter the commander's own bias with the republic or empire )

Also they have been with you so long, witnessed some of your darker/lighter sides and stuck by you.

I think they really want to make the eternal alliance work be it peacekeeping or ruling.


And for romance, Theron has said he can't just ignore his emotions. At the heart of it I think if it is choice between republic and romanced outlander. I think he would pick romanced outlander.

He would have you and a new home in the alliance.

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Lana's issues with the Republic stem with her issues with democracy and the lack of centralized leadership (she literally says "democracy is overrated" on Ziost). While she believes that people need to cooperate to survive and succeed (which is a very strange sentiment to have in the Empire), she ultimately also believes that the strong must rule, which is why it is so easy for her to support the Outlander. She tires of the Sith Empire's constant in-fighting and hopes for more unifying leadership, but while she has these issues, she wouldn't really get along with the Republic or Jedi at all.


Theron has been let down by the Republic and Jedi repeatedly, both personally and professionally. At his core, I think he wants to believe the Republic can and will do better (much like how Lana believes in a better Empire), but when the Republic cowered to Arcann and the Eternal Fleet, he'd had the last straw and went to try and help Lana and the Outlander repeat their past successes with fixing the galaxy. He certainly wasn't going to be able to help with the Republic leadership being in shambles, and Saresh probably still had grudges against him. I think he'll still lean towards cooperating with the Republic, but will ultimately remain with the Eternal Alliance for the time being, believing he can do more to help the galaxy there.


And yeah, I feel it's a bit different for a romanced Theron. He's been consistently let down over and over by people who should be his family because of their sense of duty to the Republic, and here he's found someone who cares for him in return, regardless of their former allegiances. He's fallen in love pretty hard and wants to do everything in his power to keep this person in his life, because he can't imagine being alone again. Holy Abandonment Issues, Batman.


:p Of course, I romance him with Agent, who still remembers a certain someone breaking up with him on Yavin 4 because of DUTIES or whatever, and he may have abandonment issues of his own... But Theron seems to have learned from his mistake. Maybe he was acting a lot like his mom in that moment...? Hee.

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And yeah, I feel it's a bit different for a romanced Theron. He's been consistently let down over and over by people who should be his family because of their sense of duty to the Republic, and here he's found someone who cares for him in return, regardless of their former allegiances. He's fallen in love pretty hard and wants to do everything in his power to keep this person in his life, because he can't imagine being alone again. Holy Abandonment Issues, Batman.


Awesome description, my non-Theron-romancing characters who treat him bad are making me feel horrible now. :p Just got to make sure those romancing him treat the poor guy right. :)

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Awesome description, my non-Theron-romancing characters who treat him bad are making me feel horrible now. :p Just got to make sure those romancing him treat the poor guy right. :)


The Alliance needs to have an on-site therapist for the amount of issues Theron has. Poor guy.

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I keep thinking Theron's comment from one dialogue in KotET of "and I can't lose you" should be taken more literally, not just as caring about someone and not wanting them to well, die obviously. but as literally he cannot lose that person he loves, it'd destroy him completely.


The Alliance needs to have an on-site therapist for the amount of issues Theron has. Poor guy.


I think it was on twitter.. or reddit.. or both, but someone commented about Jace (dear ol' dad) returning that Theron's therapist would be working overtime, it sent me into a giggling fit

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My main file is a Sith Inquisitor, so you can already imagine what happens to him. Plus, he's the Jacob of SWTOR, he's so unpopular that they have no trouble killing him off. As he already can die, he wouldn't have a big role to play going forward. As Theron and Lana represent the Republic and Empire, it would suck if they tie to faction. Not just Theron, if you decide to play as a Republic, there wouldn't even be a female Koth to balance it out. There are plenty of expendable companions for them to make "choices" matter like Quinn and Elara in this expansion. I hope they have Lana and Theron as the story companions that follow you no matter what.


That may be, but still, Theron is not the only male romance. Also, my Inquisitor didn't kill off Koth :p You don't have to play them all dark sided kill them all :p You can! But you don't have to :p

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Lana's issues with the Republic stem with her issues with democracy and the lack of centralized leadership (she literally says "democracy is overrated" on Ziost). While she believes that people need to cooperate to survive and succeed (which is a very strange sentiment to have in the Empire), she ultimately also believes that the strong must rule, which is why it is so easy for her to support the Outlander. She tires of the Sith Empire's constant in-fighting and hopes for more unifying leadership, but while she has these issues, she wouldn't really get along with the Republic or Jedi at all.


Theron has been let down by the Republic and Jedi repeatedly, both personally and professionally. At his core, I think he wants to believe the Republic can and will do better (much like how Lana believes in a better Empire), but when the Republic cowered to Arcann and the Eternal Fleet, he'd had the last straw and went to try and help Lana and the Outlander repeat their past successes with fixing the galaxy. He certainly wasn't going to be able to help with the Republic leadership being in shambles, and Saresh probably still had grudges against him. I think he'll still lean towards cooperating with the Republic, but will ultimately remain with the Eternal Alliance for the time being, believing he can do more to help the galaxy there.


And yeah, I feel it's a bit different for a romanced Theron. He's been consistently let down over and over by people who should be his family because of their sense of duty to the Republic, and here he's found someone who cares for him in return, regardless of their former allegiances. He's fallen in love pretty hard and wants to do everything in his power to keep this person in his life, because he can't imagine being alone again. Holy Abandonment Issues, Batman.


:p Of course, I romance him with Agent, who still remembers a certain someone breaking up with him on Yavin 4 because of DUTIES or whatever, and he may have abandonment issues of his own... But Theron seems to have learned from his mistake. Maybe he was acting a lot like his mom in that moment...? Hee.


Been awhile since I had a character romance him to the point of Yavin who was Emp side. I don't remember him breaking up with my Warrior...more of a "This is likely the last time we'll see each other" but it has been awhile.


I do recall I felt Lana was the better over all romance, but I haven't seen it (Theron's) in KotET yet or pass Chapter 9 of KotFE.

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Been awhile since I had a character romance him to the point of Yavin who was Emp side. I don't remember him breaking up with my Warrior...more of a "This is likely the last time we'll see each other" but it has been awhile.


I do recall I felt Lana was the better over all romance, but I haven't seen it (Theron's) in KotET yet or pass Chapter 9 of KotFE.


I think it's his two lines in that conversation which leave little room for argument. "well look, there isn't any easy way to say this but I mean.. we both knew this would have to end eventually" and the one you mentioned "you and I, we probably won't exchange another word ever again". basically not seeing each other and no contact at all, so is breaking up.


Lana had more romance specific lines and scenes, tons more intimacy (kisses, quiet moments) so yeah it felt much more.. well, more. It has the most romance content and lines in the more recent story but I don't think it's "better over all" just different, which is good though. There's so much more in comparison as well, if wanting a romance story shown almost constantly in scenes, that's the romance to choose. I don't have a favourite romance, but I don't know how far back a Lana thread is xD

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I think it's his two lines in that conversation which leave little room for argument. "well look, there isn't any easy way to say this but I mean.. we both knew this would have to end eventually" and the one you mentioned "you and I, we probably won't exchange another word ever again". basically not seeing each other and no contact at all, so is breaking up.


Lana had more romance specific lines and scenes, tons more intimacy (kisses, quiet moments) so yeah it felt much more.. well, more. It has the most romance content and lines in the more recent story but I don't think it's "better over all" just different, which is good though. There's so much more in comparison as well, if wanting a romance story shown almost constantly in scenes, that's the romance to choose. I don't have a favourite romance, but I don't know how far back a Lana thread is xD


Ouch says the Lana fans :p


But yeah, I don't think she's been that popular and with what looks to be the return of all the companions at some point, which is looking better and better, she may lose more since they won't have to feel "Well, i only get Lana content now...so I have to move to Lana"


Theron, may have the same thing happen, but it doesn't seem to be to the same degree.

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This exactly, these are the characters that stand by your decisions, might disagree but stick with you. If either were going to leave they'd have done so by now. They advise in regards to republic or Imperial values/siding but in the end they always stuck with you.


Theron I understand in this regard though if romanced anyway, his own parents chose the republic and duty over him but once he has someone he loves, he's gonna put that one person over everything else because he hates everyone else for not doing that for him, the abandonment thing in play there I guess.


To be fair, Satele chose the Republic over Theron but Jace never had that choice. She was so selfish and self righteous that she thought even though she abandoned her son that she should get to dictate whether his father had a relationship with him or not.

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