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Theran Shan?


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Yeah I think in video games if a character is male and mentally stable/not evil a lot of people think of them as boring O_o


Anyone ever play Neverwinter Nights 2? There was Casavir (my true pretend love) the paladin and Bishop the chaotic evil. I could not wrap my head around how many fangirls Bishop seemed to have, he was just awful.


I keep hearing people calling Theron boring. Is being a good guy make you boring?


I'm not sure I've heard that a lot about Theron, but I romance him on a dark sided character and he doesn't seem to mind that stuff much.

Edited by grania
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"Boring" may be code for "nothing immediately appeals to my personal tastes so I'm just going to generalize." I think Iresso is boring because he just seems so blasé about things (except a holocron in his head, which to me is really creepy body horror), and my consular is the same way! I could fall asleep during their dialogues. There's no excitement or reason for them to be attracted to each other IMO. Edited by Tamyn
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"Boring" may be code for "nothing immediately appeals to my personal tastes so I'm just going to generalize." I think Iresso is boring because he just seems so blasé about things (except a datacron in his head, which to me is really creepy body horror), and my consular is the same way! I could fall asleep during their dialogues. There's no excitement or reason for them to be attracted to each other IMO.


In my opinion, what makes a character, love interest specifically, boring, is that they're too "easy". And Iresso was very very easy. There's really not a single complication with anything in that story. The only thing that ever happened with him was that he disappeared for a short time, I believe? In Corellia? And he was snippy with me when I didn't marry him, that's about it. He was a fling, more or less.

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My main Imp is a DS SI and I like to imagine Theron secretly loves it, he totally loves that bad boy type. ;)


Nice, I'm a sith sith inquisitor as well and my characters are pragmatic, who is not afraid to kill, but spare people if he sees a use for them like Archann. What he dislikes the most is betrayal, so SCORPIO will definitely dead, and Koth, too, if he had betrayed my sith. I like to think Theron also likes the bad boy type as well. Plus, Theron has no reason to betray my inquisitor since he becomes emperor as well if they ever get married. :o

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My main Imp is a DS SI and I like to imagine Theron secretly loves it, he totally loves that bad boy type. ;)


Yeah! Like, he groused about me trying to shoot down Senya, but otherwise he never cares what I do. And I've said/done some crazy ***** around him. I figured he was just written that way, sort of morally neutral? so everyone who wanted to could romance him.

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Yeah! Like, he groused about me trying to shoot down Senya, but otherwise he never cares what I do. And I've said/done some crazy ***** around him. I figured he was just written that way, sort of morally neutral? so everyone who wanted to could romance him.


He was actually approving of you killing the prime minister though and said he's enjoying it. I think he's the kind of people who support whoever he sides with instead of making decisions based on his morality. He hates betrayal more than anything like with the prime minister, his double agent, and Lana. It doesn't help that his mother abandoned him and she's supposed to be a good guy. Koth is more driven by emotions and will betray you if you're too evil. That's the difference between Koth and Theron. Theron is more morally flexible while Koth is very black and white in nature.

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I actually thought Felix was really adorable and I liked his romance >.<' my only problem was that you get him so late in the game and get to spend so little time with him. If he'd been a starting companion with much more time traveling with him and quests that you actually get to go on it would have been MUCH better :(
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I actually thought Felix was really adorable and I liked his romance >.<' my only problem was that you get him so late in the game and get to spend so little time with him. If he'd been a starting companion with much more time traveling with him and quests that you actually get to go on it would have been MUCH better :(


I agree with you. I don't dislike the guy... I really want to like him. It's just... he needed WAY MORE than he got. Especially with something like that holocron in his head. That was interesting! And they just glossed over it :( I think all the romanceable companions should have been 1st or 2nd to get. I don't understand why Tharan Cedrax needed ALL those conversations... Felix would have benefited a lot more.


Even Doc's romance felt more substantial. It's why I tend to hook my JCs up with Theron... and not because I want them with Zenith either :p Going from grumpy Troy Baker to spy Troy Baker is always amusing.

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I agree with you. I don't dislike the guy... I really want to like him. It's just... he needed WAY MORE than he got. Especially with something like that holocron in his head. That was interesting! And they just glossed over it :( I think all the romanceable companions should have been 1st or 2nd to get. I don't understand why Tharan Cedrax needed ALL those conversations... Felix would have benefited a lot more.


Even Doc's romance felt more substantial. It's why I tend to hook my JCs up with Theron... and not because I want them with Zenith either :p Going from grumpy Troy Baker to spy Troy Baker is always amusing.


I totally agree! I mean Qyzen and Khem are fine and dandy, both interesting characters but do we really NEED them as our starting/focused companion? All the other classes got their love interests early on and got to spend more time with them but Inquisitors and Consulars wait so long. You just really don't get a sense that the characters know each other that well (Temple suffers from this too but how many people would choose her over Kaliyo anyway?). I mean they could have treated Khem and Qyzen like they did T7 where he's technically your starting companion but you get Kira on the next planet and she's your focused companion that has actual quests. For example you could as a Consular get Qyzen on Tython and then get Felix on Coruscant instead of Hoth (I have no problem with Nadia becoming a companion later since she was interactive and part of the story for quite a while before that).

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Definitely! I liked Kira being part of the story, too. It felt more... natural. Even after getting T7. He had his own character arc. But Kira was 'THAT' companion for the JK. Don't even get me started on the walking wasted story potential that was/is Lord Scourge.


That sith holocron in Felix's head could have had a lot of potential for the consular story, too. Just felt like he should have been that companion for the consular :/ I love Qyzen... I like his friendship with Yuon and the JC... but it didn't need the amount of attention it got. At that rate... they should have just made Zenith the romance option... he had potential, too. SI and JC did get shafted in that regard... at least you get Andronikus semi-early.

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Think of the agent who gets stuck with Kaliyo for 30 something levels until they finally get Vector, that used to take a long time.. it was a nightmare for my light agent. At least the wait was worth it, Vector being the peach that he is.
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Definitely! I liked Kira being part of the story, too. It felt more... natural. Even after getting T7. He had his own character arc. But Kira was 'THAT' companion for the JK. Don't even get me started on the walking wasted story potential that was/is Lord Scourge.


That sith holocron in Felix's head could have had a lot of potential for the consular story, too. Just felt like he should have been that companion for the consular :/ I love Qyzen... I like his friendship with Yuon and the JC... but it didn't need the amount of attention it got. At that rate... they should have just made Zenith the romance option... he had potential, too. SI and JC did get shafted in that regard... at least you get Andronikus semi-early.

What could have been T_T sometimes I feel like BioWare is a little clueless. :o Qyzen is fun but he has a one track mind and isn't a nuanced character, he didn't need all the extra attention :( As far as Andronikos goes he, Doc, and Lana are the only romances I haven't done (I'm working on Corso's right now) so I don't know if he's worth it or not. I can't really see myself doing Doc or Lana's romances but I'll probably get around to Andronikos someday.


Think of the agent who gets stuck with Kaliyo for 30 something levels until they finally get Vector, that used to take a long time.. it was a nightmare for my light agent. At least the wait was worth it, Vector being the peach that he is.

Vector is so weird and adorable, how can you not love him? ^_^ I hated Kaliyo at first but I actually get a kick out of her now but I agree you have to wait WAY too long for your next companion (at least the agent can have a bunch of flings along the way, the Consular, Knight, and Inquisitor have no such options). My LS characters that have a DS starting companion now use their faithful Nexu instead XD

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Yeah! Like, he groused about me trying to shoot down Senya, but otherwise he never cares what I do. And I've said/done some crazy ***** around him. I figured he was just written that way, sort of morally neutral? so everyone who wanted to could romance him.


Just had my warrior do that and when I got his reaction, I was actually a bit shocked.


Mind you, my Warrior would have told Senya she was staying on the gravestone or back on Odessa, instead of going up against her children, which she already proved she couldn't remain objectionable with.


Wasn't romanced with him though, so I was curious if he acted the same with someone he was romanced with, seems like he was.

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Think of the agent who gets stuck with Kaliyo for 30 something levels until they finally get Vector, that used to take a long time.. it was a nightmare for my light agent. At least the wait was worth it, Vector being the peach that he is.


That's why I now buy Treek for all my agents (and go to Alderaan before Tatooine). XD


I actually missed my first opportunity for a fling with Sanju on Balmorra because I was trying to please that witch (and disapprovals used to be a big hit).

Edited by Tamyn
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I make an honest effort to irritate Kaliyo as much as possible. I'll be as goody-goody LS as I want... just to be a troll. A habit that ALL my characters now pursue in KOTFE :p I'm not exactly sure why I enjoy doing it... but I have to get my kicks somehow if I'm stuck with her. I have Treek, too... but as much as I love ewoks... her babbling gets on my last nerve...


Especially after 4.0 dropped, and she was glitched into constantly chattering. I couldn't handle it...

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Oh that was the scene where you go meet Kaliyo's friend and they give each other a hug. Only my cutscene glitched and Kaliyo did the hug emote at me over and over throughout the whole thing.


Sorry Kaliyo, I aint ever hugging you

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Oh that was the scene where you go meet Kaliyo's friend and they give each other a hug. Only my cutscene glitched and Kaliyo did the hug emote at me over and over throughout the whole thing.


Sorry Kaliyo, I aint ever hugging you


My sentiments exactly where Kaliyo is concerned, loved the pic, by the way. Now Theron, he could read the Betty Crocker cookbook and I would be totally rapt. I can just hear him say, in that all too wonderful voice:


Add a cup of sugar

Sprinkle in some spice

Knead it gently

Pat it tenderly

And put in a warm place to rise


Yep, he can cook in my kitchen any time.


Merry Christmas to all the Theronites.

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I don't blame ya... that's for sure. Blech.


Also... I don't know where everyone is at :) But I'm with Jenny! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays! Make sure to stay warm <3


I wish it'd snow or something... all it does in WA state is rain :p It snowed several times last week... but never for Christmas! Kinda wonder if Theron would wear a Santa hat... that'd be adorable!

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Kinda wonder if Theron would wear a Santa hat... that'd be adorable!


My inquisitor (who romanced Theron) would think it's absolutely adorable. She would only admit that if she and Theron were alone, however. Have to keep up that annoying public image.


...and my bounty hunter (a cathar) would instantly start pouncing on the pom-pom at the end of the hat and playing with it like she's a little kitten again.

Great, now I have an image in my head of my hunter following Theron around all day, batting at the pom-pom with this giant goofy grin on her face, and Theron putting up with it because his girlfriend the Inquisitor thinks it's utterly beyond cute. :p


(And I'll join you in wishing for snow! ...even though it's currently sunny and about 40 degrees...oh well.)

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Kinda wonder if Theron would wear a Santa hat... that'd be adorable!


Only the Santa hat? :o That would be a happy Christmas indeed.


But I think he would, wear the hat that is, my Knight would totally sucker him into it. :D

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