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Theran Shan?


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I meant me, not him. :p Hm, what else goes wrong with relationships? My husband and I irl get along fine, no inspiration there, unless they wanna do a chapter about Theron leaving socks on the floor, and then I'd quit.


I feel like I want to ask you what you meant about not being able to get married in real life, but maybe respecting your privacy is better.

Edited by grania
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Lol I'd actually enjoy a completely random and mundane chapter like that. Theron burning dinner, me shrinking his infamous red leather jacket in the laundry. :p


Which reminds me - why is Lana always skulking around in my bedroom when I'm asleep? Creeps me out. Would rather have Theron in there.

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Which reminds me - why is Lana always skulking around in my bedroom when I'm asleep? Creeps me out. Would rather have Theron in there.

She is Creepy McCreeperson, that's for sure! Like excuse me b-iatch, who told you it was ok to break into coworker's rooms in the middle of the night and watch them sleep? O_o I think she goes to the Twilight school of decorum.


Lol I'd actually enjoy a completely random and mundane chapter like that. Theron burning dinner, me shrinking his infamous red leather jacket in the laundry. :p

And then the jacket accidentally ends up in the furnace >.>


Yeah I would love a chapter of cute and mundane stuff :D it could have action and typical chapter stuff as the bulk of the chapter but bookending it with the day to day would be awesome to me.


I meant me, not him. :p Hm, what else goes wrong with relationships? My husband and I irl get along fine, no inspiration there, unless they wanna do a chapter about Theron leaving socks on the floor, and then I'd quit.


I feel like I want to ask you what you meant about not being able to get married in real life, but maybe respecting your privacy is better.

Oh I see. If it was an option then I wouldn't care (I would not take that option but if others want to) I just wouldn't want to be Jacob-ed (ME3) again :(


As for me in real life, I have extreme social anxiety, looks only a mother could love, and am already too old. I use video games like this as escapism >.<

Edited by Nefla
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As for me in real life, I have extreme social anxiety, looks only a mother could love, and am already too old. I use video games like this as escapism >.<


Oh I see, well I won't pretend I know exactly what it's like to be you. But I can empathize. I'm an introvert and the way I got around it was to drink heavily. Can't remember the first three months of my husband and I dating. Um, not that I'm suggesting you try that.




I really can't believe some of the things I post in public sometimes. :o

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Oh I see, well I won't pretend I know exactly what it's like to be you. But I can empathize. I'm an introvert and the way I got around it was to drink heavily. Can't remember the first three months of my husband and I dating. Um, not that I'm suggesting you try that.




I really can't believe some of the things I post in public sometimes. :o

Hey the anonymity of the internet makes it easy sometimes, and I wont judge :o

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As for me in real life, I have extreme social anxiety, looks only a mother could love, and am already too old. I use video games like this as escapism >.<


I'm only married because I met my husband through WoW when I was 18. We've been together nearly 9 years (I'm 28) I can't even look people in the eye in real life... I understand bad social anxiety. Small talk is all right. But I never would have been able to approach him if we had met any other way. The game's... lack of actual human interface, helped me a lot in that regard. I have NO friends in real life, and I'm perfectly all right with that. My husband, and my family are all I need.


When he deploys... it's even harder. Because I HAVE to interact with people. It's forced me to confront that part of myself. And while I'm doing all right. I only do the bare minimum to make conversing with others comfortable. You also don't strike me as very old :p Always kinda figured I was one of the 'older' women in here at 28. And I feel young! You have friends here though... that's the cool thing about forums. Lots of like minded people.


Theron does need a new coat, though. Maybe he's REALLY good at laundry. I also envision him not being able to cook either. Not sure why :p

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I'm only married because I met my husband through WoW when I was 18. We've been together nearly 9 years (I'm 28) I can't even look people in the eye in real life... I understand bad social anxiety. Small talk is all right. But I never would have been able to approach him if we had met any other way. The game's... lack of actual human interface, helped me a lot in that regard. I have NO friends in real life, and I'm perfectly all right with that. My husband, and my family are all I need.


When he deploys... it's even harder. Because I HAVE to interact with people. It's forced me to confront that part of myself. And while I'm doing all right. I only do the bare minimum to make conversing with others comfortable. You also don't strike me as very old :p Always kinda figured I was one of the 'older' women in here at 28. And I feel young! You have friends here though... that's the cool thing about forums. Lots of like minded people.


Theron does need a new coat, though. Maybe he's REALLY good at laundry. I also envision him not being able to cook either. Not sure why :p


You're not old at 28 because I'm 30 and that would make me cry. :p


I also met my fiance online first through Second Life and then we got into gaming and such instead. I'm an introvert, highly insecure in real life and suffering from social anxiety and depression so the internet's been rather perfect for me. The sense of security it provides because people can't see you (and therefore judge by looks), because you don't have to look someone in the eye (which I'm not good at) it makes me feel like I can freely and openly be myself more easily. I can be myself, who I am on the inside without being judged or without having others glances and the look in their eyes make me nervous and cause me to clam up. I also have very few friends in real life, at least not ones living close to me but I'm alright with that... the friendships I've built up online actually feel far more real anyways.


I also completely expect to walk into Theron's apartment and just find a walk-in closet full of red leather jackets... seriously.

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Drinks sounds fun. I'm a light weight though. Never been good at handling alcohol... won't be long before I'm sleeping on the table like Len (Mr. Crispy on the edges) and Tora.


And I know I'm not 'old' :) My mom always told me 'You're as young as you feel.' So I tend to go along with that. It's a good mindset to have. I'll definitely still be doing all the same stuff in 10-20 years from now anyway. Both my grandmas (80+), and my mom (55) all play video games, too. Not together... our tastes are all vastly different. But fun knows no bounds!


I really wouldn't mind putting Theron in a longer coat... without shoulder pads, too. Think he'd pull it off really well. Honestly, I think he does have a closet full of them, too. Like in cartoons. Apparently he's had the same look since he was a teenager... dude needs to go shopping :( I have a bunch of things he could wear! He can have ALL the coats I have in my collection. There are lots of them.

Edited by GabbyMe
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I'm 40 and feel the exact same as I ever did, I've just had more.. adventures. :cool:


The problem is just how boxy the darn thing is.. oh and it's like short-sleeved that's pretty weird. Also the color scheme is no good at all. Never mind the whole jacket is rancid, and there are so many good looking armors he could wear instead.. such a waste.

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I'm kind of annoyed actually that Lana got to have...I don't know 4? 6? outfit changes throughout SOR, KOTFE and KOTET, while Theron got zero. This problem could be solved if the devs would just let me dress him myself! Argh!


I think it's quite common for gamers to be introverted types and to be more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression. I'm shy even on the Internet, for crying out loud. :rolleyes: I have a knack for hanging out in Internet forums for years yet still rarely getting to know anyone. My special talent, if you will. :o


I met my husband in an Internet game as well. Moved to his state, got married and the rest was history. We've been married 11 years now. :) It's not as usual nowadays as it was then though. We barely told anyone how we met because there was such a stigma about it. Now you see couples all the time casually talking about how they met on e-harmony or okCupid. :D Guess that's not quite the same as meeting in a game, but still.

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I'm only married because I met my husband through WoW when I was 18. We've been together nearly 9 years (I'm 28) I can't even look people in the eye in real life... I understand bad social anxiety. Small talk is all right. But I never would have been able to approach him if we had met any other way. The game's... lack of actual human interface, helped me a lot in that regard. I have NO friends in real life, and I'm perfectly all right with that. My husband, and my family are all I need.


When he deploys... it's even harder. Because I HAVE to interact with people. It's forced me to confront that part of myself. And while I'm doing all right. I only do the bare minimum to make conversing with others comfortable. You also don't strike me as very old :p Always kinda figured I was one of the 'older' women in here at 28. And I feel young! You have friends here though... that's the cool thing about forums. Lots of like minded people.


Theron does need a new coat, though. Maybe he's REALLY good at laundry. I also envision him not being able to cook either. Not sure why :p

I have one friend IRL but she lives in another state and we only see each other once a year :( I totally wish I could have a family though <3 I swear self-checkouts, online bill paying, and a near universal switch from telephones to automated online business contact were designed for me lol. I'm such a coward, I'm afraid of everything from going to a drivethrough to writing a check to going to the doctor even if I'm sick or injured -_-


The idea of Theron being a horrible cook is pretty freaking adorable XD


I'm 40 and feel the exact same as I ever did, I've just had more.. adventures. :cool:


The problem is just how boxy the darn thing is.. oh and it's like short-sleeved that's pretty weird. Also the color scheme is no good at all. Never mind the whole jacket is rancid, and there are so many good looking armors he could wear instead.. such a waste.

I don't really mind most of the jacket, just the shoulders look like pool floaties that toddlers wear XD



I'm kind of annoyed actually that Lana got to have...I don't know 4? 6? outfit changes throughout SOR, KOTFE and KOTET, while Theron got zero. This problem could be solved if the devs would just let me dress him myself! Argh!


I think it's quite common for gamers to be introverted types and to be more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression. I'm shy even on the Internet, for crying out loud. :rolleyes: I have a knack for hanging out in Internet forums for years yet still rarely getting to know anyone. My special talent, if you will. :o


I met my husband in an Internet game as well. Moved to his state, got married and the rest was history. We've been married 11 years now. :) It's not as usual nowadays as it was then though. We barely told anyone how we met because there was such a stigma about it. Now you see couples all the time casually talking about how they met on e-harmony or okCupid. :D Guess that's not quite the same as meeting in a game, but still.

Pshh, IMO your story of meeting in a game is way better than the eharmony, etc...people :D


Yeah, Lana with her constant face changes and outfits is just one more thing that points to "writer's pet" for me :/


I'm only married because I met my husband through WoW when I was 18. We've been together nearly 9 years (I'm 28) I can't even look people in the eye in real life... I understand bad social anxiety. Small talk is all right. But I never would have been able to approach him if we had met any other way. The game's... lack of actual human interface, helped me a lot in that regard. I have NO friends in real life, and I'm perfectly all right with that. My husband, and my family are all I need.


When he deploys... it's even harder. Because I HAVE to interact with people. It's forced me to confront that part of myself. And while I'm doing all right. I only do the bare minimum to make conversing with others comfortable. You also don't strike me as very old :p Always kinda figured I was one of the 'older' women in here at 28. And I feel young! You have friends here though... that's the cool thing about forums. Lots of like minded people.


Theron does need a new coat, though. Maybe he's REALLY good at laundry. I also envision him not being able to cook either. Not sure why :p

I'm 32 which isn't old in itself but it's too old to think about starting to date, most people start dating as teenagers. I also only have a few years left where I could have a child and that's if I somehow 1) Got over my fears and 2) Somehow managed to find a husband in that short time. Lots of people end up alone and childless, I'm just hoping that someday I'll stop wanting what I can't have :/

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Lana got 3 new faces, and 2 outfit changes. If her KOTFE and KoTeT outfits are different... I can't see them. I'm always suspicious of any bioware female companion that's name starts with an L and ends with an A. Always forced on me... first Liara... then Leliana... now Lana. At least name them something else...


I don't have much a choice with doctors. I have to do follow ups every 3-6 months for eternity... because I've had Type 1 Diabetes for 20 years. Just comes with the territory. Poked, prodded, stabbed... lab tests... immunizations so I don't get sick. There's never a break for me. I hate hospitals. And I only go because I don't want complications. I have good control over it, and I'm not gonna lose it.


And... I know your pain on drive throughs, cashiers... anything really. I don't do well in large crowds either... I have panic attacks. I was almost exactly like that not very long ago... my husband being in the Navy, and his deployments has forced me to talk with people. Drive throughs... I can manage if I know what I want. Cashiers are the bane of my existence. The ones up here seem to love talking... not sure what it is about me... but they always want to talk. I attract those kinds of people...


32 isn't old at all either. My husband just turned 32 back in october. My mom had my younger brother at 38. And I have an aunt who had a kid in her 40s. There's always time. I'm trying to break free of this anxiety... not having a lot of success, but starting small works wonders. <3

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I have had my share of fun dealing with anxiety and depression, came close to hitting rock bottom and climbed back out again, so there is always hope. :o You can't change your personality, but you can learn to work with it.


So, something SWTOR related...I've always believed that Malavai Quinn is a closet anxiety sufferer and that he probably deals with panic attacks. I mean, living along side the Sith and being subject to their whims...who wouldn't? And he's got that over analytical personality that just comes with the territory.


Now Theron...Theron could be a worrier. He's good at hiding it, knows how to tamp it down and get things done when need be, but he's got a vaguely cynical edge under all that snark and I wonder if it comes from being forced to always plan for the worst.

Edited by CloudCastle
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I'm younger then anyone that posted so far lol, (joke description of events incoming): I did manage to temporarily beat my social anxiety, go to a karaoke bar, stumbled upon some guy there, said "you'll do". He's been stuck with me for 7 years now.

I gatecrash this thread every few weeks, sorry about that, I get lonely >.> no-one to talk to in-game, I don't know anyone who has any interest in star wars stuff, and I'm shy.


And just maybe I'm still wishfully hoping to see more of Nefla's fan-art ... it was mentioned ages ago, but I still remember. :D

*insert begging puppy dog eyes here*

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Theron and Lana are a bit like Kaidan and Ashley, Theron is more kind nature, good guy, while Lana is more straight forward, pragmatic, and a realist. She's not afraid to speak her mind. I'm surprised people ship Theron and Lana together though since Theron dislikes Lana since their ideology clash, Theron wants to save as many people as possible, while Lana would prefer to sacrifice innocent people to achieve her goal, hell, Lana almost got Theron killed.
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I'm younger then anyone that posted so far lol, (joke description of events incoming): I did manage to temporarily beat my social anxiety, go to a karaoke bar, stumbled upon some guy there, said "you'll do". He's been stuck with me for 7 years now.

I gatecrash this thread every few weeks, sorry about that, I get lonely >.> no-one to talk to in-game, I don't know anyone who has any interest in star wars stuff, and I'm shy.


And just maybe I'm still wishfully hoping to see more of Nefla's fan-art ... it was mentioned ages ago, but I still remember. :D

*insert begging puppy dog eyes here*

:o I didn't know anyone wanted to see my art, I am so honored T_T <3 I moved to a different state in October and my graphics tablet is still in Alaska but once I get it back I will have to drown you guys in doodles XD

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Theron and Lana are a bit like Kaidan and Ashley, Theron is more kind nature, good guy, while Lana is more straight forward, pragmatic, and a realist. She's not afraid to speak her mind. I'm surprised people ship Theron and Lana together though since Theron dislikes Lana since their ideology clash, Theron wants to save as many people as possible, while Lana would prefer to sacrifice innocent people to achieve her goal, hell, Lana almost got Theron killed.


I haven't gotten any feeling that Theron and Lana hate each other. Total respect seems to be between the both of them. They've both made their mistakes (Theron's was Ziost).


I wouldn't say Lana prefers to sacrifice innocent people to achieve her goals (and I'm not so sure Theron, the spy, is innocent :p) but rather, she's willing to sacrifice others if it's the best course of action (at least if deemed so by her).

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As for me in real life, I have extreme social anxiety, looks only a mother could love, and am already too old. I use video games like this as escapism >.<


I think it's quite common for gamers to be introverted types and to be more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression. I'm shy even on the Internet, for crying out loud. :rolleyes: I have a knack for hanging out in Internet forums for years yet still rarely getting to know anyone. My special talent, if you will. :o


I don't have much a choice with doctors. I have to do follow ups every 3-6 months for eternity... because I've had Type 1 Diabetes for 20 years. Just comes with the territory. Poked, prodded, stabbed... lab tests... immunizations so I don't get sick. There's never a break for me. I hate hospitals. And I only go because I don't want complications. I have good control over it, and I'm not gonna lose it.


And... I know your pain on drive throughs, cashiers... anything really. I don't do well in large crowds either... I have panic attacks.


I have had my share of fun dealing with anxiety and depression, came close to hitting rock bottom and climbed back out again, so there is always hope. :o You can't change your personality, but you can learn to work with it.


Thanks for sharing. I use video games and create my own fiction to escape too. Still get panic attacks in bright, crowded places (like the hospital during my follow-ups every six months for my chronic illness), and unfortunately crowded noisy places are where you're supposed to "meet someone." Where I can't hear myself talk and I quickly become exhausted from overstimulation.


That may be why I have "cared too much" about BioWare's romance plots in the past, being nitpicky and possessive of my favorites. I like Theron a lot.

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I keep hearing people calling Theron boring. Is being a good guy make you boring? It's the same accusation you get with people like Jacob and Kaidan.


Yeah I think in video games if a character is male and mentally stable/not evil a lot of people think of them as boring O_o

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You guys are the best, I hope you know that ^_^


And so are you! :)


I keep hearing people calling Theron boring. Is being a good guy make you boring? It's the same accusation you get with people like Jacob and Kaidan.


I don't like Jacob much... but I do understand why he does what he does. Some people do move on. I don't hold it against him... he's just not my type. I prefer him in that bro sort of way. I do enjoy Kaidan's romance though. I didn't find it boring at all, nor did I find Kaidan boring as a person.


I like Carth a lot, too. And I seem to be in a minority with him. He's another one of those 'good guys', and is lumped in with Kaidan a lot. Alistair from DA as well. Cullen, too. I like them all. It's Bioware's White Knight Club, or the Bioware Lonely Hearts. They're very different characters, with different motivations, different quirks. But they're all good guys.


Theron's far from boring. He has a pragmatic streak I like, and he's rather direct. With all that... he's a great guy at heart, and cares. If that makes him 'boring'... so be it. But I like his character, and enjoy him being good. Being a good guy with personality isn't boring (decent writing). But it CAN BE... a good example is Felix Iresso... who I really want to like... but I tend to forget he's there :/ And falls under my definition of 'boring'.

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