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Theran Shan?


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My warrior didn't. Maybe it's depending on how you interacted with Satele in the chapter? Or how you dealt with the beast.


If that's the case... then I don't know. I was neutral the entire time... chose both Marr and Satele to help with the weapon. Stood stoically at the beast. But I was never antagonistic at all. Sounds like it's a mix of things.

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I know my DS SI got the option to kill Satele. I honestly don't remember if my LS sage got it or not. I did not take the option on my inq. but will probably on my warrior. Have not taken any Theron LI toons through yet. Will probably get at least 1 of them through today. Looking forward to the letter, I did not read any of the spoilers about content so have something to look forward to.


I am not taking my trooper married to Jorgan through it until I find out what happens to Jorgan. So I am playing through with those not interested in Jorgan or Kaliyo first. Sent Aric as the distraction on one and Kaliyo as the distraction on the other. I didn't level a character specifically to get back with Jorgan only to have him possibly die due to a bad decision. I am pretty ambivalent about Kaliyo but may try to save her on one of my agents.

Good idea! BioWare better not Virmire us, and if they do then let us choose at that time rather than based on the vague choice in the chapter we just played.

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If that's the case... then I don't know. I was neutral the entire time... chose both Marr and Satele to help with the weapon. Stood stoically at the beast. But I was never antagonistic at all. Sounds like it's a mix of things.


Yeah it seems strange, must be a particular combination? The 4 I have done this chapter on were,

DS SI, picked DS for beast, got "Kill Satele"

Neutral IA, picked Neutral for beast, got 'Kill Satele"

LS JK, picked LS for beast, did not get option to kill Satele

LS Smuggler, LS for beast, did not get option to kill Satele


I might take my fully LS SI through tonight and pick the DS option for the beast and see whether or not she'll get the "Kill Satele" option.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Damn!!! For real? Makes me wonder what her original message DID say lol.


I wonder what that witch had to say about my Sorc too. And I wonder if Lana fixing the letter will bite us on the butt later lol. Should be fun to find out. :D

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I totally expect the letter to bite you in the butt later. I also wish they would show if Theron got a similar letter anyways and his response to it.


Also, I have not gotten to personally see it yet, but apparently on Satele's ship there is a locket with a teenage Theron on it. (same outfit). I thought this was so sweet! I think like the Annihilation book, Satele thinks more about her son than she lets us onto. Either he's really attached to his jacket or something lol. I have to wonder, was this jacket originally someone's who was important to him?


Also with the

"Theran wouldn't like that.." Did the response

"We did not spare you to save Theron's feelings."

Seem kinda, well not just ouch but a letdown? I would have liked to see a follow up comment or something.

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Also with the

"Theran wouldn't like that.." Did the response

"We did not spare you to save Theron's feelings."

Seem kinda, well not just ouch but a letdown? I would have liked to see a follow up comment or something.


Not a direct follow up however, if you later on have the nerve to



"Kill Satele" she'll go "Poor Theron" which is just, conceited as all hell lol.



Satele changed quite a bit over these past 5 years though, some moments didn't feel like the Grand Master my JK has always known.

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anyways this is what I posted on the other page



So I've been pretty happy with the story so far. I especially love that you guys brought Lana and Theron back into the fold (considering our topic on him is still going, and I don't doubt due to some of the things we've seen, that you guys read it) etc.


As a player, I would personally like to see more interactions. I've loved all the small things you've thrown in, like Theron having a LI (love interest) letter and it being amazing, with little things like Satele's locket this chapter. Small things that actually really mean a lot.


While they're nice, they're still a bit confusing.


I'd really like to get to see more interactions between characters, especially LIs.


I would expect old crew members to be responding at least a bit to each other (Lokin, Kaliyo, SCORPIO). I personally love Lokin and would like to get to interact a bit more with him. Also used to call Kaliyo out all the time but nothing from him. The one other thing with Lokin is (I don't know your story plans so it could be related to that) but

When we first learn that Lokin is dying, what is there absolutely no mention of Vector? These two had a guy bromance going on. They're both intelligent, cultured, caring etc. Personality wise Vector is a caregiver when needed, a lot of people stated that they were under the belief if Vector knew Lokin was ill, he would have been brining him all kinds of things. Food, books, just show up for company etc.

Yet we hear, absolutely nothing..


Kaliyo and Aric just were reunited if they were LIs to players. I think there are a few small suggestive comments but other than that, you don't see them spending time with your character. I would think at least Aric wouldn't be letting you out of his sight for awhile, and even if he did, it would be cute to see small scenes of them having time to catch up. I did love the line

We'll need to get some sleep.....eventually.



Kaliyo I've never romanced so I've got no feedback there.


Lana/Koth/Senya/Theron- we've had very few interactions to anyone who's been in a relationship. Lana has had the most, flirts, kisses and finally lock in. I think Senya had a few flirts. Theron had lock in and one flirt. Have not romanced koth so no feedback on him.


I'd really like to see more interactions with them. You get the one flirt with Theron


"I need your help with something." "You just want to get me alone." "Guilty...but business before pleasure.


While the line was incredibly cute, I can't help but feel we're missing out on a lot. Does he try to get you alone often or something? What does he do if so? Is this a game they play together? I feel like part of the joke is missing because we never experience it. With Aric, when people reunite with them and break up with Lana/Theron/Koth

you have these wonderful and emotional scenes, just for that. I also like that its the first time you see them in the commanders 'chambers'.

These are great, but I would like to see more of it on a normal level. Apparently our relationships are moving forward, but we're not getting any idea of how or what's going on.


Its also confusing because where did these emotions suddenly come from? Lana I can get, you do a lot of running around with her in the beginning. But Koth and Theron? You don't get to interact much with either of them. I mean get on a ship and go places, but we don't see any real relationship stuff. I loved the Revan expansion because your relationship actually expanded, you could watch it grow. You could be mad at each other, you could sympathies and comfort the other. Heck you could threaten to burn Revan's stronghold down (that was awesome btw LOL). While the ending still felt a bit sudden and more of like a fling, it was still nice. But we actually saw development. Id love to see more of that here.


Theron is such a well developed character via Annihilation etc. Plus YOU GUYS HAVE THE AUTHOR OF IT FOR THIS. Plus Troy Baker is freaking amazing. You can do so much more with this ch. Just the little bits we've gotten have been so perfect, but so short. Commentary when flying to star fortresses, when you give gifts, letters, etc. you have this epic ch with all these means, please use them more.


The same with Lana and I guess Koth lol. I'm not the biggest fan of Koth, he's okay. I really was not fond of Lana at all until Kotfe. I don't know why but I couldn't get into her. You learn so much more about Lana and she becomes really likable. Also things like Senya etc. I love having deep talks with Senya. You have such great stuff here, you just need to use it more.


Lana I could see something like when she first gets you, you can flirt while running around doing other things.

Theron is very much like Senya, where when he is on a job, that's where his focus is. No one unless they knew you personally would have any idea you're in a relationship with him. Except for maybe an occasional smile, look or touch.

Koth I've got nothing on, as said. sorry.


Ideas maybe that could be cute or fun:


Lana: Go annoy her while she's working, only to make her laugh and get a cute moment or kiss.

Theron: story time in the cantina.

Koth: interact while he's doing mechanical stuff, maybe even help


Id be awesome to do scenes like dinner or before bed type stuff. I don't think you'd be allowed to but even a scene of just cuddling on the bed talking would probably make a lot of people happy. (all LI's not just these 3)

I could totally see Theron trying to steal you on a date and planning to make dinner...

"So how did making dinner go?"

"Well...not what I'm used to for a kitchen. The good news is the base didn't burn down."


"Totally kidding, everything went fine." (it actually did)



So because I'm rambling, I'm loving the story, but I really would like to see a lot more interactions with characters. You're dating someone, we get hints and some cute letters but we don't see them actually learning about each other, challenging and consoling each other like in Revan. I'd be great for if Theron does get a letter

from Satele even if you did not attack her

it would be nice to see him dealing with it. How does he feel, does it make him sad? Can you console him or be mean? ALSO

Have the ability to tell him that you found a locked in Sateles ship with a teenage him on it. That may just make his brain somewhat implode.

I would LOVE to see and interact with a response like this. Also, where the ell is Malcom? Dads totally disappeared!

I would also find it interesting for Satele to comment on your relationship



Can we talk to Lokin about where the heck is Vector? Or just have normal IA chats with him? Could Niko actually smuggle us somewhere or talk to us more (he was awesome during the original trailer)? Could we bother or not bother Lana about finding where Quinn is? Or Killik hives looking to reach out to find vector (Even if he wont come till next season, boo). Will Pierce and Vette interact? What about Gault and Blizz? I'd love to see more Blizz too (he's hilarious). Also all of this history with Quyzen and he's not talked to you since you got on the base? It's just weird.


I'm keeping fingers crossed for the Mando reunion. Torian is one of my absolute favorite romances because of how down to earth and mature he is. But people who are characters spouses, I'd think would have a much bigger reaction to seeing you. (Aric's was cute but I felt needed more scenes). If I had a spouse and thought they were dead for 5 years only to have them show up again, I wouldn't let them out of vision range, let alone let go of them probably for hours. Even little things, like gearing up with Torian, kissing you and then him giving you the mando helmet kiss as he walks off. I could also kinda see him holding you and re-saying the wedding vows to you because he thought you were dead (not that I think he went looking for comfort elsewhere).


I've loved the story so far, I really do. I just think there could also be a lot more to make it better. If you all could add things like this, as a player, it would make me really, really happy. My only other request is please deal with facial expressions, most of them look beyond creepy...


thank you!

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Question: Anyone here played a Dark side toon (on either side) and still romanced Theron ? if yes , how do you connect the 2 together ? like for exemple on Ziost.....he ask you not to kill the jeeday , do you listen or do it anyway ??
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Question: Anyone here played a Dark side toon (on either side) and still romanced Theron ? if yes , how do you connect the 2 together ? like for exemple on Ziost.....he ask you not to kill the jeeday , do you listen or do it anyway ??


Yes, my DS Sith Warrior has him romanced. On Ziost I honored his request but NOT for his sake. I honored it because at this point we know each death empowers Vitiate and that's the last thing my SW wants so she stuns them instead. And despite being DS, that's how my SW has always been. Pragmatic. She'll kill but not simply for lols and "because I can". Theron's not always on board with it but he doesn't rage at her over everything either. :p

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Yes, my DS Sith Warrior has him romanced. On Ziost I honored his request but NOT for his sake. I honored it because at this point we know each death empowers Vitiate and that's the last thing my SW wants so she stuns them instead. And despite being DS, that's how my SW has always been. Pragmatic. She'll kill but not simply for lols and "because I can". Theron's not always on board with it but he doesn't rage at her over everything either. :p


Hum.,,,my wrath is stuck for Lana and is LS .


I'm trying to figure out a 'connection' between romancing someone who is goodie like Theron and yet being able to be DS....

does he say anything if you are ds btw ??



I was hoping he say something to an agent who went with SIS and nothing :(


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Hum.,,,my wrath is stuck for Lana and is LS .


I'm trying to figure out a 'connection' between romancing someone who is goodie like Theron and yet being able to be DS....

does he say anything if you are ds btw ??



I was hoping he say something to an agent who went with SIS and nothing :(


I haven't really noticed him say anything specific applying to just a DS character. Either I'm oblivious or alignment has no effect on his dialogues.

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Question: Anyone here played a Dark side toon (on either side) and still romanced Theron ? if yes , how do you connect the 2 together ? like for exemple on Ziost.....he ask you not to kill the jeeday , do you listen or do it anyway ??



Yes, he was angry when I sent the Jedi with Lana but he and my dark side JK are still together...and I didnt pick the DS option at the end of the last chapter...I couldnt :/

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Yes, he was angry when I sent the Jedi with Lana but he and my dark side JK are still together...and I didnt pick the DS option at the end of the last chapter...I couldnt :/


How is DS Jk?


Tsk , poor theron..and poor..what was her name Jedi lol

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I picked the DS option involving Satele. I do wonder if there will be blowback, but I'm sure things can be patched-up with Theron, since it isn't like he converse all the time with her by coms or holo. I have hopes and dreams of corrupting him and taking him to Mother on Belsavis to see if she can fix my "broken" boyfriend's lack of Force sensitivity.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I agree with everyone in that I'm hoping but am not really expecting anything :p Even if we don't get anything I still have the Vette reunion to look forward to.


I have a female warrior, so I won't know about the Male SW/Vette reunion (that's what youtube's for), but I REALLY hope she'll glomp us if we were nice to her and were her bff.


As to LIs, I REALLY hope Theron will be all *wiggle wiggle eyebrow wink* with his two boyfriends. It would be nice.


Still twiddling my thumbs waiting for another male LI to come back. I got girls waiting for their husbands.

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I have a female warrior, so I won't know about the Male SW/Vette reunion (that's what youtube's for), but I REALLY hope she'll glomp us if we were nice to her and were her bff.


As to LIs, I REALLY hope Theron will be all *wiggle wiggle eyebrow wink* with his two boyfriends. It would be nice.


Still twiddling my thumbs waiting for another male LI to come back. I got girls waiting for their husbands.


Well, considering we saw Shae Vizla in the last trailer, I think we'll be seeing our favorite Mando pretty soon. :D

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Mandos are coming back in the chapter after this upcoming one (YEA TORIAN!!!! *doeshappydance*)


Uh hoping to not get in trouble for this but the pm system sucks and I don't want to send like 30 different pms I cant even reply to...



looks like were getting one flirt, but don't know which chapter of the next upcoming 2. Theron says something along the lines of "I don't know if it would mean anything or not but would you promise me you'll be careful? one of the cute responses is "I could be persuaded". Then later he reminds you of your promise as your off to do your thing



Its cute in the long term thing, where theron's thing has always been 'be safe, or be careful' is like his codeword for love you. At the same time, I REALLY want to see so much more development on this relationship. It feels like we have to guess at *** is going on and I hate it. We know they're together but how are they progressing their relationship, what are they doing? It feels like when we have these cute quips were being cheated of major stuff.

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