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Theran Shan?


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You know even if they can't add a ton of romance scenes I think it'd be nice if your romance sent you more letters. That seems like a cheap, easy way to keep it acknowledged.


That would be cool. They had something vaguely similar like that for Mass Effect 3, there was an app for iOS or something... think it was called Mass Effect datapad. You were able to receive messages from companions within the app. Some of them were romance oriented. It was pretty neat.


I'm getting kind of miffed about the lack of romance content he's gotten compared to Lana. But at least she's in a drought, too :( At least Theron got a singular flirt in Disavowed. Just want a hug or something! Jeez.

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You know even if they can't add a ton of romance scenes I think it'd be nice if your romance sent you more letters. That seems like a cheap, easy way to keep it acknowledged.


I like this idea. I liked how at the end of Chapter 10 and 11 we got some messages about what was going on in Zakuul or at our base after we had finished the chapter, it would be nice if we could get one every now and then from a LI as well.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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So this is where all Theron fan hang out ? :p


I've got a few questions for you if you can indulge me .


1)Wich class fit really for a theron romance ? I was thinking trying an Agent (SIS) ..and my choice are limited cose I'm a fan of Lana romance . But for you , wich fit best ? And exuse my ignorance but does he say anything special to a jedi for exemple ? cose I always though he maybe resentful for lacking the force or something .


2)I read on the Wookie that it is different for Imp and Repb (smoochie wise) , and I got an email from him so far . Do you get it if you are on Imp side too ?


Thank you in Advance :D

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So this is where all Theron fan hang out ? :p


I've got a few questions for you if you can indulge me .


1)Wich class fit really for a theron romance ? I was thinking trying an Agent (SIS) ..and my choice are limited cose I'm a fan of Lana romance . But for you , wich fit best ? And exuse my ignorance but does he say anything special to a jedi for exemple ? cose I always though he maybe resentful for lacking the force or something .


2)I read on the Wookie that it is different for Imp and Repb (smoochie wise) , and I got an email from him so far . Do you get it if you are on Imp side too ?


Thank you in Advance :D


I've had my male agent romancing Theron, and I have to say its a lot of fun. Love the smirk on my agent's face during their conversations.:D



When you first meet him during FA he already knows who you are from working in the SIS and mentions it during the conversation. As you continue through SOR it comes up a time or two and the fact that you're both non-Force users is a plus in his eyes it seems. What I also loved was his responses to an offer to defect to the Empire and joining Imperial Intelligence. Part of the reason my agent is fast becoming my favorite character Imp side is the Theron/Agent romance dynamic.


Edited by h_weber
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I've had my male agent romancing Theron, and I have to say its a lot of fun. Love the smirk on my agent's face during their conversations.:D



When you first meet him during FA he already knows who you are from working in the SIS and mentions it during the conversation. As you continue through SOR it comes up a time or two and the fact that you're both non-Force users is a plus in his eyes it seems. What I also loved was his responses to an offer to defect to the Empire and joining Imperial Intelligence. Part of the reason my agent is fast becoming my favorite character Imp side is the Theron/Agent romance dynamic.


Ohhhh nice !! Now defintly gonna stick with my agent ! Thank you very much !

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Which class is best fit to romance Theron..? All of them >.>


My Sith Inquisitor would have gone with him to the republic and left everything behind at the end of SoR if he'd asked :(


I think the republic trooper is the only one his dad would approve of :p

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So this is where all Theron fan hang out ? :p


I've got a few questions for you if you can indulge me .


1)Wich class fit really for a theron romance ? I was thinking trying an Agent (SIS) ..and my choice are limited cose I'm a fan of Lana romance . But for you , wich fit best ? And exuse my ignorance but does he say anything special to a jedi for exemple ? cose I always though he maybe resentful for lacking the force or something .


2)I read on the Wookie that it is different for Imp and Repb (smoochie wise) , and I got an email from him so far . Do you get it if you are on Imp side too ?


Thank you in Advance :D


So far I've had my Jedi Guardian "Padryk" and Smuggler Scoundrel "Casro" romance him (both males). Padryk's romance was pretty much for shock value - he reached Light Side 5 and followed the Jedi Code to the letter...so I played him as totally surprised he had feelings towards Theron. Casro, on the other hand, was smitten with him from the get-go. I had played him as a "nothing-to-hold-me-down-the-galaxy-is-mine" kind of guy. Now he's thinking "Once this 'Outsider' stuff is done maybe it's time to settle down". Let's hope Theron feels the same way! :D

Edited by TarotMage
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So this is where all Theron fan hang out ? :p


I've got a few questions for you if you can indulge me .


1)Wich class fit really for a theron romance ? I was thinking trying an Agent (SIS) ..and my choice are limited cose I'm a fan of Lana romance . But for you , wich fit best ? And exuse my ignorance but does he say anything special to a jedi for exemple ? cose I always though he maybe resentful for lacking the force or something .


2)I read on the Wookie that it is different for Imp and Repb (smoochie wise) , and I got an email from him so far . Do you get it if you are on Imp side too ?


Thank you in Advance :D


I've leveled all the classes... as most people have... and I've romanced Theron on most of them. Felt like he had the most chemistry with an agent, jedi knight, smuggler, and... funnily enough... the consular :p I tried with both my sith marauder, assassin/sorcerer, and bounty hunter... didn't feel right. I might have them go for Lana instead, or stay with original romances.


There was no resentment at all from what I saw. He does have specific class dialogue in SoR, from what I remember. He also goes with the flow, which is what he does anyway :p Sometimes things blow up, and he falls on his face. But that's part of his charm!


And yes... you do get the letter on Imp side. I've had a few mental BSOD on my agents getting letters from Theron AND Vector. So I'm leveling two separate ones... Vector is the only romance in the game that makes me feel like a jerk for cheating.


I apologize for the rambling... I didn't sleep much last night, and my husband is coming home from a 2 week detachment (he's in the Navy). So I'm super excited... but also rambling really bad :p

Edited by GabbyMe
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So this is where all Theron fan hang out ? :p


I've got a few questions for you if you can indulge me .


1)Wich class fit really for a theron romance ? I was thinking trying an Agent (SIS) ..and my choice are limited cose I'm a fan of Lana romance . But for you , wich fit best ? And exuse my ignorance but does he say anything special to a jedi for exemple ? cose I always though he maybe resentful for lacking the force or something .


2)I read on the Wookie that it is different for Imp and Repb (smoochie wise) , and I got an email from him so far . Do you get it if you are on Imp side too ?


Thank you in Advance :D


A few others have shared so I thought I'd share my thoughts as well.


1. I have romanced Theron on a few different classes, JC, JK, SI, Smuggler and out of those particular four I really enjoyed the SI the best so much so he's my new imp main. My SI did not romance Ashara and Lana wasn't a good fit so he romanced Theron. Now why I personally like this so much is because of some of unique dialogue Theron has (as others have mentioned to he has some unique dialogue for a lot oft he different classes). Some of the unique dialogue I found in regard to being an Imp/SI is below in spoilers,



At first he seems a little embarrassed to like you when you're a imp which is cute. When you kiss him for the first time he says that he though if he kissed a Sith Lord he'd implode! He is concerned about Lana and wants you to keep any eye out for her. He mentions about not having to force and as an SI you can tell him not to worry as you have enough for the both of them, you'll look after him was the vibe I got here. After the truce at Yavin four he mentions that he's probably not going to see you ever again when everyone leaves, his VA was excellent in this scene.



I think I may give his romance a try on a IA soon as that sounds to be pretty good to from others have said.


2. As other have said you get the message from him whether you're imp or pub at the start of KOTFE.


Don't be afraid to try it out on a few classes if you have the time to check out some of the unique dialogue. :i_angel:

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I apologize for the rambling... I didn't sleep much last night, and my husband is coming home from a 2 week detachment (he's in the Navy). So I'm super excited... but also rambling really bad :p


Congrats on having him home -- and please thank him for us for his service! :)

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Just let me get this out of my chest : YOU GUYS CHEATING SO BAD ! THE CODE OF THE JEEDAY! **MAssive facepalm* :D


yeah I cant romance him on a Sith Inquisitor . All my Sith Inquisitor are your Valkorian copy completely Psycho and love to kill .


My wrath is stuck forever with lana , I just find them so good together .


I'm leaving my JC for Senya . (I just can tell it be Samara all over and I shall love it :o)


Trooper get Aric , BH is drooling over the never getting Mako...:( and my smuggler going Bi (hate corso ) but she want Akaavi that she cant have...so instead she flirted with that girl on Makeb and finally settled for Lana .


So that leave my LS Agent....cose my DS Agent is going dateless lol


And no..I cant make my JK romance Theron..for reasons..........................they are related ...shhhh lol

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Wouldn't we all?



My Jedi Consular has been hooking up with Theron since SoR and I do believe he once or twice throws in a small comment about the code and my Jedi's approach to it, just something tiny but it's nice that it comes up.


I loved my SI hooking up with him too and some of the reactions to an Imp flirt in general like on Manaan when Deefour pokes fun at him after a comment my Imps made and he's all like "pfft whatever you guys" and seeming a little flustered. It's a lot of fun.


And an IA hooking up with him, especially one who continued working with Kothe in secret, I just love the whole idea behind that. It makes quite a good story.

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Looks like based on previews for tomorrows chapter it's mainly going to be about us/Valkorion/Marr/Satele so most likely not to much interaction with Lana/Koth/Theron. That means for people who romanced Koth/Lana really haven't had any LI interactions at all since Chapter 9 from last year :eek: Hopefully though maybe I'll be wrong as it would be a good opportunity for LI's to express concern? Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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And an IA hooking up with him, especially one who continued working with Kothe in secret, I just love the whole idea behind that. It makes quite a good story.

I wish we could tell Theron (and also Lana because trolololo!) that we'd been a double agent for the Republic XD

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I love his new letter, a lovely end to the chapter. <3


It was!!


Initially, despite the epic chapter, I was a little disappointed at the lack of LI interaction but then that letter came and yay!



I also liked telling Satele that Theron wouldn't be happy if she'd let me die which may be something everything would say whether they date him or not but I still enjoyed it. I'd expected him to comment on me hanging out with his mom but he didn't, other than being intrigued. May depend on dialogue selection though.


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So no flirts? :(

I really want to see more interactions XD you're obviously in a relationship but its not really showing you doing much of anything....


also someone please post the letter!!!!

Yeah, no flirts or concerned/romanced-specific dialogue or anything to indicate you're in a romance at all :( you do get that letter after you beat the chapter so that's a plus but I really wish there had been some interaction or dialogue or something.

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Yeah, no flirts or concerned/romanced-specific dialogue or anything to indicate you're in a romance at all :( you do get that letter after you beat the chapter so that's a plus but I really wish there had been some interaction or dialogue or something.


During the chapter gameplay there's a mention to someone (not saying who for spoiler reasons) that Theron would "not approve" if said someone did a specific something to the Outlander.


Wow, was that vague or what? :D

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