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Theran Shan?


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That's good. I'm only seeing things then. After watching something so many times... you begin to see weird nuances in the smallest thing. I also have a bad habit of overthinking things as well.


It wouldn't be the first time... I once watched a scene in Dragon Age: Inquisition... the one from Adamant in the Fade. Lady Insanity posted some video about how the spirit touches the inquisitor's shoulder, and it looks like they're in pain. She seemed to think the spirit was possessing the inq. While Hawke and the warden are all... 'THAT'S A BIG SPIDER!' Must have watched that same scene a hundred times... only to come up with 'Oh, yeah... I see it... I guess.'


It doesn't look like HE drops it at all. It just kinda floats down. So unless Theron has some latent talent we don't know about... I'm definitely seeing things and interpreting something that isn't there lol

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The impression I got (dunno if it's it the case) is that the Emperor moved the field projector thinking or knowing it would separate Theron and the PC.


The shield would only protect against blaster fire/lightsaber blades - Vitiate just grabs Theron through it and tosses him aside.

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I totally interpreted this scene differently from everyone. I saw the scene as Theron activating the shield and running, leaving you inside of it to keep you safe. The way he kind of looks back at the pc he just has this emotional facial expression. It's like hes trying to help Lana weaken the emperor before he gets to you and it just goes horribly wrong.

You have to wonder sometimes how the poor man doesn't have brain damage from how much he gets hit in the head.


I was thinking also, he HAS to be working with Lana in Kotfe. They're like a package deal. I was writing a head cannon and realized if your character was in a relationship with him, if he came to rescue you, he could have emotionally compromised the situation. (Aka going ahead to check things out, ends up releasing you and dropping the eternal empire on top of both of you). Lana could easily call him out on it too. Its like the scene when you start Rishi if you flirt with him, she pretty much interrupts both of you like you're 5 year old children ( "Can we FOCUS, PLEASE!" ). It would make sense for him to stay behind in case they needed any major slicing to happen to get them out.


I really hope they give you different conversations based on relationship status. I'd love to actually see characters get emotionally deep in scenes.

Edited by Cindlehr
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I totally interpreted this scene differently from everyone. I saw the scene as Theron activating the shield and running, leaving you inside of it to keep you safe. The way he kind of looks back at the pc he just has this emotional facial expression. It's like hes trying to help Lana weaken the emperor before he gets to you and it just goes horribly wrong.


That's what it looked like to me on my last play-through too.

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That's what it looked like to me on my last play-through too.

That's what I always assumed it was as well, I never considered that it could be anything except Theron trying to be all noble and sacrifice himself to protect you until I read the replies here.

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That's what I always assumed it was as well, I never considered that it could be anything except Theron trying to be all noble and sacrifice himself to protect you until I read the replies here.


Same. Never even occurred to me that it wouldn't be that.


He's already feeling so guilty about getting all the Sixth Line he sent to Ziost possessed/killed/etc, and he's exactly the type of person who'd throw himself on the sacrificial sword so to try and prevent something from happening to you too.

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He never hesitates or says a word, he just keeps looking back at you T_T




He does this regardless of whether or not you've been flirting with him or not. (The looking back at you thing.)


But, I have to say, though, having taken a Theronmancer to the end now (finally!)... It takes on a slightly different shade. His actions are identical, but the romance gives it another level.


I'm pretty sure we're supposed to assume he threw the shield down behind him because he was about to do something... which he doesn't get to do because the Emperor grabs him.

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I just watched it, it looks like he somehow set the shield on a timer, there is no indication of him turning it on. though it still could have been planned. This is also where I wish they spent a bit more time animating the facial expressions, he just looks back at you and then again while being choked, but its hard to tell an expression. I don't know if its either 'I'm sorry' 'you've got this' 'kill the #@)#@$)#$' or what.
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I thought he threw down the shield himself... UNTIL I realized the scene plays out the same on an unromanced character. That's why I was questioning it. But I think I'm just gonna go on believing that he does, regardless. I think it's supposed to be a situational thing... based on the player's perception.


But I like my headcanon, and it... just fits the scene. The feel of the situation. I can imagine Theron doing that.

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I thought he threw down the shield himself... UNTIL I realized the scene plays out the same on an unromanced character. That's why I was questioning it. But I think I'm just gonna go on believing that he does, regardless. I think it's supposed to be a situational thing... based on the player's perception.


But I like my headcanon, and it... just fits the scene. The feel of the situation. I can imagine Theron doing that.


Even if you don't romance him, he considers you a friend/ally, and likely one of the few he can turn to.

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I really really like all of the "Theron throws down" theories you guys are discussing. Not only is it awesome to read but it's making me reconsider my initial interpretation of the little event.


At first, I too, thought he threw it down to protect us as his ally. Of course, if you're romanced with him it takes on a whole different meaning. I suppose the more I played through the scene, the more I analyzed it and though, "oh I didn't actually SEE him throw it, so it must have been Vitiate."


So, TL:DR....I love the current discussion and it's making me question what I thought I knew.

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Vitiate is so sure of his own power and success that I simply can't see him bothering with any attempt at separating us from Theron. As far as he's concerned we're flies to be swatted, he wouldn't ever feel the need to divide and conquer. That would be a mere waste of effort to him.
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I thought he threw down the shield himself... UNTIL I realized the scene plays out the same on an unromanced character. That's why I was questioning it. But I think I'm just gonna go on believing that he does, regardless. I think it's supposed to be a situational thing... based on the player's perception.


But I like my headcanon, and it... just fits the scene. The feel of the situation. I can imagine Theron doing that.


I think that, regardless of the romance situation, Theron probably thinks the PC is the most important out of the three of them (Theron, Lana, PC), and did what he did to protect the PC.


But I don't know... Just how antagonistic can the relationship with Theron get? I haven't really set out to antagonise either of them deliberately, so... *shrugs*

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Vitiate is so sure of his own power and success that I simply can't see him bothering with any attempt at separating us from Theron. As far as he's concerned we're flies to be swatted, he wouldn't ever feel the need to divide and conquer. That would be a mere waste of effort to him.


He may be sure of it, but I don't know if he's 100% sure of it. I believe he thinks the PC can be the only threat, but the more on their side the more odds for the PC. Taking out the PC one on one, would just solidify it his victory.

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I think that, regardless of the romance situation, Theron probably thinks the PC is the most important out of the three of them (Theron, Lana, PC), and did what he did to protect the PC.


But I don't know... Just how antagonistic can the relationship with Theron get? I haven't really set out to antagonise either of them deliberately, so... *shrugs*


It can get pretty antagonistic. But he throws down the shield, regardless. More of a 'I have to work with this person, I don't like them. But they get crap done.' Most noticeable at the very end, after Ziost.


Not that I've done it. But fluffyninjallama has videos on their youtube channel :p it made me cringe. Even more if you were romancing him.

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But I don't know... Just how antagonistic can the relationship with Theron get? I haven't really set out to antagonise either of them deliberately, so... *shrugs*

Pretty much antagonistic...you can criticize everything he does and as much as I would never do those nasty things irl my agent had a blast overshadowing him on every turn :p


In the end though they parted almost as friends and I imagine my agent misses him regardless - like you miss your younger brother ;)

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I think Theron dropped the shield, its the only real makes sense. I don't think the emperor could have cared less with how easily he knocked out both Lana and Theron. Now he also interesting could have killed them to really piss you off, but he diddnt (thankfully). He just wanted to fight you.


lol omg my dark side inquisitor is so freaking mean to him. I have her romancing Lana and due to being flat out evil she just is rude to Theron. Their last interaction before Ziost was her telling him good riddance and he responds with 'Why did I even think you could be civil?!" or something along that line, making the really funny frown face and stomping off.


The emotions crack me up. Whenever they animate characters frowning they look like grumpy kitty, and most of the smiles look terrifying lol.

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Just how antagonistic can the relationship with Theron get? I haven't really set out to antagonise either of them deliberately, so... *shrugs*


Lucky for you I have a character where I do just that :p


You can be so mean to Lana and Theron regardless of faction, but personally I think doing it while the same faction is even worse. Since as opposing faction they can boil it down to, "Well of course they wouldn't like me." Basically you question his every decision, openly call him out when he messes up, insult him quite a surprising amount of the time, and after Ziost you can say that you'd fire him were you in charge. For Lana it's pretty much the same, and you can tell her to step down as head of Intelligence. Though I suspect we'll find out soon whether she actually does or not.

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ugh, you made me curious and i watched some of the mean dialogue vids........ and now i feel so terrible. I just can't be mean, like ever. Not even in games. I think i'm gonna drown myself in theron kisses now.


btw my first interpretation of the shield generator scene was that it activated itself by accident. doesn't make much sense probably, and it seems too mundane a thing to do for Vivi so i'm gonna roll with Theron did it and it didn't help, surprise! But I appreciate the thought, my walking disaster.


edit: so my auto correct makes vitiate vivi. i kinda like it, maybe i'll keep calling him that.

Edited by Lichtfaengerin
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ugh, you made me curious and i watched some of the mean dialogue vids........ and now i feel so terrible. I just can't be mean, like ever. Not even in games. I think i'm gonna drown myself in theron kisses now.


btw my first interpretation of the shield generator scene was that it activated itself by accident. doesn't make much sense probably, and it seems too mundane a thing to do for Vivi so i'm gonna roll with Theron did it and it didn't help, surprise! But I appreciate the thought, my walking disaster.


edit: so my auto correct makes vitiate vivi. i kinda like it, maybe i'll keep calling him that.


I have no problems being shockingly cruel to people who deserve it, especially in video games. Neither Lana or Theron do, though. I mean, my Shadow wasn't happy with what Lana pulled on Rishi, and there may have been a verbal slap upside the head, but forgave her nonetheless.


If you call Vitiate "Vivi," he's going to start thinking he's a black mage instead of the Emperor :p

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I regretted so much for not recording my Assassin/Theron Shan-romance I corrected my ways and did it with my Bounty Hunter. And btw, being a Mandalorian was awesome, this guy threatens to be my main. Anyways:


Theron Shan/Male-Bounty Hunter-romance


I just had to have my heart broken AGAIN. And Mar'low is a hoe, he flirted even with Kai Zykken. But did I laugh when a Sith Lord-female tried to flirt with him and he answered. "hands off the merchandise" (dunno if other classes get this option too but it was so fitting).

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