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Theran Shan?


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But did we really expect anything else?


Logically, it's a fairly good bet he'll be back in some form or another. He just may not be a companion who comes with us (which is pretty much what they've said about others, not all of them will come back as companions, but all will be back in one form or another).

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But did we really expect anything else?


Logically, it's a fairly good bet he'll be back in some form or another. He just may not be a companion who comes with us (which is pretty much what they've said about others, not all of them will come back as companions, but all will be back in one form or another).


Honestly? Nope, I didn't expect it at all. In fact, I was expecting exactly what we got constant mentions of Lana and revealing her new face.


I have now resigned myself to not having Theron in KotFE. It kind of hurts, a very bitter pill to swallow, but yeah.



(This is not bitterness before anyone even mentions it)

Edited by Amadahy
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Honestly? Nope, I didn't expect it at all. In fact, I was expecting exactly what we got constant mentions of Lana and revealing her new face.


I have no resigned myself to not having Theron in KotFE. It kind of hurts, a very bitter pill to swallow, but yeah.



(This is not bitterness before anyone even mentions it)


I know how you feel. :( I'm kind of feeling the same way about Lana.


It kicks me in the gut that Lana was confirmed as Dark Side. She may as well not be coming back as far as I'm concerned, at least for my ladies. (Sure, Lana's everywhere... but it's like the unavailability of Cassandra in DAI or Ashley in ME3 - look but don't touch!).


(Wow, I didn't realise that hurt so much...)

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I'm eternally optimistic, and even feeling disgruntled about it. Seriously. All I need is a yes or no for companion and continued romance. I apologize... I've been drinking a bit, and I'm not feeling well on top of it.


I've invested a lot of time in multiple characters. Some with romances... others that remain single, and end up with Theron after SoR. I imagine I'm not the only one. They can reveal information without it being a spoiler. If the Dragon Age Inquisition devs can do it, I imagine Bioware Austin can, too.


Like a companion card... I remember for da:i... when Sera's revealed. The wildcard! They can do one for Theron. The bad luck magnet! Or whatever. I'm not feeling particularly creative.

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If the Dragon Age Inquisition devs can do it, I imagine Bioware Austin can, too.


Like a companion card... I remember for da:i... when Sera's revealed. The wildcard! They can do one for Theron. The bad luck magnet! Or whatever. I'm not feeling particularly creative.


This is my biggest issue with KotFE. DA:I did a great job of letting us know who without giving away spoilers. *Cough*Egghead*Cough* So why can't Bioware Austin do this. Unless they are concerned about doing this and losing subs.

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Honestly? Nope, I didn't expect it at all. In fact, I was expecting exactly what we got constant mentions of Lana and revealing her new face.


I have now resigned myself to not having Theron in KotFE. It kind of hurts, a very bitter pill to swallow, but yeah.


(This is not bitterness before anyone even mentions it)


Don't do this to me. I need you in here. :'( Seems we have to stuck with that Twitter clone of Theron. :'(


Is it really so hard for them to say: "Ladies, we can't say more yet, but yes… Theron will be back for you in KotFE" or "We're sorry, but Theron has forgot all of you and is busy elsewhere." At least we would know it and could start celebrate or mourning.


I'm really disappointed. :mad:

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Don't do this to me. I need you in here. :'( Seems we have to stuck with that Twitter clone of Theron. :'(


Is it really so hard for them to say: "Ladies, we can't say more yet, but yes… Theron will be back for you in KotFE" or "We're sorry, but Theron has forgot all of you and is busy elsewhere." At least we would know it and could start celebrate or mourning.


I'm really disappointed. :mad:


Aw, no worries I'm not leaving, promise! I'll take Twitter Theron over no Theron, plus he's hilarious. Everytime I think I know who it is he does, or says, something to make me doubt.


You raise a very, very good point my friend. One that I have been questioning for months now, WHY can't they simply say yes or no. All without revealing anything about the story he is involved in, or when he comes into the story. Although, I have my own little theory based on the last two minutes of the live stream.





The Jedi says, someone has to make it back to the Republic. Which tells me, someone (possibly Theron since he IS supposed to contact us about what is next) was contacted by Marr, to relay the message to us about Zakuul Empire and to join him there. When the bantha poo hits the fan, and our crews leave without us (if that ends up being the choice) there we go.


Now as for what happens to Theron while we are frozen, no clue. He may be dead *SOBS* he may be alive and helping the resistence somewhere.



The only thing that is keeping me hopeful is the fact, that Theron himself, told us that he WOULD contact us in the future. Since the devs have already said, no more content until 4.0, he IS in KotFE in some way. Keep that in mind ladies and gents, it's something for us to hold on to while the salt in our wound heals.

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Aw, no worries I'm not leaving, promise! I'll take Twitter Theron over no Theron, plus he's hilarious. Everytime I think I know who it is he does, or says, something to make me doubt.


You raise a very, very good point my friend. One that I have been questioning for months now, WHY can't they simply say yes or no. All without revealing anything about the story he is involved in, or when he comes into the story. Although, I have my own little theory based on the last two minutes of the live stream.





The Jedi says, someone has to make it back to the Republic. Which tells me, someone (possibly Theron since he IS supposed to contact us about what is next) was contacted by Marr, to relay the message to us about Zakuul Empire and to join him there. When the bantha poo hits the fan, and our crews leave without us (if that ends up being the choice) there we go.


Now as for what happens to Theron while we are frozen, no clue. He may be dead *SOBS* he may be alive and helping the resistence somewhere.



The only thing that is keeping me hopeful is the fact, that Theron himself, told us that he WOULD contact us in the future. Since the devs have already said, no more content until 4.0, he IS in KotFE in some way. Keep that in mind ladies and gents, it's something for us to hold on to while the salt in our wound heals.



If he's dead, I'm throwing my laptop into the ocean either to drown or to shatter against the solid ice (depending on how cold of a fall we're having). Don't do this to me BioWare! :mad:


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If he's dead, I'm throwing my laptop into the ocean either to drown or to shatter against the solid ice (depending on how cold of a fall we're having). Don't do this to me BioWare! :mad:



If he's dead, I'm marching directly to Bioware Austin with my Army of Wookies, pitchforks and a very pissed off Bowdaar. If Naeila is upset, Bowdaar is upset.


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As happy as I am to see the...familiar faces from the livestream, I am bitterly, bitterly disappointed at no Theron.


Just give us an answer, devs, please. Even a "no, he's not in it, trollolol" would be better than this not knowing.

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Sorry I'm late to the party but I just got done watching the twitch footage and...*sigh* I mean it looks awesome as a whole but no Theron :( *mopes away*


It's some pretty obvious and blatant class favoritism to show Kira/Doc/T7 like that. They should have shown someone who's class-neutral. I'm not saying it had to be Theron, but godsdamn it have someone that every player cares about and/or hates show up.

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It's some pretty obvious and blatant class favoritism to show Kira/Doc/T7 like that. They should have shown someone who's class-neutral. I'm not saying it had to be Theron, but godsdamn it have someone that every player cares about and/or hates show up.


Also this!! Although I fully expected Jedi or Sith to be used, but still. A word of advice for the next stream for everyone. Let's turn it into a drinking game, every time they say Lana's name, take a shot. You'll be feeling right in five minutes. :D


Something else, the few times I did glance at stream chat people were shouting, "WHERE IS THERON!"

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It's some pretty obvious and blatant class favoritism to show Kira/Doc/T7 like that. They should have shown someone who's class-neutral. I'm not saying it had to be Theron, but godsdamn it have someone that every player cares about and/or hates show up.


Not only that, it's been nothing but the male jedi knight :p

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I was happy to see Doc, but the rest was kinda meh.

I already have an HK droid, no idea why they had to give us a second one. It's like a duplicate with a different customization (seriously, think of it).


And then Lana... that's a companion I won't be using at all. I suffered her parts in SoR because of how boring she is... and the fact that there's so much Lana in the new expansion kinda worries me...


I would seriously exchange all the companions they showed today for just 1 Theron Shan.

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I feel like they should do one of the non-Force classes for the next trailer; for variety's sake if nothing else (I nominate female Trooper or Bounty Hunter). And having T7 show up wasn't too surprising (even if it was a bit disappointing). Though that makes me wonder if he's there just for the Knight, or if he's there for all classes. In other words, will we have our starting companion be there when we're sprung free or is it always T7? Edited by Sangiban
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They did say "ficionally, we're going to 'mess' with them all." (Not exact wording, they used an expletive instead of mess.)




well I sort of expected that. I mean your ship is attacked and everyone kidnapped essentially, youre frozen if not outright declared dead. its going to eff with the character, but yeah.... :(




I knew it was going to be a fing droid. I was expecting the ship one lol




Something else, the few times I did glance at stream chat people were shouting, "WHERE IS THERON!"


Yea! representing! :D I put it onto reddit (aryastarkbaratheon).




I would seriously exchange all the companions they showed today for just 1 Theron Shan. Agreed, especially because I don't have a JK and could care less about those 3 companions XD. This makes me even more tempted to create a WHERE THE #(

*$ IS THERON thread. Then again, I would be highly surprised with how much activity this thread has that mods have not seen it.



Thank you all for posting! <3

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I'm sure Theron will make an appearance in some form or capacity. I'll be miffed if he doesn't but after the livestream I'm really looking forward to the story of this new expansion regardless.


Also help yourself to my cantina code!

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I want to continue the romance if you started one >.< I'm going to throw something at the computer if its just a quick, 'hi, bye' sequence or something.


I would too. People are going to shoot me when I say this: I said to myself if we're going to get a 'hi, bye' sequence as you said, I'm going back to WoW :rolleyes:

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Well, think about what a HUGE deal PVP balancing is in this game, for example. BW goes to extraordinary efforts to try and keep the classes equal and to show no class any particular favoritism.


Theron is BW's story equivalent of "class balance" in PVP.


It was no accident I'm sure that in FA and SOR we got two romancable chars, one male one female, one Pub and one Imp, to be a balanced "set." Can you imagine the outcry if they ended KOTFE with blatant favoritism to one of those romance offerings and not the other? I think that would be a huge PR fail, honestly. I'd be shocked if Theron has been removed from the KOTFE story.

Edited by CloudCastle
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