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Theran Shan?


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You know I really wish we could replay each story part whenever we want. In other games I can just save before the conversations, but here I always have to start from zero to get to the Theron smooching. I remade my sage 6 times now. Hopefully with KOTFE they will let us replay chapters.
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And just how many of you are going to use Theron Mods to change his look anyways?


Depends on what hey are :) I like Theron's looks, if there is one thing I would change about him is his eyes, not the shape that bothers me but his eyelids clip pretty bad when he makes one of those faces... :eek:


I like most of the companion's looks to be honest, the only ones I change appearence is Corso (hate his lips, they seems to be too glossy, and hair), Raina (because Halle Berry), Iresso (the original does not appeal to my tastes at all) and Risha (awful hair and make-up is awful).

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Depends on what hey are :) I like Theron's looks, if there is one thing I would change about him is his eyes, not the shape that bothers me but his eyelids clip pretty bad when he makes one of those faces... :eek:


I like most of the companion's looks to be honest, the only ones I change appearence is Corso (hate his lips, they seems to be too glossy, and hair), Raina (because Halle Berry), Iresso (the original does not appeal to my tastes at all) and Risha (awful hair and make-up is awful).


I changed Ashara because she looks too babyish in her original look, and the customization I got for her makes her look like a Togruta warrior :wea_03::wea_03:

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Theron Shan had the personality of a wet flannel. An incredibly annoying NPC, and I'm glad I'm done with him forever. I don't particularly like Lana either, but at least she's original


Oh goody the Theron haters are back. I honestly disagree completely; I think both were very interesting NPCs (even if Lana's face looked really odd). Lana was a Sith interested in the knowledge and wisdom, not the power as she straight out tells us. Theron has identity issues and a fear of opening up only to be rejected, which is a central part to his character (as I understand it). But if there's an option to expel Theron into the void of "permanently off-screen", I'm sure you'll take it while I avoid it.

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Theron Shan had the personality of a wet flannel. An incredibly annoying NPC, and I'm glad I'm done with him forever. I don't particularly like Lana either, but at least she's original


What? No. Even if you don't want to romance Theron, flirt with him and Lana and then choose Lana, they did a good feeling rejected and hurt with him.

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Theron Shan had the personality of a wet flannel. An incredibly annoying NPC, and I'm glad I'm done with him forever. I don't particularly like Lana either, but at least she's original


:( Why do haters gotta come here and hate? I don't go into Corso's fan forum and spam hate on him.

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It's still early and for all we know Theron could pop up somewhere and say hi.


I too would like Theron back on the forefront as a romance option. Lana is boring and ordinary the first time I saw her, but Theron... he was good looking, charming, suave and classy so much that my straight male Sith Juggernaut, Sorcerer, Operative & Powertech tech started flirting with him every chance they got. Lana is alright but Theron is exceptional.



YES. As a female player I fell for him the second he started talking (love the voice actor, I could listen to him all day). On imp while he was yelling and I was trying to kill the stupid robot, I noticed that voice wise, it really sounded like he actually cared about me getting out of there. Kudos voice actor!


Anyways, I just spent the weekend leveling my Jedi because I want to do the romance stuff.


Bioware, please look into this for fans. Make Theron a companion that you can romance. romance.option. Don't pull the stupid give me an epic male companion then find out I can't romance him... XD


Honestly I have been absolutely hating Lana. I'm not thrilled she is going to be a companion. AT ALL. Theron I would be stupidly excited for, if he has the romance option. I can see us getting screwed on that one :mad:


I think if they did it, that would be effing awesome because they could play him into the storyline as they are doing other things-

* If you romanced him, maybe he was the person who tracked you down to save you, possibly even pulled strings to help your companions, even if they don't know about it.

*If you are just buddies he's been keeping tabs and shows up at some point. or still helps in the rescue.

*it also fits with your companions now knowing if you cheated on them with him or Lana, they can interact with each other, fight, not care, continue romance etc



We need more of this epic character Bioware!

Edited by Cindlehr
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And just how many of you are going to use Theron Mods to change his look anyways?


Depends on the customizations. In general I like to have a different look for different alts, but 9/10 customizations are crap. They seem to try for "interesting" rather than attractive. :(

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Depends on the customizations. In general I like to have a different look for different alts, but 9/10 customizations are crap. They seem to try for "interesting" rather than attractive. :(


Or they just hit randomize on the character creation screen and roll with that... ugh.


I use alt appearances only on Corso and Mako, the rest are fine in my opinion.


You know I really wish we could replay each story part whenever we want. In other games I can just save before the conversations, but here I always have to start from zero to get to the Theron smooching. I remade my sage 6 times now. Hopefully with KOTFE they will let us replay chapters.


Yes please! There's some decisions I would like to change and we don't have the option to. I know I could just rereoll but I am NOT rerolling my Smuggler or my Bounty Hunter, I put too much time into them and they have stuff that took me forever to get/is limited. Nope, nope, nope.

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I just re-rolled my smuggler, again. I now have five gunslingers all with some various of the name Nayla.


I did this not only to romance Theron, but to complete as much as I can. There are small thing, with my main slinger, that really bug me so I am following a very direct plan.

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Oh goody the Theron haters are back. I honestly disagree completely; I think both were very interesting NPCs (even if Lana's face looked really odd). Lana was a Sith interested in the knowledge and wisdom, not the power as she straight out tells us. Theron has identity issues and a fear of opening up only to be rejected, which is a central part to his character (as I understand it). But if there's an option to expel Theron into the void of "permanently off-screen", I'm sure you'll take it while I avoid it.

This sums up why I like both of them a lot.

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You know I really wish we could replay each story part whenever we want. In other games I can just save before the conversations, but here I always have to start from zero to get to the Theron smooching. I remade my sage 6 times now. Hopefully with KOTFE they will let us replay chapters.


Yeah that's something that bugs me, you can't reload a save or replay a mission or rewatch a scene >.< that's why I started video recording all my playthroughs!

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Oh goody the Theron haters are back. I honestly disagree completely; I think both were very interesting NPCs (even if Lana's face looked really odd). Lana was a Sith interested in the knowledge and wisdom, not the power as she straight out tells us. Theron has identity issues and a fear of opening up only to be rejected, which is a central part to his character (as I understand it). But if there's an option to expel Theron into the void of "permanently off-screen", I'm sure you'll take it while I avoid it.


This! ^


I really, really like Lana. I actually plan to have her as a comp with my LS Sith Warrior because of their similarities. Nasirah respects Lana for not being a "typical" Sith. Heck, my Darth Nox even respects her.


The only characters I have that take issue is Naelah (my GS) and Melena (my Agent) because of reasons. Which surprisingly do not involve Theron. :D


I ignore the Theron hate train when it makes a pit stop here. I think it's almost cute to see the baby trolls attempting to cut their teeth.

Edited by Amadahy
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To the posters above calling me a "hater" or a "troll", shame on you. I'm not posting to get a rise or argument out of people, not am I saying I hate the character purely to be a hater.

However you've made a thread about how amazing Theron is, and I'm just stating my opinion that he sucks. This is a thread on the public forums. You've given your opinion, I've given mine. Isn't that the point?

Feel free to love him, I won't judge

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To the posters above calling me a "hater" or a "troll", shame on you. I'm not posting to get a rise or argument out of people, not am I saying I hate the character purely to be a hater.

However you've made a thread about how amazing Theron is, and I'm just stating my opinion that he sucks. This is a thread on the public forums. You've given your opinion, I've given mine. Isn't that the point?

Feel free to love him, I won't judge


You come into a support thread and bag the subject of the support, and you don't expect to get a rise out of people?


How long have you been on the internet, sir?


Theron is a touchy subject right now because we don't know whether he will make an appearance in KotFE, so people are a touch sensitive about it. In any event, it's an etiquette thing - you don't post hate* in a support thread. If you have a constructive criticism to offer as to the characterisation of either Theron or Lana, then make your own thread. (It might have helped you if your opinion had been more directed and properly critical, rather than simply "I don't like blah".)


You have a right to your opinion.

You have a right to express that opinion, but you should endeavour to express that opinion in a respectful way.

We have a right to our opinions, and we have a right to disagree with yours.

We respect your right to have an opinion, we may not respect your opinion (which is a distinction sadly lost on many people).


* Your "hate" was more like dislike, but I think you get the idea.

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To the posters above calling me a "hater" or a "troll", shame on you. I'm not posting to get a rise or argument out of people, not am I saying I hate the character purely to be a hater.

However you've made a thread about how amazing Theron is, and I'm just stating my opinion that he sucks. This is a thread on the public forums. You've given your opinion, I've given mine. Isn't that the point?

Feel free to love him, I won't judge


So you weren't trolling by coming into a Theron fan thread and being "lol he sux," you were...what? Trying to start a civilized discussion? If that's the case, you might want to work on posting something of substance...:rolleyes:

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So you weren't trolling by coming into a Theron fan thread and being "lol he sux," you were...what? Trying to start a civilized discussion? If that's the case, you might want to work on posting something of substance...:rolleyes:


The substance was my opinion to a thread entitled 'Theron Shan?'

Get your knickers untwisted and calm down. There is no discussion going on, just pages and pages of crazy fan girl love, so I'm putting out a fair and honest opinion about your beloved NPC


Now I'm tip-toeing on trolling, so I'll leave it at that

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The substance was my opinion to a thread entitled 'Theron Shan?'

Get your knickers untwisted and calm down. There is no discussion going on, just pages and pages of crazy fan girl love, so I'm putting out a fair and honest opinion about your beloved NPC


Now I'm tip-toeing on trolling, so I'll leave it at that


There's a few points I wanna address here.

1) Yes we get a bit overzealous about Theron, but I think that says how memorable and well-received Bioware's characters can be. If a character can get a pretty sizable positive or negative reaction, that means it's succeeded in being memorable.


2) No discussion? Did you miss the discussion a few pages ago about his fear of opening up only to be rejected? That'd count as a serious discussion of the character.


3) A fair opinion? What you said wasn't a fair opinion. A fair opinion would saying "here's what I don't like about Theron. Here's what I like about Theron. Personally I think the negatives outweigh the positives, but here's my thought out reasoning." What you said was:

Theron Shan had the personality of a wet flannel. An incredibly annoying NPC, and I'm glad I'm done with him forever. I don't particularly like Lana either, but at least she's original

Care to tell me how that's a fair opinion? It is honest since you really think it's true, but how is it fair? Where's the positives? Where's the comparison? Where's your reasoning behind your conclusion? It's just negativity. You were honestly surprised that people responded negatively?


Regardless, to reiterate what I said earlier: if there's a choice to throw Theron into the void of "permanent off-screen" I'm sure you'll take it while I avoid it.

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There's a few points I wanna address here.

1) Yes we get a bit overzealous about Theron, but I think that says how memorable and well-received Bioware's characters can be. If a character can get a pretty sizable positive or negative reaction, that means it's succeeded in being memorable.


2) No discussion? Did you miss the discussion a few pages ago about his fear of opening up only to be rejected? That'd count as a serious discussion of the character.


3) A fair opinion? What you said wasn't a fair opinion. A fair opinion would saying "here's what I don't like about Theron. Here's what I like about Theron. Personally I think the negatives outweigh the positives, but here's my thought out reasoning." What you said was:


Care to tell me how that's a fair opinion? It is honest since you really think it's true, but how is it fair? Where's the positives? Where's the comparison? Where's your reasoning behind your conclusion? It's just negativity. You were honestly surprised that people responded negatively?


Regardless, to reiterate what I said earlier: if there's a choice to throw Theron into the void of "permanent off-screen" I'm sure you'll take it while I avoid it.


Ugh, insufferable. Fine, I'll bite. 1 example of him being a dick- being personally insulted, dejected and betrayed because his Sith Lord 'buddy' "betrayed" him by letting him get captured by Revanites. She knew he was in a position to do what he does best, in the best place he could possibly do it. Yet he can't see past this 'betrayal' and can't accept the fact that this alliance between factions was only temporary at best, and barely even that. We were constantly spying and tapping each other's comms and surveillance. He's supposed to be a big shot SIS agent spy, yet can't accept that we were never buddies, but merely using each other to not get wiped out by a stronger force.

2- at the end of Ziost. Picking the DS option regarding the Sixth Line Jedi Commander woman's brain (DS being canon as confirmed by BW for imperials, yay...) Theron walks off and puts the blame on us, saying its "your mess now". Diverting guilt and blame because he is lously, repeatedly, at his job.

2.5- (re being a bad spy) Leading a secret non-Jedi Jedi clan to an imperial world to try and take out the Emperor, with the power of a god.. with not thinking to either alert us, who repeatedly saves his *** and are the only ones in the galaxy with a chance to stop Vitiate, or even just telling Suresh in the beginning and coming with a fully prepped Republic army (as we know full well; this makes no difference, but he didn't know that until after he sent the Jedi. And by not telling her, he pissed her off and never have a chance to make her see reason that sending an army would doom them all. He could've said "I've got a plan, it's a long shot. If it fails, nothing else can be done. We should plan to retreat, let Vitiate wipe out the Empire while we prepare and come up with a better plan")

3- throughout all of Rishi/Yavin, he had exceedingly little to say or do, and even his weird flirtatious attempts were robotic, and his attitude never changes, his character doesn't evolve. hence the wet flannel comment


The only time I felt I finally got some emotion and life out of him was again, end of Ziost. Before we electrocute all of Vitate's pawns, I tell him I killed his Jedi friends, and put the blame solely on him and he says "I know" or something, we get a glimmer of real emotion, I felt sorry for him for messing his job up (again) and getting all of his mates killed, but he also accepted it was his fault. But then this all comes crashing down and ruined by my point 2


And his fear of being 'rejected'.. hence my lack of originality comment ... Is so unoriginal. That's what they do to a character they know they've messed up- slap on him the same emotional problem as 75% of unoriginal characters in any game/book/film



Anyway, I never even wanted to go into the nitty gritty, I only wanted to throw in the fact that this NPC isn't all that great to me, again.. on a public forum open to everyone, with an ambiguous title of 'Theron Shan?' Not 'the Theron Shan appreciation group, fans only'

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I'm just a wee bit curious about one thing.


Have you by any chance read Annihilation? This is not a "you dislike my favorite character" type of post. I'm just very curious about it.


It is interesting to me, to see the opinions of those who have only encountered Theron in game. As opposed to those who have read the book, and really gotten to know his character.


His thing with rejection isn't simple put in the game to make him a wounded character. It is a pretty prominent thing in the book. It's part of his personality. Hell, we start the book with Satele giving birth in a cave, and refusing to even acknowledged his existence. Until Master Zyo practically forced her to give him a name.


As for him being a bad spy? Yes, the game does him a GREAT disservice by portraying him as a derpy spy. In his book, the man poured through documents (little to no sleep) to uncover a massive plot, that nobody else could figure out. He was only able to do so because he was placed on Administrative Leave for disobeying the Director's orders. So he could save one of the people he does trust. (Sounds familiar doesn't it?) Which is pretty awesome in my opinion


I won't go into great detail in case someone does want to read the book.


I am always more than happy to discuss a character's positives and negatives. So long as the conversation does not being with a, "lulz he sucks!!" Okay, tell me why and let's have a good ole debate.

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I'm just a wee bit curious about one thing.


Have you by any chance read Annihilation? This is not a "you dislike my favorite character" type of post. I'm just very curious about it.


It is interesting to me, to see the opinions of those who have only encountered Theron in game. As opposed to those who have read the book, and really gotten to know his character.


His thing with rejection isn't simple put in the game to make him a wounded character. It is a pretty prominent thing in the book. It's part of his personality. Hell, we start the book with Satele giving birth in a cave, and refusing to even acknowledged his existence. Until Master Zyo practically forced her to give him a name.


I am always more than happy to discuss a character's positives and negatives. So long as the conversation does not being with a, "lulz he sucks!!" Okay, tell me why and let's have a good ole debate.


I have read it, years ago when it came out. Truth be told, I barely remember anything about it. I guess I'll re-read it. And now I'm going to say something that isn't fair, but I know I'm not alone in thinking like this. I don't count anything outside of the core (be it film, like episodes 1-6(7), or novels etc) but if it requires alternative material to explain something, or evolve a character, I count that as a fault of writing. So I believe in the novel, his character gets developed and he becomes 'a person', but the game does not portray this, and I find that deficit.

Personal opinion. Sorry...

But I will re-read it, see if it can't change my mind

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I have read it, years ago when it came out. Truth be told, I barely remember anything about it. I guess I'll re-read it. And now I'm going to say something that isn't fair, but I know I'm not alone in thinking like this. I don't count anything outside of the core (be it film, like episodes 1-6(7), or novels etc) but if it requires alternative material to explain something, or evolve a character, I count that as a fault of writing. So I believe in the novel, his character gets developed and he becomes 'a person', but the game does not portray this, and I find that deficit.

Personal opinion. Sorry...

But I will re-read it, see if it can't change my mind


No need to be sorry. :) We all have our opinions about various characters, no biggie.


I actually do agree with you about how he is portrayed in game. Don't get me wrong, I adore his character in game but it almost feels like (if you compare events in the book to the game) they are "borrowing" certain elements. Such as Theron going on Administrative Leave, which I think will play a part in "finding" Vitiate.


Just my opinion, and overly creative mind speculating. :D

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