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2014 Reddit Rumor - Full


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Can already see that there is a massive influx of funding for the game to create this expansion


No you can't. You can assume funding has increased but there's no proof to it. Furthermore, we are yet to see them deliver this expansion (on time) and deliver enough content to warrant your assumption about funding.


New class stories are confirmed in expansion


Confirmed where? If you are referring to this:


Play one of eight class stories enhanced to offer a deeper, more accessible experience purely focused on immersing you in a personal Star Wars story.

This sentence refers to enhancing the existing class stories, not creation of new class story content: http://www.swtor.com/info/news/press-release/20150615


In addition, with the launch of Knights of the Fallen Empire the original eight class stories from Star Wars: The Old Republic will be enhanced to deliver a more immersive and engaging single-player story arc for players old and new.


This is one thing that evolved I think. Newgame+ will be the auto level 60 option compared to actually leveling your own character 1-60. It's likely there will be benefits to doing it naturally. Major tweaks to the leveling system include 12x XP that we are seeing now, taxis unlocking automatically and quick travel time reductions.


This one could be true but we have yet to see what this "class story enhancement" will be about.


Confirmed for 3.3 as long as the system doesn't explode during testing.


Togruta confirmed yes, "some other ugly thing" is not. Reddit leak wrote "species" as in plural, that's yet to happen.


Korriban and Tython both received FPs created as the intro to SoR.


Yep, but not for the reason stated by Redditleak. Korriban and Tython were raided for Rakata tech to Revans Infinite army. Unless something new shows up out of the blue, Vitiate didn't gain much if anything from Korriban and Tython during these FPs.


Basic premise of the expansion.


Pieces that are alluded to in various places, or seem likely based on the direction of the game:


Most of that remains to be seen. So far there's no talk about 'rebuilding the galaxy' yet and considering another Empire has stepped in we can't say for sure if the galaxy is lawless. Empire + Republic have crumbled though.


In the interview with Bruce, they talk about the launch timing being around the movie release. Linking the expansion with the movie benefits both and bringing the game into canon at that point would make sense as well as attempting to introduce a new planet.


It might make sense for you, but that doesn't add up with what was written in the Redditleak: " It will be upgraded to canon in the next expansion". That next expansion was Shadow of Revan. Shadow of Revan has been out for 6 months and there's no sign of SWTOR becoming canon.


With the Republic and Empire seeming to disappear with the expansion, it makes way for cross faction to become likely as there is no faction.


Perhaps, but the coming expansion is lvl 60-65. The lvl 60 content we got with SoR has absolutely zero cross-faction queueing, and Redditleak specifically states lvl 60 content.


Yavin and Rishi are already similar to this with everyone questing together rather than by faction. It would make sense to fully link them so you can group cross faction to complete a mission or heroic.


It might make sense but it's not in the game yet.


Everything else in the article is still possible, this is just what I took out of it that seemed to have already happened or seems likely based on what we know now.


Possible is not really the point, most of the "leaked" stuff should have been here by now. This "leak" has so many flaws in the foundation that most of it won't come to fruition, the main one being Class Stories. Apart from a few conversations here and there + 1 class mission, the latest content is 99% the same for all classes on both factions and there's no sign of that changing anytime soon.

Edited by MFollin
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There is literally nothing in common with reality and that fanfiction written years ago and passed off as a glimpse into developing content.


Except that there was, and the post above proved it.


You denying it doesn't make you right, just makes you in denial.

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Except that there was, and the post above proved it.


You denying it doesn't make you right, just makes you in denial.


You can believe whatever you want. Anyone taking 5 seconds to read through the original 'rumor' and compare it to what's been released will see how wildly and completely it varies, to the point of not even being recognizable.


The problem here is that I'm looking at the evidence and coming to the conclusion that the 'rumor' is fanfiction and completely made up. You, and others, are looking at the evidence and twisting it to find a way to make it fit your conclusions.


That's a common habit of faith-based thinking and conspiracy theorists.

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You can believe whatever you want. Anyone taking 5 seconds to read through the original 'rumor' and compare it to what's been released will see how wildly and completely it varies, to the point of not even being recognizable.


The problem here is that I'm looking at the evidence and coming to the conclusion that the 'rumor' is fanfiction and completely made up. You, and others, are looking at the evidence and twisting it to find a way to make it fit your conclusions.


That's a common habit of faith-based thinking and conspiracy theorists.


It seems it's always the opposing viewpoint that is twisting the evidence to fit their own conclusion.

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New class stories are confirmed in expansion



Are they? We know they are enhancing the original 8 stories, but I don't think we've seen a confirmation of new ones. I'm sure there will be a few class quests here and there, but I think we're still on the 1 main story. There will probably be a lot of potential to affect the story, but ultimately it's going to be 1 story with moderate variations.


I don't think it's impossible that whoever wrote the original post had some insider information. Things change, sometimes drastically, during development. It's also possible he only heard bits and pieces and tried the fill in the rest on his own. Not saying it IS insider info, just that it's not that farfetched either.

Edited by Treeba
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You all realize that original prediction has the New Game+ crap right?


Every one who believes it true, do you have any idea what New Game+ is in MMOs?


MUDs used a slightly different phrase for it, Remort.


A remort system allows an experienced player on a MUD to start over with a new character with enhanced abilities.


Yes, that's right, you get to REROLL YOUR MAIN and start all over from level 1 with some extra perks you can't get normally. That's what New Game+ is.


Now the big question, DO YOU SEE THIS ANYWHERE IN SWTOR? Don't try to twist the definition of New Game+ to suit your beliefs, just answer the question, do you see anywhere in SWTOR where you hit the level cap and then start that character over from level 1? Does the expansion even sound like it's going to be this way? The answer to both is No.


Just like there won't be SWTOR 2, they won't be upgrading the engine and moving in a couple years. It'll take longer than it took to build SWTOR, it took 6 years to make SWTOR, since they'll have to support SWTOR while at the same time making SWTOR 2. They don't have 300 people working on SWTOR anymore like they did when they were originally developing the game, so that'll take longer even. Major engine changes necessitate virtually rebuilding the entire game from scratch. So not happening.


So with both of his major points in that reddit post being blown away, do you really think he has any credibility? There's a child's game where I'm from, it's called Pin the Tail on the Donkey. You are blindfolded, spun around, and have to pin the tail on a paper image of a donkey. Funny thing is, even though you have no idea where to pin it, occassionally you'll hit his arse, just on chance. Same principle applies here, stick enough tails (tales) out there and eventually some will hit the arse just by chance.

Edited by Draqsko
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You all realize that original prediction has the New Game+ crap right?


Every one who believes it true, do you have any idea what New Game+ is in MMOs?


MUDs used a slightly different phrase for it, Remort.




Yes, that's right, you get to REROLL YOUR MAIN and start all over from level 1 with some extra perks you can't get normally. That's what New Game+ is.


Now the big question, DO YOU SEE THIS ANYWHERE IN SWTOR? Don't try to twist the definition of New Game+ to suit your beliefs, just answer the question, do you see anywhere in SWTOR where you hit the level cap and then start that character over from level 1? Does the expansion even sound like it's going to be this way? The answer to both is No.


Just like there won't be SWTOR 2, they won't be upgrading the engine and moving in a couple years. It'll take longer than it took to build SWTOR, it took 6 years to make SWTOR, since they'll have to support SWTOR while at the same time making SWTOR 2. They don't have 300 people working on SWTOR anymore like they did when they were originally developing the game, so that'll take longer even. Major engine changes necessitate virtually rebuilding the entire game from scratch. So not happening.


So with both of his major points in that reddit post being blown away, do you really think he has any credibility? There's a child's game where I'm from, it's called Pin the Tail on the Donkey. You are blindfolded, spun around, and have to pin the tail on a paper image of a donkey. Funny thing is, even though you have no idea where to pin it, occassionally you'll hit his arse, just on chance. Same principle applies here, stick enough tails (tales) out there and eventually some will hit the arse just by chance.


To wit I quote:


"A slight variation of this is the clear game (also known as a "post-game scenario"), a special mode that is played after finishing the regular game. In this mode, the player is given the ability to continue playing after the story mode is completed, allowing them to see the effect of defeating the antagonist on the game world and complete any remaining side-quests. Dragon Warrior II for the NES and EarthBound for the SNES are early examples of this. Other games return the player to the point just before the last boss, such as Star Ocean series, Mega Man Legends 2 and Dragon Quest VIII. Some games like Fallout 2 do not make mention of a clear game, but rather allow the player to continue playing after completion with no side effects.


The clear game in Mass Effect 2 is notable in that characters that died during the final mission stay dead, effectively locking quests that involved these characters. In many games with this feature, new challenges and levels are opened to give the player an extra goal; each of the .hack games featured a bonus dungeon after completing the main mission objective of the games. One of the most notable gaming franchises to use a clear game feature is the Pokémon series."




Pretty much sounds like the proposed KOFE changes to me. NewGame+ Wiki

Edited by Holocron
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To wit I quote:


"A slight variation of this is the clear game (also known as a "post-game scenario"), a special mode that is played after finishing the regular game. In this mode, the player is given the ability to continue playing after the story mode is completed, allowing them to see the effect of defeating the antagonist on the game world and complete any remaining side-quests. Dragon Warrior II for the NES and EarthBound for the SNES are early examples of this. Other games return the player to the point just before the last boss, such as Star Ocean series, Mega Man Legends 2 and Dragon Quest VIII. Some games like Fallout 2 do not make mention of a clear game, but rather allow the player to continue playing after completion with no side effects.


The clear game in Mass Effect 2 is notable in that characters that died during the final mission stay dead, effectively locking quests that involved these characters. In many games with this feature, new challenges and levels are opened to give the player an extra goal; each of the .hack games featured a bonus dungeon after completing the main mission objective of the games. One of the most notable gaming franchises to use a clear game feature is the Pokémon series."




Pretty much sounds like the proposed KOFE changes to me. NewGame+ Wiki


You forgot to quote the first sentence or two.. Here let me do it for you...


A New Game Plus (or New Game+) is an unlockable video game mode that allows the player to start a new game after they finish the game at least once, where certain aspects of the finished game, such as experience or items, affect the newly started game. New Game Plus is also known as "replay mode", "remorting", "challenge mode" or "hard mode", or "New Game Ex".


And that ME2 bit in there is crap, there is no "clear" game. Once you finish ME2 you can start over with bonus mats and credits, but all the people who would have died in your first playthrough are alive again, can be recruited again, can gain or lose loyalty again, everything is the same as the first time you played it except you have an achievement unlocked (Long Time Campaigner or whatever it was, you got it if you moved your character from ME1 to ME2 or completed ME2 New Game+ after completing it once) and you start with a bunch of mats and credits for upgrades.


That's always been BW's version of New Game+, I don't see them changing it now.

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To wit I quote:


"A slight variation of this is the clear game (also known as a "post-game scenario"), a special mode that is played after finishing the regular game. In this mode, the player is given the ability to continue playing after the story mode is completed, allowing them to see the effect of defeating the antagonist on the game world and complete any remaining side-quests. Dragon Warrior II for the NES and EarthBound for the SNES are early examples of this. Other games return the player to the point just before the last boss, such as Star Ocean series, Mega Man Legends 2 and Dragon Quest VIII. Some games like Fallout 2 do not make mention of a clear game, but rather allow the player to continue playing after completion with no side effects.


The clear game in Mass Effect 2 is notable in that characters that died during the final mission stay dead, effectively locking quests that involved these characters. In many games with this feature, new challenges and levels are opened to give the player an extra goal; each of the .hack games featured a bonus dungeon after completing the main mission objective of the games. One of the most notable gaming franchises to use a clear game feature is the Pokémon series."




Pretty much sounds like the proposed KOFE changes to me. NewGame+ Wiki


This is not that scenario at all, and it really doesn't apply to MMOs which were designed to be played after the main story has ended. The portion of the definition you're using above (which I note they take the time to point out that it is not a New Game+, but something only somewhat similar) is a game that simply lets you continue after the main game has ended. Adding a whole new section to the game is not New Game+, it's expansion.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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This is not that scenario at all, and it really doesn't apply to MMOs which were designed to be played after the game has ended. The portion of the definition you're using above (which I note they take the time to point out that it is not a New Game+, but something only somewhat similar) is a game that simply lets you continue after the main game has ended. Adding a whole new section to the game is not New Game+, it's expansion.


If it was not relevant derivation and considered in a way as part of NewGame+ then they would not have the need to include it.

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If it was not relevant derivation and considered in a way as part of NewGame+ then they would not have the need to include it.


Why do dictionaries find it relevant to include synonyms, antonyms, and other related info?

Also, "A slight variation of this is the clear game". They make it very clear it's not the same thing.


Also, nice cherry pick, because even if you were right in that regard the rest of my post still proves that term is not correct here.

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It seems it's always the opposing viewpoint that is twisting the evidence to fit their own conclusion.


I don't have to twist anything. I'm pointing at the new content, then pointing at the 'rumor' and stating that they're nothing at all alike in any way. That they're directly opposites in some aspects.


I'm comparing the two and finding nothing at all similar and calling bullcrap.


It's the others that are saying 'well, if you turn it like this and squint at it in just the right light, it might be similar! Rumor confirm!'


Those who insist on twisting the 'rumor' stuff to make it fit the mold of the new content. Those are the actions of those who've already come to their conclusions and want the evidence to fit, one way or the other.

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I don't have to twist anything. I'm pointing at the new content, then pointing at the 'rumor' and stating that they're nothing at all alike in any way. That they're directly opposites in some aspects.


I'm comparing the two and finding nothing at all similar and calling bullcrap.


It's the others that are saying 'well, if you turn it like this and squint at it in just the right light, it might be similar! Rumor confirm!'


Those who insist on twisting the 'rumor' stuff to make it fit the mold of the new content. Those are the actions of those who've already come to their conclusions and want the evidence to fit, one way or the other.


Technically all you're doing is posting that it's not the same. I don't see any comparisons coming from you. I don't understand why you even came into this thread when you clearly have nothing to contribute besides telling people they are wrong.


I never said whoever posted that on Reddit was exactly right, but if you look at the direction of the game and read the post, they are similar. You're acting like everyone is claiming this guy is the next prophet and everything he ever says again will come true. Or like he has a lottery ticket with all the right numbers in the wrong order and is trying to claim the jackpot. It's a stupid reddit post with "insider information", but it's fun to compare it to what we know now and what may be coming in the future.

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"And there shall be panthers with sunglasses knocking on your house door on new year's eve"


- "it was a LEOPARD, not a PANTHER. Panthers ar very specific types of leopards.


- it wore spectacles NOT sunglasses


- it rang the doorbell, didn't knock


- I live in an apartment, not a house


- it was new year's DAY



SO, nothing to do with anything! Move on!"

Edited by BenduKundalini
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"And there shall be panthers with sunglasses knocking on your house door on new year's eve"


- "it was a LEOPARD, not a PANTHER. Panthers ar very specific types of leopards.


- it wore spectacles NOT sunglasses


- it rang the doorbell, didn't knock


- I live in an apartment, not a house


- it was new year's DAY



SO, nothing to do with anything! Move on!"




please thew parts people claim are accurate are more like..



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