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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nico Okarr - Senior Citizen!


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So, Nico Okarr, who appears in the SWTOR "Return" trailer, and appears to be in his 30's at the time, is going to be a companion. The battle of Korriabn occurred in BBY 3681, the Treaty of Coruscant was signed in BBY 3653, and the Treaty ended in BBY 3642, and we defeated Revan on Yavin IV in BBY 3640, so, 39 years have passed since "Return".


So, assuming they aren't giving us grandpa as companion, what does everyone think happened to him in the interim?

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I bet he's just old. He heals us with Ensure and throws diapers for dps. I bet he even pilots our ship way under the galactic speed limit while complaining about how much better everything was in his day.
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So, Nico Okarr, who appears in the SWTOR "Return" trailer, and appears to be in his 30's at the time, is going to be a companion. The battle of Korriabn occurred in BBY 3681, the Treaty of Coruscant was signed in BBY 3653, and the Treaty ended in BBY 3642, and we defeated Revan on Yavin IV in BBY 3640, so, 39 years have passed since "Return".


So, assuming they aren't giving us grandpa as companion, what does everyone think happened to him in the interim?


Han Solo in the new movie trailer.


'Nuff said.

Edited by Cedia
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maybe there will be some back in time element? Maybe they'll say he was frozen in cryrogenic freeze. It would explain his lack of appearance throughout the regular game. Is he actually even in the game currently or was he only in that one trailer?
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maybe there will be some back in time element? Maybe they'll say he was frozen in cryrogenic freeze. It would explain his lack of appearance throughout the regular game. Is he actually even in the game currently or was he only in that one trailer?

He has no role in the game. It would kinda explain how his droid left his possession...


Imagine Senior Citizen Nico's battlecries, though. "Back in my day..."

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I hope he gets frozen in carbonite too. Maybe our characters would discover him in the vicinity when they are unfrozen?


If you look at the pictures they use on the Fallen Empire page (in the subscriber rewards section), he looks like he did in the original trailer, not like a senior citizen. -crosses fingers-

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I was actually thinking about this earlier today, and I think it's awesome - we're going to get a smuggler version of Jolee Bindo :D


(of course there's also the possibility that he's either A: been carbonited, too, even longer than our character will be, or B: not actually human - if he turned out to be a Shi'do or Clawdite that would be almost as cool as getting the Han Bindo character I'm hoping for)

Edited by DarthDymond
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So, Nico Okarr, who appears in the SWTOR "Return" trailer, and appears to be in his 30's at the time, is going to be a companion. The battle of Korriabn occurred in BBY 3681, the Treaty of Coruscant was signed in BBY 3653, and the Treaty ended in BBY 3642, and we defeated Revan on Yavin IV in BBY 3640, so, 39 years have passed since "Return".


So, assuming they aren't giving us grandpa as companion, what does everyone think happened to him in the interim?


Maybe he gets frozen in carbonite too. Maybe we thaw each other out, and high tail it out of there...

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I hope he gets frozen in carbonite too. Maybe our characters would discover him in the vicinity when they are unfrozen?


If you look at the pictures they use on the Fallen Empire page (in the subscriber rewards section), he looks like he did in the original trailer, not like a senior citizen. -crosses fingers-


That picture is part of the one of the original SWTOR posters that advertised the game.


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Maybe he gets frozen in carbonite too. Maybe we thaw each other out, and high tail it out of there...


That's what I'm thinking. Maybe he accidentally stumbled upon our bad guys long before the Empire and Republic knew about their existence, and they decided to keep him on ice. (And possibly thaw him out every now and then when they wanted some information from him :p)

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That's what I'm thinking. Maybe he accidentally stumbled upon our bad guys long before the Empire and Republic knew about their existence, and they decided to keep him on ice. (And possibly thaw him out every now and then when they wanted some information from him :p)

So... Revan all over again? :p

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And who said their lifespan is the earths human lifespan? We have 100 years tech revolution and those who fear for their life's already looking for aging elixirs...


what about them who travel across the galaxies.

Edited by Oyranos
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