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Who's your main?


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Of all your characters, but why do you love this one most?


Class- knight because I like the story (and I have a 60 knight) and who dose not like wielding a lightsaber

Species- plain ol' human because I am one

Gender- male because I am

Companion- for practical use- any healer, for discussion / Romance: I don't know.

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I sort of have two mains I switch between one imp and one pub.



Class: Vanguard (Tank)

Species: Human

Gender: Female (Jennifer Hale :) )

Primary Companion: HK-51, Pre 50 while levelling it was Aric Jorgan


Class: Juggernaut (Veng)

Species: Sith

Gender: Male

Primary Companion: HK-51, Pre 50 it was Vette


Idk I always use HK when I'm running dailies, clears trash fast. Trooper (Commando) was the first class I played on a different server, I've always had a liking for the class and Vanguard is pretty fun to play. Warrior has an epic sort of Darth Vader story.

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Class: Guardian (Vengence)

Race: Human (though considering changing to Zabrak)

Gender: Male

Companion: Doc - Less healing downtime plus I actually like the look of his 192 armour



Class: Mercenery

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Companion: Mako - see above


Strangely enough, Trooper was actually my first completed class (back when the cap was 50) but despite having 2 other level 60's on the rep side Guardian is the only one I have completed SOR and Ziost with as yet.

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Republic: Jakskenn

Smuggler (Gunslinger)





I just love the Smuggler storyline. Originally, I had a JK as my main (He's still higher level than my best Imp), but Jaks was just so fun that I ended up spending most of my time playing him.)


Empire: Octavios

Inquisitor (Assassin)





He's such a manipulative jerk, and that's why he's so fun. If anything, neutral inquisitors are actually more evil than dark ones, because they're more rational.

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Of all your characters, but why do you love this one most?

Darth K'ain

-a/k/a Darth Occlus-

  • Sith Sorcerer
  • Sith Pureblood
  • Male
  • Ashara and Xalek (although I often use whatever companion is most thematically appropriate for the content I'm running - Andronikus for Rishi, HK for Bounty Contract Week, etc.)
  • Darth K'ain
  • Ready for Battle (PVP Gear)
  • Unmasked

**Vague spoilers for Sith Inquisitor Story**


I played him as a pragmatic but arrogant Sith, and I think it worked really well with the story. I enjoyed his rise to power and really focused on the parts where he was able to build himself a power-base (gaining a cult of personality on Nar Shaddaa, securing the loyalty of Darth Silthar's Imperial Reclamation Service unit on Tatooine, forming an alliance with Moff Pyron and other Imperial officers, earning the respect of Darth Decimus on Corellia, etc.). I liked how a lot of the planetary arc missions that I chose to play through fit well within the story of a rising Sith establishing his network of supporters and allies.


More than anything, I appreciated that I was able to make choices that were decisive and even ruthless, but also didn't have to slip into being cruel and capricious. Yes, I'll make sure the missiles on Cadamimu decimate the nearby Republic fleet, but no I won't betray the civilians on Makeb whom I just impressed and who might come in handy down the line.


I also liked how he was given options to make speeches and actually direct the course of events (at least in the dialogue, obviously the plot progression was mainly on rails) from when he talks to the crew of the Black Talon, to when he directs his crew in finding a solution to the Force Walking sickness, to countermanding Silthar on Voss, to his speech after the conquest of Corellia, to treating Marr as an equal and ally - it really did a good job of having him come across as a budding demagogue, as did his frequent "remember your place" options when dealing with lesser Sith and Imperials once he rises to the top.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Class: Smuggler/Gunslinger

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Primary Companion: Akaavi

Pictures (bonus):


Naelah 2

Naelah 3


Photos taken on ultra setting. Photos were slightly altered in order to bright up the pictures.



Why: I love everything about the smuggler story. Mainly because of the near constant humor that has me in tears 85% of the time.

Edited by Amadahy
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This thread is a nice idea, I approve. Anyway, I have two mains, one for each faction.


Pub Main: Tarrquinn

Class: Gunslinger

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Primary Companion: Guss or Akaavi

Pics: http://orig06.deviantart.net/3f19/f/2015/166/e/9/pisspisspisspisspiss_by_viennachan-d8xhf54.jpg http://orig13.deviantart.net/db25/f/2015/166/2/0/talk_to_the_hand_by_viennachan-d8xhf5e.jpg http://orig09.deviantart.net/f0fc/f/2015/166/b/2/yet_another_monster_to_kill_by_viennachan-d8xhf6d.jpg http://orig08.deviantart.net/70a0/f/2015/166/6/2/a_tragic_end_for_a_gallant_warrior_no_doubt_by_viennachan-d8xhf7m.jpg

Why I love this toon: I get to be really creative and expressive with him; he's kind of my "fun character" who laughs at everything. It's a nice positive outlet.


Imp Main: Vitarus

Class: Sith Juggernaut

Species: Sith

Gender: Male

Primary Companion: DS Jaesa, Malavai, or Vette.

Pics: http://orig04.deviantart.net/ccb7/f/2015/166/3/d/in_that_moment_nathan_knew_he_effed_up_by_viennachan-d8xhh2q.jpg http://orig08.deviantart.net/3295/f/2015/166/f/a/youve_been_a_naughty_sith_by_viennachan-d8xhgw4.jpg http://orig09.deviantart.net/4313/f/2015/166/1/8/looks_into_the_camera_like_he_s_on_office_by_viennachan-d8xhgxz.jpg http://orig12.deviantart.net/143c/f/2015/166/c/8/you_what__by_viennachan-d8xhgzi.jpg

Why I love this toon: It's the classic Darth Vader power fantasy. Lots of power, strategy, and destruction. What can I say? It's fun to play the villain.

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Original main:


Class: Jedi Sentinel (all specs)

Race: Miraluka

Gender: Female

Companion: Kira or Treek



Current raid mains:


Class: Mercenary (progression as Bodyguard, can do both dps specs)

Race: Chiss

Gender: Female

Companion: Torian Cadera




Class: Sith Juggernaut (progression as Immortal, otherwise Vengeance)

Race: Chiss (probably to be changed to Togruta when released)

Gender: Male

Companion: Jaesa Willsaam (DS)



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Good thread:



Class: Shadow (Tank)

Species: Miraluka

Gender: Female

Primary Companion: Always run with Nadia



Class: Sorcerer (Heals)

Species: Sith

Gender:: Female

Primary Companion: Xalek


My issues are that I have so many alts now that I struggle to define a "Main" I started with a JK as a main but now I have so many that I don't know who is my "main". Does anybody else have this issue?

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My issues are that I have so many alts now that I struggle to define a "Main" I started with a JK as a main but now I have so many that I don't know who is my "main". Does anybody else have this issue?


My 'main' is whatever character I'm playing most of at the moment :D

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My main is a human commando.


He's pure minded stand up republic soldier and a leader. Happily married with lovely but strict Elara. He sees things as they are and arent afraid to act when needed. He's polite but not stupid or a "jarhead drone".


He's versatile using any spec needed, but mostly run as dps so he's acompanied by treek for heals who can easy use he's healing gear. When firepower is needed HK's lojalty chip is often put to the test. That's also the way he can keep he's havoc squad ready for any mission needed.


He carries a title of Republic Legend which he surely is.



About "main"

I have total of 17 lvl 60 chars so question about main is more or less situational (one of each adv class and 2 shadows [on a different servers]) Commando i simply find best suited for me to go into a situation that i dont know anything about. (it's easy to play any prev.known content with any char) That's how he has also gained most gear and also vanity stuff and such. He's life has molded him to be my "main" as he's the first one to go in and a last to come out. :cool:

Edited by Fazaani
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Class: Smuggler/Gunslinger

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Primary Companion: Akaavi

Pictures (bonus):


Naelah 2

Naelah 3


Photos taken on ultra setting. Photos were slightly altered in order to bright up the pictures.



Why: I love everything about the smuggler story. Mainly because of the near constant humor that has me in tears 85% of the time.


These are awesome screenshots!

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Of all your characters, but why do you love this one most? Because he was my first character I made on day 1 of the release of this game so,, plus I loved the story line for the Jedi Knight ;) ..

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Class: Sage (Healer/Seer)

Species: Miraluka

Primary Companion: Lieutenant Iresso

Alignment: Light

Gender: Female




Class: Operative (Healer/Medicine)

Species: Human

Primary Companion: Vector

Alignment: Light

Gender: Female

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I guess I should take a turn...


Class: Sith Sorcerer

Species: Twi'lek

Gender: Female

Primary Companion: Andronikos Revel

Pictures (bonus):


Lightning is a girl's best friend

Hey, watch the face!

This lightsaber would look great...in your chest!


I wish I had more impressive looking gear, but I'm quite poor.


Of all your characters, why do you love this one most?


It's her personality. I play on a role-playing server and while I actually don't RP that much, when I do, I have the most fun with her. Sure, I could play the chivalrous Jedi Knight, the menacing Sith Warrior, or the gruff Bounty Hunter, but those have all been done before. I take a more unique approach to my Inquisitor, making her eccentric, and because I'm a bit of an oddball myself, her personality comes more naturally to me.

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So my turn now.




Name: Sicog

Class: Sith Sorcerer

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Primary Companion: Xalek

Pictures: http://www.directupload.net/file/d/4021/e6lpau48_jpg.htm (is the only one I have at the moment :/




Name: Bacarra

Class: Vanguard

Species: Mirialan

Gender: Male

Primary Companion: Elara Dorne

Pictures: http://www.directupload.net/file/d/4021/4mqnhm8g_jpg.htm

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