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When will there be new content for Raiders?


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So, the next expansion is already being hyped and "leaked". I love the return to focus on story, but I am getting very concerned about the lack of information about anything for end game. If Bioware/EA are already hyping an expansion in October, does that mean there will be only one raid tier for the entire SoR expansion? Are we supposed to play HM Rav and ToS for an entire year?? I'm concerned here.


TBH if there is no new raid or AT LEAST Nightmare mode till October or later, I'm most likely going to cancel my subscription.

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I'm sure there will be a new raid or at least NIM by October.


That said, OPS are one of the few types of content they actually consistently update, yet I've seen stats that a minority's of players ever really attempt it all. People came to this game for the stories BW is known to craft. They left because of a lack of that. If you cancel over lack of raids I think it's be offset by the influx of players wanting there SW story fix from what looks like a huge update!

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Personally I doubt there will be NIM of current tier. Most guilds that'd do it quit and absurdly low amounts of people that clear HM are left. Making a TOS NIM would be literary making content for as close to nobody as you can get.
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Personally I doubt there will be NIM of current tier. Most guilds that'd do it quit and absurdly low amounts of people that clear HM are left. Making a TOS NIM would be literary making content for as close to nobody as you can get.


Agreed. It's a waste of time making a NiM version of raids now. I'd rather see more raids added with both sm and hm.

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Oh I am sure there will be. New ops are definitely coming. Expect more like ToS & the SoR overall with plenty of solo options to see story.


What I am really curious about is level cap. With apparently 16 chapters coming and the epic xp boost going away, I wonder if we are going to get a new level cap.

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  • 4 months later...

Yeah, I wouldn't hold your breath at this point. If I had to hazard a guess? I'd say late 2016 only because they seem damned and determined to focus on a limited replayability, single-player, rails-driven story with seven (7) more chapters to go, starting monthly sometime in "early 2016."


I don't even raid in SWTOR and think this is a bad idea. Since, ya know, story worked so well at launch to keep people subscribed.

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Yeah, I wouldn't hold your breath at this point. If I had to hazard a guess? I'd say late 2016 only because they seem damned and determined to focus on a limited replayability, single-player, rails-driven story with seven (7) more chapters to go, starting monthly sometime in "early 2016."


I don't even raid in SWTOR and think this is a bad idea. Since, ya know, story worked so well at launch to keep people subscribed.


Story is the only thing that kept SWTOR going so far.


The mistake they made is they decided to chase WoW crowd and dumped MMO crappings all over the story. THATS why people left. ANd raiders couldnt sustain the game (just like they cant sustain any game).

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Story is the only thing that kept SWTOR going so far.


The mistake they made is they decided to chase WoW crowd and dumped MMO crappings all over the story. THATS why people left. ANd raiders couldnt sustain the game (just like they cant sustain any game).


Story being the core of SWTOR is not in question here. That BioWare can usually (far from always) do story well is also not in question.


The question is the financial sustainability of doing story, and such a rails-driven one with limited replayability at that, to the current near-exclusion of any other new "MMO content."


I think it's a bad idea. But I don't have a magic 8-ball, so the next couple quarterly reports will tell. We'll see where things are at in the report for the quarter that ends June 2016 (i.e. next year's Q2 report), as that will be a decent indicator of whether enough people stayed paying and playing for the monthly chapters, or if after the short run that chapters 1-9 turned out to be, they just decide to wait until all, or a majority, of the remaining seven chapters are released and then sub at once for them.


Something that even I'm currently on the fence about doing. I'm one of those folks that just don't see a ton of replayability in KoTFE. I've already taken four characters through the story with different choices, and none of it mattered in any material way. I'm really not doing the Alliance stuff on all four of those. That's just too much Supply Crate grinding. And meanwhile, my other Alts will just end-up rotting at level 60.


And like I said, I am not a raider in SWTOR. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

Edited by Jumajin
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Story is the only thing that kept SWTOR going so far.


The mistake they made is they decided to chase WoW crowd and dumped MMO crappings all over the story. THATS why people left. ANd raiders couldnt sustain the game (just like they cant sustain any game).


It's true that raiders can't sustain the game.


But it was the "Death of WoW" angle that even allowed them to break even on the game. They had to do it.

Edited by DeltaGun
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Story is the only thing that kept SWTOR going so far.


The mistake they made is they decided to chase WoW crowd and dumped MMO crappings all over the story. THATS why people left. ANd raiders couldnt sustain the game (just like they cant sustain any game).


I've seldom seen an opinion this wrong. It's amazing people still believe this, but I suppose the people who believe that story is the only thing have to have some sliver of hope to cling to.


This is an MMO. In order to be a successful MMO it has to have all of the aspects of an MMO. And if you believe that raiders don't sustain games, you have another think coming.


Of course, no single aspect of an MMO can sustain it. Just raiding heavy content would chase away anyone who doesn't raid, PvP heavy content will chase away the non-PvP crowd, etc. So any time full focus is put on one aspect of an MMO, you'll eventually start bleeding players for who that aspect isn't important.


Know why there are so many pro-story posts? Because people who aren't pro-story advocates are starting to trickle away. People who actually enjoy playing and doing won't stick around for hours of cut scenes interspersed with laughably simple quest mechanics against mobs that stand no chance against overpowered companions.


Right now, this game caters to people who enjoy an easy mode face-roll. If that is EA/BW's target audience, so be it, but don't for one second believe that story is what has kept this game alive. That badge of honor goes to the Cartel Market, the most successful band-aid in MMO history that managed to squeeze money of out old Star Wars fans who were children in the late 70's and early 80's and who are now working men and women with disposable incomes and a thirst for all things Star Wars.

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Story being the core of SWTOR is not in question here. That BioWare can usually (far from always) do story well is also not in question.


The question is the financial sustainability of doing story, and such a rails-driven one with limited replayability at that, to the current near-exclusion of any other new "MMO content."


I think it's a bad idea. But I don't have a magic 8-ball, so the next couple quarterly reports will tell. We'll see where things are at in the report for the quarter that ends June 2016 (i.e. next year's Q2 report), as that will be a decent indicator of whether enough people stayed paying and playing for the monthly chapters, or if after the short run that chapters 1-9 turned out to be, they just decide to wait until all, or a majority, of the remaining seven chapters are released and then sub at once for them.


Something that even I'm currently on the fence about doing. I'm one of those folks that just don't see a ton of replayability in KoTFE. I've already taken four characters through the story with different choices, and none of it mattered in any material way. I'm really not doing the Alliance stuff on all four of those. That's just too much Supply Crate grinding. And meanwhile, my other Alts will just end-up rotting at level 60.


And like I said, I am not a raider in SWTOR. Not by any stretch of the imagination.


The game was spiraling down. Because of their previous genious idea to chase WoW crowd now they dont have resources to throw away. SWTOR isnt WoW and it isnt rolling in money so they can squander it on stuff "just to have it"


And EA hasnt released any SWTOR numbers so far, so its pretty sure to say it wont release any in the future.


OTOH they had plenty of group content, FPs and OPs that have barely been used in the past. So they brought them up to be relevant because whats the point of making more of something thats barely used. SWTOR has more endgame now than ever before. Just look at GF and list of FPs in both variants and list of OPs.


And kicker is - all that is NEW content for vast majority of players, old or new.

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And EA hasnt released any SWTOR numbers so far, so its pretty sure to say it wont release any in the future.


Actually, they do release information for almost every quarterly financial statement. For the quarter ended September 2015, subscriptions were 33% higher than the quarter ended June 2015. That is actually very encouraging news when compared with the news that WoW is no longer going to release subscriber numbers as they continue a downward trend.


Yes this is extremely optimistic to say 4 years into a game, but I think there could still be a day where SWTOR is the #1 subscription MMO in the Western market.

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The game was spiraling down. Because of their previous genious idea to chase WoW crowd now they dont have resources to throw away. SWTOR isnt WoW and it isnt rolling in money so they can squander it on stuff "just to have it"


And EA hasnt released any SWTOR numbers so far, so its pretty sure to say it wont release any in the future.


OTOH they had plenty of group content, FPs and OPs that have barely been used in the past. So they brought them up to be relevant because whats the point of making more of something thats barely used. SWTOR has more endgame now than ever before. Just look at GF and list of FPs in both variants and list of OPs.


And kicker is - all that is NEW content for vast majority of players, old or new.


Barely used? Did you miss all of the posts from launch on from people tired of old FPs and Ops? I know our guild personally used the hell out of the old FP's and Ops to the point that it became boring. Having re-run the "new" old ops and FPs and with how easy they are now...well, they've become boring in record time.


For EA/BW to sustain the quality and level of the story path they've set themselves on, they are going to have to cut corners. We've seen the first of that with the "new" conversations with NPC's once you hit end game. Cinematic cut scenes take time...a lot of it...and instead of having NPC mission dialog cinematics we get the "new" simplistic version.


Further, they cut corners with Ops and FPs. It was easier and faster for them to level up the old stuff than to create new stuff, allowing more time for cinematics. EA/BW has essentially boxed themselves into a corner. In order to sustain the story release schedule they will have no choice but to continue cutting corners, leaving large portions of the player base unsatisfied with the game as a whole.


While I enjoyed the new story cinematics the first time through, it had already become stale and repetitive by the second time through. The Alliance grind might satisfy some for a little while, but as in all things repetitive it will quickly become a boring chore.


EA/BW has placed their bet and thrown the dice and for once I'll be betting on snake-eyes.

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Barely used? Did you miss all of the posts from launch on from people tired of old FPs and Ops? I know our guild personally used the hell out of the old FP's and Ops to the point that it became boring. Having re-run the "new" old ops and FPs and with how easy they are now...well, they've become boring in record time.


For EA/BW to sustain the quality and level of the story path they've set themselves on, they are going to have to cut corners. We've seen the first of that with the "new" conversations with NPC's once you hit end game. Cinematic cut scenes take time...a lot of it...and instead of having NPC mission dialog cinematics we get the "new" simplistic version.


Further, they cut corners with Ops and FPs. It was easier and faster for them to level up the old stuff than to create new stuff, allowing more time for cinematics. EA/BW has essentially boxed themselves into a corner. In order to sustain the story release schedule they will have no choice but to continue cutting corners, leaving large portions of the player base unsatisfied with the game as a whole.


While I enjoyed the new story cinematics the first time through, it had already become stale and repetitive by the second time through. The Alliance grind might satisfy some for a little while, but as in all things repetitive it will quickly become a boring chore.


EA/BW has placed their bet and thrown the dice and for once I'll be betting on snake-eyes.


Yes, barely used. 8 of you arent of any significance. SWTOR needs million(s) to play it.


Its a simple matter - you make content for vast majority which was played absolutely most (and kept SWTOR alive) and the rest get what is left. And if you ask yourself why is like that? Because they made it your way for past 4-5 years.

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Actually, they do release information for almost every quarterly financial statement. For the quarter ended September 2015, subscriptions were 33% higher than the quarter ended June 2015. That is actually very encouraging news when compared with the news that WoW is no longer going to release subscriber numbers as they continue a downward trend.


Yes this is extremely optimistic to say 4 years into a game, but I think there could still be a day where SWTOR is the #1 subscription MMO in the Western market.


That number is meaningless unless you know what it increased from. EA never released revenue or sub/active players/concurrency and all numbers floating around are just speculation.


The notable thing though, is while game catered to OP and some in this thread EA reported decrease in subs AND revenue for SWTOR during 3-4 quarters in a row (with exception of SoR 12x xp/SoR release quarter)

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onos no new raids for the most fickle part of mmo the end game driven raiders.


Not like it matters whats massive about 8 and 16 man raids nothing , nothing epic , wow killed raiding when it quashed 40 mans into the smaller **** , 40 mans were already boring compared to the 70 man raids of the EQ days.


All that to say i dont think raiding can be taken seriously in modern MMO you can pug all this **** , none of it requires real skill or teamwork anymore. just watch the youtube video and meet the gear requirements and have fun.


So that being said , not having OPS for the hardcore raiders is not going to matter diddly squat in the ole bottom line for EA , you simply are not the people keeping the game running and guess what you can all leave people will still pug raids on fleet gen chat so its all irrelevant anyhow. Casuals rule , everything is for casuals good or bad , and your desire and wishes on raiding are irrelevant , you will or wont get new OPS when they do or dont come , thats about as much as it matters to EA and to there bottom line like it or not.

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onos no new raids for the most fickle part of mmo the end game driven raiders.


Not like it matters whats massive about 8 and 16 man raids nothing , nothing epic , wow killed raiding when it quashed 40 mans into the smaller **** , 40 mans were already boring compared to the 70 man raids of the EQ days.


All that to say i dont think raiding can be taken seriously in modern MMO you can pug all this **** , none of it requires real skill or teamwork anymore. just watch the youtube video and meet the gear requirements and have fun.


So that being said , not having OPS for the hardcore raiders is not going to matter diddly squat in the ole bottom line for EA , you simply are not the people keeping the game running and guess what you can all leave people will still pug raids on fleet gen chat so its all irrelevant anyhow. Casuals rule , everything is for casuals good or bad , and your desire and wishes on raiding are irrelevant , you will or wont get new OPS when they do or dont come , thats about as much as it matters to EA and to there bottom line like it or not.


Sums it up, but what you forgot that SWTOR is AAA game that need masses to play it. I always wondered if you are hardore (and even raiding is on its way out) what are you doing in AAA MMO. Game just CANNOT be tuned to you and survive.


And on another notice, raids are being left for "better times". So, if you like SWTOR, instead welcoming changes that might revitalize the game, and when and if that better times hapen you get content you like you bicker and go on whine sprees for BW to continue doing what evidently failed for last 4 years.

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onos no new raids for the most fickle part of mmo the end game driven raiders.


Not like it matters whats massive about 8 and 16 man raids nothing , nothing epic , wow killed raiding when it quashed 40 mans into the smaller **** , 40 mans were already boring compared to the 70 man raids of the EQ days.


All that to say i dont think raiding can be taken seriously in modern MMO you can pug all this **** , none of it requires real skill or teamwork anymore. just watch the youtube video and meet the gear requirements and have fun.


So that being said , not having OPS for the hardcore raiders is not going to matter diddly squat in the ole bottom line for EA , you simply are not the people keeping the game running and guess what you can all leave people will still pug raids on fleet gen chat so its all irrelevant anyhow. Casuals rule , everything is for casuals good or bad , and your desire and wishes on raiding are irrelevant , you will or wont get new OPS when they do or dont come , thats about as much as it matters to EA and to there bottom line like it or not.


This is always the common misconception by a lot of people that don't like to raid. Although, as you call them, "hardcore raiders" aren't the majority of the populations, they are the ones that promote the game. They are the ones that start competitions, drama, rile up excitement, not the casual soccer mom that likes to flirt with Corso. So you are right that a gaming company has to do their best to keep the majority happy but without those hardcore types in your mmo, you just end up with a game equivalent to a facebook cash shop, which is what this is turning into. If that's their vision, then so be it, but totally neglecting that part of an mmo will never allow it to be a top 5 choice. If they and we all accept that and enjoy just the story for what it is, then so be it, but even that has degraded over the years.

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