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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BUG Shatele Shan small


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I just got the game today and love it, curious if anyone else is having the bug where Shatele Shan from the jedi council comes out the size of an ant during all cutscenes?


Currently playing with a Jedi knight human.




Nah, this happens radomly and is, thankfully, rather rare. I've only ever saw it twice. Once as a Jedi Knight, probably where you did, and another as a Commando with Jorgen.


It's am amusing little bug that never ceases to make me grin :)

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Hello there!


Thank you for reporting this issue! While the miniature size of a NPC can be most amusing indeed, we ask that you report all bugs using the "/bug" command while in-game. This option will bring up a screen that will give you a chance to describe the bug in detail, as well as take a screenshot.


Thank you!

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Hello there!


Thank you for reporting this issue! While the miniature size of a NPC can be most amusing indeed, we ask that you report all bugs using the "/bug" command while in-game. This option will bring up a screen that will give you a chance to describe the bug in detail, as well as take a screenshot.


Thank you!


Guess the few times i reported this during Beta where not enough.

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I haven't had this one, but the last time i talked to the council she was standing waaaayy in the corner at the other end of the room for some reason. When everyone else was talking to her as if she was standing at the table.


When it cut to a shot of just her i could barely see her way in the back. It was rather amusing

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