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The EA E3 Press Conference, Monday 6/15


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Hey folks,


Here’s the one place to find all of the information about the SWTOR 2015 EA E3 press conference! I hope that you are ready to learn more about what our teaser from Star Wars™ Celebration is all about.



The EAE3 press conference happens on Monday, June 15th at 1PM PDT.

Click for more timezone information:











Watch the press conference on our livestream, here.



Learn more about what we hinted at during Star Wars Celebration. Let us know what you think on Twitter with #SWTOR #EAE3 #FallenEmpire


Thanks everyone! Keep your eyes on this thread if you want to be the first to know as we post updates here.


May the Force™ be with you!



Edited by EricMusco
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Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ – The largest story-driven expansion to date, Knights of the Fallen Empire, marks a renewed focus on cinematic storytelling in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The expansion will deliver on the hallmarks of what makes a great BioWare™ game: new worlds to explore, new companions to recruit, and a dynamic story that players will be able to shape based on the choices they make.

Download press releases, screenshots and videos immediately following the show from info.ea.com.





Sounds exciting!

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Very excited to hear about the next chapter in TOR! I'm gonna have to take a *COUGH* *COUGH* sick day Monday with all of the potential E3 news :)


Thanks for all the hard work BW! :rak_03:



Edited by king_nile
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Woot, didn't see about that until you linked it. If we are getting a live-action trailer, EA is really dropping some big cash on SWTOR. :)

In case anyone is wondering, they sent out that picture in an e-mail (A New Threat Is Rising, Face Your Destiny on June 15th), they also posted it on Social Media.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/starwarstheoldrepublic/photos/a.10150113796393860.291837.28984808859/10153052493883860/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/p/32NwcvgyEb/

Edited by Jerba
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I'd prefer that we focus on the companions we already have, but I'm hyped! (I'm going to be so dissappointed, aren't I? :D)



Hm, what planet is that? And why do all three people in the picture look the same is all was? Same stance, lightsaber and they look like twins. Plus their armour is opposite in colour scheme.

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Hm, what planet is that? And why do all three people in the picture look the same is all was? Same stance, lightsaber and they look like twins. Plus their armour is opposite in colour scheme.

They also posted a second picture on Facebook that takes place like 1 second after this picture: https://scontent-ams2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/t31.0-8/10869470_10153052493883860_2130119019139285445_o.jpg

Looks like the black standing figure killed the other black figure in front of him. I don't think they are Sith since their lightsabers aren't red but that doesn't have to mean anything. Hard to see which planet it is; since this is a live-action or CGI trailer, it will look very different from how it looks in-game.

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I've stopped associating lightsaber colour with alignment since they introduced the dozens of colours on the CM (which is a good thing since it allows more colour variation). Regardless the two figures seem to have yellow or copper lightsabers, which is a nice break from the traditional blue, green, red. Pretty excited to see a possibly new CGI trailer in addition to the brief synopsis that we know, which really shows that EA has put a lot more faith and resources into TOR. Edited by Sangiban
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They also posted a second picture on Facebook that takes place like 1 second after this picture: https://scontent-ams2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/t31.0-8/10869470_10153052493883860_2130119019139285445_o.jpg

Looks like the black standing figure killed the other black figure in front of him. I don't think they are Sith since their lightsabers aren't red but that doesn't have to mean anything. Hard to see which planet it is; since this is a live-action or CGI trailer, it will look very different from how it looks in-game.


I think we can see the bodies of jedi and sith there, I first thought that maybe these are possessed emperor fodder, but they don't have the glowing eyes and such. So maybe it's his crazy, devoted guards.


Also, #FaceYourDestiny sounds like Bioware is trying to tell us that something is going to bite us in the rear.

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Interesting. So that's what the Shadow Realms manpower has been used for. I can't say I'm disappointed. If they truly are going to start taking the game in a KotOR direction, adding companions to recruit, more worlds, etc, I'll be more than happy.


They did have to do this, though. There was no other option. If we did defeat the Emperor, the whole story would end. As it stands, I'm not quite sure that's part of the foreseeable future anymore. I received a promotional email with this picture in the background. It almost looks like Starkiller clones... either way, it appears to me that they intend to go on another Dread Masters type story direction (in other words, not end the story with the Emperor).



Those are just my initial thoughts, though. I'll have to wait til the 15th to make a more educated guess.

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They also posted a second picture on Facebook that takes place like 1 second after this picture: https://scontent-ams2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/t31.0-8/10869470_10153052493883860_2130119019139285445_o.jpg

Looks like the black standing figure killed the other black figure in front of him. I don't think they are Sith since their lightsabers aren't red but that doesn't have to mean anything. Hard to see which planet it is; since this is a live-action or CGI trailer, it will look very different from how it looks in-game.


I'm thinking Vakku, to tie it in with the new movies.

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Looking at the two pictures side by side, the first (with the kneeling Sith). You can see the field littered with Republic commando corpses, one dead sith, and the kneeling (possibly about to be executed) sith. They are identified as sith because of their armor (look at previous CGI and videos) and the kneeling sith's lightsaber is just finishing deactivating (red glow on the ends).


In the second picture, it is from a slightly different angle, time lapsed just a tad. We see the dead Republic commandos again, 2 dead sith (the one kneeling is now face down behind the guard to the left) and a dead Jedi in the foreground.


The 2 standing guards do indeed look like clones, wearing identical armor and insignia, different colors. As was already deduced, this is likely the Knights of the Fallen Empire.


Frankly, i'm excited. The ending of Ziost showed me this was coming, and as has been stated by another user, simply killing the Emperor would end the story. I would feel ending it at this juncture would feel cheated, as the Emperor is supposed to be as powerful as he is. This is a good way to make it dynamic, fun, and engaging once more.


I'm so so SO very glad it's heading this direction with the story telling. It's why I was excited Bioware was doing this MMO in the first place. You guys are top notch when it comes to story telling, and having past experience in the TOR universe is a definite bonus. I look forward to getting through this adventure/story, and not feeling like it's another dailies grind.

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Looking at the two pictures side by side, the first (with the kneeling Sith). You can see the field littered with Republic commando corpses, one dead sith, and the kneeling (possibly about to be executed) sith. They are identified as sith because of their armor (look at previous CGI and videos) and the kneeling sith's lightsaber is just finishing deactivating (red glow on the ends).


The armor is definitely not Sith, at least not the gloves/gauntlets: http://i.imgur.com/dtw1yXd.png

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why do all three people in the picture look the same is all was? Same stance, lightsaber and they look like twins


I think it'd be really interesting to have a twin duo as the villains. I don't know if it's been done before in Star Wars (though I'm sure there was at least one instance), and I think it'd be a cool change of pace.


Still, I can't help but see them as Starkiller lookalikes, and wondering it that's part of it.

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The black cloaks are also one of the things (I think) is an indicator, since the Jedi don't use them, the Sith do.


Well, Jedis do use rather dark brown cloaks and the sandstorm & (lack of) lighting is making everything look less colourful than in the broad daylight we saw in the previous trailers.


To me, the biggest indicator are the two orange lights on the gauntlets: http://i.imgur.com/dtw1yXd.png , as the Eradicator gauntlets don't have those and the Valiant Jedi gauntlets do.

Edited by MFollin
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