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Can the Sith Inquisitor consume the Emperors spirit?


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I mean, assuming that Vitiate hasn't taken on another body, which looks to be the case with how his spirit fled Yavin as some force of energy; does that mean his essence could be devoured like what the Inquisitor does in the story?


Now, yes, I know they would just use the hand wave argument of "hes too powerful". But its a pretty established point that immortal sith spirits are not invincible and can be destroyed. For example the spirits of Naga Sadow, Freedom Nad and Exar Kun were all destroyed in this manner. (Incidently I really think we are going to Onderon/Dxun to Freedom Nads tomb in the next expansion to learn how to do this).


While I am on this line of thought. I remember before this game came out that the history and lore mini series made quite a big plot point about the Emperor trying to wipe out all of the ancient Sith ghosts he could find. This would suggest that they could either rival his power, or, more likely, possess some McGuffin knowledge that would allow the heroes to defeat Vitiate.


So yeah, I think we're going to Dxun, we'll definitely go to Freedom Nads tomb and maybe meet a force ghost.



Another route entirely, I think the above would be absolutely perfect for a Sith Inquisitor storyline as you master the dark arts, would be to look at the Warrior storyline., Remember, Baras defeated Vitiate and had him trapped on Voss until the Wrath rescued him; which is why the Emperor is such a :wea_03:to you if you are a warrior. But that means Baras must have had some inside knowledge into how the Emperors spirit and host bodies worked. Perhaps the voice can be trapped permanently. Now, I know what you guys are saying. What if the warrior killed Baras. Simple, if they did kill him then Baras appears as a force ghost instead of an exile. You can just see him as this old Yoda like hermit and the heroes having to get the fat man to tell them how to take down the Emperor.



Just as an aside. I really think that the Inquisitor is going to become Emperor. They've now started referring to Vitiate by name and dropped the title entirely. Plus there is a neat bit of dialogue with the Emperor on Ziost where he tells the Inquisitor, "the Empire is a failure, you can have it.". Its a nice ego boost that Vitiate thinks the Inquisitor is in charge of the Empire.


But yeah can't wait until next update or expansion. My warrior has a real axe to grind with that guy.

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Baras didn't defeat Vitiate, he simply led Vitiate to an entity who could imprison him.


I do suppose that the Inquisitor may be able to consume the Emperor's spirit, but would the Inquisitor be able to contain it or will it be too overwhelming?

Edited by October
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Vitiate is a Celestial, not a force ghost. So no.

This pretty much, but Vitiate would probably overwhelm Nox before he had the chance first. No one person no matter how powerful they seem will defeat him, I believe this point has been made with Revan.

Edited by Newyankalt
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He/She could try.... and promptly become the Emperor's new meatpuppet.


I don't think we've ever seen the Inquisitor eat anyone stronger than themselves: were the ghosts on DK and Hoth strong? Yes. But I think the reason the Inq was able to eat them was because they were more powerful. The Emperor isn't really dead either, just bodiliess. So I don't know if you could even eat them.

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I mean, assuming that Vitiate hasn't taken on another body, which looks to be the case with how his spirit fled Yavin as some force of energy; does that mean his essence could be devoured like what the Inquisitor does in the story?


Now, yes, I know they would just use the hand wave argument of "hes too powerful". But its a pretty established point that immortal sith spirits are not invincible and can be destroyed. For example the spirits of Naga Sadow, Freedom Nad and Exar Kun were all destroyed in this manner. (Incidently I really think we are going to Onderon/Dxun to Freedom Nads tomb in the next expansion to learn how to do this).


While I am on this line of thought. I remember before this game came out that the history and lore mini series made quite a big plot point about the Emperor trying to wipe out all of the ancient Sith ghosts he could find. This would suggest that they could either rival his power, or, more likely, possess some McGuffin knowledge that would allow the heroes to defeat Vitiate.


So yeah, I think we're going to Dxun, we'll definitely go to Freedom Nads tomb and maybe meet a force ghost.



Another route entirely, I think the above would be absolutely perfect for a Sith Inquisitor storyline as you master the dark arts, would be to look at the Warrior storyline., Remember, Baras defeated Vitiate and had him trapped on Voss until the Wrath rescued him; which is why the Emperor is such a :wea_03:to you if you are a warrior. But that means Baras must have had some inside knowledge into how the Emperors spirit and host bodies worked. Perhaps the voice can be trapped permanently. Now, I know what you guys are saying. What if the warrior killed Baras. Simple, if they did kill him then Baras appears as a force ghost instead of an exile. You can just see him as this old Yoda like hermit and the heroes having to get the fat man to tell them how to take down the Emperor.



Just as an aside. I really think that the Inquisitor is going to become Emperor. They've now started referring to Vitiate by name and dropped the title entirely. Plus there is a neat bit of dialogue with the Emperor on Ziost where he tells the Inquisitor, "the Empire is a failure, you can have it.". Its a nice ego boost that Vitiate thinks the Inquisitor is in charge of the Empire.


But yeah can't wait until next update or expansion. My warrior has a real axe to grind with that guy.


didnt you even consider how much effort it took for nox to keep several force spirits in check? it even took a full body reconstruction to continue living as a side effect of carrying around these spirits. if nox can not contain these spirits for a prolonged amount of time then imagine how much more powerful the likes of revan would be, remember that revan has been through 7 kinds of hell in his time and seen all of that stuff, so he has means that would break lesser souls including nox who has not understood anything yet, thats where kalligs spirit came into it during the storyline to tell the inquisitor off. revan isnt even a fraction of vitiates power and vitiate has the ability to mind dominate, so next time think your question through first.

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