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Everything posted by ReturnDaenerys

  1. "Problem" is meant here as a neutral term. Me writing stuff is just speculation based on whats been said by Bioware on this forum and elsewhere. My post isn't intended to be a complaint, it is speculation. There would be no point to this forum if Bioware did not want people to discuss and talk about the new expansion. So I really don't get the asinine attitude of "don't post until its released".
  2. I just don't see how it will work if it is what they seem to be saying its going to be like. Recruiting other class companions Losing your current companions The galaxy having fallen etc etc
  3. I just don't see how the game can work and still be immersive. Companions are important for balance. If we suddenly lose access to or the ability to summon our companions this would prove problematic. Also, how do you deal with DLC companions who should always be with you. Its also weird because your class ship has all of your companions on it. Do they disappear suddenly. Same with your strongholds (another make no sense problem, are this new empire just letting you relax in occupied Drommund Kaas or do I have a time machine?). It would also be annoying if you give specific equipment and gear to your companions only to find them dead or no longer recruitable. I am also really suspicious about what they mean by "companion". As in an ally and NPC like Lana or Darth Marr, or an actual companion like Vette, Kaiyo etc etc? Ways they could get around this- 1 - Instead of it being Lana (although I strongly suspect it is Lana who revives you) its actually your companions which rescue you and bring the old ship. This is probably the easiest way although it does handwave a lot of things. So presumably you automatically get access to your class companions and can then add a selection of other class companions who Bioware has deemed important enough. Although I am not sure how even this would work. Lets say our Jedi Knight meets Quin as captain of this Imperial ship and bioware has content for this mini quest involving him. How does that work as a warrior when he has been with you the entire time? It could end up feeling very false. 2 - Lana recruits a team of locals (those people in the bio). These become your temporary companions until you reunite with a selection of your old companions. Still a lot of issues like loss of gear and the like but it solves balance issues. It also explains how this new "Outlander" character will work as he won't have his own class companions. 3 - They give you a new ship and you add companions as you go. Mind you that ship would either have to be huge or not have everybody on it in order to work. 4- Companions are only disabled whilst inside story areas and planets in the new expansion. This would solve the problem, but again, would hurt immersion if they want to push that my character is all alone and has lost their companions if I can summon them outside of the quest area. The Fleet. How does it make sense that the galaxy has fallen if I can shuttle back to the fleet. Its even possible that some of these missions will be available from the fleet. This could kill a lot of the immersion if they really want to sell the concept that both the Empire and the Republic have fallen. Solution. A new hub for level 60+?
  4. I suspect that both the republic and the empire have been reduced to a sort of rebel alliance status. In other words they have fleets and armies, but they can only operate on the margins of the galaxy and are moving their base from planet to planet. This makes sense purely from them echoeing the original trilogy and this was something very well done in the Legacy era with the Galactic Alliance; which I think weill be strong inspiration for the story. So I think Darth Marr and Satile Shan will be the centers of the two factions. Incidently, this could be Biowares excuse for retaining the fleets without the need for a new post level 60 hub. They'd simply say the fleet is now constantly on the move. Personally I thjink a new hub is neccesdary otherwise it will take you out of the game. I also suspect that we didn't see much of the republic (or even Empire to lesser extent) in this trailer because there might be another cinematic trailer(s) closer to the date. So we might see Coruscant or Drommund Kaas fall. Really wouldn't surprise me if Saetile appeared in a cinematic cutscene. This could help explain the position of each faction in the same way the launch trailers did. By fallen I think they meen in a similar sense to the Yuuzhang Vong. So Coruscant and Drommund Kaas will almost certainly be either conquered or even totally destroyed. Coruscant has been rebuilt many times before so this would not be unprecedented. Technically the New Republic falls at the point the senate house falls and the capital with it. I could see a similar deathblow being dealt even if many worlds remain in "republic" or "Imperial" hands. Personally I can buy a (presumably) more technologically advanced civilisation overcoming two really exhausted empires that have been devastated by two colossal wars. Both came very close to collapse. The republic during the first galactic war in the initiasl Imperial invasion, and again during the coreworlds offensive at the battle of corellia. Whereas the Empire has been on the brink of collapse ever since the battle of Corellia. I am curious about where the Mandalorian clans fit into all of this. Would they continue to serve the Empire if a stronger force came along? Would they change sides or be prevented from doing so?
  5. I couldn't quite decide if it was him. I remember that when he talks to the Sith Inquisitor and about howthe Empire is a failure he seems to be implying that he wants to improve on it. Then we have the bio for this new Emperor on this site saying that this new empire "surpasses all of his previous works". I mean we assumed that Vitiate wanted to consume all life in the galaxy. Marr and the others say that is his plan and his actions seem to support that but even he says that he has already cheated death. It may still be his plan. but we shouldn't rule out that he can conceal his madness from his own people and he is still just one man. So making his own new Empire makes sense. Its also possible that he isn't out for destruction and that his plans, which during Ziost he constantly talks about, are actually completely mercurial. In the Knight storyline he talks about seeking nothing beyond living every life imaginable and he may simply see this new creation and role as one to fill.
  6. Reading the bios makes me think Vitiate is this new Emperor. They're putting you in same position that Revan was put into by the Sith Emperor.
  7. I am reading all kinds of crazy stuff about them forgetting that they spent the past two expansions building up Vitiate and are now forgetting him to introduce this new unrelated faction. Is it true that the Republic and Empire have fallen and that the game takes place decades in the future? I assumed the trailer was just using symbolism to get the threat across but REALLY? You're going to just do away with the entire setting? Without any forewarning or buildup? I am not angry Iam just stunned and confused.
  8. I mean, assuming that Vitiate hasn't taken on another body, which looks to be the case with how his spirit fled Yavin as some force of energy; does that mean his essence could be devoured like what the Inquisitor does in the story? Now, yes, I know they would just use the hand wave argument of "hes too powerful". But its a pretty established point that immortal sith spirits are not invincible and can be destroyed. For example the spirits of Naga Sadow, Freedom Nad and Exar Kun were all destroyed in this manner. (Incidently I really think we are going to Onderon/Dxun to Freedom Nads tomb in the next expansion to learn how to do this). While I am on this line of thought. I remember before this game came out that the history and lore mini series made quite a big plot point about the Emperor trying to wipe out all of the ancient Sith ghosts he could find. This would suggest that they could either rival his power, or, more likely, possess some McGuffin knowledge that would allow the heroes to defeat Vitiate. So yeah, I think we're going to Dxun, we'll definitely go to Freedom Nads tomb and maybe meet a force ghost. Another route entirely, I think the above would be absolutely perfect for a Sith Inquisitor storyline as you master the dark arts, would be to look at the Warrior storyline., Remember, Baras defeated Vitiate and had him trapped on Voss until the Wrath rescued him; which is why the Emperor is such a :wea_03:to you if you are a warrior. But that means Baras must have had some inside knowledge into how the Emperors spirit and host bodies worked. Perhaps the voice can be trapped permanently. Now, I know what you guys are saying. What if the warrior killed Baras. Simple, if they did kill him then Baras appears as a force ghost instead of an exile. You can just see him as this old Yoda like hermit and the heroes having to get the fat man to tell them how to take down the Emperor. Just as an aside. I really think that the Inquisitor is going to become Emperor. They've now started referring to Vitiate by name and dropped the title entirely. Plus there is a neat bit of dialogue with the Emperor on Ziost where he tells the Inquisitor, "the Empire is a failure, you can have it.". Its a nice ego boost that Vitiate thinks the Inquisitor is in charge of the Empire. But yeah can't wait until next update or expansion. My warrior has a real axe to grind with that guy.
  9. The way I see most of the post level 50 content is that its designed with Republic players in mind. You're largely stuck fighting "the bad guys". In Shadow of Revan you even get a really nice Sith, a cool republic agent and two funny sidekicks to help you stop the darkness. Now, absolutely nothing wrong with that in itself. Works perfect for light side republic characters and even dark side republic. Can be quite interesting and work with light side Imperials. Because a light side Imperial is still a good person and would want to risk their life selflessly stopping the Dread Masters, Revan and the Emperor. But IMO I just think the story falls apart if you are playing a dark side Imperial. The Sith, for example, are far too self interested. None of these threats directly affect them and don't stand to gain anything by winning,. In story, Baras and Thanaton were either actively trying to murder you or you stood to gain by defeating them. Its also hard to believe that your goodie companions like Theron would ever work with one of the lords of the dark council who is a monster who has used superweapons to murder thousands of republic people. Or the Wrath who is a psychopathic murderer. The comical characters really feel out of place here as well. Would the Inquisitor really put up with their antics? Wouldn't their interactions with eachother be incredibly different? As I said above, Light Side Sith get around this because it puts you in a similar position as Lana; in that you are a sith but still largely a good person who genuinely wants to save the galaxy. Basically they're trying to put Imperial characters through the same story as the republic characters and it doesn't work with dark side Imperials.
  10. 1- Let the Imperials win. I know that eventually, in canon, the Empire will lose; because in episode 1 the republic rules. But the fact that its quite obviously losing the war, with us being reminded of this so often, despite the actions of the Imperial players, can seem a little bit disheartening. It feels like you're staving off the inevitable in every mission past lvl50. So, IMO, they should be willing to have alternate campaign paths for the republic and imperial stories, just like in Knights of the Old Republic. Potentially, in the distant future even have an expansion which "ends" the Great War with the Empire triumphant and you doing the whole Malgus and sacking Coruscant like in the trailer. I don't like playing for the losing side and feeling like my actions are futile. 2- I want to be Emperor Also, if they do bring the Emperor back and I am playing an Inquisitor or the Wrath then kill him I think I've earned right to be Emperor. You can have Marr take this role if the character is not a Sith. Hes already said he doesn't care who sits the throne and why not the most powerful Sith in the galaxy; you. Like being wrath or a member of the dark council this would make little actual difference to the campaign but would be the perfect way to know that your Sith character is at the apex. As for the reason. The Emperor seems to be an anti-christ parasite like Darth Nihlus from KoToR 2 and having read the book I know that he ultimately intends to consume the Empire. If he has to consume his empire to come back or this threat becomes known to the Imperial players it would easily set up this conflict. This would be really interesting story wise if you were playing the Warrior. On a related note. A bounty hunter getting to be Mandalore would also be awesome. Mechanics wise this could be precisely the same as the Emperor. Either you put forward an Imperial candidate who supports the Empire as an NPC because the current Mandalore has become rebellious. If you're a bounty hunter, you simply dispense with this NPC and make it so that the Imperials choose you as their pro Imperial Mandalorian. Or the character has the option of letting the NPC become Mandalore or assuming the mantel for themselves as a dialogue option. The amount of stuff you have done for them I think you've proven your reliability. 3- Worlds Geonosis- Great world from the films. Lots of monsters. Gladiator pits. Droid factories. Strange insect race. Manaan - Underwater world. Was in KoToR. Strategic importance with the kolto. You could also have underwater "starfighter" battles. Mandalore- Its the homeworld of the Mandalorians...enough said. Arkania- World of scientists and genetic experts with great war changing technology. Maybe the republic wants to ferment revolt among the offshoot slave caste? Be a solid setting. Yavin- Tomb of Freedom Nadd where his spirit resides. Also where the Massassi tribes live and was in the movies. A little close to Drommund Kaas perhaps. Also, there was a big thing about the ancient sith lords wanting to stop the Emperor. Perhaps they become a new threat and raise a Massasi army armed with ancient sith weaponry?
  11. Arkanian Offshoot. They're quite important in the Knights of the Old Republic comic series that was set during Mando wars. The offshoot character Jarael was so epic in it. Malak even has a brief crush on her. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Arkanian_Offshoot http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jarael
  12. I think you reference the Knights of the Old Republic comic series with one of the consular companions (who looks very close to an Arkanian Offshoot with the albino skin) and with Carrick Station which is named after the main character. Anyway, I think it would be awesome if you made this race playable. Much like the Cathar they're quite closely tied to the Old Republic mythos, again through the comic series which was set during the Mandalorian Wars. A race of genetically engineered slaves is also pretty interesting as a character backstory. They're also close enough to being human, like the Chiss, that it wouldn't present any problems; like an Ithorian. Plus I've always wanted to make a character based off Jarael. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Arkanian_Offshoot http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jarael
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