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I don't understand...Bioware what are you thinking?!


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As a few examples of the participation level needed for the Gold tier mount, a player who does not place in Bronze or above would need to play more than 60 games per week for the entire season at a 50% win rate, earning max medals each match, while completing every daily and weekly to purchase the mount.


60 games per week? Have Bioware addressed server population and ranked populations? How is someone going to play 60 games per week when their server is dead?


This isn't going to encourage people to play.


What happens if a really really good player who has played for years always get puts with noobs in ranked??? He has to suffer for an ENTIRE season and play for hours and hours and hours to get enough tokens yet another player of equal level gets lucky with his groups and doesn't have to play as much but will get gold tier???


What about class balance bioware? Are you going to fix that?


There's nothing you can do to encourage people to play unless you fix the rating system, the elo system is a total joke! Why should my rating be dictated by 7 other people and how they perform???

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Don't suck? And don't leave out the rest of the quote. If you fail to get AT LEAST bronze level, then it's 60+ games per week because you wouldn't have had any chance to get the mount previously. Silver would be looking at 18+ games because it's a GOLD tier reward. Since you didn't achieve gold tier, you'll have to work harder to get better rewards. Or just play better and get Gold tier and you'll need to play 10 games minimum during the season.


This gets easier for players that place in rating tiers, but a Silver rated player would still need to play more than 18 games a week, winning half their games, achieving max medals each match, completing every daily and weekly for the entire season while not purchasing any other rewards to afford the mount. These numbers are ballpark but we feel that they have a good balance between being physically obtainable so players will feel like they have the ability to achieve them, while still being a significant challenge and investment.
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Don't suck? And don't leave out the rest of the quote. If you fail to get AT LEAST bronze level, then it's 60+ games per week because you wouldn't have had any chance to get the mount previously. Silver would be looking at 18+ games because it's a GOLD tier reward. Since you didn't achieve gold tier, you'll have to work harder to get better rewards. Or just play better and get Gold tier and you'll need to play 10 games minimum during the season.


So if I play better and become better at PVP, it automatically means my rating will go up?


You do realise that my rating is also dependant on the 3 other people on my team, the enemy team, how good they are, how often pops are on the server, class balance etc...

Edited by Vallerine
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60 games per week? Have Bioware addressed server population and ranked populations? How is someone going to play 60 games per week when their server is dead?


This isn't going to encourage people to play.


What happens if a really really good player who has played for years always get puts with noobs in ranked??? He has to suffer for an ENTIRE season and play for hours and hours and hours to get enough tokens yet another player of equal level gets lucky with his groups and doesn't have to play as much but will get gold tier???


What about class balance bioware? Are you going to fix that?


There's nothing you can do to encourage people to play unless you fix the rating system, the elo system is a total joke! Why should my rating be dictated by 7 other people and how they perform???


You're taking their post way out of context. "60 game a week" was given as an EXAMPLE of what it would take a BAD PLAYER to do, in order to buy higher tier rewards. While I'm sure there is room for improvement in their new system, lets not jump to conclusions just yet. Keep in mind BAD PLAYERS shouldn't just be ENTITLED to things. This new system still allows for players of all skill levels to participate and have a shot at obtaining all the rewards. Which I think is a really awesome idea, moving forward, as it will promote more people to queue, and for longer.

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You're taking their post way out of context. "60 game a week" was given as an EXAMPLE of what it would take a BAD PLAYER to do, in order to buy higher tier rewards. While I'm sure there is room for improvement in their new system, lets not jump to conclusions just yet. Keep in mind BAD PLAYERS shouldn't just be ENTITLED to things. This new system still allows for players of all skill levels to participate and have a shot at obtaining all the rewards. Which I think is a really awesome idea, moving forward, as it will promote more people to queue, and for longer.



Players who are terrible will not get the rewards without putting in the grind. People can only cry bad luck so much.

It makes sense that certain factions, servers, and even type of ranked have different pops. They can see this. Hopefully they set it so, tokens are legacy as with most of the rewards and they make the "number" required a good medium that addresses server population and ranked game type.

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So if I play better and become better at PVP, it automatically means my rating will go up?


You do realise that my rating is also dependant on the 3 other people on my team, the enemy team, how good they are, how often pops are on the server, class balance etc...


I think you need to drop some of your pre-conceived notions of PvP if you plan to succeed. First off, stop playing weak classes. I'm very happy that X has been your main since release, but not every class will be balanced for the highest level of play. There are at least 5 ACs that can perform in solo (PT, Sin, Sorc, Jugg, Op), so find one you like and use it. When balance changes or the meta shifts, move on to what you think is strong.


Follow any PvP game and you'll see that top players do this. League of Legends players who are trying to climb the ladder don't play bottom tier champions and will spam the most OP, broken champions if trying to climb fast. Hearthstone players will pick the deck they feel with have the most success against everything else on ladder to get a high win rate and climb to legend. They can literally play anything at low levels and win, but at higher tiers of play they have to take what's strong as well.


Can't buy into this concept? Then aim for top 96 and you can purchase all of the rewards regardless of tier. If no one can get a class to Gold, the highest ones will still get all the rewards.


Secondly, everyone's rating in solo queue is based on 3 other players. Yet I continuously see the best players have high ratings every season. That's because you are always a factor on your team. If you are good, you have 3 chances at bad players while the other team has 4 chances. If you are bad, you have a guaranteed bad player and 3 chances while the other team has 4 chances still. Sure, you can hit a bad streak but that will eventually be balanced by a good streak. You seem to think that rating can be sorted out in 20 or 30 games when in reality most games need 100-200 instances to get you to your average elo.


If that's not a concept you can buy into, then I suggest ranked 4s where you can control who those players are. Queues not popping on your server? Transfer to another server with active queues. Use 12x to roll on another server (what I did).

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People can only cry bad luck so much.


Yeah I find it amusing how many people on these forums are continually blaming their 3 other team mates for why their own ELO rating is bad each and every season. At least with this new system, even with bad team mates all season long, you can still grind out the rewards if you want them.

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You know they used an example as someone who didn't obtain bronze "a player who does not place in Bronze or above would need to play more than 60 games per week for the entire season at a 50% win rate". Fifty percent win rate for a sub Bronze? Right.


I hope by now everyone know how easy the top level people queue sync to get on the same team every round.


I am all for these changes but with the sheer amount of games required (playing it way to cautious) coupled with the terrible attitudes of the community, and people abusing the ELO system, I suspect this will not have much impact until they change the ratios or change ELO to work with a 10 person queue.


I will certainty give it a shot. I played 10-20 games per night pre-season 4. It was a blast, competitive, most people were nice. I doubt that will be replicated here.

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I play usually 20-35 every night on Harbinger.


35? With 12 minutes per round 5ish loading queuing, maybe 1-2 idle, you play 11 hours per night? And that is with insta-pops. KK. I believe you.


brb looking for sarcasm emotes.

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People who complain about these changes perhaps don't understand. What BW are saying is no matter how bad you are, or not good, or a beginner, or whatever, you have a shot at earning rewards if you put in the effort. This should encourage people to play more.


Second, it means rating is less high stakes. It should feel more like pre-season. The good players, the ones that win more than they lose, will get proper reward for their efforts. So there should be less hate towards new players joining ranked - or mercs, maras, whatever - because now rewards and rating are totally on your own shoulders. You will get out what you put in. That's all you can ask.


If your faction or server is dead, reroll with 12xp somewhere else. The more people who get in on this, the more successful the change will be.

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If your faction or server is dead, reroll with 12xp somewhere else. The more people who get in on this, the more successful the change will be.


It should not be on the players to find a server that has the most ranked or force players to play on another faction to get ranked pops.


However, we can't expect BW to merge everything we want and when we want.


This is why all rewards being bound to legacy would be the perfect solution for what we currently have. Players can play on any faction, try to earn rewards on any toon, and still get rewards for the toon they originally wanted to play on.

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60 games per week? Have Bioware addressed server population and ranked populations? How is someone going to play 60 games per week when their server is dead?


This isn't going to encourage people to play.


What happens if a really really good player who has played for years always get puts with noobs in ranked??? He has to suffer for an ENTIRE season and play for hours and hours and hours to get enough tokens yet another player of equal level gets lucky with his groups and doesn't have to play as much but will get gold tier???


What about class balance bioware? Are you going to fix that?


There's nothing you can do to encourage people to play unless you fix the rating system, the elo system is a total joke! Why should my rating be dictated by 7 other people and how they perform???


I've mentioned this before elsewhere- while this does not FIX anything, per se, it is certainly a step in the right direction.

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Yeah I find it amusing how many people on these forums are continually blaming their 3 other team mates for why their own ELO rating is bad each and every season. At least with this new system, even with bad team mates all season long, you can still grind out the rewards if you want them.


I blame me if I get a **** start :rak_03:

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35? With 12 minutes per round 5ish loading queuing, maybe 1-2 idle, you play 11 hours per night? And that is with insta-pops. KK. I believe you.


brb looking for sarcasm emotes.


You do know he's talking about RANKED games right? A ranked match is usually over with in about 4 minutes with some running longer and others being shorter.


With that as an average time, a person could knock out that many matches a night.

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I think you need to drop some of your pre-conceived notions of PvP if you plan to succeed. First off, stop playing weak classes. I'm very happy that X has been your main since release, but not every class will be balanced for the highest level of play. There are at least 5 ACs that can perform in solo (PT, Sin, Sorc, Jugg, Op), so find one you like and use it. When balance changes or the meta shifts, move on to what you think is strong.


Follow any PvP game and you'll see that top players do this. League of Legends players who are trying to climb the ladder don't play bottom tier champions and will spam the most OP, broken champions if trying to climb fast. Hearthstone players will pick the deck they feel with have the most success against everything else on ladder to get a high win rate and climb to legend. They can literally play anything at low levels and win, but at higher tiers of play they have to take what's strong as well.


Can't buy into this concept? Then aim for top 96 and you can purchase all of the rewards regardless of tier. If no one can get a class to Gold, the highest ones will still get all the rewards.


Secondly, everyone's rating in solo queue is based on 3 other players. Yet I continuously see the best players have high ratings every season. That's because you are always a factor on your team. If you are good, you have 3 chances at bad players while the other team has 4 chances. If you are bad, you have a guaranteed bad player and 3 chances while the other team has 4 chances still. Sure, you can hit a bad streak but that will eventually be balanced by a good streak. You seem to think that rating can be sorted out in 20 or 30 games when in reality most games need 100-200 instances to get you to your average elo.


If that's not a concept you can buy into, then I suggest ranked 4s where you can control who those players are. Queues not popping on your server? Transfer to another server with active queues. Use 12x to roll on another server (what I did).


All classes should be viable, BW shouldnt even start another season until they have pulled their heads out of their asses and balanced the classes.

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You don't want balanced classes ?


If you think 8 ACs will be balanced, you're kidding yourself. There will always be a spec that bursts better than the others. A spec that heals better than the others. A spec with more CC than the others. I'm saying we shouldn't be waiting for 8 perfectly balanced classes because it isn't going to happen. If they buff a weak class, it will either still not be as good as it's peers and nothing will change or it will pass it's peers and be used instead of them causing another issue.


Not to mention the two biggest complainers on the forums right now are Merc and Sniper. Neither of which has an issue outside of being focused and both of which see that weakness disappear in team ranked. Your real balance problem lies in the fact that solo ranked does not necessarily bring a heal or tank to the game and so the game needs a way to increase the likelihood of those roles being in queue.

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Guys, the example is someone *who didn't even get into bronze*. Bronze. The cutoff for that is what, like 1100 or something? 1200? So yea, if you want the top tier reward as someone who managed to 0-10 their placement matches, you're going to have to work for it.
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