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So because of the company I chose to pre order from, I get screwed...


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Basically what I'm seeing throughout the forums this morning is that because I chose to order from Gamestop (who dropped the ball on sending out pre-order codes for like 14-16 hours after people could pre-order) is why I didn't get an invite in the first wave...


Real dumb...


I can honestly say I will never pre-order from gamestop ever again.

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Oh no you didn't get in the first wave? I feel so bad for you!

Just be quiet and do something else while waiting for the next wave of invites. Just because you pre ordered on/near the first day doesn't automatically entitle you to the first wave of invites.

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Basically what I'm seeing throughout the forums this morning is that because I chose to order from Gamestop (who dropped the ball on sending out pre-order codes for like 14-16 hours after people could pre-order) is why I didn't get an invite in the first wave...


Real dumb...


I can honestly say I will never pre-order from gamestop ever again.


Does it really matter that much? I personally am playing the game to have fun and see what Bioware can do with the Old Republic Era still, I don't care about getting to level 50 first, all of that stuff is second priority.


Personally, if I get in tonight I just wanna get the Jedi Battle Armour and a Lightsaber :D

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I doubt it, people who ordered the minute pre-orders went live havent gotten in while others who ordered later on that day did. They're probably just activating by date and not time, not all the 21st folk are in yet and will probably be in the next wave later today.
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Basically what I'm seeing throughout the forums this morning is that because I chose to order from Gamestop (who dropped the ball on sending out pre-order codes for like 14-16 hours after people could pre-order) is why I didn't get an invite in the first wave...


Real dumb...


I can honestly say I will never pre-order from gamestop ever again.


You should probably hire an attorney to make things right.

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Basically what I'm seeing throughout the forums this morning is that because I chose to order from Gamestop (who dropped the ball on sending out pre-order codes for like 14-16 hours after people could pre-order) is why I didn't get an invite in the first wave...


Real dumb...


I can honestly say I will never pre-order from gamestop ever again.


I pre-ordered day one, also from GameStop, and got my codes on the receipt. I didn't get into the first wave either.


Please, try to contain your tears.

Edited by GuardianofGates
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Lol only 16 hours? I pre-ordered from Game in the Uk, only place we could get a CE and had to wait over a week for the codes to be sent out. I'm not fussed, this is the first game where I don't want to power level but would rather enjoy the story will be able to do that just as easily when I do get in :)


Edit: Then they cancelled my order for a couple of days. Love you Game :p

Edited by Chaac
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Wrong. I pre-ordered from GameStop. Got my pre-order code on my receipt on day one.


You are not a large enough sample size to prove that all GameStop customers got the code on time.


Many online pre-orders (like me) did not get their codes right away, and had to wrangle with GS for them. A number of people who pre-ordered in certain stores on Day 1 had problems getting codes; others didn't. Those of us who pre-ordered through GameStop remember quite vividly the cluster**** that went on. Feel free to google it, there are threads on multiple forums and news sites about them screwing up.


Just because some people are complaining doesn't mean they are wrong or lying.

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Lol only 16 hours? I pre-ordered from Game in the Uk, only place we could get a CE and had to wait over a week for the codes to be sent out. I'm not fussed, this is the first game where I don't want to power level but would rather enjoy the story will be able to do that just as easily when I do get in :)



Me too, I preordered in January 2011 from Game and didnt get the code until the 26th July. I am hoping I get in today or tomorrow! :)

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Basically what I'm seeing throughout the forums this morning is that because I chose to order from Gamestop (who dropped the ball on sending out pre-order codes for like 14-16 hours after people could pre-order) is why I didn't get an invite in the first wave...


Real dumb...


I can honestly say I will never pre-order from gamestop ever again.


How about waiting a week for the only official supplier of the CE in UK! I feel your pain but reemember; the cool servers haven't opened yet ;)

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Lol only 16 hours? I pre-ordered from Game in the Uk, only place we could get a CE and had to wait over a week for the codes to be sent out. I'm not fussed, this is the first game where I don't want to power level but would rather enjoy the story will be able to do that just as easily when I do get in :)



Edited by Russx
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Basically what I'm seeing throughout the forums this morning is that because I chose to order from Gamestop (who dropped the ball on sending out pre-order codes for like 14-16 hours after people could pre-order) is why I didn't get an invite in the first wave...


Real dumb...


I can honestly say I will never pre-order from gamestop ever again.


i can agree with that. i belive if you pre-ordered at any time we should all get in at the same time.

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Basically what I'm seeing throughout the forums this morning is that because I chose to order from Gamestop (who dropped the ball on sending out pre-order codes for like 14-16 hours after people could pre-order) is why I didn't get an invite in the first wave...


Real dumb...


I can honestly say I will never pre-order from gamestop ever again.


To answer your post, NO. Many people who pre-ordered long before you have not gotten in. Please refrain from posting stuff like this :rolleyes:

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Basically what I'm seeing throughout the forums this morning is that because I chose to order from Gamestop (who dropped the ball on sending out pre-order codes for like 14-16 hours after people could pre-order) is why I didn't get an invite in the first wave...


Real dumb...


I can honestly say I will never pre-order from gamestop ever again.


They're waves for a reason, there are still plenty of people who ordered on the 21st that aren't in yet. Yeah, I'm a little bummed I didn't get first wave, but guess what, thats just the way its working. Relax, take a shower, get some breakfast, get comfy and wait for the next couple of waves, we'll all get in probably sooner rather than later.

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Lol only 16 hours? I pre-ordered from Game in the Uk, only place we could get a CE and had to wait over a week for the codes to be sent out. I'm not fussed, this is the first game where I don't want to power level but would rather enjoy the story will be able to do that just as easily when I do get in :)



Pretty much the same, minus when i pre-orderd my code, (which i did online) i had to wait about 3 weeks, as i had to complain via differnt channels about where the F my Pre-order key.


and im still not complaining, due to my issue ill probably get in either tomorrow or the next day,

Do i care? no

will i still use game? yes

what will i do in the meantime rather then wasting my life spamming f5 key? Go do something entertaining =)

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