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Overpowered healings killing pvp


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nah eventually you will get a decent wz or unsub , learn to deal? unless you have a full premade and organization there is no way to deal with a decent healer (sorc) thro in a guard and its just hilarious.


I never played any MMO with healers as broken as sorcs are now (coming from someone that played warhammer online, healers were pretty retarded there aswell which made sense because it was for world pvp). In here they made the healers on the right place for RvR aka world pvp but forgot... THERE is no world pvp on this game


Unless there are 3 sorcs and 2 tanks I do fine.

Leaving the match is a pointless statement that no one cares about, just deal with the current meta and hope the next one uses lube.

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I also think the situation is made worse when you have DPS that can barely break 1K DPS.

It seems to be very common these days, to the point where my measly 2.2k is looked at like some godsend.


Yes, there are some players who have yet to learn the class or have the appropriate gear to do the level of dps that they should be able to generate.


But facing a team with three healers and odds are you won't be able to fight long enough to get those numbers. Put an entire dps team (or a team with just one healer) in a round against a team with three healers and they get melted. I have seen it more than a few times myself.


Group goes into the initial round of combat, melee get blown away, and then the healer heavy team takes out the range players one by one. By the time the range players are down, the melee players are returning, and the healer heavy team just picks the opposing team off one by one until the team without the healers just completely get demoralized.


By the end of the match, the healer heaving team has healers showing 3k HPS, and their average DPS is showing, 2k each themselves. The opposing team on the other hand won't even break 800 dps.and their solo healer just gets focused as soon as he or she is back from rezing.

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Yes, there are some players who have yet to learn the class or have the appropriate gear to do the level of dps that they should be able to generate.


But facing a team with three healers and odds are you won't be able to fight long enough to get those numbers. Put an entire dps team (or a team with just one healer) in a round against a team with three healers and they get melted. I have seen it more than a few times myself.


Group goes into the initial round of combat, melee get blown away, and then the healer heavy team takes out the range players one by one. By the time the range players are down, the melee players are returning, and the healer heavy team just picks the opposing team off one by one until the team without the healers just completely get demoralized.


By the end of the match, the healer heaving team has healers showing 3k HPS, and their average DPS is showing, 2k each themselves. The opposing team on the other hand won't even break 800 dps.and their solo healer just gets focused as soon as he or she is back from rezing.


In matches with three healers I average about 2.7 DPS, and I'm not that great a player.

I know maras that hit 3k and more in that situation, while the players below us get 1.5, maybe.

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Unless there are 3 sorcs and 2 tanks I do fine.

Leaving the match is a pointless statement that no one cares about, just deal with the current meta and hope the next one uses lube.


this argument falls flat because... SWTOR is NOT a good pvp game never was and never will be period, if people keep banging their head agaisnt the same problem over and over again they will just quit, only the so called "hardcore" are left, which is what happened on tomb of freedon nadd. 90% of the republics that were playing either quitted and or switched sides so that the bigger the pool the most likely you will get a team on yourside with sorcs (or any healer for that matter).

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this argument falls flat because... SWTOR is NOT a good pvp game never was and never will be period, if people keep banging their head agaisnt the same problem over and over again they will just quit, only the so called "hardcore" are left, which is what happened on tomb of freedon nadd. 90% of the republics that were playing either quitted and or switched sides so that the bigger the pool the most likely you will get a team on yourside with sorcs (or any healer for that matter).


If SWTOR pvp was never good or will ever be good, why do you pvp?


I have always found it enjoyable, even with the current meta as frustrating as it is.


Also Pubs switching sides is why Pubs suck.

The Pub/Imp disparity is their fault not any one elses.

Edited by Ruhun
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If SWTOR pvp was never good or will ever be good, why do you pvp?


I have always found it enjoyable, even with the current meta as frustrating as it is.


Also Pubs switching sides is why Pubs suck.

The Pub/Imp disparity is their fault not any one elses.


it's....star wars....


(and it's better than battlefront! luls)

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can't speak for you, but the fact that this is the only sw mmorpg is my answer.


I'm frustrated with a lot of things in the game, just like everyone else is, but I still enjoy aspects of it enough to stay subbed.


Sometimes I let is lapse and go back to FFXIV.


Believe it or not I'm enjoying things more now, not because of anything BW did but because I'm getting better with my class in PvP, which is the only thing I do for weeks at a time in this game.

Other people seem to be getting worse though, so maybe I'm just a sh*tter killing other sh*tters.

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LoL... If 2 DPS can't kill one healer, you're not putting out enough damage... Sorry to say it, but that's a skill issue... The healer is higher skilled than the DPS


Sure lots of matches in regs have premade healer teams... Especially pubs who like to run with 2-3 healers... They are nearly impossible to kill if they know how to heal... The game becomes a stale mate... But that's not the same as saying healers in the game are OP


Whilst the sorc pops his/her stupid-op-life-saving-bubble, 4 dps come along clear up those 2 on the bubble addicts back. You do realize its circumstantial when its just 1 heals and 2 dps its fine, but sorc heals can be a little un killable in bigger fights. They might have 2 dps on them in a bigger fight, but those 2 dps might have a dps on them each, or a tank with the sorc.


You simply cannot deny sorc healing is not overpowered. But the Original Post didnt specify just sorc healing, so on the contrary operative and merc heals can be killed or pushed out quite easily by any single dps little own 2.

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An example of bad DPS losing a game regardless of how good of heals:



when your top damage is 1.4k dps or lower, odds are, you're not going to win even the other team all started with half health.


Ive seen many matches that dont exceed 0.8k in premade v premade matches. Solo regs on the other hand, if a player dosnt top as you stated, its not enough dps.

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Whilst the sorc pops his/her stupid-op-life-saving-bubble, 4 dps come along clear up those 2 on the bubble addicts back. You do realize its circumstantial when its just 1 heals and 2 dps its fine, but sorc heals can be a little un killable in bigger fights. They might have 2 dps on them in a bigger fight, but those 2 dps might have a dps on them each, or a tank with the sorc.


You simply cannot deny sorc healing is not overpowered. But the Original Post didnt specify just sorc healing, so on the contrary operative and merc heals can be killed or pushed out quite easily by any single dps little own 2.


Some ppl just need a broken system to feel happy with a game. Dont bother answering this kind of looser.

But yeah, my post is old, and in that time Ops for example, were godly.

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