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LS/DS Story Endings based on Points or Choices?


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Sith Inquisitor for an example.


If I am making Dark Side choices on the big decisions but I am Light Side overall from side quests and farming Black Talon will that give me the Light Side Ending or will I have a Dark Side ending because of the Story Mission choices?

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Each individual quest will give the ending based on your choice for LS or DS. For example: If you tell the Imperial Soldier to arrest the survivors of the Exchange gang. You get LS points. When you turn in your quest, you get LS points that gets added to your over all LS/DS score.


All of your choices for all of your missions will affect your overall LS/DS score.


For Sith Inquisitor, Darth Marr will give a title based on your standing with the Light Side, Dark Side, and No Side (neutral). There are similar endings for Jedi Counselor and Jedi Knight. The Jedi Council treats you differently depending on your LS/DS standing, not sure about neutral standing for those two.


I don't know what kind of endings you get for non-Force sensitives.

Edited by WorldSmasher
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The overall LS/DS rating makes no difference to the end of the non-force class stories. Obviously there are various choices you can make at the end of each, but the results of those are based on the choices, not your DS/LS rating.


Overall, the stories are the same. This isn't Silent HIll, where you have a number of distinct and separate endings based on decisions you make throughout the game. It's a BioWare game, and by and large, all BioWare games follow the same format. The overall destination is always the same; it's only the flavor of the journey that you take to get there that changes. It's BioWare's "Illusion Of Choice "

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The overall LS/DS rating makes no difference to the end of the non-force class stories. Obviously there are various choices you can make at the end of each, but the results of those are based on the choices, not your DS/LS rating.


Overall, the stories are the same. This isn't Silent HIll, where you have a number of distinct and separate endings based on decisions you make throughout the game. It's a BioWare game, and by and large, all BioWare games follow the same format. The overall destination is always the same; it's only the flavor of the journey that you take to get there that changes. It's BioWare's "Illusion Of Choice "


All classes have at least two different versions of the ending depending on your choices, and IIRC The agent has three depending on what you choose to do with a certain box.

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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I wrote about this in a different thread recently, somewhere. Can't remember where.


My point about Silent Hill was that in a game like that, all the actions you take in the game lead up to a certain outcome, a specific ending. TOR isn't like that.


The "endings" are either based on your LS/DS rank (not choices) at the end of the game. If you have diplomacy as a crew skill, for example, you can be as Light Sided as you want to be all the way through the Inquisitor story and still be named Nox at the end. Or they're based on decisions you made in the final class mission.


I never said they were identical. Just that the overall story arcs are roughly the same. It's a BioWare thing.

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I wrote about this in a different thread recently, somewhere. Can't remember where.


My point about Silent Hill was that in a game like that, all the actions you take in the game lead up to a certain outcome, a specific ending. TOR isn't like that.


The "endings" are either based on your LS/DS rank (not choices) at the end of the game. If you have diplomacy as a crew skill, for example, you can be as Light Sided as you want to be all the way through the Inquisitor story and still be named Nox at the end. Or they're based on decisions you made in the final class mission.


I never said they were identical. Just that the overall story arcs are roughly the same. It's a BioWare thing.


You could choose LS choices in missions, but in the end, you still need to be DS aligned before you get the Darth Nox title. At the same time, you could order the Imperial Soldier to kill of the surviving Exchange gang members every time, and get the DS points, but in the end, if you are LS aligned, you'll get the Darth Imperious title. You get Darth Occlus if your DS/LS alignment is neutral. So, even if you've been randomly picking LS or DS responses for your character, if you end up DS/LS/NS (No Side), then you get a different title.


I'm not sure about Jedi Knights. I played a DS JK and was denied a seat on the Jedi Council. What about LS JK, do you get a seat on the Jedi Council?


It may not be as intricate as Silent Hill, where your choices lead up to a very, very different ending, but in SWTOR, your choices could lead to a LS/DS NS (Neutral Side) score that could change the ending for your class story.

Edited by WorldSmasher
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The overall LS/DS rating makes no difference to the end of the non-force class stories. Obviously there are various choices you can make at the end of each, but the results of those are based on the choices, not your DS/LS rating.


Overall, the stories are the same. This isn't Silent HIll, where you have a number of distinct and separate endings based on decisions you make throughout the game. It's a BioWare game, and by and large, all BioWare games follow the same format. The overall destination is always the same; it's only the flavor of the journey that you take to get there that changes. It's BioWare's "Illusion Of Choice "



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Sith Inquisitor for an example.


If I am making Dark Side choices on the big decisions but I am Light Side overall from side quests and farming Black Talon will that give me the Light Side Ending or will I have a Dark Side ending because of the Story Mission choices?



At the end of the main storyline for the Sith Inquisitor class, which culminates in the player defeating Darth Thanaton, the player is granted the title of Darth by Darth Marr. The name accompanying the title is based on the player's alignment: If the player has a reputation as a master of the dark side, they are called Darth Nox; an "inscrutable reputation" (neutral) results in Darth Occlus; a reputation for serving the Empire (light side) marks the player as Darth Imperius. Regardless of which title is granted for the storyline, for gameplay purposes, the Darth title precedes the character's chosen name.


PS: I heard they removed the neutral one but I cannot confirm it


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  • 2 months later...
I'm thinking about playing as a Light Side Jedi (Wow, how unique right?) but with a few Dark Side options, like how he flirts with every girl he meets (i.e. Ranna Tao'Ven on Tython since doing such is a Dark Side choice), killing the Emperor and maybe sending a Flesh Raider flying to a nearby giant pyre. That's what I got so far, but I want to know how many Dark Side points I can have and still be a part of the Council and such. I wanna be Light, but not TOO Light.
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I'm thinking about playing as a Light Side Jedi (Wow, how unique right?) but with a few Dark Side options, like how he flirts with every girl he meets (i.e. Ranna Tao'Ven on Tython since doing such is a Dark Side choice), killing the Emperor and maybe sending a Flesh Raider flying to a nearby giant pyre. That's what I got so far, but I want to know how many Dark Side points I can have and still be a part of the Council and such. I wanna be Light, but not TOO Light.


Impact of choices like this was removed from the game even before it launched, sadly...

It might come back in KotFE, but in the base game, there is no impact, sadly

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Another detail about alignment influencing endings:


Alignment matters for Agent ending if you want to become

a double agent for the SIS


I didn't receive the offer when I was DS aligned if I recall correctly, despite taking the appropriate conversation options.


For inquisitor a LS alignment allows you to

help the ghosts pass on instead of just releasing them.



As for Jedi Knight I do not know but I guess LS 1 will be sufficient.

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