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New expansion pack


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Ancient Naboo could be cool looking, though part of me doesn't want anything to do with the newer movies. :p


Kashykk on the other hand, would just be straight up awesome. I hope they put it in eventually. I mean, they practically have to. One of the most iconic alien races ever is from there, enough said.

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I love the idea of going to Naboo, could bring some Gungans into the mix. Gungans for playable race!


To be serious, though, while I wouldn't expect a full on expansion this soon after SoR, I'm sure we'll be getting new planets in the future and I'd love to see Kashyyyk or even something like Dantooine or Mandalore. Don't know how likely the latter two are but all three would be cool in my opinion.


I'd also like to see something done with Manaan beyond just the little pit stop it is now.

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Presumably not, we shall see what will the Fallen Empire turn out to be at E3.

And ancient Naboo was a forgotten backwater planet where nothing happened, and Gungans were primitive clans who killed each other and whoever alnded on the planet.


Kashyyyk would be interesting though,

Edited by Aries_cz
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It's almost certain that we'll be getting a new expansion like SoR and RotHC. But it likely won't be until the end of the year.

Of course it would be great news if Fallen Empire turned out to be such an expansion, as it means we'd get one earlier this time (since Bioware would never advertise it so many months ahead :p).

Edited by Callaron
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Presumably not, we shall see what will the Fallen Empire turn out to be at E3.

And ancient Naboo was a forgotten backwater planet where nothing happened, and Gungans were primitive clans who killed each other and whoever alnded on the planet.


Not to poke old wounds, but:


That was what it was according to Legends material. SWTOR is working with the Lore Group now, so they could easily write up a different backstory for Naboo that would replace the Legends stuff.

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Not to poke old wounds, but:


That was what it was according to Legends material. SWTOR is working with the Lore Group now, so they could easily write up a different backstory for Naboo that would replace the Legends stuff.


or we could have missions that lead us to some backwater planet, agro gungans would be much cooler than friendly gungans anyway

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or we could have missions that lead us to some backwater planet, agro gungans would be much cooler than friendly gungans anyway


That alone might get some of my reluctant friends to play....KILL JAR JAR :D :D :D


On topic, there is no official word. And until there is official word ANYTHING you hear or read is pure speculation.


My advice is common from Master to Padawan... "Patience." Enjoy what is available now. If you are bored with what is available now, take a break from SWTOR.

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Is there a new expansion pack coming? I heard rumours but I don't know if they are true. If so I personally would like a new expansion featuring Naboo or Kasyyyk


Naboo had just been discovered and was being colonized in this period (from what I remember). Naboo would work and so would Kashyyyk in this timeline. Afterall we went to Kashyyyk in KOTOR1.


I do recall however, that the devs said they were likely to steer clear of canonized planets so that they could be free to build things as they see fit, and not have to worry about making the planet fit canon. Although that was a long time ago and it seems they have discarded that philosophy (Rishi, Yavin and Ziost).

Edited by ekwalizer
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