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OK, these credit spamming whispers are out of control


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Yer - this was a new one for me, until today.

I knew all about the spamming in "General". All very straight forward, click "Report SPAM", click ignore.

But I received2 of these whilst doing a FP and then 4 in the space of 45 minutes whilst on Ilum.

Harsh I know but I'd like a "auto ignore whispers from people not on my friends list" please - this way I can temporarily turn it off if maybe I'm group hunting etc. But for the main it would be firmly switched on.

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yup. there is another thread on this, but I'm glad there is more than one thread to emphasize the point. They have changed their tactics and are now whispering... I ignore and report, but they are hitting us hard on Harbinger. something needs to be done... publicly in gen chat is one thing, but a whisper is bordering on harassment... Edited by Rafaman
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yup. there is another thread on this, but I'm glad there is more than one thread to emphasize the point. They have changed their tactics and are now whispering... I ignore and report, but they are hitting us hard on Harbinger. something needs to be done... publicly in gen chat is one thing, but a whisper is bordering on harassment...
No joke the more threads on this crap the better I mean it was so bad today I had to cut my whisper chat off as well as the normal general chat off...
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yup. there is another thread on this, but I'm glad there is more than one thread to emphasize the point. They have changed their tactics and are now whispering... I ignore and report, but they are hitting us hard on Harbinger. something needs to be done... publicly in gen chat is one thing, but a whisper is bordering on harassment...


That isn't "bordering on", it IS harassment...

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Its a different company it seems, based on the website they're touting. I wonder if they took EA's announcement of cracking down as a challenge...


Or maybe the company got legal papers, "went out of business", and "a new company" took it's place...

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Or maybe the company got legal papers, "went out of business", and "a new company" took it's place...


Unlikely. Different tactics, different website, different price, different style of wording... Strong indications that its different people.

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Getting whisper spammed while in PVP wzs... Tried to respond to them to tell them to p*issoff... But it says player not found??... What are they doing??... Logging in, spamming and logging off or do they put "you" on an ignore list once they've spammed??

Even when I've tried to report spam at the end of the match I am getting errors with the "report spam" function

If only Bio would make the "report spam" function instant with no pop up, then I could do it on the fly while I'm playing... Other wise I have to wait till the end of the match

Lastly, we need an ignore list that is account wide... Ignoring them, then jumping to another toon, only to get spammed again, is extremely annoying... Also a "clear" ignore list function for names that no longer exist would be helpful

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yeah it sucks they they dont have the courtesy of staying logged on long enough for my response to let them know that i hope that they and their families and anyone they know die slow and horrible deaths and that i hope that they are shot in the face with large caliber weapons. repeatedly.
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Its a different company it seems, based on the website they're touting. I wonder if they took EA's announcement of cracking down as a challenge...


Just my opinion, but I think they all lead to the same site.

The spammers have been spamming two sites by the same toon. I'm figuring it's just an address the redirects you to the company, no matter what link you've clicked, e.g. MMOCAT, Gamereasy, Creditsnow, or whatever...


I want to know how they're doing server wide whispers?!?!?!

That has to be some kind of admin hack, I'd think!

I was on Voss got whispered, hubby got whispered same time standing on fleet, same stuff. Our in game names are no where near each other. Plus earlier on Voss I had been whispered commented in Planet, and apparently others had been whispered too, because they were in agreement w me & that's when they told me it was a mass whisper.

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Got 5 in the last 3 hours playing tonight. Very annoying and between the gold spam on the fleet and the referral link spammers and now the whispering? I thought my eyes were going to explode! :eek::eek:
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I want to know how they're doing server wide whispers?!?!?!


Open the /who panel. Put a zone in the filter (Ilum, Rishi, etc) and hit search again. It will bring up all the people in that zone and you can just /tell <name on list>... Never tried but you may just only have to right click the name in the list and select whisper...

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Open the /who panel. Put a zone in the filter (Ilum, Rishi, etc) and hit search again. It will bring up all the people in that zone and you can just /tell <name on list>... Never tried but you may just only have to right click the name in the list and select whisper...


Yes you can right click the name, but that doesn't answer the fact that I was on Voss & hubby was on fleet & same spammer at the same time hit us both up.

Next time I will ask around see how many people actually got it on different areas.

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I would love to hear from someone at Bioware as to their plans on fixing this issue, it has been getting way out of hand in the last several days, before it was easy i just stayed away from fleet now they are hitting us all over, I can't even hide on the crapper in my ship without these a**holes sending me private messages.
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Yeah a bunch of us on fleet (ebon hawk) all got whispers at the same time, not sure if it was from one or an army of bots, as all their names are gibberish.


Now let's be honest, there will always be gold/credit sellers as long as there's a market (and clearly these people put a lot of time and effort into this, so there must be a demand), but the spam needs to stop. It was bad in WoW a couple years back (anyone remember when they were multiboxing and arranging dead bodies of level 1s to spell out their website?) meaning they got real creative, but now you just don't see it.


I'm not sure what they did, but EA/BW should probably get on something similar. At least with the fleet spam you can ignore them pretty easily, but whispers, that's downright invasive and can affect game play. I know they don't want to make things hard for F2P people, but maybe something as simple as verifying you're a human with a real email address before you can create a free account would be a step in the right direction?

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Yeah a bunch of us on fleet (ebon hawk) all got whispers at the same time, not sure if it was from one or an army of bots, as all their names are gibberish.


Now let's be honest, there will always be gold/credit sellers as long as there's a market (and clearly these people put a lot of time and effort into this, so there must be a demand), but the spam needs to stop. It was bad in WoW a couple years back (anyone remember when they were multiboxing and arranging dead bodies of level 1s to spell out their website?) meaning they got real creative, but now you just don't see it.


I'm not sure what they did, but EA/BW should probably get on something similar. At least with the fleet spam you can ignore them pretty easily, but whispers, that's downright invasive and can affect game play. I know they don't want to make things hard for F2P people, but maybe something as simple as verifying you're a human with a real email address before you can create a free account would be a step in the right direction?


The only reason spam is lessened on WoW is because:

1 - Free accounts can't whisper people or talk in trade.

2 - There are still a fudge ton of servers even after the merges, so most of the spam is concentrated on higher population servers.

3 - Because of number 1, almost all spam is orchestrated by stolen accounts (they can't make money if they have to constantly buy accounts and subscribe)... These stolen accounts are almost always detected and banned almost immediately just with automated scans.


SWTOR though... They can spam all they want on legit accounts without paying a dime. And there are like five employees left on this game for handling tickets and making costumes for people to buy... Banning spam isn't even on their radar. The only way they would care is if they could put it in a pack and sell it on the cartel market.

Edited by Squeets
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Well, other games combat this by requiring a bunch of levels before opening whisper for f2p. Seems like maybe this is the way to go here. You still have /say which is a small area chat.


Sadly... that will alienate some players but, it may come down to that.

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Its a different company it seems, based on the website they're touting. I wonder if they took EA's announcement of cracking down as a challenge...


Even though .com domain name is quite expensive they can easily have multiple domain names.

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Couldn't this be resolved by implementing something like Warframe's Kickbot? An automated background screening that blocks/kicks based off of what characters are typed in what order. Digital Extremes uses it to eliminate trade chat in non-trade channels and for other spam. I just feel like there's solutions that are being overlooked.
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