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Is It Time For A New Class? (Video)


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Is it time for a new class and could it be linked to FallenEmpire? I give you my thoughts on the subject.


Please leave a comment below on what you think. What class if any would you like to see?

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I'd love a new class or two. Realistically though, never happen. It would cost 15 bajillion (that is the proper technical term - bajillion) dollars to add in all the cut scenes and voice acting necessary. Which is a pity.


Personally, rather than new classes, I'd love to see more Mission lines put in. Maybe not from 1 to 60, but more like periodicals. As in a Mission series that only goes for 10 or 15 levels, longer than Planetary Mission lines, but less than the current 1 to 50 Class Missions, peppered in throughout the current long Mission lines, crossing several planets.


Yeah, same problem, 15 bajillion dollars, but I can DREAM.........

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For the same reason that they're not supplying Class specific content Chapters anymore, I don't see Bioware wanting to make class specific content for a new class.

The problem Bioware has at the moment is the lack of ability to supply enough Story content. Shadow of Revan can be done in an evening and 3.2 supplied what, 1½-2½ hours of content? Every single work hour put into a new class + class story is work hours that could have benefitted all classes through additional lvl 60 content, and considering how little Story Content they release, they desperately need every single work hour they got to make more content.

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Whether a new class is a good idea or not it's never going to happen. There's no point in really discussing it given the current situation.


They could put out a poll with various options and everyone in the game could pick "New Class" as the thing they most wanted and it still would never end up in the game.

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I would really enjoy one, two...however many we can get. Realistically I don't see it happening...but I can always hope. I think some of the older games had a set number of classes, but then came out with new ones much later in the game. I believe LOTR was one of those. Was it Warden class? I think it was, it's actually the one I played lol, but I haven't played in a long time, so I'm a bit sketchy. I think there was one other as well, but don't recall the name.


I think it would be great, but I do realize it would probably be actually too much like work (and expense)...so...who knows. I would gladly pay for it though. I couldn't fork over the dough fast enough for a new class story with new comps. :D

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I'd only want one new class. The "Citizen". With two branches: The Diplomat: (Senator, Doctor, and Seer) and The Fringer: (Scavenger, Hacker, and Mystic)


I'd also like to be able to play as a few Droid "species".

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i would not want a new class for this game. SwtoR needs a gameplay overhaul. Improve its quality.

[note] small bias, i primarily pvp, though ive done every class quests in the game and enjoyed the cutscenes of pve :)


i would like for all of the classes to have their arsenals polished and simplified ; currently we have overlapping mechanics that feel subconsciously redundant and dull. for instance:


1. marauder cloak of pain removed but the affects merged in to fury spenders like Berserk and Predation.

2. warzone adrenals & warzone medpacs are merged in to 1 and the heal is now 30% over a few seconds rather than instant.

3. my assassin has 29 hotkeys. Im quick and good with them all. im pretty much always #1 damage with very high protection every match, yet i am atrociously bored. The hotbar is WORK in pvp... stop!!!! merge some stuff guys, really.

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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I'd only want one new class. The "Citizen". With two branches: The Diplomat: (Senator, Doctor, and Seer) and The Fringer: (Scavenger, Hacker, and Mystic)


I'd also like to be able to play as a few Droid "species".


Being able to play as a droid would be interesting, even if it is only a dream.

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You cannot compare WoW's classes to SWTOR's classes.

In WoW, it is only one location (if even that), and some balancing stuff.

In SWTOR, it is much more massive undertaking in addition to that, having to write entire 3 arc story, full set of new companions, add individual story locations, weave it into the existing story, etc...


And I highly doubt it would bring more players. Most people who will get drawn to this game will want to play Jedi or Sith anyway, so Imp Trooper or SIS Agent are really not in demand.


What could possibly happen is adding new Advanced class, that would give a new thing to mess up the existing balance, but that is probably it.

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I'd only want one new class. The "Citizen". With two branches: The Diplomat: (Senator, Doctor, and Seer) and The Fringer: (Scavenger, Hacker, and Mystic)


I'd also like to be able to play as a few Droid "species".


Some good ideas here. :D

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Is it time for a new class and could it be linked to FallenEmpire? I give you my thoughts on the subject.

(((SNIP Rickroll)))


Please leave a comment below on what you think. What class if any would you like to see?

How about some actual, like, typed-out words instead of another rickroll?


Sorry, but if you just say, "watch this video", I must assume it's a rickroll. Some words I can see before trying to watch the video will serve to dissipate this suspicion. You don't have to provide a transcript, but an executive summary is essential.

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I for one would love to see a Sith Alchemist/Jedi Beastmaster option, a pet class which summons short-term allies to aid him in combat. If not as a separate class (creating a new 1-50 story would indeed require lots of resources), then at least as a new SI/JC advanced class. Edited by Trollokdamus
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A new class or even new class stories ...


Honestly, I don't see it happening. This game may not be on life support, but it is on a shoe string budget.


The entire neglect of PVP all but reinforces the fact that they prioritize things. And when you go from prioritizing to complete neglect, I would say your current level of staffing in game design probably would fit on a small school bus.


But regardless, to bring in a new class would require a massive overhaul of the game. Potentially even a new starter planet. You would then have to find ways to create new content on every planet up to Ilum. And that leads to map redesigns, new voice actors hired, new armor and weapons ... I really don't see any developer except Blizzard pulling that off and when they did it they have over 7 million subscribers to financially suport Cataclysm.


This game on the other hand ... has a small number of those subscribers and micro transactions to keep the lights on and the servers running.


Where this game failed, was at the very beginning. Instead of two factions there should have been three. The cartels should have had their own classes and story. Instead they take a back seat until Mekab and even then don't seem to be much of a threat to anyone.

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I do not think we will see a new class from level 1 ever.


They could create a new class that starts after Ziost or something but I do not think they go back and record old lines.

Edited by Icestar
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One way to get around the whole "having to create new cutscenes and voice acting from 1-cap" would be to make a new class something that any existing max level class can spec into. You would lose all your old skills and gain a new set of abilities in a quest chain on a new planet or area specifically designed for the new class. This is basically what Death Knights were in WoW. You create 1 new area to tell the story of the new class then after that you can dump them into the general game world with everyone else. It is worth mentioning that this has been done before and worked well. Can Bioware execute as well as Blizzard? That is really the question, i think they can it is a matter of are they willing to dedicate the resources to do so.


Story-wise I think you would have to come up with something better than amnesia. Anyway, making it so a new class is only available for max level characters eliminates the need to redo everything.


Do I think its a good idea, I don;t know. I am always in favor of games trying new things though.

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I think this is a good general rule for development; if you can't (or choose not to) manage well the complexity you've already got, the last thing you should ever do is add more complexity. In a perfect world, yeah more classes would be great. Unfortunately we live in the real world.
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They can fix the issue of working on all lv. 1-50 specific new class content by creating something different which you can only pick up at lv. 60.


This meant:


1. New Expansion, a huge one with large story, with lvl cap increased to 65 or "maybe" 70 (the biggest expansion since launch it should be then).

2. New class (maybe neutral), but you start with it from lvl. 60 already, then they will need to do content specific only for 10 lvls (tegether and related to the expansion story of course).


But really.. if we cannot dream with another new class or new specific class-story content, what are we expecting from SWTOR? Hmmm?


"Ad eternum" global expansions and updates always about the same thing (crushing the emperor which should be immortal.....) ??? Is that so? Nothing new, only repeatedly things pointed to the same path?


Everyone knows how much work and costs will be to create new class or just add new class-specific content. But if the game is still running and repeating "2015 will be great year to SWTOR", it means they are having enough revenue of profits to do something GOOD to the game.


I don't know... months ago I was saying the game was dead, then I figured out that only PvP servers were really dead, all PvE and RP one's still have plenty amount of active players. But, considering that swtor is based on voice-action cut-scenes story content, if we can't really dream or expect a continuation to class-specific story or new class added, but only global minor expansions/updates... where the money we are giving them are going?


Looking forward to discover that.



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