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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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OP is 100% right.


This is one of the most major flawed parts about this game atm.


I'm running with 50 latency, on a brand new PC (570 ti, i7 2600, 8gb ram, fast HD etc)

And the abilities are still lagging with the animations.


Basically, this ruins the whole game when played on a more serious level in both PvP and PvE.


The game feels clunky and laggy, even at 60+ FPS and 50 latency.

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I have not read all 100+ posts on the subject, (Who would want to) but I read the OP post and have had friends mentioning this issue yet have not experienced it myself. These friends are playing lightsaber characters however and I think that has some relevance. I agree totally that the animations do not feel reponsive, and my character actions do often have significant delay. However, when I look at my actual damage being done (such as toggling on Death from Above) I notice that the damage is done instantly followed by the animation shortly after.

I want to ask the OP if this unresponsiveness is "true" unresponsiveness, as whilst playing a lightsaber character, I found that the animations timed cinematically together and appeared unresponsive, yet things such as critical stuns or crowd control were still going through at the right times (or at least within a global cooldown, accounting for lag.)

I do however play Bounty hunter main. I cannot comment on Jedi/Sith characters, and I have heard a lot of clunkiness complaint from them yet at least in pvp against skillfull opponents they seem to have no problem interrupting my key abilities (for example, several Jedi have interrupted my Tracer Missile during a 1.5 second cast) which with the described clunkiness would seem impossible.


I can only speak for one example myself when playing a Sith Warrior. The ability that is activated from a parry (I forget the name) and is off the GCD activates instantly when I click on it with 0 delay or whatever. Is there certain abilities that are specifically clunky that I am unaware of?

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There's no real problem. Some dude "felt" there was a problem in beta, and it has become an urban legend.


aaaah gotcha, I was trying to understand what the hell were they talking about

thanks for clarifying




I seen in the patch note that they fixed an issue that could happen with the hotbar, where the GCD is still counting down but it shows as READY, so you click on the ability and it doesn't fire because it's still on CD. Maybe they are talking about this?

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I don't know if anyone has posted this before


As a sith warrior , juggernaut, it's a immensely broken gameplay when you channel your 3 seconds Ravage directly after a Force Charge and the game keeps playing the animation, but dealing zero damage and makes you unable to stop it, thus effectively cc:ing yourself for about three seconds. This happens always all the time for me (can other juggernauts fill me in on this one?)


There is also a bug which I think occurrs when you target some other player in PVP, when you charge him, the game locks on to the target. This makes you unable to turn 180 degrees backwards for a brief moment and you are forced to attack this one person that you've charged during the period.


I dont know if this problem has to do with the former one, but it might be the same thing.


I enjoy this game and I hope this will get fixed.

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In addition I should clarify that in the KOTOR games, animations were entirely seperate from actual damage being done etc (even seemingly parrying an attack or being parried would do damage to either party.)


As such, it may be that abilities are going through, yet the animations are timed together (wow, not having interactive animations, does not suffer from this problem, yet I would happily trade reactive animations for a "ghost" delay in abilities

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But this is not a bug but a bad game design choice. This will make or break the game for me in the long run and atm I'm not seeing myself playing much long with this sort of a limiting combat this game has now.


You kidding? NOT mashing buttons or facerolling is limiting combat? Oh god...

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I don't know if anyone has posted this before


As a sith warrior , juggernaut, it's a immensely broken gameplay when you channel your 3 seconds Ravage directly after a Force Charge and the game keeps playing the animation, but dealing zero damage and makes you unable to stop it, thus effectively cc:ing yourself for about three seconds. This happens always all the time for me (can other juggernauts fill me in on this one?)


There is also a bug which I think occurrs when you target some other player in PVP, when you charge him, the game locks on to the target. This makes you unable to turn 180 degrees backwards for a brief moment and you are forced to attack this one person that you've charged during the period.


I dont know if this problem has to do with the former one, but it might be the same thing.


I enjoy this game and I hope this will get fixed.


Yep this happens to me very frequently, it's extremely annoying.

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I've posted a video response to the link on the very start of this page, showing that you actually CAN queue skills on seperate targets without a problem.




Hopefully the OP and original video poster will respond to this :)


As I say in the video, animations are borked, but the core global cooldown isn't.


I think I should have been more specific in my video where I say "can't be done in SWTOR". What I mean is, "any ability that has an animation that lasts longer than the cast time won't allow this to happen"


So, because some moves, like the ones you showed, have cast times greater or equal to the animation, they work fine. There are plenty of other moves that it's impossible to perform this spell stacking.

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as an imperial sniper i experince this problem alot both in pve and pvp combat. this is due to the ''cover ability'' cover is very easy to break(unless you use cd's) and after its broken i really have no choice but to get back into it. The delay i experince between getting into cover and casting an ability is so big it throws my rotations in scrambels very easily. (this next part might simply be class spesific) also its unreliable because sometimes it works sometimes not depending on situation even if it simply was broken in a way i could predict it would be fine but the unpredictelness makes it even worse for me.


Cover is supposed to be instant so i can take cover and immedtietly start casting an ability but in reality i experince extreme delay between these 2 which makes cover an liability rather then a helpful tool.

Edited by Seteleechete
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You kidding? NOT mashing buttons or facerolling is limiting combat? Oh god...


This is not about button mashing or face roling, not sure why you would even think that. It's about using powers when the game says when can, instead of having "phantom lockouts" due to animations.

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