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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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so if i can repeat that and upload to the nature that WOW also has that problem. do i get a cookie? because i'll do it. FRAPS and all. this is a common problem with MMO's


its not twitch based game playing skills. you want a FPS style responsiveness you're in the wrong game type my friend.


You can't prove that WoW has the same problem... because it doesn't.


Once your cast bar is full, the spell is complete and the action happens.


Rift works the same way.


Cast --- Cast bar full --> Ability executes



Here its:

Cast --> Cast Bar full -> Animation begins --> then ability may or may not execute depending on if you've moved or not.

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I was tempted to hack one together with all 3 games that I have accounts with... but then I realized that I'd have to give Rift and WoW some more money that I don't really have at the moment.


I have full gear sets in RIFT. The ability lag is not even close to as bad as SWTOR.


RIFTS launch and day 1 game features blow SWTOR out of the water.


Rifts combat was not sluggish like SWTOR's is. You simply did not play the game much to claim otherwise. Rift wasn't as tight as WOW but it was much better than this.

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Add to this that often times the animations stutter, specially Vicious Slash. If you chain many of these abilities one after the other they animations start to stutter.


Hasn't happened to me, but my buddy was telling me about it and how maddening it was with animation loops. Good to hear from a second source.

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No, they're not terms "open to subjection." Unresponsive is unresponsive. If this game had unresponsive controls and a broken combat system there would be more than a handful of people regurgitating the same inane BS over 70 pages. Now THAT's logic.


What? I must say your view on logic is... well illogical o.0


Unresponsive IS a term open to subjection, unresponsive could mean that the game is not responding to my actions very quickly, or that it is not responding at all. To one person, unresponsive could mean that even 0.1 millisecond out of sync with the cast is out of sync, for others it could be 1 second out of sync.


It is subjective to each person who uses it, and also in what context it is used. In this thread, it is in reference to the fact that animations override basic MMO gameplay mechanics (GCD/Cast-time) and this is making gameplay much less enjoyable for a lot of people.

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Really for me it's not even about skill, or level playing field or however we want to call it.


It's as simple as I do not want to play a game that has combat as unresponsive as that in Warhammer online.


I love this game, I want it to be successful. But clunky gameplay is damaging.


The people "complaining" about this issue in this thread aren't "hating" on the game, we want it to succeed so that we can continue to enjoy it for many years to come.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Especially the highlighted.

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I was tempted to hack one together with all 3 games that I have accounts with... but then I realized that I'd have to give Rift and WoW some more money that I don't really have at the moment.


Both have free trials.


I support the OP on this, the responsiveness just isn't there like I'm used to, its been frustrating trying to cast an ability, especially a tank oh crap button and then have to spam on the button because it just isn't going off.

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I have full gear sets in RIFT. The ability lag is not even close to as bad as SWTOR.


RIFTS launch and day 1 game features blow SWTOR out of the water.


Rifts combat was not sluggish like SWTOR's is. You simply did not play the game much to claim otherwise. Rift wasn't as tight as WOW but it was much better than this.


I wasn't claiming that Rift was unresponsive at all.


Simply that my sub had run out a few days ago, and I don't have the cash at the moment to re-up.


Otherwise, I would have jumped in there and recorded some footage of me mounting flawlessly every time the cast bar was complete.

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What? I must say your view on logic is... well illogical o.0


Unresponsive IS a term open to subjection, unresponsive could mean that the game is not responding to my actions very quickly, or that it is not responding at all. To one person, unresponsive could mean that even 0.1 millisecond out of sync with the cast is out of sync, for others it could be 1 second out of sync.


It is subjective to each person who uses it, and also in what context it is used. In this thread, it is in reference to the fact that animations override basic MMO gameplay mechanics (GCD/Cast-time) and this is making gameplay much less enjoyable for a lot of people.


Actually, there is nothing subjective about vocabulary. That's the problem most of you have is that you think words are and their meanings are arbitrary. Sorry, but that's not the way it works.

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Both have free trials..




But to demo the issue, I'd need to re up my accounts to have access to my chars that have mounts.


Y'know, compare apples to apples and all that jazz.


And as much as I like to prove people wrong, I'm not into spending 30 bucks to do so at the moment.

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Havn't you people realized Nanotech is a troll yet, geez : p

Stop baiting the poor thing, it can't help itself.


Both have free trials.


I support the OP on this, the responsiveness just isn't there like I'm used to, its been frustrating trying to cast an ability, especially a tank oh crap button and then have to spam on the button because it just isn't going off.


The issue with tanking oh crap buttons in particular is that they're on the GCD, really makes you wonder what they were thinking there.


Oh ****.... lemme just wait until after this GCD.

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so if i can repeat that and upload to the nature that WOW also has that problem. do i get a cookie? because i'll do it. FRAPS and all. this is a common problem with MMO's


its not twitch based game playing skills. you want a FPS style responsiveness you're in the wrong game type my friend.


WoW does not have that problem. In WoW you can easily start moving as soon as you have mounted and the bar has finished.


Your bottom paragraph highlights how you probably haven't played many (or any) MMOs at endgame.


  1. Raiding - You will usually need to have twitch skills, especially when tanking, granted this is mostly the case with the hardest boss and raid content in the game, not the entry raids.
  2. PvP - I'll put all of my money on the fact that anyone with the ability to activate a spell/ability exactly when they need to will defeat someone who can't.

Edited by Taboo
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WoW does not have that problem. In WoW you can easily start moving even a very short period before the bar stops finishing.


Your bottom paragraph highlights how you probably haven't played many MMOs at endgame.


  1. Raiding - You will usually need to have twitch skills, especially when tanking, granted this is mostly the case with the hardest boss and raid content in the game, not the entry raids.
  2. PvP - I'll put all of my money on the fact that anyone with the ability to activate a spell/ability exactly when they need to will defeat someone who can't.


assumptions. you have a lot of them


i was healer for end game raiding in WOW. still am. however twitch skills are not needed there so don't generalize how a game is played under one play style.


Also i've tried to replicate the problem on WOW and the only time there is a problem is when there's LAG.


however the problems i'm seeing here are not game breaking for me as instead of moving after the cast bar is finished i'll wait the half second for the spell to activate.

Edited by chrisftw
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The issue with tanking oh crap buttons in particular is that they're on the GCD, really makes you wonder what they were thinking there.


Oh ****.... lemme just wait until after this GCD.


Yeah, that's a puzzler too. And taunt is on the GCD as well.

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You have a delay because you are lagging or because of low frame rates... I do not have any delay at all. Not the devs fault either... just upgrade your GPU.


I think you're confused. Many of us experiencing this issue are on good computers, getting over 60FPS. This is NOT graphical delay, it is the game engine/server not responding correctly to player inputs, because it is prioritizing the completion of animations over the completion of abilities, and in many cases creating a "hidden" global cooldown where abilities used off global while another ability's animation is still playing will cause major issues.

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Actually, there is nothing subjective about vocabulary. That's the problem most of you have is that you think words are and their meanings are arbitrary. Sorry, but that's not the way it works.


Why do each of your posts start out with a lie? Of course a lot of vocabulary is subjective, either that or my time studying the English language was a total waste of time.


Anyway sorry but you really are failing to use the most basic of logic now and you are trying to argue the smallest of points in my post, without any real substance, which means I must categorise you as a troll. I shall cease to respond to your posts.


I shall keep my eye on this post, in the hopes Bioware may have a comment or two on this ubject (even if it is 'Lump it or leave it')

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I wasn't claiming that Rift was unresponsive at all.


Simply that my sub had run out a few days ago, and I don't have the cash at the moment to re-up.


Otherwise, I would have jumped in there and recorded some footage of me mounting flawlessly every time the cast bar was complete.


Sorry, I misunderstood you then


My apologies.


I thought you were saying that Rift has the same problem as SWTOR. I pvp'd alot in Rift and it was always pretty nice and crisp in play and feel.


Rift was ugly as sin but the core mechanics were as tight as you'd expect in a modern mmo.

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assumptions. you have a lot of them


i was healer for end game raiding in WOW. still am. however twitch skills are not needed there so don't generalize how a game is played under one play style.


Also i've tried to replicate the problem on WOW and the only time theree is a problem is when there's LAG.


however the problems i'm seeing here are not game breaking for me as instead of moving after the cast bar is finished i'll wait the half second for the spell to activate.


You don't think that abilities having .5 second longer casts than specified is a big issue in a game where abilities range from 0-3 seconds? :S


I mean... mounting is in reality a 1 second cast. Lightning Strike is a 2 second cast. Either change the cast bar and the tooltip, or have it cast in the time it says it casts.

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I can't tell, when I push a button, if I'm going to interrupt myself or not.


And taking cover as a sniper is an adventure. Who knows what I'll be able to do and when?


perhaps they should look to the MMO that has done this before to see how they streamlined the process..


oh wait..


there is none. :rolleyes:

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assumptions. you have a lot of them


i was healer for end game raiding in WOW. still am. however twitch skills are not needed there so don't generalize how a game is played under one play style.


Also i've tried to replicate the problem on WOW and the only time theree is a problem is when there's LAG.


however the problems i'm seeing here are not game breaking for me as instead of moving after the cast bar is finished i'll wait the half second for the spell to activate.



You're proving my point. You were a healer in WoW correct? So say WoW actually had a 0.5 second ability delay (which it really doesn't, hence 10 million subs); imagen your raid was having a hard time and the tank was on the verge of dieing, you begin to cast a heal (not an instant one, lets say any instant heals and procs are on CD), but it doesnt even go off in time because of the delay and your tank dies, followed by the rest of the raid.


How is that not game breaking for you?


Also, say you didn't have good timing, your tank would also die.

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