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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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This happens to me a lot. Howver i think it may be attributed to the memory leak that others have proved. Ive noticed that when i first come on i have no issues for quite some time. Then all of the sudden it starts and never stios until i play the game later. Ive also noticed when this is happening my system performance window shows im using 95% of my ram. I have a better than average machine to.. hope this helps.


Intel 2600k @4ghz, 4ggb ddr3 1600mhz, 2xIntel 80gb ssd in raid 0, 2x 6850 in crossfire (i have tried with a single card too )

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This is a topic that was discussed in the Consular thread during Beta. Project is marginally useful (particularly PvP because the stun doesn't do anything on bosses in PvE) because we have to wait for the animation to finish for the damage to occur. Another problem I have with my consular is Shadow Strike. The animation is longer than the GCD which practically makes it a 2s cast. Not to mention the damage occurs at the end of the animation. So you're screwed if you're expecting SS to be the coup de grace in a close fight.

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I wish to add something to the matter in which has to do with animations.

And yes I agree with the mainposter in regards to the character response times.


I'm an SWFAN, when I played my Marauder, I started with Shii-Cho. So well

battle animations this and that fine... Then I got my next stance, Makashi? It's

been awhile but the point is by the time I got ATARU back in beta.. and I was looking

over the same few attack animations.. It kind of downed me a little.


Read the description of Ataru, how they speak of acrobatics and all

and I am still doing the same ol' same ol' animations with the response time

issues. Of course I'm not expecting an overhaul, but perhaps even just the change

in our fighting stance might help please Bioware!!!

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How about you STOP bumping this thread and actually read the patch notes?





Combat Bug Fixes

•Fixed a bug that could cause the global cooldown to display incorrectly in the UI.



It's been mentioned AT LEAST a dozen times in the last few pages already.

Are you truly so naive? The GCD has nothing to do with this issue.

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How about you STOP bumping this thread and actually read the patch notes?





Combat Bug Fixes

•Fixed a bug that could cause the global cooldown to display incorrectly in the UI.



It's been mentioned AT LEAST a dozen times in the last few pages already.


this ain't a display issue we're talking about here, man, and it ain't a bug. it's a client anticipation/stylistic animation choice/networking technology issue.

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I agree with the op's sentiments 100%. Feeling the animations and having animations overwrite the gcd is counter intuative. Though i wasnt aware why i was getting a little frustrated till i read this post. Tyvm. But will they read, acknowledge and hide from this? I agree this is going to be make or break for anyone with ambitions in this game.
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i have to agree here 100%.. i play a gunslinger as well and all my abilities just sh*t the bed when im in pvp.. not so much in pve but still almost so unresponsive i stop playing and say alittle prayer... i want my toon to do what i tell it to do.. not .5 sec after or whenever they feel the need. republic has such a hard time winning pvp battles anyway, and my lack of response on my toon makes it even harder to enjoy.. they need to fix this at some point for sure
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Great post and i agree.


I love this game and everything it has to offer. I havent had this feeling about a game since the first day i started to play *cough* wow.


I hope bioware will pay attention to this and work on improving it.


In PvE it doesnt really worry me to much, but PvP all the more.


Again, great post.


Listen to this man Bioware!!!

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I agree with this, totally. While at the moment, its not such an issues - I'm enjoying the game for what it is, a single player game online. But when I reach 50, then I want the pvp to take over - at present, it feels clunky and slow to react. We'll see if they will fix it, if not - then I think apart from the die hard's and ignorant s, its over.
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Are you truly so naive? The GCD has nothing to do with this issue.


The UI and activation times along with the GCD are synced now. So you now will see the proper time left on abilities and won't have a delay. What was happening was when you though the timer was up you'd move or try another ability but the actual GCD or activation time wasnt finished.


UI with in-game GCD and activation times were off.


It's patched.

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I have no problem with character responsiveness and I play on a laptop that even has the occasional latency spike.


I've had a blast in pvp and I played 'WoW' near gladiator back in season 2, I still much prefer this game I have never experienced the issues you're describing.




Chill the **** out?

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I was absolutely blown away when I saw NO MENTION! of these issues in the patch notes. For one thing you know for a fact they see these posts on this subject, there has been a lot of talk about it. And two, they didnt fix it in this patch or say anything about it. That can only mean that its a serious problem with the engine, or its going to take a massive amount of work and money to get it right. both of those are bad things. P.S Why is my Bounty Hunters "Unload" ability STILL continuing to fire into dead bodies? its getting old really fast...
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I played a sith assassins until level 24 and the issue of abilities not firing up while the global cooldown was already finished was real bad.


I play on a top end computer with a very good internet connection (30 ms on average). This issue is very bad for melee. Having to wait for an animation to finish prior to being able to launch a new ability is clearly a big issue. There is no way I will be moving my guild in swtor for high end pve with such glaring combat issues.


I also leveled a sith inquisitor in order to see if I had the same issue with a caster. I noticed the same issue:


casting animation not playing while the CD is used and no damage done.

casting animation not playing and damage given.

queing of abilities messing things and the wrong ability being cast.


This was most noticeable in instances.


I cannot stress enough that combat as is is clunky and unresponsive. As is this is the TOP issue that need sorting out before any end game addition.


If combat is not engaging and extremely responsive, then this game will be just a solo game with a few group content.

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The UI and activation times along with the GCD are synced now. So you now will see the proper time left on abilities and won't have a delay. What was happening was when you though the timer was up you'd move or try another ability but the actual GCD or activation time wasnt finished.


UI with in-game GCD and activation times were off.


It's patched.

You've got to be trolling me. Have you actually read the thread at all? GCD syncing is NOT the issue being discussed in this thread.


Animations extended their cast times & locking out new skills is the problem being discussed here.


If you cannot comprehend the content of the thread, don't bother replying.

Edited by ajjw
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