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#1. recreate the Jedi's story beginning with "constructing your own lightsaber" and make multiple low level resources/pieces available to use at that point. As you level you get stronger better pieces like the "Augmentation" levels go to 10 for armor pieces. (What I am suggesting here is as you reach cap level "next gen" sabers are available as are pieces like different designed hilts, pommels, grips and in all honesty I'd like to see certain bonuses like critical chance or damage, block, defense, or something of that effect main thing is actually making your own lightsaber that isn't pre-made for you and dubbed "your lightsaber"


#2. Make bounty hunters and Smugglers "neutral" in story. Make them accessible to both the Empire AND the Republic. Add Imperial troopers (storm troopers, grunts, front line warriors shock troopers) in the Imperial's side and give the Republic an SIS agent (republics version of a imperial agent)


#3. Consider adding elemental damages/boosts to different color crystals as well as more than 1 stat to each crystal


#4. And probably most likely to be a fan favorite of your community ADD FREE ROAM AND "OPEN WORLD" SPACE TRAVEL. Just look at a few star wars galaxies videos in SPACE. PEOPLE WANT FREEDOM TO MOVE AROUND IN SPACE trust that.


#5. One last suggestion. Make PVP award you for killing people on planets, set up outposts that can give you area's for your republic or imperial sided characters (not just guild turf wars) And or make an entire planet dedicated to pvp and set up a cap amount of valor received on the planet as well as comms... Heres another important thing I've learned. When PVP is massive in numbers instead of 8 vs 8 16 vs 16 or smaller groups it becomes MUCH MORE EPIC. I am talking any number of players vs any number of players.

Edited by Reiles_Cole
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#1. recreate the Jedi's story beginning with "constructing your own lightsaber" and make multiple low level resources/pieces available to use at that point. As you level you get stronger better pieces like the "Augmentation" levels go to 10 for armor pieces. (What I am suggesting here is as you reach cap level "next gen" sabers are available as are pieces like different designed hilts, pommels, grips and in all honesty I'd like to see certain bonuses like critical chance or damage, block, defense, or something of that effect main thing is actually making your own lightsaber that isn't pre-made for you and dubbed "your lightsaber"

This reminds me of the rather disappointing feature in the SI class story, compared to the JC class story.


Specifically, the JC ha a series of quests centred around a nemesis-type foe, Nalen Raloch. Along the way, you pick up the "First Blade", an ancient semi-precursor of the "modern" lightsabre, and then you get a quest where you go high up in the mountains, gathering parts along the way, to an ancient lightsabre forge, where you combine the parts you found with the ancient artefact to make your first lightsabre. And of course, you then use this weapon to defeat Nalen Raloch...


Compare this to the SI, who runs around Korriban waking up an ancient Dashade and other insanely dangerous things, and wraps up the quest where the character's first lightsabre is earned. How is it earned? Well, it isn't earned. You wrap up the quest, and Zash gives you some stuff and then reaches into a desk drawer and says, more or less, "Oh, and by the way, have a lightsabre." It was a bit of a let-down after having done the JC prologue.


TLDR: the JC (and only the JC, I guess) already has a create-my-first-lightsabre quest.


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This reminds me of the rather disappointing feature in the SI class story, compared to the JC class story.


Specifically, the JC ha a series of quests centred around a nemesis-type foe, Nalen Raloch. Along the way, you pick up the "First Blade", an ancient semi-precursor of the "modern" lightsabre, and then you get a quest where you go high up in the mountains, gathering parts along the way, to an ancient lightsabre forge, where you combine the parts you found with the ancient artefact to make your first lightsabre. And of course, you then use this weapon to defeat Nalen Raloch...


Compare this to the SI, who runs around Korriban waking up an ancient Dashade and other insanely dangerous things, and wraps up the quest where the character's first lightsabre is earned. How is it earned? Well, it isn't earned. You wrap up the quest, and Zash gives you some stuff and then reaches into a desk drawer and says, more or less, "Oh, and by the way, have a lightsabre." It was a bit of a let-down after having done the JC prologue.


TLDR: the JC (and only the JC, I guess) already has a create-my-first-lightsabre quest.


Its better then being given a lightsaber as you progress. I'd rather build my own, literally.

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This reminds me of the rather disappointing feature in the SI class story, compared to the JC class story.


Specifically, the JC ha a series of quests centred around a nemesis-type foe, Nalen Raloch. Along the way, you pick up the "First Blade", an ancient semi-precursor of the "modern" lightsabre, and then you get a quest where you go high up in the mountains, gathering parts along the way, to an ancient lightsabre forge, where you combine the parts you found with the ancient artefact to make your first lightsabre. And of course, you then use this weapon to defeat Nalen Raloch...


Compare this to the SI, who runs around Korriban waking up an ancient Dashade and other insanely dangerous things, and wraps up the quest where the character's first lightsabre is earned. How is it earned? Well, it isn't earned. You wrap up the quest, and Zash gives you some stuff and then reaches into a desk drawer and says, more or less, "Oh, and by the way, have a lightsabre." It was a bit of a let-down after having done the JC prologue.


TLDR: the JC (and only the JC, I guess) already has a create-my-first-lightsabre quest.


Its better then being given a lightsaber as you progress. I'd rather build my own, literally.

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This reminds me of the rather disappointing feature in the SI class story, compared to the JC class story.



Specifically, the JC ha a series of quests centred around a nemesis-type foe, Nalen Raloch. Along the way, you pick up the "First Blade", an ancient semi-precursor of the "modern" lightsabre, and then you get a quest where you go high up in the mountains, gathering parts along the way, to an ancient lightsabre forge, where you combine the parts you found with the ancient artefact to make your first lightsabre. And of course, you then use this weapon to defeat Nalen Raloch...


Compare this to the SI, who runs around Korriban waking up an ancient Dashade and other insanely dangerous things, and wraps up the quest where the character's first lightsabre is earned. How is it earned? Well, it isn't earned. You wrap up the quest, and Zash gives you some stuff and then reaches into a desk drawer and says, more or less, "Oh, and by the way, have a lightsabre." It was a bit of a let-down after having done the JC prologue.


TLDR: the JC (and only the JC, I guess) already has a create-my-first-lightsabre quest.



I respect that a lot, but for me it was the opposite:



Going into the inquisitor story I had already decided on what lightsaber they would use, and it just so happened to be the same model as the one Zash gave you. My character(and I) also loved Zash by that point. To be given her own lightsaber to use truly felt special. It was perfect.


Still wield it fondly, despite everything.


Making your own lightsaber on Tython was cool, but it loses most its charm when you immediately replace it after the cutscene.


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Making your own lightsaber on Tython was cool, but it loses most its charm when you immediately replace it after the cutscene.

Yeah, my Shadow was disappointed by that, but if you go Sage, you don't have to replace it. Orange weapon is orange weapon, right?

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Yeah, my Shadow was disappointed by that, but if you go Sage, you don't have to replace it. Orange weapon is orange weapon, right?


to clear things up a bit. I didn't mean just jedi weapons should be customized. I meant you mod more, choose your own grip pommel grip design, the whole thing, the trigger the barrel the grip etc. THAT is what number 1 is referring to. as well as failed chances to craft things or if the material isn't the best for the same item it deals less damages than say a perfectly made weapon.


I also want the materials to add 1-30% (30 being exaggerated) on critical damage/chance/absorb/shield/defense/expertise/accuracy. Boosts for your class spec.


Elemental damages in the crystal have a small % chance to snare, add damage dealt, add d.o.t.s etc etc as well as adding one or more stats like


power 41

strength 41

crit 41


^ just an example not exactly what I mean, just more than one stat in your crystal.

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#1. recreate the Jedi's story beginning with "constructing your own lightsaber" and make multiple low level resources/pieces available to use at that point. As you level you get stronger better pieces like the "Augmentation" levels go to 10 for armor pieces. (What I am suggesting here is as you reach cap level "next gen" sabers are available as are pieces like different designed hilts, pommels, grips and in all honesty I'd like to see certain bonuses like critical chance or damage, block, defense, or something of that effect main thing is actually making your own lightsaber that isn't pre-made for you and dubbed "your lightsaber"


#2. Make bounty hunters and Smugglers "neutral" in story. Make them accessible to both the Empire AND the Republic. Add Imperial troopers (storm troopers, grunts, front line warriors shock troopers) in the Imperial's side and give the Republic an SIS agent (republics version of a imperial agent)


#3. Consider adding elemental damages/boosts to different color crystals as well as more than 1 stat to each crystal


#4. And probably most likely to be a fan favorite of your community ADD FREE ROAM AND "OPEN WORLD" SPACE TRAVEL. Just look at a few star wars galaxies videos in SPACE. PEOPLE WANT FREEDOM TO MOVE AROUND IN SPACE trust that.


#5. One last suggestion. Make PVP award you for killing people on planets, set up outposts that can give you area's for your republic or imperial sided characters (not just guild turf wars) And or make an entire planet dedicated to pvp and set up a cap amount of valor received on the planet as well as comms... Heres another important thing I've learned. When PVP is massive in numbers instead of 8 vs 8 16 vs 16 or smaller groups it becomes MUCH MORE EPIC. I am talking any number of players vs any number of players.

1. More suited to a non-MMO game where everyone's a Jedi/Sith.


2. Way, way, way too much work, aside from the fact that the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter are already specific characters, not just random archetypes that can be used neutrally.


3. All lightsabers work the same way elementally in lore.


4. A good idea, but probably not for this game at this stage, and it'd take away from developing the ground a bit too much.


5. I don't PvP, so I don't really care one way or the other.

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1 isn't for non-mmos only. I've actually played a game that WAS an mmo that gave that experience and feel to it.


4 isn't too hard. it works nicely in a game with less details in the graphics but all it does is add more to space it being sooner or later is acceptable, however I know people want it.


3 wasn't referring to lightsabers. It was talking adding stats and extra effects to the crystals that go both in guns and sabers and swords and etc.


making them neutral isn't a hard task. nor is acknowledging it's cliche to make smugglers republic and bounty hunters imp. cause han and boba. they are neutral factions. aside from that. mandos shouldn't be guns for hire anymore after canderous reunited the clans but even if that were the case heres the idea game changer. make smugglers mando faction and make bounty hunters their own mandolorian faction to fight BOTH sides. the smuggler can peddle goods to both sides for the mandos in an expansion if you don't want it to be neutral classes add the mando faction.


Further my point on branching the "neutral" teams into their own faction is the fact pirates have their own faction so they could work to help mandos rebuild. OR they could just be neutral and I can enjoy my imp trooper. or republic sis agent. and even if it wasn't 60+ expasion for the two classes games with less resources have changed classes around

Edited by Reiles_Cole
I edited this because I had left a very short/vague response
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This reminds me of the rather disappointing feature in the SI class story, compared to the JC class story.


Specifically, the JC ha a series of quests centred around a nemesis-type foe, Nalen Raloch. Along the way, you pick up the "First Blade", an ancient semi-precursor of the "modern" lightsabre, and then you get a quest where you go high up in the mountains, gathering parts along the way, to an ancient lightsabre forge, where you combine the parts you found with the ancient artefact to make your first lightsabre. And of course, you then use this weapon to defeat Nalen Raloch...


Compare this to the SI, who runs around Korriban waking up an ancient Dashade and other insanely dangerous things, and wraps up the quest where the character's first lightsabre is earned. How is it earned? Well, it isn't earned. You wrap up the quest, and Zash gives you some stuff and then reaches into a desk drawer and says, more or less, "Oh, and by the way, have a lightsabre." It was a bit of a let-down after having done the JC prologue.


TLDR: the JC (and only the JC, I guess) already has a create-my-first-lightsabre quest.



You're really not doing the scene justice. She pretty much officially accepts you as her apprentice and awards you with the lightsaber she first wielded when becoming sith.


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You're really not doing the scene justice. She pretty much officially accepts you as her apprentice and awards you with the lightsaber she first wielded when becoming sith.

That's a reasonable observation, but to me it still felt much less epic than the JC quest.

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This reminds me of the rather disappointing feature in the SI class story, compared to the JC class story.


Specifically, the JC ha a series of quests centred around a nemesis-type foe, Nalen Raloch. Along the way, you pick up the "First Blade", an ancient semi-precursor of the "modern" lightsabre, and then you get a quest where you go high up in the mountains, gathering parts along the way, to an ancient lightsabre forge, where you combine the parts you found with the ancient artefact to make your first lightsabre. And of course, you then use this weapon to defeat Nalen Raloch...


Compare this to the SI, who runs around Korriban waking up an ancient Dashade and other insanely dangerous things, and wraps up the quest where the character's first lightsabre is earned. How is it earned? Well, it isn't earned. You wrap up the quest, and Zash gives you some stuff and then reaches into a desk drawer and says, more or less, "Oh, and by the way, have a lightsabre." It was a bit of a let-down after having done the JC prologue.


TLDR: the JC (and only the JC, I guess) already has a create-my-first-lightsabre quest.


It wasn't "Oh by the way, have a lightsaber."



It was, "Have my first lightsaber, you deserve it", and then she goes on to say, "may it serve you well", while she gives a head nod that says, "Hey, did you feel that intent to kill coming from the door to my office?"


One of the replies from your toon gives an indication that she did feel their presence at Zash's office door, and that she's gonna start putting that lightsaber to good use, starting with them clowns.


After you claim your quest rewards, the lightsaber and a mod, you find yourself in front of Skotia's goons. If you back up a bit, you get out of their agro range and it gives you a chance to install the mod in your new lightsaber, equip it, and then battle the mobs that ambush you just inside of Zash's office.




Edited by WorldSmasher
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#1. recreate the Jedi's story beginning with "constructing your own lightsaber" and make multiple low level resources/pieces available to use at that point. As you level you get stronger better pieces like the "Augmentation" levels go to 10 for armor pieces. (What I am suggesting here is as you reach cap level "next gen" sabers are available as are pieces like different designed hilts, pommels, grips and in all honesty I'd like to see certain bonuses like critical chance or damage, block, defense, or something of that effect main thing is actually making your own lightsaber that isn't pre-made for you and dubbed "your lightsaber"


#2. Make bounty hunters and Smugglers "neutral" in story. Make them accessible to both the Empire AND the Republic. Add Imperial troopers (storm troopers, grunts, front line warriors shock troopers) in the Imperial's side and give the Republic an SIS agent (republics version of a imperial agent)


#3. Consider adding elemental damages/boosts to different color crystals as well as more than 1 stat to each crystal


#4. And probably most likely to be a fan favorite of your community ADD FREE ROAM AND "OPEN WORLD" SPACE TRAVEL. Just look at a few star wars galaxies videos in SPACE. PEOPLE WANT FREEDOM TO MOVE AROUND IN SPACE trust that.


#5. One last suggestion. Make PVP award you for killing people on planets, set up outposts that can give you area's for your republic or imperial sided characters (not just guild turf wars) And or make an entire planet dedicated to pvp and set up a cap amount of valor received on the planet as well as comms... Heres another important thing I've learned. When PVP is massive in numbers instead of 8 vs 8 16 vs 16 or smaller groups it becomes MUCH MORE EPIC. I am talking any number of players vs any number of players.


#1 would be cool for a remix on crafting, make the classes that make items outside of stimpacks useful for crafting, and not just for lightsabers but say a smuggler with a modded blaster that can be more deadly then the one you buy from a savage shop in ancorhead.


#2 is never going to happend unless they do something like cata in wow and redo the entire launch story and even then it taken so mush of dev time some aspects of that expansion was cut for time.


#3 i don't think adding it to color crystals will work in lore (it not like luke's green saber did posion damage or Vader's did fire) but i am all for added some extra elemental style prof on weapons, like this pistol have a chance to do posion or a light saber can slow you with chill.


#4 i know you want this game to be more like SWG but honestly i do disagree with you on parts but this one i 100% agree, i feel open space traval would make me go do space missions or dothe space aspect of the game more.


#5 i think this one is going to be tricky, it worked in SWG since the world was not only just a big huge map but you can plant anything from resource gathering buildings to entire cities complete with flight points and more. overall the whole world is static, but it not stooping from adding another chunk of the planet to have free roam, think illum but you can build bases and other stuff. and have it assailable just by flying to it and give a bonus to owning not just the planet but the sector, like the empire get's more rewards for owning the outer rim. it not what you are thinking sadly and i do agree that this game do close you off to mush from the enemy.

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I've chatted with a few players about my desires for the game, but for completeness I'll repeat them here . . .


* Bounty Hunters can't fly around like Boba/Jango Fett, and like they do in Clone Wars. The game should allow this.


* Jedi Knights of all flavors (and supposedly Sith as well) are able to leap great heights -- at least one building story -- and are able to drop down from supposedly any height and land on their feet uninjured, but the game doesn't allow either of these things. The game should allow them.


* Smugglers in the Star Wars universe supposedly SMUGGLE. at least part of the time, but NOWHERE in the game can a smuggler actually smuggle something (creds, spice, weapons, or whatever). (EVE Online allows smuggling to a certain extent.) The game should include ways for characters to smuggle things from point A to point B and have a chance to both get caught and make a profit doing so.


* The class storylines should include MUCH more spaceship action -- pirate attacks, attacks by the opposing faction, searching for a lost ship, hyperdrive failures, caught in an asteroid field, etc. This would require and encourage characters to actually upgrade their ships, and would be more in keeping with the movies/TV shows. This is STAR Wars, developers, not GROUND Wars. While you're at it add missions here and there that require using one's ship as well (besides just getting there).


* By the same token, the character ship combat system is just terrible. Upgrade it to allow characters to control where their ships go, at least in a tactical sense. Allow player characters to assign other PC's and companions to crew positions (especially weapon turrets) just before battle begins.


* One of the nice little bits of chrome I liked about Star Wars (can't recall the exact game name) was hitting a particular key to make your character do a fancy flourish with his lightsaber, which added some coolness and a nice little ego trip to the game. For some bizarre reason the /flourish command is mostly missing from SWTOR. You CAN get that emote, but the cost is prohibitive for most players (and the "pack" that included it is virtually no longer available). The devs should let anyone flourish all they want to.


* Change the skill tree system back to the way it was. The new system SEVERELY cuts down on the replay value of the game, and it's simply not as flexible and fun as the old system. (After I've done all the class storylines, I'm off to play EVE Online or something else.) Saying "it makes it easier to balance the classes (i.e. saves us money)" is no excuse. (Devs, see me if you want to know how to balance character classes; it's surprisingly easy.)


* Most equipment adds to Endurance. Players should have the choice to concentrate on any stats they like to set up their character any way they like, even if that makes them a glass cannon (and, in my opinion, gimps their character).


I'm also a fan of making Smugglers and Bounty Hunters "neutral". (They should have made goblins neutral in WoW, IMO.)

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The entire structure of the game is built around eight classes and ground combat. These would be amazing, but they would be a different game.


I would, however, like to see larger-scale PVP. Apparently it's hard on the game, but it is still a whole lot cooler.


One question, though: Why is this under Story and Lore? It would fit better in General Discussion, under Suggestion Box. Y'know, since this has nothing to do with story or lore.

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The entire structure of the game is built around eight classes and ground combat. These would be amazing, but they would be a different game.


I would, however, like to see larger-scale PVP. Apparently it's hard on the game, but it is still a whole lot cooler.


One question, though: Why is this under Story and Lore? It would fit better in General Discussion, under Suggestion Box. Y'know, since this has nothing to do with story or lore.


But it does address the story. And changes for it. I however did not see a suggestion box in the general discussion and decided to post it here. it must be in the wrong place....


However why can't classes be added? Why can't pvp be a focus in the future to make it more massive. And I will make this statement here. Since it does regard story and lore.


Jedi knight is a very wrong title for the starting class. Both in Star wars movies and Bioware games. Seeing as Bioware made kotor first and this is based on that in some small fraction.. Every class "Guardian, Sentinel, And Consular" when they advance from padawan learner to a fully realized Jedi become a Jedi knight. Every one of them. Jedi Sentinel would be better suited as the name of "Jedi Weapons Master" Jedi Sentinel was its own class but you made it an advanced class of Jedi Guardian. Whatever anyone's actual argument is about this fact understand the lore means something to some people, probably more than some of you that would defend the class names and designations. For example. The majority of Jedi Sentinel's advanced to Jedi Shadow or Jedi Watchman.. If you can follow what I'm saying, I'm telling you that the advanced classes are also wrong. And this is partially based on your own ORIGINAL lore. A Jedi Sage is fine, but Jedi shadow in the advanced class section of the Consular should be a Jedi Mystic/Seer. (Not a Sentinels actual advancement class) That leaves one class partly complete and that is back to the Guardian. Jedi Battlemaster is an actual rank. Use that. as a sub-class


Furthermore The inquisitors "fallen" Jedi companion that constantly says "Don't make me go against my training" and hates everything darkside choice almost 99% of the time is not a fallen jedi. I'm sorry but fallen is anakin, fallen is general krell, fallen is count dooku, fallen is Xanatos, Fallen is Nomen Karr Fallen is Darth Caedus. Fallen is Sora Bulq and Depa Billaba (Mace Windu's best friend and Apprentice whom helped him create the Vaapad) THESE are fallen Jedi. Not some annoyance that constantly refuses dark path choices "hates bullying" and anything selfish or un-jedi like.


Also.... It wouldn't be a different game it'd be an expanded better more accurate more diverse and more favorable game. The 5 things I suggested

Edited by Reiles_Cole
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could an admin please move this thread to the right location in the forums? I was told that it belongs in "suggestion box" in general discussion.. Or at least confirm if this is in a valid place for the issues addressed??



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