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  1. #1 would be cool for a remix on crafting, make the classes that make items outside of stimpacks useful for crafting, and not just for lightsabers but say a smuggler with a modded blaster that can be more deadly then the one you buy from a savage shop in ancorhead. #2 is never going to happend unless they do something like cata in wow and redo the entire launch story and even then it taken so mush of dev time some aspects of that expansion was cut for time. #3 i don't think adding it to color crystals will work in lore (it not like luke's green saber did posion damage or Vader's did fire) but i am all for added some extra elemental style prof on weapons, like this pistol have a chance to do posion or a light saber can slow you with chill. #4 i know you want this game to be more like SWG but honestly i do disagree with you on parts but this one i 100% agree, i feel open space traval would make me go do space missions or dothe space aspect of the game more. #5 i think this one is going to be tricky, it worked in SWG since the world was not only just a big huge map but you can plant anything from resource gathering buildings to entire cities complete with flight points and more. overall the whole world is static, but it not stooping from adding another chunk of the planet to have free roam, think illum but you can build bases and other stuff. and have it assailable just by flying to it and give a bonus to owning not just the planet but the sector, like the empire get's more rewards for owning the outer rim. it not what you are thinking sadly and i do agree that this game do close you off to mush from the enemy.
  2. i always try to keep up the slow enagy regain buff from upeerhand, it seem to be something to always keep upfor my lack of a better term, mp5. but so far at level 23 i enjoy amuggler healing over the trooper in beta.
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