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Where is the togrutas?


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Hello,anyone knows anything about the race Togruta that were supposed to be introduced in the lastest patch?:(

We're waiting since 3.0 that they are available, but there is no information, if or when they're available.

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There are a lot of websites in which it comments on the introduction of this breed in the previous game patch 3.2


well they've never said it would be released as part of 3.2 we can't help if people believe whats on other websites when the roadmap even said they were separate (3.2 = ziost...and beyond = togruta)

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well they've never said it would be released as part of 3.2 we can't help if people believe whats on other websites when the roadmap even said they were separate (3.2 = ziost...and beyond = togruta)

Well, last fall they anounced it for 3.0. In December they said, it SHOULD come with 3.2. And before 3.2 they didn't said anything about a concret date oder patch.

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Hello,anyone knows anything about the race Togruta that were supposed to be introduced in the lastest patch?:(




This is like the Cathar all over again, people thought they were coming with 2.0 just because they were announced alongside 2.0.


Note the fact that you have not seen a single screen shot, video, or ad for playable Togruta yet. You will see one of those things show up long before the Togruta actually appear in the game and since we've yet to see any of those things yet guess what? We still have awhile before we're going to be able to play as the Togruta.


Oh and just as a reference point the last playable species that was added to the game (Cathar) were announced almost a full year before they became playable. We know that's not the case with Togruta as they supposed to be out before the end of the year but it still shows how far out they're willing to announce a new race.


There are a lot of websites in which it comments on the introduction of this breed in the previous game patch 3.2


No, there hasn't.


You claim that there are lots of websites that say so yet you can't find a single link to a website that actually says that. Funny huh?

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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We're waiting since 3.0 that they are available, but there is no information, if or when they're available.


No, you haven't been waiting for 3.0 because they were never announced to be coming with 3.0.


The only thing they've said about the Togruta is that they would be out by the end of this year. That means it's entirely possible that we won't see them until December.


Well, last fall they anounced it for 3.0. In December they said, it SHOULD come with 3.2. And before 3.2 they didn't said anything about a concret date oder patch.


Once again, no they didn't.


Official statement from Bioware...




Our plan is to deliver two major updates with this new story direction later this year – one in the spring and the other by the end of the year. But what’s happening in the meantime, you ask? Below is a list of some of what you can expect in the first half of the year. As always, please keep in mind that all of this is subject to change. We reserve the right to adjust our plans if we feel it is necessary.



  • February 12th: Game Update 3.1


Hard Mode Flashpoint: Blood Hunt
Hard Mode Flashpoint: Battle for Rishi
Start of PvP Season 4
Spring: Game Update 3.2
Outfit Designer
Stay tuned for a blog on this awesome new feature coming soon!
A new story arc on the planet Ziost.
This story arc takes us to the Imperial homeworld of Ziost, where we answer many of the questions posed by the cliffhanger at the end of Shadow of Revan.
End of PvP Season 4 and the Start of Season 5
And Beyond!
New Stronghold
Playable Togruta – I kind of let the Cathar out of the bag on this one last year at the New York Cantina, but now it’s in writing!


So, would you like to stop lying now about what was stated?

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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Togrutas = more issues with hoods and headgear :rolleyes: why would anyone want to play anything else than humans?


As much as I'd love to see Togrutas' added, I agree they should fix those issues beforehand but we'll see. I have no problem with not having a hood though.

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No, you haven't been waiting for 3.0 because they were never announced to be coming with 3.0.


The only thing they've said about the Togruta is that they would be out by the end of this year. That means it's entirely possible that we won't see them until December.


Sorry dude! I have been waiting since fall 2014 that Togruta become a playable race. And yes, your right, they announce them for December 2014, where also 3.0 startet. So I put the announcment and 3.0 together in one action. Sorry, if that isn't 100% correct for you. ;)



Once again, no they didn't.


Official statement from Bioware...




So, would you like to stop lying now about what was stated?


I'm not lying! Thank you for beeing personal at this point of your view.

I only wanted to answer the openers question as I remind my informations. I'm not so over-correctly as you, so but I could remember a statement before your link, where they annonce the Togruta for 3.2.


Well, I'm not interessted in a personal discussion with you, who is right, and who is not, in every single detail what was exactly anounced on what day.

At the End it is my opinion that Bioware annonced the new race Togruta for December 2014. I know a lot of gamers on my server, that they also expected the Togruta between the start of 3.0 and maybee christmas last year. Now a half year later it isn't playbale and a lot of gamers (also myself) would like to know when they are available ingame. That was also the question of ivanovichpra as I understood it.

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At the End it is my opinion that Bioware annonced the new race Togruta for December 2014.


Not to be "that guy" or anything, but that kind of thing isn't really something that can be left up to be a matter of opinion. It is either a fact, or it's not. I think the evidence proves pretty conclusively that it's not.

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I am really excited for the Togruta and I, too, wish to know when they are coming (and hope it is soon! ;) ).


However . . . they announced Cathar ages before they were playable. Even after they showed them in a teaser video, it was quite awhile before we got them. And as far as I know, Togruta have scarcely been mentioned, let alone advertised.


I'm hoping that they'll start teasing/showing them off soon and release them in the late summer. It would have been neat if they came soon after 3.0 (like the Cathar came in Update 2.1), but at this point we really have no idea when they are coming aside from in 2015. :(

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I'm not lying! Thank you for beeing personal at this point of your view.

I only wanted to answer the openers question as I remind my informations. I'm not so over-correctly as you


You're spreading false information. Stating it as fact. That is lying.


so but I could remember a statement before your link, where they annonce the Togruta for 3.2.


No, you can't because no such link exists. Every website that reported on the road map, which was almost none btw simply copied and pasted what the road map stated. No website stated that the Togruta were coming for 3.2.


Well, I'm not interessted in a personal discussion with you, who is right, and who is not, in every single detail what was exactly anounced on what day.


There's no discussion to be had. Everything you said was flat out wrong. You were spreading false information stating it as if was fact, NOT opinion.


At the End it is my opinion that Bioware annonced the new race Togruta for December 2014.


That's not an opinion. You can't disprove an opinion with facts.


I know a lot of gamers on my server, that they also expected the Togruta between the start of 3.0 and maybee christmas last year. Now a half year later it isn't playbale and a lot of gamers (also myself) would like to know when they are available ingame. That was also the question of ivanovichpra as I understood it.


Those people are dumb then and only have themselves to blame. Not only did Bioware's official statements make it clear that the Togruta weren't coming with 3.0 or 3.2, but they're also stupid because they didn't learn their lesson the first time around with the Cathar.


This situation is literally the EXACT same thing that happened with the Cathar. They were announced alongside 2.0 and then people assumed that they were part of 2.0 even though that was never stated by Bioware. Now when that exact same situation happens again with the next all new race, people should know better.

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If they don't release them or at the very least start teasing them by or during Q3 even the most die hard Togruta fans might start to think twice about if waiting is worth it or not. :( Edited by Anaesha
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You're spreading false information. Stating it as fact. That is lying.




No, you can't because no such link exists. Every website that reported on the road map, which was almost none btw simply copied and pasted what the road map stated. No website stated that the Togruta were coming for 3.2.




There's no discussion to be had. Everything you said was flat out wrong. You were spreading false information stating it as if was fact, NOT opinion.




That's not an opinion. You can't disprove an opinion with facts.




Those people are dumb then and only have themselves to blame. Not only did Bioware's official statements make it clear that the Togruta weren't coming with 3.0 or 3.2, but they're also stupid because they didn't learn their lesson the first time around with the Cathar.


This situation is literally the EXACT same thing that happened with the Cathar. They were announced alongside 2.0 and then people assumed that they were part of 2.0 even though that was never stated by Bioware. Now when that exact same situation happens again with the next all new race, people should know better.


Well, it seems to be your hobby to correct everything and everybody here in this forum and you should earn money for that. 500 posts in a around a year shows it what you do here. Congrattulation! :D

Your hobby-work here is ok for me. But what I don't like and can't accept is, that you call me a liar! Also your arrogance to call me and other gamers dumb is not acceptable. It's the kind you choose your words against me what I dislike. So stop it to offend me, please. There should be a way for you to correct me/others without beeing rude to me/us! Other member can do it, so you can do it also. I'm sure you can. :rolleyes:


Maybe my informations were not correct, maybe they were. At the end I give my opinion what I think I'd know, because I'm not interessted in niggling searching and finding old links and statements to prove what is right or wrong. I want to to play the game and sometimes I take a look her and sometimes I give an answer to a question. :eek:


You know it better? Inform us ! Immediatly and 100% correctly! :D

No space for opinions and discussions! ;)

But please, in future don't offend me/us anymore! :cool:


Thank you for your attention!

I go on playing the game now. May the force be with you! :csw_bluesaber:

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Togrutas = more issues with hoods and headgear :rolleyes: why would anyone want to play anything else than humans?


Because some of us don't care about hoods or headgear? I have 'hide head slot' toggled on most of my chars anyway. The Makeb beret and the commlink are about the only two pieces of headgear I ever show. Everything else looks dumb. I'll be wanting the hood down on my Togruta when I make her anyway, so I guess it's a happy coincidence that - if they're like twi'leks - they won't show a hood.

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Maybe my informations were not correct, maybe they were.


Your information was not correct. Or rather, your lack of information made you state something that was provably false.


At the end I give my opinion what I think I'd know, because I'm not interessted in niggling searching and finding old links and statements to prove what is right or wrong.


Stating things that you don't know about as a fact is pretty much the same as lying.


There was never any statement about when Togruta would be available. None. No single announcement. A number of people in this thread stated that, clearly, and without any insults. You were the one who contradicted them to say that the race was supposed to be released... even though you admit that you didn't know and had no information to back the statement up.


You know it better? Inform us ! Immediatly and 100% correctly!


He and other posters have already done that. You persisted in sharing your "opinion", despite the fact that people sharing these sorts of lies are what causes other people to believe them... and causes other threads like this a month down the road as someone insists that some guy told them Togruta were supposed to be released with 3.0. You're that guy. You're the one spreading false information.


No space for opinions and discussions!


This isn't a point for opinions. We have absolute fact here.

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