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[BUG] Underworld Instigator's Armor


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I have two pieces of Underworld Instigator's Armor (Belt and Bracers) that I have listed on the GTN. Both items are listed in my sell tab. However, if I do a search for those specific items or Underworld Instigator's in general, no items show up. Those items will show up if I just do a generic search under armor/adaptive without any search terms but they do not show up if I do a specific search for pieces. This makes it extremely difficult to determine prices for the items or to find them without having to wade through a hundred+ pages (for each slot)
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I can confirm this. Even though GTN is full of the items, they fail to show up when you do a search for them. Only way to find them is to do a search of Armor:Adaptive:[slot: head,chest,boots,etc] and they come up with all the other adaptive armors for that group.


Definitely is bugged.

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