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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[SUGGESTION] Hide companion head slot option!


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I agree. I spent time looking through preferences hoping this option was there, and was sadly disappointed when I found it wasn't. Someone in BW had to have thought of this and the shirts must have decided it was "needles fluff, nobody will care"


And yet.. they have gone so far out of the way to make our interactions with our companions more than "needless fluff".... and the helmets... just totally break that immersion.



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Agreed and please allow us to hide specific gear slots on both our companions and characters.


  • Gloves
  • Bracers
  • Belts
  • Boots (Why not bare footed Jedi/sith?)
  • Chest ?
  • And create a damn hide/show shoulder flaps checkbox!!!

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Agreed and please allow us to hide specific gear slots on both our companions and characters.


  • Gloves
  • Bracers
  • Belts
  • Boots (Why not bare footed Jedi/sith?)
  • Chest ?
  • And create a damn hide/show shoulder flaps checkbox!!!


troll? and even if all the gear is fugly, why would someone want to hide the shoulder flaps? just part of the armor design. sure, with kaliyo's tatooine gear and her being body type 1, the shoulder flaps look funny on her, but I got over it after about 8 seconds

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I would like to suggest that in the "social" tab of the "preferences" menu we be given the option to hide our companions head slot. This option could be listed right under the existing option to hide our own head slots.



Please dear lord, yes. I'm tired of always having to put them in the headband to have the minimally annoying headgear possible.

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For way too long, my companion had a head piece that made him look suspiciously a lot like a member of the ***... then I finally found a helmet with better stats for him!



...and now he looks like an old lady who just got out of the shower and has those hair curling things all over his head. >_<

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