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The Runes on Ziost


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During the daily [Eyes into the Past] on the

Om Nom Nom'd Ziost

you use a droid to rebuild GSI scans of the destroyed ruins of this temple-like complex.


Upon uploading all the gathered data, you can see holos of all the history that once stood in the area.



Near the back are four pillars, each with a holo-filled writing. I don't know a proper order of them, but here they are:




Some things to note:


- The odd line-breaking style


-"Though you are away, Your eye gazes upon us, We know you see our doings," a single eye. Might I reference that the three temples are crested with an eye. Sauron/Illuminati confirmt.


- The words seem to be from devout worshipers of whatever they're talking about. Assuming they're referring to the Emperor, I assume these must have been written by the Hand. However, "Though you leave us, Your humble subjects on Ziost, We know it is not forever," I do not recall the Hand being "left" on Ziost. Also, ever single rune alludes to the fact that this deity or person is far away.


- "Though the distance must be great, Your return is a certainty, We know we will be united once more." United? Hmph...


- After some thought, I take it this is the order:

Though you leave us

Your humble subjects on Ziost

We know it is not forever.


Though the distance must be great

Your return is a certainty

We know we will be united once more


Though you are away

Your eye gazes upon us

We know you see our doings


Though we are alone

Your lessons remain

We know our considerable duty


My knowledge of Ziost's lore is null. Does anyone more enlightened than I think this could relate to Ajunta Pall or something.


If this refers to Vitiate, I assume it's the Hand or some group preparing Ziost for his Om Nom Nom?


- Oh, there's also a sacrificial table.





Turns out there's a codex entry I somehow forgot of...



Though you leave us

Your humble servants on Ziost

We know it is not forever


Though you are away

Your eye gazes upon us

We know you see our doings


Though we are alone

Your lessons remain

We know our considerable duty


Though the distance must be great

Your return is a certainty

We know we will be united once more


As if you were never gone.


Edited by Exosasa
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I don't know why it would be a reference to anyone other than Vitiate, primarily due to the grand statue (that's seated) looking quite similar to all the other statues that depict him.


I have to say, that place would have been an interesting sight in it's non-destroyed state. Even as a partial holo-reconstruction that place looks impressive.

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  • 2 months later...
I don't know why it would be a reference to anyone other than Vitiate, primarily due to the grand statue (that's seated) looking quite similar to all the other statues that depict him.


I have to say, that place would have been an interesting sight in it's non-destroyed state. Even as a partial holo-reconstruction that place looks impressive.


IIRC, this quest also straight up tells you it was a temple to the Sith Emperor (I think if you read the dialogue from the datapadd that offers it). So I would guess it's talking about Vitiate.

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Perhaps Valkorian is Vitiate's descendant? Perhaps even his son?


They sure do like those V names -- Vitiate, Valkorian, Vaylin...


I sincerely doubt they're related.


IMO, the Eternal Empire was most likely somewhere located INSIDE the Rishi Maze. After what transpired during the Battle of Rishi, it is likely they noticed two already weakened factions, and just chose to conquer the lot.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Naga Sadow has no ties to Ziost.


Plus, that eye is visible on the Dark Temple in Dromund Kaas as well.


I need to disagree with you, Darth Wicked,

Lord Sadow had ties to Ziost. If you have forgotten the fact that this world was once the capital of our glorious Empire and that was right before the great hyperspace war, in which he fought against the Republic and the Jedi.

On Ziost there was the citadel, where the seat of power for the Sith was and despite having his personal fortress on a moon of Khar Delba.


Yet I am not sure if these tempels are somehow related to him.



Greetings from a humbled servant of the mighty Wrath :cool:

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It seems to be a reference to the fall of Sadow's Empire and Vitiate taking over, and leading the remnants to Dromund Kaas. For instance:


"Though you leave us

Your humble servants on Ziost

We know it is not forever"


Maybe Vitiate could not bring the entire empire with him, so he had to leave many behind. Those who were left likely remained loyal and eagerly awaited Vitiate's return.


"Though you are away

Your eye gazes upon us

We know you see our doings"


Vitiate was able to monitor the events of the galaxy even before the Empire's return through infiltrators. Possibly, he used the Sith on Ziost as a way to keep in touch with the rest of the galaxy without revealing the Empire's presence.


"Though we are alone

Your lessons remain

We know our considerable duty"


The surviving Sith likely remained fiercely loyal to Vitiate even long after the Empire abandoned Ziost.


"Though the distance must be great

Your return is a certainty

We know we will be united once more"


Foreshadowing of the Empire's return and reconquest of Ziost.


"As if you were never gone."


More proof that the Sith see the current war as a continuation of the Great Hyperspace War.

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It seems to be a reference to the fall of Sadow's Empire and Vitiate taking over, and leading the remnants to Dromund Kaas.


You speak of wise words, yet we have not much information about the ending of the hyperspace war and the events in its aftermath.

We see the Sith defeated and Sadow flee to Yavin. We know that Vitiate had called the remaining Lords to Nathema and started the ritual and after them being killed he lead the remaining Sith on an exodus into exil and after around 100 years (if I am not mistaken) they eventually took Dromund Kaas as their new home.


I mean the Sith Empire was huge at this time (not like the one during the great galactic war, but stil many and more worlds) and I doubt that allof the Empire was part of this war.

Thing is, after the defeat of the Sith the Rep and the Jedi made their way towards Sith space and while Vitiate was creating the ritual I hardly belive that he fought either the Reps or the Jedi.

I therefor wonder what happened to most of the Empires population, as for he just took control of the remaining remants of the Sith fleet and of the followers of the Lords he killed on Nathema.

There is never mentioned that he saved all the Empire.

I guess they were just a small group compared to all the people living in th Empire.

But the question remains: What did the Jedi do with them?

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