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Gunnery commando PvP stat allocation

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Hey guys! So I just levelled up to 60 thanks to 12x class exp which is great. I've always wanted to try PvP on a commando but I have no idea what stat allocation I should strive for. My other toons have 25% crit 75%~ surge and lots of power, so I'm pretty unfamiliar with acc/alacrity. Looked for some guides but they were all outdated or aimed towards PvE.


With that said, please share your set-ups or tips with me so I can get gearing as soon as possible, thanks! :)

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Commando DPS - Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here.


I think you're going on a pretty good track all ready, I finished my 168 set and it's a little low on crit, maybe 23% (going from memory) and 70% surge, So I'm gonna inch that up a little.


Accuracy isn't as much a big deal in pvp as it is in pve and I can't see why you'd ever need alacrity as a DPS commando (however one of the gear pieces have some). I am probably in the minority here but I put a few accuracy Augments in to get me to about 95-96%. I found I was missing alot of vortex bolts which was really ticking me off.

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I get your frustration. There really isn't much out there for Gunnery Commandos in PVP. Mainly because I think there are so few left. I'm not saying Gunnery is a dying breed in PVP, but we definately aren't the best choice by far and as a result people tend to neglect posting their ideas and thoughts and PVP performance with this class. People who play this class tend to do PVE content which this class excels in doing.


I went with strait power on my augments with just a few accuracy pieces. I just wanted to keep it around 100%. A missed Grav Round could impact your Boltstorm popping at a critical time. And in a 1 v 1 fight, you need every round to hit regardless of what you fired.


Is surge important? It is especially for the healers. But as a Gunnery I would rather do more damage than get a weaker attack off a spit piece of a second sooner.


But my take on Gunnery ...


You got no place in rank. I hate to even say that but it is true. You have no stealth. You have no focus break. And odds are you have no support from your fellow DPS players you picked up in solo. You have a crap load of untilities that makes you a god in pve, but against a determine player focus attack, all that utility means nothing. You won't live long enough to use it much less fight back. Until this class gets a focus break, give up any dreams of doing well in solo arena. Your best option is grouping with a tank and healer with the hope they can throw you some loving when you get nailed to the wall. But you should expect to be the first target in arena. Every single time.


As for 8 v 8, you have one purpose. That is to kill $%$#. Let your team mates charge in and you focus one of their targets. You will burn them like nobody's business. If your target survived your full rotation, it is because their healer just got a heart attack trying to keep them alive while you pounded on them. Your beauty is that you can keep the pressure on for a lengthy period of time. And if somebody leaps on you, nail them with e-net and switch target to them. They may kill you, but they are going to earn that kill. You are a mobile class, try to move backwards while fighting so the player who jumped you is either out of LOS or out of range of the opposing team's healer. If he or she takes you out, they aren't lasting much longer themselves.


Avoid playing defense. Gunnery sucks at it. You won't see the stealth until they are already on you. At that point you lose precisious time to give a warning. Stay in the fight instead and do what you do best ... sending players to the rez station one kill at a time.

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I get your frustration. There really isn't much out there for Gunnery Commandos in PVP. Mainly because I think there are so few left. I'm not saying Gunnery is a dying breed in PVP, but we definately aren't the best choice by far and as a result people tend to neglect posting their ideas and thoughts and PVP performance with this class. People who play this class tend to do PVE content which this class excels in doing.


I went with strait power on my augments with just a few accuracy pieces. I just wanted to keep it around 100%. A missed Grav Round could impact your Boltstorm popping at a critical time. And in a 1 v 1 fight, you need every round to hit regardless of what you fired.


Is surge important? It is especially for the healers. But as a Gunnery I would rather do more damage than get a weaker attack off a spit piece of a second sooner.


But my take on Gunnery ...


You got no place in rank. I hate to even say that but it is true. You have no stealth. You have no focus break. And odds are you have no support from your fellow DPS players you picked up in solo. You have a crap load of untilities that makes you a god in pve, but against a determine player focus attack, all that utility means nothing. You won't live long enough to use it much less fight back. Until this class gets a focus break, give up any dreams of doing well in solo arena. Your best option is grouping with a tank and healer with the hope they can throw you some loving when you get nailed to the wall. But you should expect to be the first target in arena. Every single time.


As for 8 v 8, you have one purpose. That is to kill $%$#. Let your team mates charge in and you focus one of their targets. You will burn them like nobody's business. If your target survived your full rotation, it is because their healer just got a heart attack trying to keep them alive while you pounded on them. Your beauty is that you can keep the pressure on for a lengthy period of time. And if somebody leaps on you, nail them with e-net and switch target to them. They may kill you, but they are going to earn that kill. You are a mobile class, try to move backwards while fighting so the player who jumped you is either out of LOS or out of range of the opposing team's healer. If he or she takes you out, they aren't lasting much longer themselves.


Avoid playing defense. Gunnery sucks at it. You won't see the stealth until they are already on you. At that point you lose precisious time to give a warning. Stay in the fight instead and do what you do best ... sending players to the rez station one kill at a time.

That was a good and funny read - thank you :D I went the healingroute in the end, which might've been a mistake as now I have to spend more time kiting bloodthirsty assasins rather than doing anything useful. I will save up for a gunnery set aswell, however! Thank you again for your input.

Edited by Sharkii_boy
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That was a good and funny read - thank you :D I went the healingroute in the end, which might've been a mistake as now I have to spend more time kiting bloodthirsty assasins rather than doing anything useful. I will save up for a gunnery set aswell, however! Thank you again for your input.


That is the route I went with my Merc. My Mando is strait Gunnery. Both have pretty much been shelved due to their lack of survivability in arenas. When you already have your gear, there just doesn't seem to be a reason to grind regs. And since neither option works well in ranked, they may end up mothballed for all PVP purposes.


The Gunnery though eats PVE content for breakfast. He is my go to when I want to finish dailies quickly and move on to something else.

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  • 2 months later...

I went with strait power on my augments with just a few accuracy pieces. I just wanted to keep it around 100%. A missed Grav Round could impact your Boltstorm popping at a critical time. And in a 1 v 1 fight, you need every round to hit regardless of what you fired.


I know this is a bit dated now, but I am playing a new Commando and reading this for the first time.


Grav Round is a Tech attack, which has a baseline of 100% accuracy. If you are saying you keep your ranged accuracy "around 100%", that is likely way overkill and you would do better to put those points into other stats.


I am not sure what the actual optimal level is, but many seem to agree that it should be at or around 94% ranged accuracy (104% tech) for pvp.

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I know this is a bit dated now, but I am playing a new Commando and reading this for the first time.


Grav Round is a Tech attack, which has a baseline of 100% accuracy. If you are saying you keep your ranged accuracy "around 100%", that is likely way overkill and you would do better to put those points into other stats.


I am not sure what the actual optimal level is, but many seem to agree that it should be at or around 94% ranged accuracy (104% tech) for pvp.


For the most part this. Accuracy is rather weak. I played with it on my two Vanguards and the average hit rate for HiB was around 87% for both of them, despite one of them running 94% and the other 91%. Nearly all of your misses in PvP come from high potency DcDs such as Evasion, Saber Ward, and Deflection.

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