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Is Madness significantly worse than Lightning pve/pvp


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Hello all,


I've started a madness sorc inspired by some great PvP performances I was on the receiving end of, but after reading the forums, people seem critical of this discipline. I'm planning on a mix of PvP and pve, but not ranked or high level ops. Would I be better off changing disciplines (or even classes!)?



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In pvp it's arguably better than Lightning, although not in every situation. In pve it can be as good as Lightning for some fights in terms of output and in other fights it's not that far behind. For the type of play you're describing I think it will be a great spec and that includes other classes' specs as well.


People are critical about the spec because most of its damage is spread out, both in time and uhh place; it hasn't got much burst and compared to other specs it has pretty bad single target dps. In pvp it makes up for it with its excellent survivability and in pve you won't really notice it's underperforming unless you do the hardest content.

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I leveled from 30 up to 60 with Balance/Madness and played warzones whenever possible. I always felt it was a very fluid discipline both in PvE and PvP (PvE you don't have to worry about dots so much unless their a Strong or higher enemy - Death Field and Force Storm are enough to wipe out anything less). It is my favorite discipline; I've played the others extensively, but keep coming back to it.
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I personally like lightning alot more, it has windows of huge burst with procs/cds. But I play a lot of madness, and madness has quite a bit of sustained damage with a few windows of burst. If you like damage done at the end of the match, madness will usually get you really high because you can tab target dot everyone, It comes down to play style i think, but both are fun for pvp and can do well, especially since you can get the root on overload in any spec
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My advice is to play the spec you like and make it viable (even if it's not).


I do HM progression on a Balance sage and most people call me crazy, until I outparse half the raid group. The key to doing well in PvP and ops is understanding your spec and using it to its best potential. While Lightning/Telekinetics is the better spec on paper (higher DPS, more burst, more mobility), the actual DPS put out by the spec depends on the person playing it. I'm alright with Telekinetics but I am much better with Balance, and while I parse almost the same with both specs, I can survive better, follow mechanics better, and kite better with Balance, because that is what I'm used to. And frankly I love the spec.


Sorry for the story, folks. I thought it relevant.

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My advice is to play the spec you like and make it viable (even if it's not).


I do HM progression on a Balance sage and most people call me crazy, until I outparse half the raid group. The key to doing well in PvP and ops is understanding your spec and using it to its best potential. While Lightning/Telekinetics is the better spec on paper (higher DPS, more burst, more mobility), the actual DPS put out by the spec depends on the person playing it. I'm alright with Telekinetics but I am much better with Balance, and while I parse almost the same with both specs, I can survive better, follow mechanics better, and kite better with Balance, because that is what I'm used to. And frankly I love the spec.


Sorry for the story, folks. I thought it relevant.




I'd really like to see how much DPS you pull on individual bossfights. Did you clear Coratanni or Revan? Because i don't see balance able to make it through their dps checks in the last phases.

Maybe with the new mainhand but i'm not sure.

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I'm parsing just over 4k w/it in practice, which was certainly enough to kill Bulo, which is where my guild is at this point. Regardless until I become a liability I'm going to continue using it.


First of all thank you for the answer. Please dont take it ofensive but i do not think that this is a represantable example. It is certainly easy to kill the first half of the bosses in any spec. E.g on torque balance will allready get way too dependable on the tanks. Same for HM lurker depending on the setup or tactics.


Just over 4k will be a liability on a lot of later fights.


i really wish for some balance or madness mains to state their experiences who really went 10/10, if they exist.

Edited by IkarusXY
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The point I was making was this. For the original poster, who isn't looking at running hardcore progression, Balance/Madness will be just fine with him and be perfectly viable. I wasn't being disingenuous, I am legitimately attempting to try and full clear with Balance/Madness, and the fact that I was able to clear Bulo HM with it, while doesn't prove its perfectly viable for the hardest content in Endgame, certainly proves its more than viable enough to clear all the SM content which was the point of the post.
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Noreik you'll be fine and it's a lot of fun to play.


Madness pvp might take a little getting used to, because you have to kite around and try to be somewhat patient, for which purpose I would definitely recommend picking up the emersion utility.


In PvE as it stands, madness can do plenty of damage for story mode, and for the first 4 bosses of Rav and ToS HM. You could certainly use it on the final bosses of those hardmodes too, and thus complete current content with the spec, but to do so you would need a 204 mainhand or a team making few mistakes.


In the long term future if madness doesn't receive a sustained damage buff before new operations are released, you might find yourself overlooked for operations spots, but reading your post I'm not sure if this is a concern to you.

Edited by akisgood
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I can only speak for PvP as I barely do any PvE. Madness/Balance, if DPSing, is my go to spec. One major advantage is that our abilities are QUIET. When I play Telekinetic/Lightning I get targeted much more because those orbs/bolts are very loud and very annoying and you can clearly see what direction they are coming from.


The key to being good at Balance/Madness is knowing your role is the warzones. We are sustained so taking down a single target is harder. You want to go to the main mob, find a good spot (up high, around a pillar) and spread dots to the party.


The role of Balance/Madness is PRESSURE, keeping the other team half dead so that the burst roles can execute and the enemy healer is under major stress. I usually use the healer as my "host" for dots because they will be the most durable and people will huddle around them for heals and to peel for them. Sometimes if there are outliers that the dot spread cant reach I will manually apply to them.


I also offheal like crazy, use your HoT on cooldown put it the lowest target. If someone is dying bubble them and help the healer get them back up. I guess you could say we are a turtle spec, small incremental damage to the enemy, small incremental heals to your allies.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I love madness, and always had. Yes we got nerfed some, but I still am usually top 5 in dps in PVP. But like any MMO its what you enjoy. I will say with normal PVE I really don't have issues, but I do space missions, the Warzones, and Flashpoints so by the time Im in PVE mode I am usually 5-10 lvls over for storyline.
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i really wish for some balance or madness mains to state their experiences who really went 10/10, if they exist.


My group just started running not too long ago we are 7/10 while working on Revan and Master/Blaster I DPS mainly using madness in all those fights and have never had a problem DPS wise, not 10/10 so take with a grain of salt but i believe the spec can be viable depending on how, who is using it.

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In the long term future if madness doesn't receive a sustained damage buff before new operations are released, you might find yourself overlooked for operations spots, but reading your post I'm not sure if this is a concern to you.


I totally agree, if there is one spec that is overdue for a buff it is Madness/Balance, doing well in some fights takes some luck being on your-side, but overall there are a great many things i think can be improved about it

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My group just started running not too long ago we are 7/10 while working on Revan and Master/Blaster I DPS mainly using madness in all those fights and have never had a problem DPS wise, not 10/10 so take with a grain of salt but i believe the spec can be viable depending on how, who is using it.


In my experience, madness can mostly match lightning's DPS. It's going to be lower on Underlurker and Malaphar, but should be appreciably higher on Revanite Commanders and probably higher on Torque. Madness survivability is quite a bit better than Lightning's, though due to the way that damage works in PvE, it doesn't matter all that much. The biggest problem is that you're getting roughly the same output with significantly weaker burst, negligible mobility and a much more punishing rotation.


Madness should do more DPS than Lightning on nearly every PvE fight, especially if it is going to be so immobile. I think that Underlurker should probably still fall into Lightning's lap, and the mobility imposition of Revan should push Lightning above a properly balanced Madness, but everything else should be a clean win for Madness. Basically, take the numbers that IO does and go from there, because that's the sort of spec that Madness is.


The trick is figuring out how to do that without making it a completely god-mode spec in PvP.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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In my experience, madness can mostly match lightning's DPS. It's going to be lower on Underlurker and Malaphar, but should be appreciably higher on Revanite Commanders and probably higher on Torque. Madness survivability is quite a bit better than Lightning's, though due to the way that damage works in PvE, it doesn't matter all that much. The biggest problem is that you're getting roughly the same output with significantly weaker burst, negligible mobility and a much more punishing rotation.


The trick is figuring out how to do that without making it a completely god-mode spec in PvP.


Heh, in my eperience Madness matches Lightning's numbers on Underlurker and Malaphar. Malaphar because you can take more stacks because of the insane selfhealing. Underlurker is more anecdotal because I usually don't attack the add close to the boss so aoe from Death Field is better in those circumstances than aoe from Chain Lightning.


I find Lightning significantly better on Revanite Commanders; in Madness between the phases all dots are a dps loss because adds die so fast. I don't like Madness on Monolith either, the length of the fight makes force issues horribly apparent. I also prefer Lightning on Bulo because it handles the movement periods during Mass Barrage better and the extra 5 meters range.

Edited by ceazare
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In my experience, madness can mostly match lightning's DPS. It's going to be lower on Underlurker and Malaphar, but should be appreciably higher on Revanite Commanders and probably higher on Torque. Madness survivability is quite a bit better than Lightning's, though due to the way that damage works in PvE, it doesn't matter all that much. The biggest problem is that you're getting roughly the same output with significantly weaker burst, negligible mobility and a much more punishing rotation.

From numbers that i managed to pull off in our raids, Lightning does better job with Bulo, Revanite Commanders and Revan. Rest of them - Madness is equal or better than Lightning.

That being said, Merc/Sniper of equal gear/skill will do better in any situation.


Basically, take the numbers that IO does and go from there, because that's the sort of spec that Madness is.

I was very surprised, that IO get 30% boost for DoT-effects, when target is below 30% health.

It's just 15% for any other DoT-based spec.


Heh, in my eperience ;adness matches Lightning's numbers on Underlurker and Malaphar. Malaphar because you can take more stacks because of the insane selfhealing. Underlurker is more anecdotal because I usually don't attack the add close to the boss so aoe from Death Field is better in those circumstances than aoe from Chain Lightning.


I find Lightning significantly better on Revanite Commanders; in Madness between the phases all dots are a dps loss because adds die so fast. I don't like Madness on Monolith either, the length of the fight makes force issues horribly apparent. I also prefer Lightning on Bulo because it handles the movement periods during Mass Barrage better and the extra 5 meters range.

Can i ask you, what number are you getting on Torque and M&B?

i'm running Madness on them and get something between 4.8-5.4 on Torque, 3.7-4 on M&B.

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From numbers that i managed to pull off in our raids, Lightning does better job with Bulo, Revanite Commanders and Revan. Rest of them - Madness is equal or better than Lightning.

That being said, Merc/Sniper of equal gear/skill will do better in any situation.


Underlurker is Lightning's fight. If you're doing things correctly, you'll walk all over and sit laughing in the ashes of an equally geared sniper or merc. I get between a 4.5k and a 4.6k on this fight, and that's with a 192 MH (remember that Lightning has almost perfect uptime even hiding behind the rock in Rage Storm, whereas Madness can only squeeze in a Death Field). Malaphar also the edge goes to Lightning. Even without touching Force Storm, the splash is more than enough to put you above what a sniper or merc can do (5.8k without exceeding 5 stacks and without touching Storm).


Mercs and Snipers will beat you on SS (though I can usually come close to sniper numbers here), Revanite Commanders and obviously Revan (sorc DPS are just bad for revan in general). Lightning will beat snipers of all specs on Bulo (even subtracting pointless splash), though Mercs walk away with that fight. Snipers will win if tunneling on Sparky, but if target swapping, Lightning will win hands down. Snipers and Mercs are both superior on Torque, MB and Cora.


Can i ask you, what number are you getting on Torque and M&B?


I don't touch the turrets on Torque, and I'm the primary floor add killer, so I only get around a 4.4k. Previously, when I was doing the turrets, I would sit around 5k-5.3k. It doesn't surprise me that Madness can put up higher numbers there, but your group needs to allow the turrets to live long enough for the DoT spread to be meaningful.


The group that my sorc is in hasn't cleared MB yet. I usually sit in the high 4s for the first phase, after which it dwindles down into the mid-high 3s. Once we get through the soft enrage, and including the pause at the end, it's probably going to be smack in the mid-3s, perhaps a bit higher if I do things right and/or get lucky on soft enrage pushback.


i'm running Madness on them and get something between 4.8-5.4 on Torque, 3.7-4 on M&B.


Does your group hold Master close enough to Blaster for DoT spread in the soft enrage? There's basically no reason not to unless having a hard time controlling the push, but I thought I'd ask. Also, do you DPS Master or are you the Blaster tunneler? What is your role on Torque? Basically, both fights are bad DPS benchmarks in general, because legitimate variation between groups and roles within groups can result in radically different results.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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Underlurker is Lightning's fight. If you're doing things correctly, you'll walk all over and sit laughing in the ashes of an equally geared sniper or merc. I get between a 4.5k and a 4.6k on this fight, and that's with a 192 MH (remember that Lightning has almost perfect uptime even hiding behind the rock in Rage Storm, whereas Madness can only squeeze in a Death Field).

Madness provide slightly less dps - around 4.3-4.5 - in same gear.

That being said, Lightning rotations most certanly easer to fit in boss timings.

All i'm trying to say here - you can pull competetive numbers in Madness, if you want to.

Malaphar also the edge goes to Lightning. Even without touching Force Storm, the splash is more than enough to put you above what a sniper or merc can do (5.8k without exceeding 5 stacks and without touching Storm).

Is there a point to even mention Malaphar as boss? :D


Mercs and Snipers will beat you on SS (though I can usually come close to sniper numbers here), Revanite Commanders and obviously Revan (sorc DPS are just bad for revan in general). Lightning will beat snipers of all specs on Bulo (even subtracting pointless splash), though Mercs walk away with that fight. Snipers will win if tunneling on Sparky, but if target swapping, Lightning will win hands down. Snipers and Mercs are both superior on Torque, MB and Cora.

Unfortunately, i cant say anything about SS, since i'm running my Assassin for this fight only because of Phasewalk mine delivery.

For Bulo and sniper - some numbers would help.


I don't touch the turrets on Torque, and I'm the primary floor add killer, so I only get around a 4.4k. Previously, when I was doing the turrets, I would sit around 5k-5.3k. It doesn't surprise me that Madness can put up higher numbers there, but your group needs to allow the turrets to live long enough for the DoT spread to be meaningful.

Allow the turrests to live long enough - so true. But i've failed in my attempts to explain this, my group want turrets down asap.


Does your group hold Master close enough to Blaster for DoT spread in the soft enrage? There's basically no reason not to unless having a hard time controlling the push, but I thought I'd ask. Also, do you DPS Master or are you the Blaster tunneler? What is your role on Torque?

1) Yes

2) Master + eating laser stacks with Force Barrier

3) Adds.

Both fights are bad DPS benchmarks in general, because legitimate variation between groups and roles within groups can result in radically different results.


Never said anything about benchmarks. Just asked good sorc a question.

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Underlurker is Lightning's fight. If you're doing things correctly, you'll walk all over and sit laughing in the ashes of an equally geared sniper or merc. I get between a 4.5k and a 4.6k on this fight, and that's with a 192 MH (remember that Lightning has almost perfect uptime even hiding behind the rock in Rage Storm, whereas Madness can only squeeze in a Death Field). Malaphar also the edge goes to Lightning. Even without touching Force Storm, the splash is more than enough to put you above what a sniper or merc can do (5.8k without exceeding 5 stacks and without touching Storm).

i pretty much agree with this

Mercs and Snipers will beat you on SS (though I can usually come close to sniper numbers here), Revanite Commanders and obviously Revan (sorc DPS are just bad for revan in general). Lightning will beat snipers of all specs on Bulo (even subtracting pointless splash), though Mercs walk away with that fight. Snipers will win if tunneling on Sparky, but if target swapping, Lightning will win hands down. Snipers and Mercs are both superior on Torque, MB and Cora.

SS i think Madness has a chance to pull some decent numbers here, not Virulence, IO numbers but stil damn competitive, especially with the minor spread to targeting droid and soft execute bonus on dots. ive competed and beaten some mercs and snipers on Bulo (4-4.5k) with and without some scumbagging :p, but have lost to some of the better ones as expected. haven't pulled Cora



I don't touch the turrets on Torque, and I'm the primary floor add killer, so I only get around a 4.4k. Previously, when I was doing the turrets, I would sit around 5k-5.3k. It doesn't surprise me that Madness can put up higher numbers there, but your group needs to allow the turrets to live long enough for the DoT spread to be meaningful.

Madness has a chance to run away with his fight, tanks willing.

The group that my sorc is in hasn't cleared MB yet. I usually sit in the high 4s for the first phase, after which it dwindles down into the mid-high 3s. Once we get through the soft enrage, and including the pause at the end, it's probably going to be smack in the mid-3s, perhaps a bit higher if I do things right and/or get lucky on soft enrage pushback.

only made it to burn phase of MB once and early on can pull in the 3.8-4.2 range, before burn and was around low threes by the time we wiped on burn phase




Does your group hold Master close enough to Blaster for DoT spread in the soft enrage? There's basically no reason not to unless having a hard time controlling the push, but I thought I'd ask. Also, do you DPS Master or are you the Blaster tunneler? What is your role on Torque? Basically, both fights are bad DPS benchmarks in general, because legitimate variation between groups and roles within groups can result in radically different results.

and that sums it up right there. A good sorc can do fine on his own but depending on group comp/strategy has the potential to really shine or might be left in the dust in comparison to the other classes. Some factors work in your favor some don't

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In pvp it's arguably better than Lightning, although not in every situation. In pve it can be as good as Lightning for some fights in terms of output and in other fights it's not that far behind. For the type of play you're describing I think it will be a great spec and that includes other classes' specs as well.


People are critical about the spec because most of its damage is spread out, both in time and uhh place; it hasn't got much burst and compared to other specs it has pretty bad single target dps. In pvp it makes up for it with its excellent survivability and in pve you won't really notice it's underperforming unless you do the hardest content.


For solo ranked they are on par and mostly depends on how the game evolves. For warzones lightning is way better if follow focus' target is used :).

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I can only speak for PvP as I barely do any PvE. Madness/Balance, if DPSing, is my go to spec. One major advantage is that our abilities are QUIET. When I play Telekinetic/Lightning I get targeted much more because those orbs/bolts are very loud and very annoying and you can clearly see what direction they are coming from.

FL which is the main filler in madness is most certainly the most visible ability animation.


The key to being good at Balance/Madness is knowing your role is the warzones. We are sustained so taking down a single target is harder. You want to go to the main mob, find a good spot (up high, around a pillar) and spread dots to the party.

Same tactic applies for ling... except that you follow the focus of a team-player.


The role of Balance/Madness is PRESSURE, keeping the other team half dead so that the burst roles can execute and the enemy healer is under major stress. I usually use the healer as my "host" for dots because they will be the most durable and people will huddle around them for heals and to peel for them. Sometimes if there are outliers that the dot spread cant reach I will manually apply to them.

Indeed madness is about pressure is longetivity. But, if none else is also focussing the healer then dotting him actually works against your team as he can't be soft cced.


I also offheal like crazy, use your HoT on cooldown put it the lowest target. If someone is dying bubble them and help the healer get them back up. I guess you could say we are a turtle spec, small incremental damage to the enemy, small incremental heals to your allies.

Healing is not rotational but circumstiancial. If none is dying or under pressure then the general rule of thumb for using your off-heals on someone is whether their healing number is equal or higher than your next attack. In other words think of this in a naive manner, as maximizing the total effectiveness which is the sum of damage and healing; with this in mind using a heal when blast-chain-crushing are available is probably not a good idea. Bubbles are a weird thing, they have a high value but they are a waste if put on a target that has not been focussed during their duration and also their effectiveness works competitively with target's dcds.

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Madness provide slightly less dps - around 4.3-4.5 - in same gear.

That being said, Lightning rotations most certanly easer to fit in boss timings.

All i'm trying to say here - you can pull competetive numbers in Madness, if you want to.


Absolutely no question about this. I'm very firmly in the camp that thinks that Madness and Lightning are a lot closer in terms of DPS output than most people seem to think. (most people believe that Madness is just in the toilet) Now, I don't think that's balanced, because Madness really should run away with most fights relative to Lightning, but it's certainly not as skewed as it could be.


Is there a point to even mention Malaphar as boss? :D


LOL Maybe just as a reminder of how far we've fallen since the last top-tier boss to produce a relic as loot.


Unfortunately, i cant say anything about SS, since i'm running my Assassin for this fight only because of Phasewalk mine delivery.


Pushback sucks on this fight. Lightning has good mobility, which helps a lot, but your DPS is really very much in your own hands. If you can execute perfectly, plan ahead by at least one rotation block for every shield, and never miss a beat while running out the purple, you can climb into the low 4ks. But I've had weeks where I hit 4.2k one week, and then the very next week 3.7k. Not due to RNG, just due to failing on one or two execution things and everything comes crashing down.


For Bulo and sniper - some numbers would help.


In my experience, solid snipers without the 204 MH are going to get around a 4.5k on this fight. Less if they're in Marksmanship. With the 204 MH…more? Most of the snipers in my guild have theirs now, but I haven't looked at their numbers recently.


Due to Lightning's mobility and flexibility, this is basically just a fast dummy parse with distractions. There is literally nothing that will ever force you to break your rotation or even do things slightly suboptimally, so there's very little reason not to be able to replicate your 1 mil dummy parse numbers.


1) Yes

2) Master + eating laser stacks with Force Barrier

3) Adds.


Your master-blaster numbers are very impressive then. As in, IO merc level of impressive. We'll have to see what I end up with by the end of the burn phase, but I doubt it will be as high as what you're seeing, and I play the Blaster tunneler. This may simply be a fight where Madness is better.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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Absolutely no question about this. I'm very firmly in the camp that thinks that Madness and Lightning are a lot closer in terms of DPS output than most people seem to think. (most people believe that Madness is just in the toilet) Now, I don't think that's balanced, because Madness really should run away with most fights relative to Lightning, but it's certainly not as skewed as it could be.

Agreed. Not in toilet, but on it's way there. And changes in Consumption will not help, i think.

I'm still wondering, who came up with idea of 2 second cast time in a game with 1.5 GCD.


Pushback sucks on this fight. Lightning has good mobility, which helps a lot, but your DPS is really very much in your own hands. If you can execute perfectly, plan ahead by at least one rotation block for every shield, and never miss a beat while running out the purple, you can climb into the low 4ks. But I've had weeks where I hit 4.2k one week, and then the very next week 3.7k. Not due to RNG, just due to failing on one or two execution things and everything comes crashing down.

I was there as a sorc, if i recall correctly, about a 3-3.5 months ago. Back then, i've employed "heal yourself with a bubble" tactic. Our raid group is located behind bosses, near a gate, my position is on opposite side, out of range of healers. We've done this due to positioning problems. In matter of fact, even lightning sorc can be an absolutely self sustaining unit on this boss thanks to quite strict attacks timing. Thou, one do sacrifice some dps, while doing this.

Is it still a thing?


Due to Lightning's mobility and flexibility, this is basically just a fast dummy parse with distractions. There is literally nothing that will ever force you to break your rotation or even do things slightly suboptimally, so there's very little reason not to be able to replicate your 1 mil dummy parse numbers.

But, some help from RNJesus always nice :D

Again, when compared to Madness, Lighning does not even punish mistakes in rotation. One can easy get away with quite a few. When Madness, if sorc lost his DoT effects uptime, literally fall apart.

Your master-blaster numbers are very impressive then. As in, IO merc level of impressive. We'll have to see what I end up with by the end of the burn phase, but I doubt it will be as high as what you're seeing, and I play the Blaster tunneler. This may simply be a fight where Madness is better.

Madness doing well here only beacause of DoT spread. And some raid groups prefer to burn down Blaster first, then focus Master, in that case Lightning will be much better, i suppose.

It' s just, M&B require so much running that mercs have hard time to keep up with their quite strict rotation. And DoT spread for them is much harder to pull off simply due to range.


Also, what stats are you currently using?

I've done some testing recently, and best results provided build with 261 Critical/ 250 Surge/ 708 Alacrtity.

In 10 (i've picked up rotations without insane crits/double procs) rotations on 1 mil dummy, average result is 4865. with best 4982.

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