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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

White Acute Module


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I of course agree tweaks are necessary: make it legacy and have a vendor right next to the starting mailbox upon character creation. Or mail it to you.


But it should still remain the default toggle on.

Why? The game should be defaulted to the way it was designed to be played. If people want to skip through the game and power-level, then that's fine.....they should have been the ones to jump through the hoop to do it. Personally, I think there should have been some minimum criteria for power-leveling such as a minimum legacy level, a level 50 character on each faction or something like that. But if people are so obsessed with power-leveling, then more power to them.


They should have made BoL 12 XP boosts that only subs could obtain and then the power-levelers could have popped those to their heart's content. But what's done is done......so this is the system we're dealing with......these things definitely need to be BoL and they really shouldn't even have time limits on them or significantly increase the time limits.

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Hi all!


The Gree are planning on sending their representatives to all starting planets with the White Acute Module, starting with 3.2.1. Additionally, they asked me to thank you for your feedback, and wish you Purple Parallel!


But limiting the problem just to starting planets has been a missunderstanding! It concerns all the locations - the more advanced (expensive) the more irritating. Why operating e. g. on Voss should I loose my time & extra credits for travelling there & back each time, just because I want to play NORMAL DIFFICULTY mode?!

While already even with no extra XP acceterations, after passing all the normally available quests (why not if we have paid for it?) , one becomes soon much overlevelled, so the following missions give no challenge = no fun. And still more & more bombarding with additional XP every while ...Really it is becoming boring for being too easy, and leading to a point when to keep it still attractive = challenging we have to ... stop paying the subscription.

(BTW I have collected big stock of different unwished XP boosts which I am constantly "rewarded" with and which are not even sellable to a vendor. Would the Game Creators invent a profitable way of spending them one day?)

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Because it's true. They could have made it so that every character started with it in its inventory, and people would still complain because they have to click on the thing.


Of course, there are people who will always complain, but it doesn't change anything in this case.

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But limiting the problem just to starting planets has been a missunderstanding! It concerns all the locations - the more advanced (expensive) the more irritating. Why operating e. g. on Voss should I loose my time & extra credits for travelling there & back each time, just because I want to play NORMAL DIFFICULTY mode?!

While already even with no extra XP acceterations, after passing all the normally available quests (why not if we have paid for it?) , one becomes soon much overlevelled, so the following missions give no challenge = no fun. And still more & more bombarding with additional XP every while ...Really it is becoming boring for being too easy, and leading to a point when to keep it still attractive = challenging we have to ... stop paying the subscription.

(BTW I have collected big stock of different unwished XP boosts which I am constantly "rewarded" with and which are not even sellable to a vendor. Would the Game Creators invent a profitable way of spending them one day?)


I'm not sure if understand you correctly, but if you don't want to use 12x, you can turn this on or off whenever you want. You need to buy this only once.

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Of course, there are people who will always complain, but it doesn't change anything in this case.

No one ever said or implied that it changes anything. Some people will always find something to complain about, no matter how trivial the subject matter.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I'm not sure if understand you correctly, but if you don't want to use 12x, you can turn this on or off whenever you want. You need to buy this only once.

You mean buying many at once (how many?) - to spend 1 every 8 hrs.? But still working with a single character only. So each character has to travel to the fleet & back at least once, which costs time & often credits - why? Therefore BoL is needed at least, but more fair would be a boost on request & no boost by default. Or, at very least, offered by Felusia in strongholds.

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I'm not sure if understand you correctly, but if you don't want to use 12x, you can turn this on or off whenever you want. You need to buy this only once.

You mean buying many at once (how many?) - to spend 1 every 8 hrs.? But still working with a single character only. So each character has to travel to the fleet & back at least once, which costs time & often credits - why? Therefore BoL is needed at least, but more fair would be a boost on request & no boost by default. Or, at very least, offered by Felusia in strongholds.

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You mean buying many at once (how many?) - to spend 1 every 8 hrs.? But still working with a single character only. So each character has to travel to the fleet & back at least once, which costs time & often credits - why? Therefore BoL is needed at least, but more fair would be a boost on request & no boost by default. Or, at very least, offered by Felusia in strongholds.


I'm using White Acute everyday, because I don't need 12x right now. I'm just resetting this whenever I log in. Never had to buy another one.

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Hi all,


After further negotiations with the Gree, I have been informed they do not have the required representatives to send to each of the starting planets. They do however have the technology to update their White Acute Module, allowing it to be bound to a Black Bisector's Legacy. The negotiations have been agreed upon, and we expect the new White Acute Modules to be present with 3.2.1 as previously mentioned!

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[iT doesn't seem to be working for me, either]


Scratch that; the buff tray shows the effect. I was misled by not having a GCD cycle or the gold outline going away. It is really very subtle...

Edited by IanArgent
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Hi all,


After further negotiations with the Gree, I have been informed they do not have the required representatives to send to each of the starting planets. They do however have the technology to update their White Acute Module, allowing it to be bound to a Black Bisector's Legacy. The negotiations have been agreed upon, and we expect the new White Acute Modules to be present with 3.2.1 as previously mentioned!


It is funny! :p Thanks! :D

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Hi all,


After further negotiations with the Gree, I have been informed they do not have the required representatives to send to each of the starting planets. They do however have the technology to update their White Acute Module, allowing it to be bound to a Black Bisector's Legacy. The negotiations have been agreed upon, and we expect the new White Acute Modules to be present with 3.2.1 as previously mentioned!

So, instead of adding those items to start planets, you are making the item BoL? In my opinion it would have been better to add those items to starter planets (or send to new characters with mail) as accessing Fleet requires level 7, and new players doesn't have that kind of characters yet.

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Hi all,


After further negotiations with the Gree, I have been informed they do not have the required representatives to send to each of the starting planets. They do however have the technology to update their White Acute Module, allowing it to be bound to a Black Bisector's Legacy. The negotiations have been agreed upon, and we expect the new White Acute Modules to be present with 3.2.1 as previously mentioned!


Thank you so much. We all know how very tiring negotiations with the Gree can be. Imperial Intelligence wasn't even able to make it clear that the combat training section of Vaiken Spacedock is no proper place for a filthy tentacled alien.


What the interrogation specialists DID find out, though, was that the Gree also have the technology to expand the effect of the White Accute Module over the whole galaxy, shielding it from the effects of the 12X-ray bursts. Maybe the next time such a cosmic event threats to affect all life in existence, Gree technology can provide a more convenient protection, that doesn't require any extra effort from the orderly citizen who just wants to go on with his daily life. Black Obtuse Modules could then be provided for those daring individuals who want to take the risk and expose themselves to the 12X-rays for their growth accelerating effects.

Edited by Mubrak
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[iT doesn't seem to be working for me, either]


Scratch that; the buff tray shows the effect. I was misled by not having a GCD cycle or the gold outline going away. It is really very subtle...


I will double check my buff tray. I was sure I had but sometimes, well, soooo many buffs. Thank you for checking!

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It costs 0 credits, and it is reusable. You only need one.

Well, Mr Musco called it "consumable"... Anyway, apart from "reusable", I am not sure if it is even usable, as the XP bar always displays: "You are currently earning 12x experience from class missions".

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Well, Mr Musco called it "consumable"... Anyway, apart from "reusable", I am not sure if it is even usable, as the XP bar always displays: "You are currently earning 12x experience from class missions".


Open the mission log and look at a class mission with and without buff, works fine.

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Thank you so much. We all know how very tiring negotiations with the Gree can be. Imperial Intelligence wasn't even able to make it clear that the combat training section of Vaiken Spacedock is no proper place for a filthy tentacled alien.


What the interrogation specialists DID find out, though, was that the Gree also have the technology to expand the effect of the White Accute Module over the whole galaxy, shielding it from the effects of the 12X-ray bursts. Maybe the next time such a cosmic event threats to affect all life in existence, Gree technology can provide a more convenient protection, that doesn't require any extra effort from the orderly citizen who just wants to go on with his daily life. Black Obtuse Modules could then be provided for those daring individuals who want to take the risk and expose themselves to the 12X-rays for their growth accelerating effects.


Nope. The interrogation failed; the subjects lied. No opt-in; opt-out only.

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So, instead of adding those items to start planets, you are making the item BoL? In my opinion it would have been better to add those items to starter planets (or send to new characters with mail) as accessing Fleet requires level 7, and new players doesn't have that kind of characters yet.


Yeah I was really hoping they would be available on the starter planet, So I can start the game without it.

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It's probably significantly simpler to change the bind level on the item, then it is to add 4 NPCs to 4 different planets in the game. Maybe the vendors on the starting planets will come later, but this is the much faster fix.


Besides, 12x XP is more intended for alts anyway...

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It's probably significantly simpler to change the bind level on the item, then it is to add 4 NPCs to 4 different planets in the game. Maybe the vendors on the starting planets will come later, but this is the much faster fix.


Besides, 12x XP is more intended for alts anyway...


I know it is intended for alts, but what about brand new players that want to play the game without it? Just level up a character you don't care about to 10?

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