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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ziost is total rip off


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Ziost is good content. Its quality. Its just that knowing its one of only two content updates for the year is the underlying depressing factor. Regardless of length it is good. Id love for it to have been makeb sized. But it is what it is. Im adding that daily area to my list of to do daily areas. Its quick like cz. Cz yavin oricon and now ziost.
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The amount of content was okay for a point release but I think the execution of it was inferior compared to Oricon, even setting aside the issue of Oricon providing us with two, great new ops. Oricon tied the dailies into the story more cohesively and I thought the withholding of the final cutscene in Ziost for May 4th was done in a very clumsy manner that did not add any value. People were just standing around scratching their heads in confusion. Then when it was explained that the rest would be coming on May 4th, I think many of us expected more than just a couple of cutscenes. Then the dailies were just kind of stapled to the back and here we are until who knows when. Also, the story plays out almost identically on both factions right down to the conversation lines, whereas Oricon had a better representation of two vantages of the same set of events. It was all just very choppy and weird. Edited by JasonNH
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When BW said "STORY IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", it's like announcing that there's going to be a big *** full pie size story line...so naturally people will be a bit disappointed if we only get a small slice. I liked the story part we got last week, it was pretty cool but the story was 3 quests basically. That's not enough to announce that story is back.


So it's not a rip off to me, that's a silly extreme that defeats its own purpose, but it does feel like they fell short on their promises of story is back....they didn't quite deliver there for me.


I think you make some really good points here. Even though the story is a good one. It is short, and it's the same for everyone again. So even though they've proclaimed that the story elements are back, we haven't really seen that in play (yet). But, it was seemingly intended to be the set up for the fallen empire expansion (hopefully large) later in the year. And, in that role, it succeeded.


When you compare it to the previous bridge to the expansion (Forged Alliance --> SoR) it seems light to me which may be wrong to compare the two considering they focused on different things. Forged Alliances were flashpoints whereas Ziost has the world boss, operation boss, story missions, and daily area.


What my real wish is that we had some uniqueness to the stories again for the classes. In that sense, I'm probably always going to be a little let down with new content simply because it's too expensive to do 8 different sets of stories.

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Maybe I am just keeping my expectations too high, but it is possible 3.2 is meant to be more like the Forged Alliances where we get bits and pieces from now until the next big content update? They never said it was all coming at once, and any patched content between now and 3.3 could still fit into that big content update they promised us we were getting two of this year. It does seem as if with the start of Forged Alliances there was an effort to start staggering the content out rather than handing it all out at once. And with what just happened, I get the sense that we wouldnt just be rushing off to the next area without regrouping and starting to form some sort of plan on how to deal with the Emperor.
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Maybe I am just keeping my expectations too high, but it is possible 3.2 is meant to be more like the Forged Alliances where we get bits and pieces from now until the next big content update?


This is what I had figured as well.

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Please provide a reference for your use of rip off as "underwhelming or disappointing or lazy" because I can't seem to locate that usage; maybe it is a difference in culture or language? I don't know. It would be true if it were say a knock off of another Ziost. It would be true if the transaction for Ziost was a separate one from the SoR purchase. But I can't locate anything on the definition or even the slang use of the word that substantiates your stance here... so please, give a reference.


I have heard the phrase 'rip off' used to mean several things. let down, disappointing , not worth it (in regards to time or price or effort).

Your really obvious attempts to troll are sad. But, lets say you are 100% honest and don't get it. Ill roll with that then.

I have traveled a lot and I hear that term used mostly on the west coast. People I talk with start to use different terms as you go further inland...and those phrases seem odd to me.

So thank you for adding something to this topic that has nothing to do with the actual topic. Each of your posts is a major rip off (I am using the waste of time and waste of my effort meaning) time to move on back to the topic

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I have heard the phrase 'rip off' used to mean several things. let down, disappointing , not worth it (in regards to time or price or effort).

Your really obvious attempts to troll are sad. But, lets say you are 100% honest and don't get it. Ill roll with that then.

I have traveled a lot and I hear that term used mostly on the west coast. People I talk with start to use different terms as you go further inland...and those phrases seem odd to me.

So thank you for adding something to this topic that has nothing to do with the actual topic. Each of your posts is a major rip off (I am using the waste of time and waste of my effort meaning) time to move on back to the topic


I asked for a reference. Still technically don't have one, but your anecdotal evidence seems to point to there being justification in asking my question of a cultural and locale difference. That being said, I am confused in what world asking for information is considered trolling...


I would argue a clearly inflammatory title such as "Ziost is total rip off" would be considered more trolling than anything I have said... but to each their own.

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We should all look trolling up in the dictionary and see what it says.


Troll verb- "make a deliberately offensive or provocative online posting with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them."


Done :)

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So we had to wait a week for two cutscenes 5 minutes total and then we got access to some shady boring daily area like Yavin 4 ?


Are you kidding me?


utter joke


Allow me to give you a proper SLAP IN THE FACE.


They are going for story-updates now. This is the direction the game is taking. And it is the right choice. They should have done so from the beginning. It is their niche.


They will continue this way. Shorter, but more regular story updates. It is not so difficult for them to code, so they can do it with a small team. Plus it is something constantly new.


And that's about it.


If you expect anything else, then you have neither listened to what they wrote, you never believed what they told or... well, I don't know what.


If you are not satisfied by the story twist they presented and if you don't think that twist was worth waiting a couple of days, then you are definitely not the target group and you will then never appreciate the new direction this game is taking. Maybe it is time for you to say goodbye.


I am absolutely satisfied with what they delivered. Story! More, please.

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So it is a bit confusing, but the dailies are definitely different from previous ones and I appreciate that. The Ashen world is kind of a cool thing to me, but yeh, as much as I see positives, I did also expect a bit more from the story side.


When BW said "STORY IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", it's like announcing that there's going to be a big *** full pie size story line...so naturally people will be a bit disappointed if we only get a small slice. I liked the story part we got last week, it was pretty cool but the story was 3 quests basically. That's not enough to announce that story is back.


So it's not a rip off to me, that's a silly extreme that defeats its own purpose, but it does feel like they fell short on their promises of story is back....they didn't quite deliver there for me.


See I didn't take the " Story is Back" thing because of this part...

You’re going to see a unified story, with a focus on themes that unite our eight classes
. So if it is a unified (read shared) story I wasn"really expecting much, and not really much is what we got. If the story is going to be like this, down to shared auto dialogue, then I expect a little something more somewhere else. Not a lot mind you... just a little.
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What I see here is "waaaaaaaaaa they didn't give me what I want waaaaaaaaaa" NEWS FLASH Ziost was FREE you didn't have to pay for it so don't complain about something given to you at no cost, grow a pair and act like an adult.
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I asked for a reference. .


I don't think slang terms really need references, they vary from place to place, people have different terms. If you're so sure that "rip off" doesn't mean "lazy, disappointing", please give me a reference disproving this. Someone else already agrees with me on this so i think you should stop trolling because you're upset you're wrong.

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It was hilarious, watching Ziost chat, yesterday. Lots of '*** are there any mobs out here to kill?' followed by lots of 'lol Emperor just ate the whole planet, dude, remember?'


I did like running around killing Monoliths and joining random PUGs for the lulzy wipes on Colossal.

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I don't think slang terms really need references, they vary from place to place, people have different terms. If you're so sure that "rip off" doesn't mean "lazy, disappointing", please give me a reference disproving this. Someone else already agrees with me on this so i think you should stop trolling because you're upset you're wrong.


If you go specifically by what the dictionary says a rip-off is then it's solely this.



something that is too expensive : something that is not worth its price

something that is too much like something made by someone else

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I have heard the phrase 'rip off' used to mean several things. let down, disappointing , not worth it (in regards to time or price or effort).

Your really obvious attempts to troll are sad. But, lets say you are 100% honest and don't get it. Ill roll with that then.

I have traveled a lot and I hear that term used mostly on the west coast. People I talk with start to use different terms as you go further inland...and those phrases seem odd to me.

So thank you for adding something to this topic that has nothing to do with the actual topic. Each of your posts is a major rip off (I am using the waste of time and waste of my effort meaning) time to move on back to the topic


Totally agree. Just report and move on. :rolleyes:

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If you go specifically by what the dictionary says a rip-off is then it's solely this.



something that is too expensive : something that is not worth its price

something that is too much like something made by someone else


Yes those are the dictionary definitions in the dictionary but they don't have the slang definitions.

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Yes those are the dictionary definitions in the dictionary but they don't have the slang definitions.


That's because most don't consider slang to be valid. Slang is just a bastardization of words nothing more nothing less.


I don't feel that slang has any validity and the use of the word rip-off in this context is wrong. Ziost was free therefor you can't get ripped off if you didn't pay for it.

Edited by Anaesha
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That's because most don't consider slang to be valid. Slang is just a bastardization of words nothing more nothing less.


I don't feel that slang has any validity and the use of the word rip-off in this context is wrong. Ziost was free therefor you can't get ripped off if you didn't pay for it.


Well thats your opinion. The use of the word rip off in the context of "lazy, underwhelming" is perfectly valid. But if the op means rip-off from the dictionary definition too, then thats valid as well, because you need to purchase SoR in order to play Ziost. :rolleyes:

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Meh.. we got a new OPS Boss like TC that drops gear & mats everyone needs.


I think it was worth it, but didn't like waiting a week. I understand the "WHY" we had to wait a week, but it could have been communicated a tad better.


Like Ziost releases 28th.. story continuation of Ziost continues a week later on May the 4th be with you...

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