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Ziost is total rip off


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Yes, just underwhelming/not overly significant if you geared via comms beforehand/craft yourself.


My big beef is the broken deco. It turns into the ilum holo after you use it :(

Thanks for your help! And that kinda sucks though...190 gear can't even be used on companions since Revan and Rishi can equip your companions in full 192's in no time...

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Thanks for your help! And that kinda sucks though...190 gear can't even be used on companions since Revan and Rishi can equip your companions in full 192's in no time...

Eh, I know I have been avoiding the 192 Companion gear for most of my companions since I don't like the appearance (here's hoping for the outfit designer to be extended to companions sometime in the future :p) so these 190s are a nice upgrade until I get so flush with Elites that I start using them to upgrade companions.

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until the next update/expansion/story arch


give someone a cookie, they want the whole basket. Some people just can't be satiated. Could turn out new expansions every other week and someone would complain its not fast enough or enough content. Or the day it takes 3 weeks, complain it wasn't on the same schedule and something something took a day off for it blah blah blah biofail blah blah blah i expected 90 hours of cinimatics only got 75 blah blah blah this game sucks.


this...right here!!!

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So, setting aside the issue of whether 'rip off' is an appropriate expression in this context, can we have an honest discussion about opinions on whether this was a good update or not?


I think it was great, I was pleasantly surprised to see that they added one-time content outside of an expansion pack, I loved the story throughout that one-time portion, and the event that triggered the daily area was awesome. The Daily Area itself is very effective at showing the aftermath, and if it is an experiment in trying out a light-on-combat Daily Area then that is interesting in its own right. I kind of expect we'll see enemies start populating the area in the future though - particularly because of the Achievement that involves having to ramp over a Monolith where there currently are none.


Only thing I would change is that they should enable PVP in the Daily Area (I can take-it-or-leave-it in the one-time area).

Edited by DarthDymond
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I hate self entitled gamers. I love this game and Never once was disappointed. I'm one of the few who never gets bored playing it, and I've been playing since beta. If you don't like what BW do, just pack and leave. Each update i come on the forums trying to find someone just like me wanting to read something positive, but all i ever see are these stupid posts "Oh this game sucks, SWTOR is dying!!", blah blah blah, get bent.
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Eh, I know I have been avoiding the 192 Companion gear for most of my companions since I don't like the appearance (here's hoping for the outfit designer to be extended to companions sometime in the future :p) so these 190s are a nice upgrade until I get so flush with Elites that I start using them to upgrade companions.

Since Treek looks the same no matter what she's in, I haven't noticed the appearance of the 192 stuff. Every one of my other companions is for crafting/missions, so what they wear is of zero consequence.

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Since Treek looks the same no matter what she's in, I haven't noticed the appearance of the 192 stuff. Every one of my other companions is for crafting/missions, so what they wear is of zero consequence.

Yeah, my Treek, HK, Khem, T7, etc. are all rocking their companion sets right now, but I like playing with different companions at different times just for variety, so this new 190 gear still comes in handy for plenty of mine.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I hate self entitled gamers. I love this game and Never once was disappointed. I'm one of the few who never gets bored playing it, and I've been playing since beta. If you don't like what BW do, just pack and leave. Each update i come on the forums trying to find someone just like me wanting to read something positive, but all i ever see are these stupid posts "Oh this game sucks, SWTOR is dying!!", blah blah blah, get bent.


If you were truly never disappointed in any aspect of this game, you are simply blinded by your own bias towards anything "Star Wars". Period.

I love this game as well, otherwise I wouldn't be playing it, but that doesn't mean that I don't have the right to criticize something I'm paying money for. Let me elaborate what exactly they did wrong concerning Ziost.


1. Cutting content at a horribly inappropriate time, building suspension after a cliffhanger, just to release 2-3 minutes worth of cinematics without ANY actual gameplay a week later, simply so they could release something, anything on Star Wars Day.

2. Ruining their own "surprise" by letting an unfinished quest sit in the log with no way of progressing it, which obviously led to people complaining on the forums, forcing BWs hand on the matter.

3. Over-advertising the content. In its current state, Ziost and its accompanying storyline are anything but special. The story is extremely short, the quests mostly mundane, the dailys some of the worst so far and there's simply not much to do.


All of this most likely would have been fine if they didn't split the content. But they did and thus they made a WAY bigger deal out of today's update than they should have.

Edited by jupezz
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They specifically said it was going to include the ENDING CINEMATIC, its your own fault you held your expectations too high.


(Plus, you know, its free.)


Actually Zoist belongs to paid content - you can't do it unless you finished SoR - which in order to start you need to buy it.

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Eh, I know I have been avoiding the 192 Companion gear for most of my companions since I don't like the appearance (here's hoping for the outfit designer to be extended to companions sometime in the future :p) so these 190s are a nice upgrade until I get so flush with Elites that I start using them to upgrade companions.


Honestly, the difference between 190 and 192 for anything you'd use companions for is so minimal, in terms of actual combat effectiveness, that I'm definitely equipping my most-used comps in 190s, so they can go back to looking the way they're supposed to.

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in terms of the daily area being barren and empty........ I think thats not a bad thing, we have plenty of mob filled locations for dailys with Ziost BWs taking a differnt approuch.. and IMHO it's been effective.


for a start it REALLY reinforces just what the man did to the world

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So we had to wait a week for two cutscenes 5 minutes total and then we got access to some shady boring daily area like Yavin 4 ?


Are you kidding me?


utter joke


I will give you two reactions.


1. My wife - She is amazed. She had very low expectations and still was incredibly disappointed.


2. Me - This is probably the worst design and questing that I have seen in an MMO. It is nothing but pure garbage.


We went though on our imp characters and it was so bad, we tried the Republic side to see if there was a difference. It was identical, and we just fleet passed after ten minutes. So now we each have four characters that finished the first part of Ziost and they will not go to the second.


Bad, bad, bad, poor, poor, poor, bad.


I disagree with the OP, this makes Yavin 4 look stellar in comparison.


Is there anyone competent left at BW?

Edited by asbalana
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Thats the thing though...people would be happy with a poke in the eye with a sharp stick and people like you would say...."it would be worse!!! it was free wasnt it? stop complaining!!"



I don't think that you understand what I'm saying.



Actually people paid for that with SoR, since it is continuation of story that happened there.

Stuff like costume designer or galactic housing of GSF was for free, this wasn't.


No, they didn't.

SoR Dropped about 6 months ago. This is a completely new patch titled Rise of the Emperor. It is a free content update.

Edited by RiVaN_
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The conclusion to the story was awful.

And finally what impact does this have on the galaxy. The conclusion appears to be yet another crushing defeat of an imperial world by once loyal imperial forces. And yet aside from a mail from Marr what effect does it have on anything? Once does the emperor attack an imperial world over a republic one? Who now leads the empire?


In regards to why he chose that world, I have this feeling that the Emperor, at least to begin, needs a world steeped in the dark side to feed from. He may need several like that (which may not bode well for Onderon, for one).

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No, they didn't.

SoR Dropped about 6 months ago. This is a completely new patch titled Rise of the Emperor. It is a free content update.

A free content update only available to those who have bought and paid for SoR. Nice definition of "free" right there.

It's a direct continuation of SoR and thus anything but free.

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I thought there might be another quest but oh well. The dailies ..meh. I like Rishi and Yavin 4. I didn't think much of Makeboring or Oricon. Just plain boring to me. Ziost at first I didn't really get into. Then I found I liked it. I have completed MakeB once, Oricon four times, SOR 21 times and Ziost 7 times. There will be more that I send thru. It is a matter of preference.
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Yeah, my Treek, HK, Khem, T7, etc. are all rocking their companion sets right now, but I like playing with different companions at different times just for variety, so this new 190 gear still comes in handy for plenty of mine.


Same with me. I like to switch around. A little change up never hurts.

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