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When does the 12X start?


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This. I wanted to know the same thing. We were told it applies to the RoTHC story missions just to learn there's now a cutoff at 55. The majority of my characters are at 56 or just above that mark, oh well.


There is no reason for it to end at 55. Like you most of my toons are 55+ already and I don't wanna go thu rishi and FPs to Lvl anymore. I'd say we protest and riot by burning our PCs so we can be heard.

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Does this mean if people subscribe after the boost has hit, they won't get it? Or does the script run for every fresh subscriber as well?


Im curious about this as well? Or are they just placed at the back of the queue for updates?

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Im curious about this as well? Or are they just placed at the back of the queue for updates?


Here's my best guess. Keep in mind that, while the information stated below may be presented in a matter-of-fact manner, it's merely my theory of what has and will happen. I opted to do this, rather than say "my best guess is that [blank]" twenty times.


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The code states that the player's account receives the "12x XP" effect (subsequently applied to all characters owned by the account) upon meeting one of two conditions:

A: 8:00 AM PDT, 5/4/15 is reached (or whatever the start time was supposed to be) and the account is of Subscriber status.

B: The account has upgraded to Subscriber status (after the designated start time, and before the designated end time (whatever that is)).


For whatever reason, this code was either disabled or absent at the designated start time. This buff, as can be seen in the code, isn't a switch to be turned on or off, it does not constantly fire. It only fires when the event should start, and when an account subscribes. Therefore, regardless of whether the Devs patched this code back into the system, it won't automatically grant the boost to anyone. Because of this, upon adding the code into the game, the Devs had to run a hotfix script to run through the list of accounts and (if the account is subscribed) grant the buff to the account.


The only problem is, that's an awful lot of accounts and it'd take a substantial amount of time to run through them all. However, the team was able to observe how quickly the program went through the list, and by combining that information with the number of total accounts, they were able to approximate the end time. Upon completion of the script, of course, the Devs could definitively say that the list had been fully searched.


That's great, except the point of this 12x XP event is to encourage players to subscribe. When people ingame start hyping about it, what do you think many players did? Why, they subscribed, which is great, except what happens if their account is upgraded to subscribed status after the program has checked it? Chances are, that's the cause of most of the edge cases which haven't received the buff yet. This leads me to believe that if the rest of my theory is correct, then they probably haven't fixed the code. This makes sense, because a direct change to the code would (very likely) require a maintenance.


The reason they can activate XP buffs, world events, etc without a maintenance is most likely due to use of either an admin console or simply admin credentials used ingame. The code for those events was already programmed in prior to the event, so in this case in order to fix the code they will have to perform maintenance.


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My theory. Is it right? Probably not. It's the most reasonable explanation I can think of, though. Take it or leave it :p

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It's becoming apparent that there is a hard cut off at level 55. Every toon level 55 and up cannot possibly "edge cases." This seems intentional, and disappointing.


Not really. "Edge case", the impromptu script, and the application of the 12x XP buff are all related to one's account, not character. Either your account is an edge case, or it's not, but the edge case has nothing to do with a cutoff at a certain player level. It refers to the accounts which the script missed for one reason or another.


The script does not apply the actual buff itself, otherwise using the buff-remover would require the running of such a script all over again. The script toggles a switch on your account, which subsequently applies the buff to all characters within the account (unless they're above 55, apparently). If your 'switch' is on, you're not an edge case. A personal gripe with the inner workings of the 12x XP boost is a valid, but separate, topic.

Edited by idnewton
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