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Which Race(s) would you like to see added after Togruta?


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I'd like to see Chagrians next. They'd be relatively easy, too, since there's already some basic male models in the game.


I'd also love for Arkanians to be added. Very similar to humans, so simpler to model, but still distinct enough to stand out. Would be even neater if there was an Off-Shoot option as well.


Also, Kaleesh, since they're a poll option, and they'd be nice and distinct. And, again, in-game male models are already a thing.

Edited by Rodyn
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Look around; there are Voss NPCs on other worlds, too.


They are "pilgrims" of sorts. It is my understanding that they do not posses any means of space travel by themselves so the only Voss outside of Voss are the ones that got a "leave" from the Mystics. It's easy to imagine a Mystic saw a vision of Voss becoming part of the Republic/Empire so there is a possibility.


The biggest issue would be their size - Bioware would need to remake every armor model out there to fit their height. That is why I rule out Voss - too much hassle ;)


As to what races I would like to see added...Zeltron, Bothan and Anomid (Bioware PLEASE make this happen, I would throw CCs all over the place just to make an Anomid IA!) :)

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I was trying to figure out what Yoda's race is called...but it turns out nobody knows. I got to wondering how Lucas would have described Yoda in the screenplay. He was probably meant to be a goblin, right? A small green monster, the most unlikely of candidates for a Jedi master. Anyway, that's what I want after Togruta. A goblin race. Like Yoda.
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There are no half-breeds in the Star Wars Universe though, are there? I mean its not like Star Trek where Humans can knock up everything on two legs. (When we aren't even compatible with species from our own planet who we share 95%+ of our DNA with).


I figure for all the talk of kids, where its not genetically feasible, they're talking adoption. Lots of orphans during a war.


Actually there are half-breeds in Star Wars, they are just rare. The Dathomirians for example is the result of generations of interbreeding with humans and zabrak.

Look at the playable Sith species, they are the result of interbreeding with the pure sith of ages past in the game and the dark jedi who came to their planet.


So hybrids and half-breeds do exist, but again, rare. And not all species are capable of breeding with one another, humans could have children with twi'leks and zabraks but not rattataki for example.



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Adding source.
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Personally, I really want Nautolan. But, we just got a head tentacle race, so something more different might be nice. I'd say Rodian or Mon Calamari from that list. If they can ever get past the "We don't want aliens that can't speak basic" issue, obviously Tradoshan and Wookiee jump to the top for me.
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Kel Dor



Edit: Ithorians, I'm certain we can find one that speaks BASIC.


Are my votes. Especially the Kel Dor.


Ithorian who speaks BASIC:

10 ? "Hello, World."

20 GOTO 10.

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If I recall correctly, Nautolan is the next one (as per the original poll done back when the game came out), Cathar was first, then Togruta on that poll. So logically speaking they are probably following that list.


Which still seems relatively active as Nautolan has the highest votes on this thread as well.


Personally my vote is for Voss.


I find it hilarious that people still ask for playable ewoks, wookies, jawa's, etc. Even since Bioware has confirmed those races will NEVER be playable. (I am more referring to similar polls on facebook than this one). The OP's rules on this thread are Bioware's rules for playable races.

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I find it hilarious that people still ask for playable ewoks, wookies, jawa's, etc. Even since Bioware has confirmed those races will NEVER be playable. (I am more referring to similar polls on facebook than this one). The OP's rules on this thread are Bioware's rules for playable races.


They need to implement the equivalent of Star Trek's Universal Translator. Have some technology that is a "Basic Translator" that allows Ewoks, Wookiees, Trandoshans, Jawas to actually speak the Basic language.


And, hey, the nice thing is BW could have it be just one voice (so one voice actor each for male, female). Then people can have the race they like (and BW gets to provide more options; probably for cost), there's at least a moderately reasonable explanation for the "speaking Basic" thing, and they save costs on lots of voice actors.


C'mon, admit it. You've heard worse ideas. :)

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