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Spelling "The" Is Hard


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Oh...I was looking for something that actually mattered as far as the sentence structure and meaning.


As if that actually mattered either. It would amaze you what human intelligence can do. If I said, "I am going to Tac Bell to buy tacos." would you go "Omg wth is Tac Bell?" Yeah, people make typos, why is every mmo littered with braindead English Majors and nothing else. Is that like a prerequisite to playing video games? Did I miss something growing up? The English language is far from perfect, I couldn't care enough to perfect a mashed up language. I try to spell things right but not going to beat myself up over it. There are SOOOOO many things in life to worry about, if I was going to worry about anything it would be my own English abilities, not someone else's.


My excuse for poor English abilities. Sorry I went to a public school. I learned two things. They hate their job and they hate you. =)


Edit: Oh found out everyone got t heir English Degree at the University of Phoenix!!!

Edited by VixenRawR
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As if that actually mattered either. It would amaze you what human intelligence can do. If I said, "I am going to Tac Bell to buy tacos." would you go "Omg wth is Tac Bell?"



Um.....it's spelled "Taco" Bell. Just thought you should know that. :p

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