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10 Good
  1. PT tank by far. What people never seem to factor in is the healing debuff that's given by the presence of a tank spec. The AOE abilites are flame sweep, sweeping lash and lacerate. The fact is the pt can keep it up nonstop as it's part of the rotation. Lacerate is ok, not as good as FS which makes it second best. Sweeping slash is a joke, barely a 180 degree attack, does no damage and you can barely use it as you have to keep up your rotation as a jug tank to survive. Aside from that, PT tank does the most damage, has carbonise, hydraulics and oil slick. Greatest thing a jug tank can really do is intercede and taunt for one target while guarding the other, but beyond that it's the squishiest tank. The current meta demands dot specs to have a strong comp, and a jug tank gets eaten up by those. I've never been a fan of sin tanking so I just never really played it, but a pt tank can keep up a constant 50% slow with flame sweep if specced into it, which is more OP than you'd think. The whole skank tank idea is ok at best in 4s, as it has no healing debuff or oil slick, along with a lack of aoe for the slow if you're outputting the rotation correctly. If you do decide to jug tank, take the new 4 piece and old 2 piece intercede bonus, it's better than the 6 piece. Last thing to remember is that guard is on the GCD, if you're guard swapping correctly, you're gonna have a hard time keeping your rotation up against comps that swap off guard, meaning the PT tank also wins here as it's passively the tankiest Wall of text, but pretty much sums up the current meta
  2. Bioware didn't like my um, constructive criticism, to the fellow that called it ranked griefing:rak_03:
  3. Well yes and no, as your current vocabulary seems to be inundated with the acronym DDoS, I would recommend a book that is not heavily centred on it. However, as you do seem to be limited to a great extent, I'd say any book at this point would be an advancement. Enjoy it! I heard from Krea that it's a good read
  4. If you define those as big words then I recommend getting off the forums and picking up a book, you know, one with long sentences and no pictures. I believe in you, you just need to believe in yourself
  5. I don't think that would help you though, no matter what you did, it was nice seeing you on the opposite team in solo r as a tank, free rating is always delicious
  6. Make a team to begin with, then we can talk
  7. Almost never, it's very imp dominant, even if you do get a pop it'll most likely be a loss because of the quality of the pubs
  8. I'm at an exclusive party on Rockhopper's ship, I'm chatting Aunt Arctic up, no time for this race nonsense
  9. Ok talk about a coincidence, but there was a level 10 guardian on the pub fleet late my time tonight (Aussie) called Cartel-Santa. He literally looked like santa and was riding around on the sleigh mount yelling ho ho ho, and telling people to trade him for presents. I said **** it, let's see what he has, and he actually gave me a pack for free. He gave away at least 20 packs and after he was depleted he started giving out race unlocks. Did this all while rping. Dude is a bloody champion, 10/10 to whoever it is
  10. Solo ranked pops around 10 hours a day, teams comes and goes, my guild is always down to make a team, and several other teams have been queueing recently. We seem to have the most team ranked here compared to the other NA servers as of the last few days. If these guys tell you it's scarce don't listen, solo ranked wise, they don't know because they probably don't queue
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