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So Bioware, about people bypassing the locked part on Ziost to fight the OP Boss etc.


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Why ask me when I'm the one who said it WAS a business? List your own, I'm not going to disprove my own belief. Or were you so anxious to disagree with me on something that you failed to read what I had quoted?


The point he is trying to make, and you so conveninetly ignore, is that EVERY game company operats this way. Your "dreams" of what EA or BW should do is something that has NEVER existe. Simply because at somepoint a company does something that resonates with you does not mean they were not running in full on "make money" business mode, it just means that you found a company whose target audience was "you".


When you stop feeling a company has "you" as their target audience it's time to move on.

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No its really not an "unfair advantage". If someone gets summoned to the new areas they cant do any of the quests, including the ops weekly. although they can still do the new op just not the weekly

So, in other words, you're saying that you can't get a few Ultimate Comms, but you agree that you could be guild summoned to get a 204 Mainhand before you're supposed to. Are you suggesting that Ultimate Comms are better than a 204 mainhand? Or did you not even think about what you wrote?


Everyone has access to the first part of Ziost and everyone has access to the second part
Um, no, you don't have access to the second part until you do the final mission, during which you lose access to the first part and gain access to the second. Also, a player who doesn't have level 60 characters and/or the expansion certainly doesn't have access to both, either. A statement such as yours demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of Ziost.


to claim there is an unfair advantage is just ridiculous lawyering by people pissed off they got in trouble
"You disagree with me, therefore you must be an exploiter, trash, a scrub, and the devil himself!!1!" I wasn't involved in either exploit. The fact that you feel the need to support your 'point' with a baseless, illogical and pathetic guess only shows how weak your case is.




So, after disagreeing with my point only to prove it right with your own evidence, followed by a blatantly wrong claim and a laughably far-fetched guess, how do you feel? I certainly got a kick out of it.

Edited by idnewton
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Having people be able to access content before its actually available to the game at large is completely different than someone getting summoned to content they actually could access, if they did the story line. It is completely different issues. Bioware could make it pre-requisite for even being able to enter the operation, which they can do if they really wanted to, and then it would be an exploit if someone found a way around it. Unless you are going to claim doing things like The Eyeless before you actually get the rep to do the weekly is an exploit as well.


Climbing a wall to access content you arent entitled to because its not live is not the same as getting summoned to an area that is live and available to everyone.


Sorry you want to find any reason to get non-exploiters banned or make it seem as if they are doing something comparable when they really are not.

Edited by Danery
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Having people be able to access content before its actually available to the game at large is completely different than someone getting summoned to content they actually could access, if they did the story line. It is completely different issues. Bioware could make it pre-requisite for even being able to enter the operation, which they can do if they really wanted to, and then it would be an exploit if someone found a way around it. Unless you are going to claim doing things like The Eyeless before you actually get the rep to do the weekly is an exploit as well.


Climbing a wall to access content you arent entitled to because its not live is not the same as getting summoned to an area that is live and available to everyone.


Sorry you want to find any reason to get non-exploiters banned or make it seem as if they are doing something comparable when they really are not.



After the last couple of incidents, I expect the Devs to do something odd like take away all the gear people got via skipping Rishi/Yavin/Ziost


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Having people be able to access content before its actually available to the game at large is completely different than someone getting summoned to content they actually could access, if they did the story line, is not the same thing. Otherwise Bioware would make it pre-requisite for even being able to enter the operation, which they can do if they really wanted to. Unless you are going to claim doing things like The Eyeless before you actually get the rep to do the weekly is an exploit as well.

Um... no.


Otherwise Bioware would make it pre-requisite for even being able to enter the operation
No. If Bioware was going to give entry prerequisites to the Operations phase, those prerequisites would certainly include the unlocking of the content itself.


Unless you are going to claim doing things like The Eyeless before you actually get the rep to do the weekly is an exploit as well.
And, no, that's (somehow) even worse... It's like you're trying to miss my point. You do a great job of it, but this is just sad. The Eyesless weekly mission is not required to enter the Eyesless operation phase, nor was it intended to be. The same goes for the instanced Ziost boss. I don't really buy into your "well, this will obviously be an exception to the established pattern, because I say it is" logic.



PS: I feel the need to post this again, since you probably already forgot it:

Do I think they should deem it an exploit? Not in the slightest. What I am saying is that if they decide this is an exploit, they do have sufficient grounds to do so.

My point is, was, and will be that can deem this an exploit, not that they should.




What I see here is someone who looked at my post and said "Oh look, he quoted me. He made a point, and he was serious. He must have disagreed with me. I will decide to get angry."

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I see people are making subjective judgements and then rationalize. It is not wrong; we all do that. But that tackles the Shoulds and Should-nots. There have already been hundred of pages of discussion of shoulds vs should-nots. It is getting to the point of irrelevance. What relevant is how the devs judge them.


Try look at the official statement objectively. I see it completely fits the description of what considered exploit. Of course there is nothing to stop the dev making inconsistent selective enforcement.

If a player is bypassing the environment to access an area they should not be able to, and then killing a boss to get loot they should also not have access to, we absolutely consider this an exploit.


Another angle I like to point out, one of the other prerequisites to access Ziost is the purchase of SOR. If guild ship summon can let people bypass $$$, little doubt bw will take action.

Edited by Banegio
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[Climbing a wall to access content you arent entitled to because its not live is not the same as getting summoned to an area that is live and available to everyone.


Majority of people (deemed exploit) didn't climb a wall. They were summoned after joining a pug op.


Whether it is "live to everyone" or "unfair advantage" etc is depended on the dev's judgement. If climbing a wall wasn't deemed to be exploit, then it was live to everyone and there wasn't unfair advantage. Everyone just need to climb the damn wall.

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Another angle I like to point out, one of the other prerequisites to access Ziost is the purchase of SOR. If guild ship summon can let people bypass $$$, little doubt bw will take action.

This is a valid, but separate, point. While I fully agree with you, this is a little different. I don't believe a player can be guild summoned to an area they haven't bought the expansion for. I believe people tried that for Rishi (though I know for a fact guild summon works there if you do have the xpac). Any time an expansion like SoR launches, BW is very careful to cover all their bases. Since Ziost was an addition to an already-existing expansion, it wasn't as carefully secured. That said, I'm still sure it blocks non-SoR owners from being summoned via guild ship, but that's about it for relevant precautions.

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