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Drakolich's Birthday Challenge, May 7th on The Bastion


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On May 7th I'll be turning 29 and I'd like to celebrate it with the GSF community. With that in mind I'm issuing you guys a challenge.


I'll be queue ing up solo on Empire side on Bastion between 8pm-10pm EDT on May 7th.

I challenge the entire GSF community to try to kill me 29 times in those 2 hours. I'll be streaming the entire thing so you guys can see exactly when I queue. (remember there is a 20 second delay)

I will also be on my mumble for anyone that wants to coordinate queue vs me that way.


I'll be flying my Sting for the entire 2 hours, I'm sure I'll be swapping different components as the night goes on so plan accordingly!


I'm going to have a counter on my stream which will be updated at the end of every game so we know exactly how many more "lives" I have.


Bonus points for the most creative kills! I wanna see some insane debuffs on me, the more the better.

Everyone is encouraged to queue in as big of groups as possible and to watch my stream while playing to find me easier.



- I have to chain queue for the whole 2 hours

- I have to respawn as fast as possible

- I have to queue alone and can't coordinate queue's with anyone on my side



Come wish me Happy Birthday with Lasers, Missiles and Railguns! Hope to see you there!!!!

Edited by Drakkolich
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lol, seems like a masochistic way to celebrate. But hey, to each his own. I'll be there to lend my, uh, support. Objectives be damned.


Okay... assuming 3 games per hour you have to get killed nearly 5 times in each game. Not likely, unless you face premades pretty often...


Well, depends how many of us participate in the celebration. Doesn't need to be a premade if the entire opposing team is aware of drako 's challenge. I think he may have some trouble versus an entire team of competent pilots intent on his destruction.


Or perhaps I'm underestimating him. Guess we'll see...

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Okay we need to coordinate this. First and foremost winning the match is a secondary objective. We need 2 dedicated scouts running sab probe, 2 GS spamming Ion, T3 GS with interdiction missiles, T1 Bomber with interdiction mines, T3 Bomber with interdiction drone & 1 endurance scout to relentlessly chase.
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@Bolo_Yeung: As usual I'm impressed at your ability to find something negative in absolutely everything, thanks for coming!


@MaximillianPower: I don't really see it as masochism, I think it will be really entertaining to try to live in those conditions. I'll have to fly super defensive which is some of the funnest flying, ducking into ravines, flying through star destroyers and such. I personally have no idea how many will show up but I'm hopping it's 8 man premades on the other side so I really get to push my defensive flying.


@Nyghtrunner: No prizes for 30+ kills other then winning of course. Look forward to seeing ya for whatever time you can show up. :)


@Lendul: Now this is the attitude I want to see, don't forget a massive amount of co pilot debuffs!

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I dont know If I am actually going to make this honestly, I think I have to watch dogs for some family.... Was hoping to when I first heard this (Running Pike with Ion Missile... EMP Missile, and quads for LAWLS....... Maybe run a Interdiction Drive Bomber with Interdiction Mine and Ion Mine... AHHH YAAAA)
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@Bolo_Yeung: As usual I'm impressed at your ability to find something negative in absolutely everything, thanks for coming


No problem :p


And seriously, I am sorry if you took it as an attack on your birthday event - it wasn;t the idea, just tried to point some aspects of your challenge.

Maybe, instead of 2 hours, make it 6 matches?...


And it wasn't a 'negative', at least I didn't mean to put it that way :) Just laughing at the concept.. As I said, I will try to help with blowing off your birthday cake candles...

...though it much depends on how aggresively will you fly and how much people will focus you :)

Edited by Bolo_Yeung
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No problem :p


And seriously, I am sorry if you took it as an attack on your birthday event - it wasn;t the idea, just tried to point some aspects of your challenge.

Maybe, instead of 2 hours, make it 6 matches?...


And it wasn't a 'negative', at least I didn't mean to put it that way :) Just laughing at the concept.. As I said, I will try to help with blowing off your birthday cake candles...

...though it much depends on how aggresively will you fly and how much people will focus you :)

There's also kind of an interesting element here w/regards to his team (not in terms of a coordinated team). If there are enough of us on, and some of his team are in on the whole thing, they could conceivably... not engage people trying to shoot him. In some cases ("/say" or wargames), they could even actively help the opposition find and take Drako down with reports. "Drako's in B3!" or the like.


Honestly, it's kind of an interesting idea to carry out, although I'd never have thought to do something like this myself. It's perfectly conceivable that, if he gets in the right TDM with the correct players both for and against, that Drako could be "farmed" for all 50 kills in a 50-0 match. It's unlikely, but it is possible. It's one of the things I started thinking about when Tommm said "you're on", because as far as I know, Tommm doesn't have a pub alt on Bastion. :eek:


Anyway, I do think it's kind of interesting to think about both in terms of opposition and "allies".

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Drak, You should cap your gsf stat, "KDR" in particular, before and after the event. Most of your stat wouldn't change much but your KDR will definitely change! :D (Or you might just prevailed and keep such high KDR.:cool: We'll see.)


Just wonder what would you like to have on your birthday? Ion railgan, Interdiction mines, tons of laser? :p

Edited by armpatara
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Drak, You should cap your gsf stat, "KDR" in particular, before and after the event. Most of your stat wouldn't change much but your KDR will definitely change! :D (Or you might just prevailed and keep such high KDR.:cool: We'll see.)


Just wonder what would you like to have on your birthday? Ion railgan, Interdiction mines, tons of laser? :p


I will take a screenshot before and after for ya.


Definitely want all of the above!

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Someone needs to take a screenshot with Drak hit by these effects all at once:

  1. Lockdown
  2. Servo-Jammer
  3. In Your Sights
  4. Interdiction Drone
  5. Interdiction Mine Debuff
  6. Interdiction Engine
  7. Ion Slow
  8. Slicer's Loop
  9. Sabo Probe
  10. Remote Slicing
  11. Suppression


Feel like I'm missing a few... Still, it would be pretty awesome to see how the game reacts to all those debuffs. Even more interesting to see if he can even move with all that. :D


Drak, with all this, you might need a self heal. Might I suggest Hydro-Spanner? ;)

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Happy Birthday Drak,


SInce I will not be on here to do it myself. The first person to take a screen shot of Drak with the sabotage probe debuff and then you killing him immediately after will win the sum of 100K credits. Good luck and happy hunting.


BTW a good title for this playlist of game would be "Drakolich's GSF birthday spanking"

Edited by Lendul
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Thanks to everyone who came by, it sounded like everyone had a great time. Myself included!


I added an extra 30 mintues because of a mid match disconnect and they managed to get my down to 6 lives by the 2 1/2 hour mark.


I will get the games up on Youtube by tomorrow for everyone to watch, I had most of my opposition in mumble with me so you can hear them coordinating and calling out where I am. I hope it is as fun to watch as it was to play.

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