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What does George Lucas think of SWTOR?


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I have trouble with the depiction of George Lucas as motivated by money above all else. His fortune has been cemented for decades, I imagine he is shrewd and challenged by the game of dollars, but I don't think he is a wall street guy disguised as an artist. With each new endeavor the envy crowd comes out and cries foul at the money made by the franchise. If I'm that rich, my time isn't worth pandering or any other stupid crap. I probably have some lingering sense of responsibility for the creation and some sense of wanting to make sure the people I employ are still able to be employed.


As for the movies, they were never meant to be Blade Runner, 300, Pulp Fiction, or any other grim mature-only type film. They were also not meant to be high-brow drama. They are basically family action movies, and when they cannot be all things in one thing, peeps complain.


I will cede that the prequels seemed to have especially bad dialogue, some unfortunate exposition, and a love affair that took up too much time on screen. Even with the faults they are still basically family sci-fi action movies.


To your first point: George Lucas IS motivated by greed here. As I've stated before in other threads, if he REALLY wanted Boba Fett dead and non-existent in post-RotJ Expanded Universe novels and comics, he would tell Leland that and ALL novels/comics set after RotJ with Fett as the main character, Fett as a supporting character, or Fett MENTIONED as being alive would be pulled from store shelves for the sake of Continuity. Lucas would lose probably close to a billion dollars in revenue from that decision alone. Using Fett as a prime example here.


To your point about the movies: In my educated opinion George never planned to make a prequel trilogy before he actually started writing them. Either that, or he had given up after making billions on the OT movies, videos, and other merchandising.


He lied in an early interview about having scripts for all nine movies finalized and ready to go. It has never been posted online in either Televised Interview or Transcript. I watched it back in 1980 on the news shortly after Empire Strikes Back released. I was 7 at the time, and Star Wars was my LIFE. George Lucas could DO NO WRONG back then, as far as I was concerned. When he announced there would be 7 more movies in the saga, I was bouncing off the walls so much my parents yelled at me to calm down.


But all my former rabid fanboyism aside, I have since seen his true colors in how he handled the criticism from both fans and film critics as to the prequels. His interviews where he bashes the fans, goes Star Wars Nazi by basically saying "NO MORE MOVIES FOR YOU!!!", and other tirades. How he said at first that he made them for his fans, and then later changed it to "It's MY story. If you don't like it, tough!" like a little kid who got into trouble for breaking his own toys or something.


Anyhow, the Wall of Text is getting too big as it is, so I'll leave it at that. :)

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Three interesting things here.


I agree that people are forgetting that he's just a person who had an excellent idea and was smart enough to market it in an infinitely profitable way. Why is his continued income and enjoyment thereof such a problem for some people?


Personally for me it's not. Theoretically he should be more content, and grateful because of it. Did people like Joseph Campbell, Akira Kurosawa, Robert E. Howard, and Edgar Rice Burroughs. See the same level of success?

Edited by Stormessence
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I know this sounds mean but, once you see julio torres on the team in anyway or, hayden blackman then you know TOR has jumped the shark and the game will be marketed to little kids.


We seen it on another SW MMO that had to many adults playing but not enough kids. but it's at the the end of the day his IP.


so have fun before he wants to send people.


I just wish BW would up the sex and romance aspect and gore. the story lines for class quest can get pretty adult on choices good or evil.



once you see super silly get nervous.

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Intellectual property laws and copyright laws vary by region,states,country so it's hard to pin down. The trend over the last 20 years has been to grant copyrights and IP protection for longer durations of time, some things have even been given 100+ years of protection and counting.


You are talking about public domain with the IP being opened up after the creator's death. IPs that fall under public domain are usually from patents and copyrights that have expired or from things that are no longer considered patentable or protectable like powered flight,The Happy Birthday Song,specific languages etc.


IPs like Star Wars generally don't fall into public domain because the creator usually has or retains residual rights for a very long time, and relatives can legally extend the rights after the creators deaths in various ways. Residual rights make it so anything new from the IP has to be under license or with the permission of the creator or the whomever the creator left in charge of their estate.


The 70 years you are talking about is accurate for some countries, others go with Life plus 25 or 50 years for the most part to be protected. The US has Life+70 years but they have been extending this in some cases and there are examples of works that have been given perpetual copyrights.


Wow! Thank you! I never expected to get an educational response :). So does that mean that depending on how Lucas (and the Heir to his Empire) manages his estate, it could either become a creative free-for-all 70 years post mortem OR he could have it extended through various legal means so that it is locked in place in perpetuity?


Furthermore, someone could, in theory, buy the rights to it and then mess with it all they want, right?

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Wow! Thank you! I never expected to get an educational response :). So does that mean that depending on how Lucas (and the Heir to his Empire) manages his estate, it could either become a creative free-for-all 70 years post mortem OR he could have it extended through various legal means so that it is locked in place in perpetuity?


Furthermore, someone could, in theory, buy the rights to it and then mess with it all they want, right?


Yeah it's all dependent on the way he set up his will regarding the SW IP. He may have various legal ways of extending his copyrights or shutting down anyone from touching the IP for various lengths of time,once again it varies by state and country and can get quite complex.


He could get the copyrights extended passed the traditional US IP/copyright laws of Life+70 years or there is a slim shot of the IP being locked up in perpetuity(the King James Bible is an example of such perpetuity). Then again, copyright laws could radically change in the future that could affect the IP.


If I were a betting man, I'd say 70 years after his death the IP becomes a free for all, but by that time, chances are SW will be a long forgotten memory.

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That's true.


But equally Jar Jar was pretty terrible at the time..... I'd argue he'd have been a bad idea in 1977 to be honest.


Yeah. George needed to get the point across that Jar Jar was an idiot for Episode II, but he chose a poor way to do it.

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Personally for me it's not. Theoretically he should be more content, and grateful because of it. Did people like Joseph Campbell, Akira Kurosawa, Robert E. Howard, and Edgar Rice Burroughs. See the same level of success?


How do you know he is motivated by greed? This is a silly assertion because you are trying to explain his decisions based only on one axis, and it's one that people must feel is somehow cathartic. "I hate what George did to Star Wars" therefore I must attribute evil to him so that I don't have to wrestle with the idea that from his viewpoint these were good decisions for him to make. It's easier to make him into a capitalist villain, but it fails parsimony.


I fully believe George when he said that he expected Boba Fett to be a very minor character. When he and Ralph McQuarrie accidentally tapped into a new male icon, I imagine one reason he let it go on in the novels may have been to allow people to continue to have fun with the SW Universe instead of being the troll at the bridge.


The expanded universe stuff is pretty iffy on most levels because SW wasn't really designed to be told through the detailed pages of novels, and the extra exposition generally ruins the effect. If you look at how Boba Fett is portrayed in those stories it's pretty hamfisted. You can almost hear the author telling you how cool the author thinks Boba Fett is. Like someone telling you, "He's cool don't you think? You should think he's cool too cause look he makes no mistakes, has no feelings, and he is mysterious even though we know everything about him."

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Yes episode 1-3 were a little goofy what with the gungans but still the best movies ever. I am hoping that George goes for the epic move and remakes 4-6.


These need to be remade. I know I know, I am a die hard Star Wars fan my self; even if they do get remade, the old ones will still exist and ill still watch them all the time cuz young Carrie fisher was sexy and thats that.


I know it sounds ridiculous to remake those three, but we have upgraded a lot since those times as computer animation goes and I think its time. Think of the world George Lucas could paint now. Im sure there were a lot of things he had to leave out of the first three as animation goes, due to there being no way to get it done on the budget he had.


Ill bet He loves SWTOR but ill bet he doesnt play. I will however bet he loves the money coming in the last few movies he has done were not the greatest.

Unless someone has a clone of a young Harrison Ford lying around I have to call blasphemy on this.


How do you know he is motivated by greed? This is a silly assertion because you are trying to explain his decisions based only on one axis, and it's one that people must feel is somehow cathartic. "I hate what George did to Star Wars" therefore I must attribute evil to him so that I don't have to wrestle with the idea that from his viewpoint these were good decisions for him to make. It's easier to make him into a capitalist villain, but it fails parsimony.


I fully believe George when he said that he expected Boba Fett to be a very minor character. When he and Ralph McQuarrie accidentally tapped into a new male icon, I imagine one reason he let it go on in the novels may have been to allow people to continue to have fun with the SW Universe instead of being the troll at the bridge.


The expanded universe stuff is pretty iffy on most levels because SW wasn't really designed to be told through the detailed pages of novels, and the extra exposition generally ruins the effect. If you look at how Boba Fett is portrayed in those stories it's pretty hamfisted. You can almost hear the author telling you how cool the author thinks Boba Fett is. Like someone telling you, "He's cool don't you think? You should think he's cool too cause look he makes no mistakes, has no feelings, and he is mysterious even though we know everything about him."

I'm in the same boat you are. I hate seeing people go "Lucas only did that because he's greedy". Really? So people are saying that if they owned a multi-billion dollar franchise and they came up with this idea that made them go "hey, that would be pretty awesome, I like that!", they wouldn't implement it? I call bull **** on that.


I mostly blame Boba Fett's bad characterization most recently on Karen Traviss, but that would be opening up a whole different can o' worms so I'll just leave it at that.

Edited by Aximand
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Well first of all Lucas storytelling is light years better then the trash in this game.

When you really think about all the stories than each character have in the movies it's amazing

how awesome they are. And even if you ad all the stories in swtor into one it would still not be better

then the story around Sidious or Yoda alone.


And also because this game is not canon but of canon he doesnt really care.

There are so many things in this game that would never be alowed to be portrait in the movies

that makes no sence what so ever in the real star wars universe. The only thing in this game that is canon

is the novels thats been written. That has to do with the characters around the game like Revan, Satele

the Emperor etc.They are canon.


But one thing i do know and thats this, if any of George Lucas kids plays this game like Jet and Lucas came over to him while he was playing and saw his son beeing a Jedi running around Coruscant with a red saber my guess is lucas would laugh and say, well my son, you would never see that in the movies :)

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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How do you know he is motivated by greed? This is a silly assertion because you are trying to explain his decisions based only on one axis, and it's one that people must feel is somehow cathartic. "I hate what George did to Star Wars" therefore I must attribute evil to him so that I don't have to wrestle with the idea that from his viewpoint these were good decisions for him to make. It's easier to make him into a capitalist villain, but it fails parsimony.


I fully believe George when he said that he expected Boba Fett to be a very minor character. When he and Ralph McQuarrie accidentally tapped into a new male icon, I imagine one reason he let it go on in the novels may have been to allow people to continue to have fun with the SW Universe instead of being the troll at the bridge.


The expanded universe stuff is pretty iffy on most levels because SW wasn't really designed to be told through the detailed pages of novels, and the extra exposition generally ruins the effect. If you look at how Boba Fett is portrayed in those stories it's pretty hamfisted. You can almost hear the author telling you how cool the author thinks Boba Fett is. Like someone telling you, "He's cool don't you think? You should think he's cool too cause look he makes no mistakes, has no feelings, and he is mysterious even though we know everything about him."

At what point did I mention either greed or his motivation? I clearly said he should be Content and Grateful: grateful Look up grateful at Dictionary.com

1550s, "pleasing to the mind," also "full of gratitude," from obsolete adj. grate "agreeable, thankful," from L. gratus "pleasing" (see grace). "A most unusual formation" [Weekley]. Hard to think of another case where English uses -ful to make an adjective from an adjective. Related: Gratefully; gratefulness.


Evil? Where are you coming from with this? Just because some one else said this? At no point did I say anything. That would allow you to relate that as a response to mine. Further more there is no reason to believe Lucas isn't currently motivated by Greed or Success. Which ever you choose to call it. Or We wouldn't still have everything from the merchandise to 3d re-releases. And just to clarify to your interpretation based off of one axis. That isn't a moral Judgement. As reiterate I clearly said I didn't have a problem, And once again I'll say : "He should be more content and grateful." Look what happened to Robert E. Howard. Now that man had something to whine about. How does fans are complaining about my revisions or my prequel trilogies wah wah - compare to that?

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Well first of all Lucas storytelling is light years better then the trash in this game.

When you really think about all the stories than each character have in the movies it's amazing

how awesome they are. And even if you ad all the stories in swtor into one it would still not be better

then the story around Sidious or Yoda alone.


And also because this game is not canon but of canon he doesnt really care.

There are so many things in this game that would never be alowed to be portrait in the movies

that makes no sence what so ever in the real star wars universe. The only thing in this game that is canon

is the novels thats been written. That has to do with the characters around the game like Revan, Satele

the Emperor etc.They are canon.


But one thing i do know and thats this, if any of George Lucas kids plays this game like Jet and Lucas came over to him while he was playing and saw his son beeing a Jedi running around Coruscant with a red saber my guess is lucas would laugh and say, well my son, you would never see that in the movies :)


In what reality is George's storytelling better than BioWare? Did you even bother to mention that a lot of backstory about movie characters was filled in by other writers? How about the fact that several terms STARTED in the Expanded Universe and penned by others were used in the Star Wars movies? Most notably the terms "Mandalorian" and "Coruscant". Neither one of those was a George Lucas creation, yet he grabbed them up quick! The movies have a BAD habit of not giving you ANY info about a character. Sometimes not even that character's name. Didn't know who Bossk was until I saw his action figure as a kid. All I saw in ESB was a tall lizard dude. At first I thought he was a Gorn from Star Trek. (Hey, I was a kid. Cut me some slack)


Reading the novelizations later, I was filled in on different characters' backstories. Those novelizations, however, were written by different authors. NOT George Lucas.


Oh, I see that you're also a "special effects limited" traditionalist too. Well, I feel sorry for you, then.

Edited by Captain_Zone
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At what point did I mention either greed or his motivation? I clearly said he should be Content and Grateful: grateful Look up grateful at Dictionary.com

1550s, "pleasing to the mind," also "full of gratitude," from obsolete adj. grate "agreeable, thankful," from L. gratus "pleasing" (see grace). "A most unusual formation" [Weekley]. Hard to think of another case where English uses -ful to make an adjective from an adjective. Related: Gratefully; gratefulness.


Evil? Where are you coming from with this? Just because some one else said this? At no point did I say anything. That would allow you to relate that as a response to mine. Further more there is no reason to believe Lucas isn't currently motivated by Greed or Success. Which ever you choose to call it. Or We wouldn't still have everything from the merchandise to 3d re-releases. And just to clarify to your interpretation based off of one axis. That isn't a moral Judgement. As reiterate I clearly said I didn't have a problem, And once again I'll say : "He should be more content and grateful." Look what happened to Robert E. Howard. Now that man had something to whine about. How does fans are complaining about my revisions or my prequel trilogies wah wah - compare to that?


Somehow I grabbed the wrong post. Sorry for the confusion my response was to another user.

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To your first point: George Lucas IS motivated by greed here. As I've stated before in other threads, if he REALLY wanted Boba Fett dead and non-existent in post-RotJ Expanded Universe novels and comics, he would tell Leland that and ALL novels/comics set after RotJ with Fett as the main character, Fett as a supporting character, or Fett MENTIONED as being alive would be pulled from store shelves for the sake of Continuity. Lucas would lose probably close to a billion dollars in revenue from that decision alone. Using Fett as a prime example here.


But all my former rabid fanboyism aside, I have since seen his true colors in how he handled the criticism from both fans and film critics as to the prequels. His interviews where he bashes the fans, goes Star Wars Nazi by basically saying "NO MORE MOVIES FOR YOU!!!", and other tirades. How he said at first that he made them for his fans, and then later changed it to "It's MY story. If you don't like it, tough!" like a little kid who got into trouble for breaking his own toys or something.


Anyhow, the Wall of Text is getting too big as it is, so I'll leave it at that. :)


How do you know he is motivated by greed? This is a silly assertion because you are trying to explain his decisions based only on one axis, and it's one that people must feel is somehow cathartic. "I hate what George did to Star Wars" therefore I must attribute evil to him so that I don't have to wrestle with the idea that from his viewpoint these were good decisions for him to make. It's easier to make him into a capitalist villain, but it fails parsimony.


I fully believe George when he said that he expected Boba Fett to be a very minor character. When he and Ralph McQuarrie accidentally tapped into a new male icon, I imagine one reason he let it go on in the novels may have been to allow people to continue to have fun with the SW Universe instead of being the troll at the bridge.


The expanded universe stuff is pretty iffy on most levels because SW wasn't really designed to be told through the detailed pages of novels, and the extra exposition generally ruins the effect. If you look at how Boba Fett is portrayed in those stories it's pretty hamfisted. You can almost hear the author telling you how cool the author thinks Boba Fett is. Like someone telling you, "He's cool don't you think? You should think he's cool too cause look he makes no mistakes, has no feelings, and he is mysterious even though we know everything about him."

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How do you know he is motivated by greed? This is a silly assertion because you are trying to explain his decisions based only on one axis, and it's one that people must feel is somehow cathartic. "I hate what George did to Star Wars" therefore I must attribute evil to him so that I don't have to wrestle with the idea that from his viewpoint these were good decisions for him to make. It's easier to make him into a capitalist villain, but it fails parsimony.


I fully believe George when he said that he expected Boba Fett to be a very minor character. When he and Ralph McQuarrie accidentally tapped into a new male icon, I imagine one reason he let it go on in the novels may have been to allow people to continue to have fun with the SW Universe instead of being the troll at the bridge.


The expanded universe stuff is pretty iffy on most levels because SW wasn't really designed to be told through the detailed pages of novels, and the extra exposition generally ruins the effect. If you look at how Boba Fett is portrayed in those stories it's pretty hamfisted. You can almost hear the author telling you how cool the author thinks Boba Fett is. Like someone telling you, "He's cool don't you think? You should think he's cool too cause look he makes no mistakes, has no feelings, and he is mysterious even though we know everything about him."


And I'm talking about, with Fett, how George constantly says he's dead, yet allows him to keep living in C-Canon. He has already retconned Wookiee Jedi and the Original Jedi Code. Now, if he REALLY wanted Fett dead, he would do as I described above. I used him as an example only. How George said that he doesn't care about anything after RotJ in the Expanded Universe, yet forbids anyone from killing off his 3 main characters. Luke, Leia, and Han have Immortal Plot Armor, thanks to George, yet he still claims that he doesn't care. Hmmmm....


And you obviously didn't know about George's history as a novelist. He has written some good books in sci-fi and fantasy back in the day. He wrote the Willow books, and Star Wars STARTED OUT as a Novel he had been working on. There is nothing Iffy about the ExU as far as novels go. The only Iffy stuff is usually handled internally, like the Kryptolorians (as I like to call them, since she made them all Superman) created by Karen Traviss. Yeah, her former colleagues got together and cleaned up her mess.


But hey. Let's not let the facts get in the way, right? ;)


My point is, I am suggesting people think for themselves instead of taking the "Word of George" as Gospel. But if they want to keep worshipping him, that's their right. He's as motivated by greed as the next movie bigwig, and the Prequels kinda went a long way towards proving that. Or maybe it was a social experiment to see how far he could push the fans? Who knows? I've seen him make some outstanding movies as a director. The Prequel Trilogy, however, were not those movies.

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And I'm talking about, with Fett, how George constantly says he's dead, yet allows him to keep living in C-Canon. He has already retconned Wookiee Jedi and the Original Jedi Code. Now, if he REALLY wanted Fett dead, he would do as I described above. I used him as an example only. How George said that he doesn't care about anything after RotJ in the Expanded Universe, yet forbids anyone from killing off his 3 main characters. Luke, Leia, and Han have Immortal Plot Armor, thanks to George, yet he still claims that he doesn't care. Hmmmm....


And you obviously didn't know about George's history as a novelist. He has written some good books in sci-fi and fantasy back in the day. He wrote the Willow books, and Star Wars STARTED OUT as a Novel he had been working on. There is nothing Iffy about the ExU as far as novels go. The only Iffy stuff is usually handled internally, like the Kryptolorians (as I like to call them, since she made them all Superman) created by Karen Traviss. Yeah, her former colleagues got together and cleaned up her mess.


But hey. Let's not let the facts get in the way, right? ;)


My point is, I am suggesting people think for themselves instead of taking the "Word of George" as Gospel. But if they want to keep worshipping him, that's their right. He's as motivated by greed as the next movie bigwig, and the Prequels kinda went a long way towards proving that. Or maybe it was a social experiment to see how far he could push the fans? Who knows? I've seen him make some outstanding movies as a director. The Prequel Trilogy, however, were not those movies.



As for the ExU stuff, my opinion is subjective, but it is a lot of really garbage stuff. George describes Star Wars as kind of like a marriage, so it's not surprising that he doesn't just chuck all interest in the franchise even though he allows other access to it. He also seems to say that he doesn't consider ExU stuff to be his stuff, which seems to be neither a condemnation nor an endorsement. I don't see the crime there.


It's funny that you can't seem to square the idea that he simply thought the prequels were good. I'm not arguing that they are, but it's like the illuminati put him up to it or something the way some people talk about it. Must be some nefarious plot to make me unhappy, thats why he did it!


It's been a long time since I read the novel version of A New Hope (which I think was transposed from the screenplay version by Alan Dean Foster) but it was a stripped down story that didn't explain a lot, moved quickly, and was a bit more gory in the descriptions than the movies portrayed. So I am aware of his written work, but not sure what that has to do with the characterization of George.


I'm still looking for some convincing argument that helps me to understand how this uber rich guy only cares about getting more money to the exclusion of his creativity, relationships, and legacy in pop culture. I can see it as a bit of a vocational distraction, but as a basic need that sits as the dominant feature of his personality, no. The guy is super rich and famous, to infer that he is a megalomaniac is unfounded.

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As for the ExU stuff, my opinion is subjective, but it is a lot of really garbage stuff. George describes Star Wars as kind of like a marriage, so it's not surprising that he doesn't just chuck all interest in the franchise even though he allows other access to it. He also seems to say that he doesn't consider ExU stuff to be his stuff, which seems to be neither a condemnation nor an endorsement. I don't see the crime there.


It's funny that you can't seem to square the idea that he simply thought the prequels were good. I'm not arguing that they are, but it's like the illuminati put him up to it or something the way some people talk about it. Must be some nefarious plot to make me unhappy, thats why he did it!


It's been a long time since I read the novel version of A New Hope (which I think was transposed from the screenplay version by Alan Dean Foster) but it was a stripped down story that didn't explain a lot, moved quickly, and was a bit more gory in the descriptions than the movies portrayed. So I am aware of his written work, but not sure what that has to do with the characterization of George.


I'm still looking for some convincing argument that helps me to understand how this uber rich guy only cares about getting more money to the exclusion of his creativity, relationships, and legacy in pop culture. I can see it as a bit of a vocational distraction, but as a basic need that sits as the dominant feature of his personality, no. The guy is super rich and famous, to infer that he is a megalomaniac is unfounded.


Why is it so hard to believe? The guy has lied and backpedalled in interview after interview, slapped fans across the face (even those who were still loyal after the Prequels), and basically took something that was once a great science fantasy series and rewritten it into something nearly unrecognizable. Plotholes abound, but at least A.C. Crispin filled in one of the most glaring holes with the Kessel Run and how it actually worked with the Maw. In the Han Solo Trilogy, he explained how the Maw was usually an 18 parsec run between singularities, but the Falcon was fast enough and had a good enough nav computer to make it in under 12 parsecs.


My point about the novels is, They DO serve a purpose, and the novelizations of the Prequels actually helped me appreciate them more than just watching the movies. His latest retcon of his own work is a bit much for me, however.


Greedo shooting first... ohboy. That just ripped the old message out of the movie about how it was possible that a ruthless, self-centered, and self-absorbed drug smuggler could actually find something to believe in and become a hero. The original scene was set to show that Han Solo was NOT a nice guy at the beginning of A New Hope.


The Sarlacc with a mouth and beak. Seriously??? Ok, I can see the added visual effects capabilities, but was it REALLY necessary? The added fluff scenes in Jabba's palace also played no significant role in the rewrites.


The "NOOOOOOooooOOOOOooOOOOOooo!!!!" when Vader threw Palpatine into the reactor shaft. /facepalm....


But the REAL kicker was replacing the original Anakin at the very end of RotJ with Hayden "Emo" Christensen.


It was these changes that sealed the deal for me, really. Even then, I kept defending him to people because he CREATED Star Wars. But instead of leaving good stuff alone, he had to keep trying to "improve" it. There really was no need for that, imo.


Instead of putting out DVDs/Blu-Rays of Star Wars for people to just buy forever, he does limited editions. JUST limited editions. He'll release the movies for a few weeks, then stop. Then the re-release of Phantom Menace in 3D and IMAX... Yeah, he sees an opportunity to make money, he takes it.


He actually did an interview back in 1980 shortly after ESB came out talking about how he had scripts done and ready to go for the rest of the saga, which at the time was supposed to be 9 movies long. That interview, unfortunately, has never been posted online or transcripted for Online viewing. I remember seeing it on the news when I was 7 years old.


Then after RotJ, we waited 17 years for another Star Wars movie.... and we got Phantom Menace. Instead of using relatively unknown actors, he got a LOT of star power together for that one. Unfortunately, he also added Jar Jar Binks. I'll admit, I chuckled at Jar Jar for about 3 and a half minutes before his schtick got old and my eyes started to roll.


But it was at the end of Revenge of the Sith that I realized how he had lied all those years ago. The main thing that popped into my head was that Leia had said she remembered her mother in RotJ, yet Padme died minutes after giving birth to both of them. I rationalized this by thinking "Maybe she's remembering her adopted mother", but then I found out that she died along with Bail Organa and Alderaan when Tarkin blew it up.


So that's my take on Star Wars, and how George is only in it for the money now. The TCW series and his videogame license alone pay his bills. Fett and the other ExU characters are just a huge cash cow to him.


I also admit to having Clint Eastwood style "Get Off My Lawn" moments when some kid comes off with "Greedo Shot First" and then claims it's Canon because it was in the movie!!! All because he never saw the original and missed the old message completely. Anyhow, I'm stopping here since THIS wall of text is way too big already. :p

Edited by Captain_Zone
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But one thing i do know and thats this, if any of George Lucas kids plays this game like Jet and Lucas came over to him while he was playing and saw his son beeing a Jedi running around Coruscant with a red saber my guess is lucas would laugh and say, well my son, you would never see that in the movies

Funny you say that, In The clone wars TV show wich is T canon, is as close as can be of the films. obi wan just handled a red lightsaber.

And there is other examples on the EU, in the comics.

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Funny you say that, In The clone wars TV show wich is T canon, is as close as can be of the films. obi wan just handled a red lightsaber.

And there is other examples on the EU, in the comics.




It's not a question can a Jedi use a red saber it's a question of would he use it anytime else. Answear is NO NO NO 1000 X noooooooo.


Because in the real star wars universe not this game if a jedi walked around with a red saber 1 of two things would happen.

A get kicked out of the order or B get killed on sight.This is only a game were the developers who dont care about what is right and wrong just do things to give players more freedom to keep a few more subs for $

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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These need to be remade. I know I know, I am a die hard Star Wars fan my self; even if they do get remade, the old ones will still exist and ill still watch them all the time cuz young Carrie fisher was sexy and thats that.


I know it sounds ridiculous to remake those three, but we have upgraded a lot since those times as computer animation goes and I think its time. Think of the world George Lucas could paint now. Im sure there were a lot of things he had to leave out of the first three as animation goes, due to there being no way to get it done on the budget he had.


I swear to god, if he does that, there will be F****** murder!

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Comic relief is important. The problem was that Jar Jar didn't actually provide any comic relief. To provide comic relief you need to be funny. He was just annoying.


GL didn't like Jar Jar either. Thats why Jar Jar is responsible for the fall of the Republic. He pushed the notion of the Palps getting emergency powers.


So I ask Jar Jar this: How does it feel to know that because of you all jedi were killed, and a couple of decades later everyone on Alderaan?

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Yes episode 1-3 were a little goofy what with the gungans but still the best movies ever. I am hoping that George goes for the epic move and remakes 4-6.


These need to be remade. I know I know, I am a die hard Star Wars fan my self; even if they do get remade, the old ones will still exist and ill still watch them all the time cuz young Carrie fisher was sexy and thats that.


I know it sounds ridiculous to remake those three, but we have upgraded a lot since those times as computer animation goes and I think its time. Think of the world George Lucas could paint now. Im sure there were a lot of things he had to leave out of the first three as animation goes, due to there being no way to get it done on the budget he had.


Ill bet He loves SWTOR but ill bet he doesnt play. I will however bet he loves the money coming in the last few movies he has done were not the greatest.


If THAT happens, then we will have incontrovertible proof of George Lucas COMPLETELY selling out. I'm already convinced that he only cares about the money now. That would just be the icing on the cake. He needs to get Hayden Christensen back to play Luke, though! That would be important! /sarcasm

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If THAT happens, then we will have incontrovertible proof of George Lucas COMPLETELY selling out. I'm already convinced that he only cares about the money now. That would just be the icing on the cake. He needs to get Hayden Christensen back to play Luke, though! That would be important! /sarcasm


Sshhshhshsh shus shysh shut up. The forums have ears.

Edited by Aximand
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Sshhshhshsh shus shysh shut up. The forums have ears.


Relax. It's never going to happen in our lifetime. George would have to be 100% stupid to do THAT. That would alienate most existing Star Wars fans the rest of the way. Myself included. George Lucas would never get another penny from me if he did that. I can't speak for everyone else, but I can imagine the sentiment would be pretty widespread.

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Relax. It's never going to happen in our lifetime. George would have to be 100% stupid to do THAT. That would alienate most existing Star Wars fans the rest of the way. Myself included. George Lucas would never get another penny from me if he did that. I can't speak for everyone else, but I can imagine the sentiment would be pretty widespread.


I know! It would be like editing Hayden into the end of Return of the Jedi as a Force Ghost!


We're boned.

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