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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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Ok, My level 48 has been stuck at 48 for weeks! What is the fastest way to level up at late levels? I would love if someone could awnser by the weekend!


makeb bolsters so go there. But in general just follow your story and you'll level just fine.


or wait until 4th and get 12xp

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Ok, My level 48 has been stuck at 48 for weeks! What is the fastest way to level up at late levels? I would love if someone could awnser by the weekend!


Go to Makeb. Follow the quest chain. Make sure you click on the bolster terminals near most taxis (I forget what they are called - GSI somethings? - but they will make your character nearly invincible).

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2 of you said go to maked and don't you need to be level 50 for maked? A level 48 would get his butt handed to him on a silver platter!


a) it is unlockable at lvl 47 (HUGE spoilers if you havnt finished class quests)

b) it bolsters to something like lvl 55

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2 of you said go to maked and don't you need to be level 50 for maked? A level 48 would get his butt handed to him on a silver platter!


You don't need to finish the class quests, just need to be 47. Just click on your ship's holo terminal or the quest hub next to it to start the makeb series.


Bolster will make your character invincible while on Makeb - you need to click on the glowing terminals on Makeb to activate the bolster - your hps will go way up when bolster is on.

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Spoilers? NO! Any outher way? I heard rested XP is good, is that true?


should always be using rested XP if not you're doing it wrong.


Just follow your class quests with XP boosts and rested XP you'll be fine.


if you want absolute FASTEST way (ignore story) go to makeb bolster and you'll probably hit 55 by the time your done and then can move on to rishi and the new content.

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To point out the obvious: We JUST had a double XP week. That you've been stuck at 48 "for weeks" seems a bit off to me or indicates that you have little time to play on a daily basis.


At any rate, resting XP is your friend but you have to rest an awfully long time to get even significant resting XP--even in a cantina. XP boosters are majorly helpful and those drop fairly frequently or you can even find some on the GTN if you're so inclined for either general XP or the type of EXP of your choosing (space missions, warzones, etc....at least on Shadowlands where I play they're cheap).

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