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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Petition to get rid of top 96 title


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The class balance was so off this season that being top 96 means nothing. The fact that the top 3 sentinel is ranked 372 world should speak volumes. Not to mention that there's no cross server so no one really knows who's truly even considered top 3 for their class...
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I see what you are saying. However, I think that if someone earned a title they deserve it. Despite the position of sentinels/marauders on the chart (which I agree it too far down the list) the top three should get the title, if nothing else as a testament to their skill. Same with mercs and snipers.
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... the top three should get the title, if nothing else as a testament to their skill.


In what way is it a testament of skill if there is no cross server? If that's the case, top 3 titles should be server based, since that's the only competition you're gonna get unless you transfer servers. I transferred a total of 3 times this season in search of good competition, and found none worth my time. I would LOVE to have the ability to transfer my legacy and full min/maxed ranked set to TOFN or any EU server, but alas, there are no NA to EU transfers available. Until that's possible, top 3 means squat.

Edited by Jinre_the_Jedi
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In what way is it a testament of skill if there is no cross server? If that's the case, top 3 titles should be server based, since that's the only competition you're gonna get unless you transfer servers. I transferred a total of 3 times this season in search of good competition, and found none worth my time. I would LOVE to have the ability to transfer my legacy and full min/maxed ranked set to TOFN or any EU server, but alas, there are no NA to EU transfers available. Until that's possible, top 3 means squat.


Worth your time? My someones heads getting stuck in the door this week aren't they lol :). I am not sure what you are trying to say here. SWTOR has no competitive pvp whatsoever it just doesn't. Pvp died its death. Only people who carry on these days are star wars fans. Its what keeps most in this game.

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Worth your time? My someones heads getting stuck in the door this week aren't they lol :). I am not sure what you are trying to say here. SWTOR has no competitive pvp whatsoever it just doesn't. Pvp died its death. Only people who carry on these days are star wars fans. Its what keeps most in this game.


I'm trying to say, there is no cross server queue > You don't get to fight 100% of the other players playing your class > Top 3 title isn't really top 3 without cross server.

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I'm trying to say, there is no cross server queue > You don't get to fight 100% of the other players playing your class > Top 3 title isn't really top 3 without cross server.


I don't dispute that, Bioware will never implement cross server its been over 6 months since we had any word on their supposed solution and they just sail on by as if its never been mentioned. TOFN is dead itself as a server i've ended up on Tre even just to get regular pops I gave up on ranked some time a go.

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I completely agree on the balance issue.. its something ive been vocal about. I dont think ive ever seen a game at a point in time suffering from it as bad as this one is now, and i lived thru WoW BC Death Knights.


As far as the title, even if i got it i likely wouldn't display it as i don't display titles or any of that, just clutters the screen to me, those never meant much to me anyway but i'm sure some people value them.


I might get flamed for this (what else is new, lol) but I don't know if any of them should have any illusions about it being purely a testament to skill mind you as ive said i feel there is more to it than that, especially in solo queue. That isn't to take anything away from anyone.. most who will get this title will have clearly earned it, but there is so much shenanigans going on right now its a little hard to really respect it. Title or no i know who i hate seeing in WZs... what it says over their head wont change that.

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I completely agree on the balance issue.. its something ive been vocal about. I dont think ive ever seen a game at a point in time suffering from it as bad as this one is now, and i lived thru WoW BC Death Knights.



balance has certainly been worse in other games. however, I'll agree that I've never seen it this bad in THIS GAME before.

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balance has certainly been worse in other games. however, I'll agree that I've never seen it this bad in THIS GAME before.


I dont know im having a hard time thinking of one. Im not a guy that plays a ton of games at he same time but ive played WoW since vanilla, GW, messed around with ESO in the beta.., and of course this in terms of MMOs.... of that list the current environment is at or near the top. I'm sure there are perhaps example in other games that im not aware of.

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Well at the very least it should be server based further more they should have other special titles, for example if you get a say 10 matches or so and you have done a million damage heals or protection (in each match) or if you do 100 matches and over the course in 10 of them, then maybe a secondary title like Season 4 Elite healer, mauler or defender. Although hopefully more exciting than those. This way even if you lose a bunch you can still somewhat get recognized for individual achievements in bad circumstances or unbalance.
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I dont know im having a hard time thinking of one. Im not a guy that plays a ton of games at he same time but ive played WoW since vanilla, GW, messed around with ESO in the beta.., and of course this in terms of MMOs.... of that list the current environment is at or near the top. I'm sure there are perhaps example in other games that im not aware of.


2v2 arenas in wow. paladin healer and I forget the dps. but that was the ONLY combination for 2s. granted, it's partly the format (2s) but it was definitely worse than this...which is bad.

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2v2 arenas in wow. paladin healer and I forget the dps. but that was the ONLY combination for 2s. granted, it's partly the format (2s) but it was definitely worse than this...which is bad.


Well right now its Druid +whatever = profit over there it seems, lol

2v2 is a joke anyway, 3v3 isnt much better, but noone plays 5s

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I don't like punishing players for the developers' shortcomings. I'd still like to see them do everything by class: reward tiers by class. Let's say the top twenty of each class get the titles.


They won't though. That would be admitting their mistakes.:rolleyes:


wouldnt it be the same though? Instead of 3 ppl per advanced class, 20? lol


before top titles and stuff, they should actually pay attention to all the classes and bring balance to them, and probably nerf some op 4-6 buttoms classes.


But you know they won`t, they are 2 busy making more PVE content for .. well I dont know.

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I would like them to entirely remove the leader boards. In fact I think IF you're going to have leaderboards, it should be for TEAM effort, not yolo-solos. Though I admittedly also believe that the leader boards in general (especially team) are contributing to people NOT queueing. They don't want to get stomped and have a visual indicator of how bad they are or how bad people will perceive them to be, because of it.


The leaderboards are also never updated and constantly bugging out. Just remove them altogether please. I've hated them since the get go, just about.


I can almost guarantee you that if they implemented an option to "opt out" of your toons being displayed on the leaderboards...I bet over 60-70% of the population would do so.


But since they will never remove the leaderboards....can we at LEAST have the people that don't have 10 games played removed from being displayed? That is really a joke. You see some classes #1 on the server, Merc, 2 wins 1350 rating...:rolleyes: If you don't do your first 10, you don't factor, and should not be displayed on there.

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Well right now its Druid +whatever = profit over there it seems, lol

2v2 is a joke anyway, 3v3 isnt much better, but noone plays 5s


ok. but that is irrelevant. the fact remains that you have worse balancing issues in that game. and swtor, like wow, has seen balance issues magnified with arenas. and swtor's solo arenas magnify them even more (in large part because solo arenas ignore the basic premise of trinity comps that the classes are supposed to be balanced around...or so I'm told). but is that soloQ issue really any more or less fubar than 2s and 3s existing in wow?

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I do agree something needs to be done about the top 3 title. Making it per server won't work unfortunately because people will just transfer to servers where they are higher than the top player there the very last day of the season. The only way to stop that would be to reset ratings upon transferring but that will upset most of the community.


The only real way to know who is top of their class is with cross server queues, and make it so US servers can queue amongst each other and same with EU servers, and make it Top 3 US and top 3 EU; problem solved.

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You seem to take care about a title and you want to do a petition. Seriously? Who cares about that s***. Care about new PvP content. Care about balance, care about population issue. Yell, cry, scream for that, i agree, but don' t make us loose our time fighting against what ?.... a title and a rank on leaderboard? Edited by Astyannax
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You can't take ranked seriously in this game. Bioware has neglected class balance and their PVP system for too long for anyone to say it's competitive.


I'm sure the top 96 FOTM classes are good players but they don't deserve the same respect as folks who made it with non fotm classes.

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