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Double Exp "Week" is almost over already


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Just want to say that in future, if you claim to be running a double exp week, it needs to actually run for a week.


Starting at 4am Friday my local time and ending 4pm Wednesday my local time is not one week.



Granted the patch notes do say:


Revel in the arrival of Star Wars™ Celebration with a Double XP Week! Get twice the experience from April 16th at 11:00 PDT/18:00 GMT to April 22nd at 00:01 PDT/07:00 GMT!


.... but still, we shouldn't have to fine check and timezone convert everything just to see if things actually run as long as they claim to. Because that sure isn't a week. The working week definition doesn't really even work since it ran over the weekend, so I'm stumped.

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Guess "Double XP Five Days and Thirteen Hours!" just didn't have the same ring to it :p


But seriously, while I can understand not hitting the 'off' switch in the middle of the day, I'm not sure why they wouldn't just leave it toggled 'on' for another 24 hours or so.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Just want to say that in future, if you claim to be running a double exp week, it needs to actually run for a week.


Starting at 4am Friday my local time and ending 4pm Wednesday my local time is not one week.



Granted the patch notes do say:




.... but still, we shouldn't have to fine check and timezone convert everything just to see if things actually run as long as they claim to. Because that sure isn't a week. The working week definition doesn't really even work since it ran over the weekend, so I'm stumped.


The mice are NEVER happy it seems.


BW gave us another bonus double XP event shortly after the last one, AND they will be implementing 12XP for story missions in less than two weeks. Yet still the mice complain that "IT'S NOT ENOUGH!!!"

Edited by Ratajack
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The mice are NEVER happy it seems.


BW gave us another bonus double XP event shortly after the last one, AND they will be implementing 12XP for story missions in less than two weeks. Yet still the mice complain that "IT'S NOT ENOUGH!!!"


Don't blame the community when it reacts to false advertising. In fact, you should do the same.

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Don't blame the community when it reacts to false advertising. In fact, you should do the same.


It's not false advertising, the times are right in there. That is like calling a President's Day mattress sale false Advertising because the store ins't open all 24 hours.


How much to you get paid to make ridiculous posts on this forum attacking BioWare? Seems like an interesting job. You're probably not allowed to tell us what game studio you work for though. Probably NC Soft, but I could see Activision doing it as well.

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Double XP was worthless after hearing the announcement of 12 times, I'm sorry if you disagree with me here but I much more prefer 12 times. You get to watch the story of your entire character and learn something new for once, it goes by a hell of a lot faster which is perfect.

I'm real glad they said not to worry about how long it'll be here, because it's staying for quite a long time.

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The 16th through the 22nd covers a span of 7 days, even though it's not 168 hours. This is indeed yet another case of "Here's $5, a gift for you" "Well, why can't it be $10?"


. Anyone remember when they offered things for subbing a couple of years back and never delivered on it?

No, and neither do you, obviously, or you'd mention them.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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The 16th through the 22nd covers a span of 7 days, even though it's not 168 hours. This is indeed yet another case of "Here's $5, a gift for you" "Well, why can't it be $10?"



No, and neither do you, obviously, or you'd mention them.


Wow so hostile. Are you another EAWare fanboy?


It was a simple question. Explaining it in every detail would kinda defeat the purpose of asking it.

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Double XP was worthless after hearing the announcement of 12 times, I'm sorry if you disagree with me here but I much more prefer 12 times. You get to watch the story of your entire character and learn something new for once, it goes by a hell of a lot faster which is perfect.

I'm real glad they said not to worry about how long it'll be here, because it's staying for quite a long time.


I felt the same, once I heard about the new boost leveling at 2x seems silly.

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You mean standards of "Here is some evidence to back up my claim?" Yeah, I can see that's pretty unusual around here.


It wasn't a claim it was a simple question. Do you always make something out of trivial thing to get attention?


You want it, here it is: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=555954


They offered free stuff PER MONTH for subbing at 2.0 and couldn't deliver on it. Now run along little troll. Thank you very much.

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It wasn't a claim it was a simple question. Do you always make something out of trivial thing to get attention?


You want it, here it is: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=555954


They offered free stuff PER MONTH for subbing at 2.0 and couldn't deliver on it. Now run along little troll. Thank you very much.

That topic is about s supposed free monthly name change. What other "free stuff" are you talking about? Eric Musco made 2 posts, neither or which mentions "free stuff" other than the single free character rename.


You are, like so many others, simply reading information that does not exist. Since you can't name any of this supposed "free stuff," we can assume you are simply making it all up. As usual.

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That topic is about s supposed free monthly name change. What other "free stuff" are you talking about? Eric Musco made 2 posts, neither or which mentions "free stuff" other than the single free character rename.


You are, like so many others, simply reading information that does not exist. Since you can't name any of this supposed "free stuff," we can assume you are simply making it all up. As usual.


Monthly NAME change. For Character, Legacy or Guild. Never delivered on. A scam to get people to subscribe. More to the long list of epic broken promises


But anyway Troll Confirmed , either that or your a sad little biofail fanboy OR both., also thanks for that, not going to waste any more time giving you attention. Good bye.


Thank god theres an ignore function on the forums.

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Monthly NAME change. For Character, Legacy or Guild. Never delivered on. A scam to get people to subscribe. More to the long list of epic broken promises

Where is the information showing they promised a monthly name change? I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I'm challenging you to show us where it is.


But we already know your answer: you don't have one other than sticking your virtual fingers in your virtual ears and saying "La la la la, I can't hear you!"

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Double XP was worthless after hearing the announcement of 12 times, I'm sorry if you disagree with me here but I much more prefer 12 times. You get to watch the story of your entire character and learn something new for once, it goes by a hell of a lot faster which is perfect.

I'm real glad they said not to worry about how long it'll be here, because it's staying for quite a long time.


Not quite...


2x, in many ways, is better than 12x.


2x applies to everything, GSF, WZ, exploration, flash points, lore objects, codex entries, etc.


12x is class only, so it forces you to play one way if you want the boost.


I've leveled a new toon from start to 60 this week, doing mostly class missions, a few flash points, some GSF, Warzones, etc. The daily and weekly missions for GSF, WZ, and flashpoints, boosted with 2x, really makes a huge difference.


So it doesn't get boring, I can do it with whatever mix I want.


With 12x, it feels like ANYTHING other than class missions is a waste of time, due to the fact that the 12x swamps everything else.

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Double XP was worthless after hearing the announcement of 12 times, I'm sorry if you disagree with me here but I much more prefer 12 times.


If all you want to do is fast-track your character from level 1 to level 50 and only want to do story missions, then sure, 12x XP is amazing... but if you prefer doing PvP or running lower level flashpoints, then permanent 12x XP will be totally "worthless", as you succinctly put it.


You might as well just kiss tier 1 and tier 2 PvP goodbye forever, I guess. Queue the never-ending crop of terrible level 60 players who don't have the slightest idea about how to PvP on their 12x XP'ed characters.


Ranked matches will basically be a bunch of chimpanzees flinging poo at one another.


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Where is the information showing they promised a monthly name change? I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I'm challenging you to show us where it is.


But we already know your answer: you don't have one other than sticking your virtual fingers in your virtual ears and saying "La la la la, I can't hear you!"


Very briefly one of their advertisements said that you will get a free name change per month. That was very quickly (within days if I remember correctly) replaced with what they actually meant to advertise, a one-time free name change. If anyone actually believed that they would be offering a free name change per month they need their head examined.

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